
Chapter 77

Chapter 77

  1. Spring Countryside Chronicles(1)

At 11 PM. Incheon International Airport.

Jeong-woo walked out of the departure gate, feeling the chill in the air compared to Italy. He spotted Dr. Moons car in the distance and quickly approached.

Its so cold.

He climbed into the passenger seat and turned to Dr. Moon. She was dressed in her doctors gown, indicating she had come directly from the hospital. Considering it was Friday, she was working tirelessly.

Thanks for picking me up.

It wasnt much of a trip, just three days, but it felt good to have someone waiting for him.

Dr. Moon said as she started the car.

I received a call that I have to start a new clinical trial.

Huh? Wasnt it part of the plan?

If I knew, I would have told you two months ago.

The question was half-joking, but there was a chill in Dr. Moons response.

I need to examine you for clinical progression, are you tired right now?

If Im tired, will you give me a ride home?

AN General Hospital Pharmacy Support Center.

Jeong-woo shook his head as he watched Dr. Moon walk away casually after drawing blood from his forearm. He had come to the hospital on her advice to get some rest and undergo tests.

No mercy.

His body felt like jelly after the jet lag and long flight, but being back on Korean soil now was comforting. Although he had only experienced it once, foreign visits were supposed to be enjoyable for tourism, not exhausting for work.

He yawned and spun the chair around, after waiting for about 30 minutes. Dr. Moon entered the center with a chart in hand.

Doctor, am I about to die?

In response to his somewhat futile attempt at humor, Dr. Moon took an indifferent glance and sat down across from Jeong-woo. She glanced at the chart and provided the test results.

Your vital signs are within the normal range, and there are no signs of any specific conditions.



The word however after a statement like that usually meant something serious, so Jeong-woo tensed up.

Theres a possibility of mutated DNA in your body, similar to AF-12, but AF-5 is even more closely related to the nervous system.

Is that a problem?

It shouldnt affect your life. Dr. Cheon added specific components to suppress side effects, which seem to complement it perfectly.

So, whats the issue then?

Dr. Moon remained silent for a moment and then answered with a blank expression.

Sexual intercourse.

Jeong-woo doubted his ears.

W-what did you just say?

As he stuttered in disbelief, Dr. Moon seemed unperturbed.

Intimate relations between men and women. Thats what Im talking about.

Why is that?

From a biological perspective. Theres a higher probability of the mutated genes in your body being released to the outside in those situations, especially during periods of heightened physical activity.

Jeong-woo instinctively shifted uncomfortably in his chair as Dr. Moons gaze briefly wandered toward his lower body.

Also, your saliva, theres a chance it could be a factor too.

So, its not me, but

Thats right. It might be an issue for anyone you engage with intimately. They wont have the side-effect suppressors Dr. Cheon developed.


Of course, the probability is low, but not zero. So, during the clinical trial period, it would be safer to avoid close contact with anyone that might involve a lot of saliva exchange. And this is just a precaution, not something Im insisting on.

When the initially intense conversation was delivered calmly, it made the situation feel even more real.

So, in my terms, Im in a um, an unable-to-date state?

AF-5 is a substance that hasnt undergone clinical trials, even in trace amounts. We dont know why Dr. Cheon gave such extreme instructions, but the impact it might have on someone other than Jeong-woo is unknown. You should keep that in mind.

Should this be considered a relief or a misfortune? Who would have thought that Yoon Yi-seols decision to postpone her confession would lead to this sense of relief?

Fortunately, I dont have anyone Im dating.

Dr. Moon handed over the chart with an impassive expression. Jeong-woo sighed softly and asked.

If I happen to like someone, can I still hold hands?

It shouldnt be an issue, but if you continue to just hold hands for two or three months after you start dating, it might raise suspicions of being gay, right? Besides, during the active phase of your life, who knows if you can maintain that level of restraint.

Yeah, youre right. If thats the case, I should probably avoid dating altogether.

As a doctor, I dont have any more advice to give.

Oh, Dr. Moon. I have one more question.

Jeong-woos face turned somewhat serious as he spoke.

When the contract ends, will all the substances administered to my body disappear?

Thats in the terms

Its not there. I remember not finding any mention of it when I skimmed through it.

Theres a clause that says any unmentioned proceedings will be discussed with Cheon Seung-guk. The research on the substances administered to your body isnt my specialty, so I cant provide an answer.

In the end, it depended on Cheon Seung-guk. After a year, there was a glimmer of hope that his abilities might continue to be maintained.

Ive been told to work hard on my research. Would he give me any other tasks?

Ill be back!

On a Monday in early March, Jeong-woo stepped outside, greeted by the refreshing outdoor air.

The once-frozen ground had thawed in the alleyways, and he could see the occasional weeds sprouting. Soon, forsythia would bloom between the walls.

Leaving the neighborhood with a hint of spring in the air, Jeong-woo endured the crowded subway, paying a fare of ten thousand won to reach the company.

KG Chemicals building, which he hadnt seen in nearly two weeks due to the Lunar New Year and vacation period, glistened in the bright sunshine.

What research should I try today?

There would likely be new assignments related to the new center. Jeong-woo entered the company with light steps.

Spring recruitment has started, hasnt it?

Amidst the senior researchers gathered by the window of Research Lab 1, Jeong-woo raised his head and glanced at the table displaying the photos of the five individuals who had been selected this time.

Four men and one woman. Looking at their application photos, they seemed fresh and full of vitality.

I think its her. She looks unfairly pretty.

Im going with this guy. He has an innocent look.

It had to be a woman, no surprise there.

Jeong-woo wasnt sure what they were talking about, but the seniors were in the midst of a lively discussion.

Jeong-woo approached Hong Ki-pyo and asked him in a low voice.

Senior Hong, why are they picking on people one by one?

Youre a special hire, so youve probably never experienced this. Its a tradition when new recruits join.

A tradition?

Hong Ki-pyo chuckled mysteriously and pointed to the photos on the table.

To surprise them.

Ki-pyo, theyre calling you from Lab 2.

Oh, right!

At the call from outside the room, Hong Ki-pyo rushed out.

Jeong-woo placed his bag on his seat and couldnt help but feel curious about what was going on. He decided to send a message to the two people he had become close with last year during the fall recruitment and his time as a team leader.

[Wow, I almost wet myself back then.]

Their response was that it was terrible.

[I really persevered with all my might. If not, I might have just run away, regardless of being a senior or anything.]

Cho Seong-hwan was also shaken.

He sent another message, but they both kept avoiding the topic.

Mr. Jeong-woo.

Song Boyeong, who had just arrived at work, sat down next to him.

You took a project leave and had a good rest?

Oh, Senior. Good morning.

Jeong-woo greeted her and turned his head. He looked at Song Boyeong, and his eyes widened. Her hair seemed a bit shorter, and it appeared to be dyed brown with a hint of a wave perm. The weather was spring-like, and she gave off a feeling of spring as well.

Why are you staring at me like that?

Its your hair

I see. Did I become too pretty?

Yeah, you look like a spring maiden.

At this comment, Song Boyeong hesitated. She had expected to be teased, so she was caught off guard and gave Jeong-woo a bewildered look.

Whats wrong, Mr. Jeong-woo?

What do you mean?

Song Boyeong pointed to her head.

Why arent you making fun of me? You know, saying something like shampooing too quickly turned it into this weird black-brown color, or I messed up using the hair straightener and burned the tips of my hair.

You went to a hair salon.

Yeah, I did. This is the result of their effort. I havent fixed the different eyebrow color yet, though.

So, theres a story behind it. Seems like women pay attention to even those things when they dye their hair?


As they talked, Song Boyoung found herself making a comment and responding to it alone. She tapped her own mouth and glanced at Jeong-woo.

Why suddenly giving compliments like that?

Well, I dont tease you like that. Just keeping it simple.

Keeping it simple?

It seems when I looked at your face and hand, I noticed something.

As he continued to gaze at her face and hands, her double eyelids disappeared briefly with a hint of unease. After finishing the scan, Jeong-woo spoke up.

It looks like you caught a cold. You keep rubbing your nose with the back of your hand. Youll end up with a runny nose.

Its allergies!

Anyway, use a tissue instead of your hand.

Jeong-woo grabbed the tissue box from his desk and placed it neatly on Song Boyeongs desk. She chuckled in disbelief.

Did you even notice that?

There was a lot of foundation powder on the back of your hand. Thanks to that, the reflection of light was stronger than your nose.


Song Boyeong rummaged through her bag, took out a mirror, and checked her nose. After wiping it clean, she looked at Jeong-woo.

What? Its not visible at all.

While applying meticulous makeup, Jeong-woo asked.

Why did you put in so much effort today? You usually dont dress up much. Are you meeting Mi-hee in the evening?

Spring recruitment is happening. As a senior, I need to show my beauty and dignity.

I dont know about beauty, but you should rethink your dignity

Oh, forget it. That thing I said earlier is just nonsense. No more mention of the incident that damages my dignity today. First impressions are important.

Why was my first impression like that then?

The tissue box he had just handed over flew back towards him and responded. After finishing her makeup, Song Boyeong turned to Jeong-woo.

Do you know you got chosen for the Microbiology Lab today?

Oh, right. But what about the assignment?

Theyll decide next week~ Our department head will be attending overseas seminars all week.

Oh, I see.

Jeong-woo finally let out a bitter smile and turned to look out the window, wondering what lay ahead.

What are the seniors doing with the photos from the recruitment?

Song Boyeong also turned her gaze towards the photos on the wall and wore an expression of pity.

Jeong-woo, you should have done that too. What a shame.

So, what is it?

Its a secret~

While they were conversing, Oh Seung-ju rushed into Research Lab 1. Since it was not even 9 a.m. and the department head had arrived, Jeong-woo was surprised, but the others seemed to have expected it.

Is everyone here? Get ready to play! The setup for the center is ready too.

At Seung-jus shout, several researchers hung a board with the photos of the five recruits on the wall.

Let the betting begin!

Everyone in Research Lab 1 gathered around and started writing their names below the recruits photos. Jeong-woo stood up in confusion when even Song Boyeong hurried over. He walked up to Seung-ju and asked.

Senior, whats this all about?

Oh, Jeong-woo. Youre in charge of guiding the recruitment process. Youre good with words. Were more familiar with the lab act.

Act? Like what actors do?


After Seung-jus explanation, Jeong-woo couldnt help but burst into laughter.

In front of the HR departments meeting room, Jeong-woo stood and observed dozens of recruits seated beyond the partition. Among them, the five who had been hired as researchers were also mixed in.

Wearing their employee badges and showing enthusiasm and expectations for their corporate life in their eyes, it reminded Jeong-woo of himself in December.

Lets start with Mr. Yoo.

Jeong-woo said in front of the meeting room door.

Mr. Seokhoon.

Yes? Yes!

With a lab coat on, Jeong-woo looked like a researcher, and when he called, Yoo Seok-hoon immediately stood up and came out.

Hello, senior!

Even though he had only joined three months earlier, being called senior felt strange.

Im very nervous. I heard the facilities here at the Central Research Institute are the best in the country.

After a gesture from Jeong-woo, Yoo Seok-hoon, who was called out, spoke with enthusiasm in his voice.

Let me briefly explain while we walk.

During their walk toward the Central Research Institute, Jeong-woo shared stories about life as a recruit at the company.

He mentioned that for the first three months, they would mainly work at the Basic Materials Center to get used to the atmosphere. He emphasized the importance of the planning evaluation, and before they knew it, they had arrived at the second floor, which was divided into the Basic Materials Center and office area.

On the left is the Basic Materials Center, where most of KG Chemicals research activities take place. Everyones busy with projects right now, so its a bit chaotic.

Jeong-woo glanced inside the center before swiping his card to open the door.

The door made a beep, and as it opened, the special research area inside the center was revealed. Yoo Seok-hoon, who had been following Jeong-woo with a nervous expression, let out several exclamations of admiration at the sight.

Lab 1 is currently working on a synthesis project for living compounds

As Jeong-woo gestured toward Lab 1, Yoo Seok-hoon turned his head in that direction. At that moment, within Lab 1, an assistant poured a liquid compound into a beaker.

With a hissing sound, a very sinister green smoke filled Lab 1.

In a hurry, the ventilation system was activated, and Oh Seung-ju, who was coughing, was seen. Next to him, Senior Sim Jeonghee put on a gas mask and supported Oh Seung-ju.


Yoo Seok-hoon, groaning in dismay, pointed at the scene.

Isnt that dangerous?

The warning light above the Lab 1 door flashed red. Suppressing his urge to laugh, Jeong-woo replied.

This level of incident can be easily covered by the internal safety measures. Look, Senior Seung-ju seems fine, right? As long as you dont inhale that compound for more than five seconds, youll be fine.

Is isnt that a toxic substance!?

Yeah, during military service, you practiced putting on a gas mask, right? Gas, gas, gas.

Jeong-woo demonstrated the motion with his thumbs raised.

I only did it once during my military service

Its okay. Youll do it again when you join the reserve forces.

From that point on, Yoo Seok-hoon seemed to have lost his composure.

Park Ho-young froze in front of Lab 2 during the recruit orientation.

Cellulose compounds only require maintaining the average pressure increase rate. Its not dangerous at all What?


Dont worry too much. The leak itself isnt dangerous, just the low temperature is a concern.

Senior Hong Ki-pyo extended his index finger and rushed to his fellow senior.

My finger! Get me some heated gloves before it freezes off!

A voice filled with urgency echoed painfully through the thick glass wall. The recruits shivered, but after donning the gloves and seeing Hong Ki-pyos relieved expression, they also sighed with relief.

It was around the time when Kim Ji-man passed Lab 3 during the recruit orientation.

The laboratory door creaked open, and a sharp, nose-tickling odor filled the air. The head of Research Lab 2 emerged, and said while supporting a colleague.

Get some water! Hes fainted again.

Upon this shout, two senior colleagues who were walking down the corridor hurriedly rushed to assist the fallen colleague, shouting that there was no infirmary in the research lab.

This whats going on?

Ah, he fainted in perfect condition after the initial treatment. You see, the metal corrosion experiment is quite tricky. Do you happen to know how to administer heart detox injections? If youre good at it, youll earn a lot of favor from the seniors.

After finishing the explanation and walking ahead, Ji-man was surprised to find the recruit sitting on the floor with his legs giving way.

The fourth recruit, Pyo Yong-sik, stood in front of the last lab. Jeong-woo made a gesture for him to lower his head for a moment.

Why? Why are you doing this?

Startled by the deafening explosion, the recruit, with a face full of terror, lowered his head as requested.

Because that lab deals with explosive materials from time to time.


Behind the glass wall, flames filled the room. The recruit couldnt speak, his jaw dropping in shock.

The incendiary mixture was meticulously prepared and ignited for just one minute, creating flames on the table that could easily be mistaken for a sea of fire.

Song Boyeong, who had just opened the lab door, shouted at Jeong-woo.

Fire extinguisher!

Yes, senior.

As Jeong-woo handed her the fire extinguisher from the hallway, Song Boyeong entered the lab with it. The head of Research Lab 3, who was responsible for the forced ignition of the flamethrower, continued to spray the fire extinguisher, but the flames only grew larger. Thats how it was designed to be.

Hey, this wont work as it is. Call 119!

Following the instructions of the department head, Jeong-woo stood by the door and shouted to the recruit.

Call 119!

Normally, at this point, the recruit would hesitate whether to make the call, feeling that something was amiss. Jeong-woo glanced briefly at a senior who was timing the event with a stopwatch in a corner of the centers corridor.

Under the close coordination of veteran researchers from Labs 1, 2, and 3, this theatrical performance played out whenever new recruits arrived.

The bet was to guess who would be the slowest to realize it. The person who guessed correctly, except for the one who was caught and realized it first, had to donate money for a dinner with the recruits.

Yoo Seok-hoon was the quickest to realize that it had all been a prank in front of Lab 3, and Pyo Yong-sik actually attempted to dial the emergency number on his phone. However, he stopped, raised his head, and looked around suspiciously.

Could this be a joke?

At the end of the corridor, a senior pressed the stopwatch.

4 minutes and 23 seconds! Currently in last place!

Seniors who had been hiding in various spots throughout the center watching this scene crowded around.

Pyo Yong-sik! Whats 4 minutes and 23 seconds? You fool.

Hey, Han Jeong-woo! You went too far with your acting this time.

Seniors who hadnt bet on Pyo Yong-sik felt sorry for him. Jeong-woo shrugged his shoulders and showed his dissatisfaction.

Dont suspect me. I didnt bet on this guy either.

As I was walking to the personnel department to find Jin Miso, the fifth open recruit and this times candidate Hong Il-jeom, I received a text message from Oh Seung-ju.

[I bet on Jin Mi-so. Im begging you, Jeong-woo. Pyo Yong-sik took too long. I heard from Seong-hwan that he set a record of 4 minutes and 15 seconds last fall.]

Jeong-woo got on the elevator and writed his reply.

[Are you asking for a favor?]

[The department head is offering five times the usual amount. This is my emergency fund, you know.]

[Well, I did bet on Jin Mi-so.]

He didnt know much about her, so he just chose a woman who wouldnt be too noticeable.

[But if I succeed can you exempt me from the Microbiology Lab?]

[Deal. Youre the only one I can trust. Fighting!]

When he arrived at the HR department, there werent many recruits left, as several departments had taken them on tours.

Jin Mi-so?

At Jeong-woos call, a neatly dressed woman in her late twenties stood up. She was a fresh-faced woman with light makeup who was beautiful enough to catch attention just by walking in.

If she does well, she might be known as the third beauty of Research Lab 3, after Dr. Moon and Senior Bo-young.

Jin Mi-so bobbed her head and approached. Jeong-woo, who was familiar with this tone as she was the fifth recruit he was meeting, spoke in a very familiar manner.

Im from Research Lab 1, responsible for close guidance

Youre Senior Han Jeong-woo, right?

Jin Mi-so suddenly asked, stealing the timing. Jeong-woo nodded in response. He thought that maybe she had seen him escorting the other recruits one by one and guessed.

Follow me.

As Jeong-woo walked, he glanced at Jin Mi-so.

Her cheeks were deeply dimpled, giving her a perpetually smiling expression. It was as if she always wore a smile, as her name suggested. Jin Mi-so approached with a smile on her face.

Before I came here, I saw you, Senior.

You saw me?

The White Magician.

Jeong-woo was taken aback.

You know about that?

I do. Its amazing. Can I have your autograph?

It was more surprising that she recognized him after watching that video.

I even left a comment. Youre really cool.

What kind of talk was this?

Was it just a simple compliment to win favor with the senior researchers, or did she genuinely find it impressive? It didnt matter.

Im hopeless when it comes to relationships.

Thats why Jeong-woo remained indifferent to Jin Mi-sos beauty.

After building relationships with beautiful women whose eyes sparkled, he might have lost interest in ordinary people who happened to be beautiful.

Maybe my standards have become unnecessarily high.

Since hearing about the chemical hazard warning from Dr. Cheon Seung-guk, Jeong-woo had been in a state of resignation.

Dr. Cheon Seung-guks phone number was now unreachable. The research on AF-5 had just begun for Dr. Moon as well.


As Jeong-woo pressed the elevator button, Jin Mi-so spoke up.

I dont know why theyre calling one of the trainees one by one, but I think its something like a hidden camera. Im expecting it.

This was a speech that could only leave him speechless. If he had been caught before the start, this would have been treated as faster than Yoo Seok-hoons record for sure.

Both Senior Oh Seung-ju and Jeong-woo were losers in this situation.

Whats this? Is she really that perceptive?

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