
Chapter 80

Chapter 80

  1. Spring Countryside Chronicles(4)

As Song Boyeong walked on the rough dirt road, she glanced at Jeong-woo. He kept raising and lowering his phone while staring toward the mountainside.

Is the signal weak?

Well it seems that way.

He gave a vague answer and then raised his phone above his head again.

Is he just bored?

Song Boyeong let out a short sigh. While it wasnt a task that required an extraordinary chemical sense, it was still unfamiliar work.

Despite that, she had been full of anticipation when she first took on this job last year. She had studied agriculture diligently, even though it was new to her.

The new recruits, who had bombarded her with questions non-stop, were excited and fascinated by working in the countryside. But Jeong-woo


He let out a dry, deflated laugh.

After taking on the role of project team leader just one month after joining, it seemed like completing it in another month was nothing special for him.

Now, there was no senior treating Jeong-woo like a two-month-old rookie. Although he was still the youngest in terms of seniority and occasionally teased by his colleagues.

Well, its fine. Theres nothing to be jealous of now.

Shed rather feel a bit of envy than this stifling feeling. Yesterday, she had dressed up for work for the first time in a long while, only to be embarrassed by the awkward compliments that called her a spring maiden.

Seeing Jeong-woo walking alongside her, looking lost in his own world, it didnt make her angry but rather nervous.

Hey, why are you getting closer?

Jeong-woo mumbled as he looked toward the mountainside, and Song Boyeong wondered if he was going to make some clever remark.

Whats getting closer?

Animal noises.

I see.

It was another incomprehensible statement. Song Boyeong snorted and then quickly continued walking in the direction of Choi Soon-jaes house.

Senior, hold on for a moment.

Its fine. Ill finish this quickly for you, Jeong-woo.

She had brushed off Jeong-woos call and had taken two steps forward. At that moment, something black suddenly sprang out from the road below, accompanied by the rustling of leaves.

In a defenseless state, Song Boyeong instinctively screamed, Aah! and then stumbled back while trying to backpedal with all her might. Her body spun around, but the shift in balance only made her fall.

Jeong-woo barely managed to catch her as she fell, and she clung to him as she fell, her body trembling with fear as she looked up at him with wide, fearful eyes.

Watch out.

Jeong-woo held her tightly as she fell against him.

Just like that, trembling with fear coursing up her spine, Song Boyeong looked at Jeong-woo with her eyes shaking with dread.

Is it that thing? The black goat?

No, its a wild boar being chased by that thing.

Song Boyeong turned her head slightly at this.

A wild boar about the size of a large Jindo dog had appeared in the middle of the road. It had an untamed look in its eyes, and it seemed ready to pounce on them at any moment.

My goodness.

Song Boyeong buried her face in Jeong-woos chest, still trembling, and asked with a shaky voice, What do we do now?

Judging by its size, it seems like it will only chase one of us. Its been a pleasure working with you, senior. Whoever gets caught, the remaining person will take care of the recruits.

Why are you making jokes at a time like this?

Even though Song Boyeong had a worried expression, Jeong-woos composure made her feel somewhat relieved. After muttering reassurances several times, she gathered her courage and turned her head to face the wild boar.

Through the thick fur, the wild eyes of the animal stared back at her.

Oh, its still there.

The tension that had been building up suddenly burst out.

What is this? We came here just to collect soil samples. Why do we have to risk our lives? How did it turn out like this? If I knew this would happen, I would have postponed the work. Why? Why? I just joined, and they keep treating me like the youngest. Seriously.

Senior, why is the logic

It doesnt matter which one of us it catches!

Where is it going?


Song Boyeong, who had turned her head suddenly, spotted the hindquarters of the wild boar that had begun to sprint across the opposite field. It was bewildering and reassuring at the same time. After enduring it for a while, she said.

Oh, my heart almost stopped.

Im not saying its because of that, but my heart is getting assaulted right now. Its not on purpose, though.

Jeong-woo looked down at Song Boyeong hesitatingly. Realizing that Jeong-woos face was just one palms length away from her, Song Boyeong was taken aback and moved away.

I, I was just surprised now

Awkwardly lowering her head, she began to glance around at Jeong-woo, who was walking around the mountainside with his phone in his hand.

Still not signal? Should I lend you my phone?

I think the wild boar was scared of him.

Of him?

Its getting closer.

As Jeong-woo finished speaking, there was a terrifying snap, and the sound of branches breaking could be heard. Song Boyeong jumped in surprise.

Its here.

With a forceful jump, the black object sprang up onto the road. The black goat turned its eyes towards Song Boyeong and Jeong-woo.

My god

A desperate, moaning sound escaped Song Boyeongs lips as she faced the black goat.

It had a similar build to the wild boar that had just disappeared but had robust horns and sturdy, muscular legs reminiscent of a small ox. Especially the eyes. Even if they were as small as beans, they gleamed with a wildness that rivaled the ferocity of the wild boar.

Even Jeong-woo, who had been calm all along, had a tense expression. Song Boyeong, clutching his arm, began to shiver.

What should we do?

If we stumble this time, we wont be able to catch it, senior.

Jeong-woos tone was not joking at all. He spoke with seriousness while keeping a close eye on the black goats movements.

The village broadcast said to run to the side, not backwards.

Crab walk? Is that what it means?

Its a bit funny, but it probably means that it charges at people, so they advised us to run to the side.

Song Boyeong swallowed hard. Jeong-woo emphasized it once again.

You know it will charge, right?

Um, Jeong-woo.

With a resigned tone, Song Boyeong spoke with a voice mixed with moisture.

Im sorry for earlier. I should have learned about it. I was the one who recommended it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment. I wanted to come together, to tease you a bit.

After saying this, it felt like a confession made just before dying, and tears welled up in Song Boyeongs eyes.

Jeong-woo gently patted Song Boyeongs hand, which he was holding tightly.

You wont die if it hits you. Youll get hurt, of course, but you wont die. Its coming. Be ready. Senior, go to the left, and Ill go to the right.


Song Boyeong was on the verge of tears but bit her lip and focused on the black goat. The cute yet frightening creature that made a baa sound suddenly charged towards them.

Its coming!

Whether it was the left or the right, as Jeong-woo had instructed, they needed to evade the charge. However, when faced with the black goats charge, Song Boyeong, who should have gone left, stood frozen in place as if her feet were glued to the ground.

Senior! Quickly

Checking the direction, Jeong-woo turned to look at Song Boyeong, who was standing like a statue. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her waist and they both fell to the side of the road.


The black goat seemed to be charging, then the world flipped, and suddenly the clear spring sky appeared, and Song Boyeong tightly closed her eyes.

She tumbled down the embankment beside the road. She thought she was going to die like this. However, surprisingly, it didnt hurt much.

The sound of the black goat hopping gradually faded away.

Ow, it hurts.

Jeong-woo let out a groan. He wasnt seriously injured, but the impact of rolling down a 1-meter-high slope with a womans full weight in his arms left a lingering sensation all over his body.

Are you okay, senior?

Did it go away?

It went away. Chasing after the wild boar.

Song Boyeong sobbed softly, seeming quite shocked. Jeong-woo wrapped his arms around her and comforted her for a moment.


Maybe because of the shaking from the fall, or perhaps due to the onset of motion sickness, Jeong-woo started to close his eyes as his vision began to transform into a field of waves.

Huh? Somethings a bit different.

The waves in his sight seemed to be changing. Instead of all the waves overlapping indiscriminately, a specific area was highlighted. Song Boyeongs skin seemed to emit waves within the infrared range, specifically between 8 to 14 micrometers.

This is quite interesting.

It felt like he was facing the world through a thermal camera, offering an incredibly detailed perception of the wavelengths.

However, there was a problem.

Naked skin with body heat appeared within the infrared range, but outer clothing did not.


Jeong-woo found himself in a state of profound shock for about five seconds, experiencing a very healthy and detached reaction.

Since absorbing AF-5, this was the most vivid moment that showcased its value.

He turned his gaze from Song Boyeong to the surroundings. Nearby objects were clearly visible, but distant areas remained shrouded in darkness. It was undoubtedly a result of specific nerves sensing temperature.

But seriously, is it okay to see skin details so clearly?

Jeong-woo found himself in a close-up situation with Song Boyeong, and he felt the need to look away.

Get a hold of yourself. This ability isnt meant for this.

Jeong-woo decided to close his eyes until the wave vision settled. He realized it was better to escape this situation before his mind wandered.


Yes? What is it?

Is it a bad thing if you use me as a makeshift bed? Isnt it a bit early for a nap? We have work to do.

It was only then that Song Boyeong grasped the reality of the situation. She was holding onto Jeong-woo as if he were a lifeline.

Since Ive got my eyes closed, feel free to make any annoyed expression you want right now.

No, I wont!

Despite a teardrop trickling down, Song Boyeongs cheeks turned crimson, and she quickly moved away from Jeong-woo.

As she stood up, she was startled when she saw Jeong-woo covered in dirt and fallen leaves on his arms and legs.

Are you hurt?

Jeong-woo touched the ground, slowly lifted his upper body, and shook his head.

Dont worry. The fallen leaves were soft. But I might have something in my eye from rolling, so I wont be able to open it for a while. Can you support me a bit?

Im sorry. Its all my fault.

Song Boyeong grabbed Jeong-woos arm.

While its a situation I should feel sorry for, I received my own reward, so lets call it even.

A reward?

I wont comment on that any further.

Leading Jeong-woo, Song Boyeong returned to the road and asked.

Should we walk back?

No, walking is fine. Hong-chil, or whatever the name of the black goat is, probably wont come back.

His vision had settled after about ten minutes. Jeong-woo, relying on Song Boyeongs shoulder, moved forward, realizing that navigating through sound alone was less inconvenient than he had initially thought.

The two of them arrived at a large traditional-style mansion that resembled a folk village not long after. The inner courtyard was as vast as the grand entrance gate.

Manager Choi?

Song Boyeong called out to Choi Jae-woong as they entered through the open gate. She then turned to look at Jeong-woo, who still had his eyes closed.

Are you still uncomfortable?

Well, yes.

Jeong-woo slightly raised his eyelids but closed them again, as he could still sense the other persons body temperature within his field of vision.

Its somewhat like that.

Have a seat here.

Crossing the yard and sitting on a veranda, Jeong-woo sensed that Song Boyeong was examining the area around his eyes and said.

I think I can open my eyes in a few minutes.

Your eyes are full of dust. You cant get rid of it so easily. See? Ill blow it away.

Its okay

As Song Boyeong blew air toward Jeong-woos eyes, he turned and saw the traces of dirt on his shoulder, making her look even more apologetic.

How about that? Feels cooler, right?

Somewhat, yes. Thats enough now.

Stay still. Ill help remove the dust.

Jeong-woo shivered, and the gust of wind not only tickled his face but also tickled his heart. This situation of being closely connected to Song Boyeong was similar to a torture, almost as if he had opened his eyes to a nightmare.

Should I sing the national anthem? Think of things that make you angry or annoyed.

After Dr. Moons diagnosis of his inability to date, women were just women to him, mere individuals with no special significance. Thats why he felt like the heavens were testing him with such trials.

Look the other way as well.

Her breath, which she blew into his face, did not seem to help with his nerve stabilization at all.

Jeong-woo immediately tried to move her away. There was a swish, as if something was flying, but it went unnoticed.

Whats going on?

Since the direction and distance were right over his head, Jeong-woo was startled.

Unidentified flying object at 9 oclock


Before she finished speaking, a rubber shoe hit Song Boyeongs temple and fell to the ground. Then, an angry shout followed.

Hey! What are you doing so indiscreetly in front of someone elses love nest!

It was the shout of an elderly man.

Is that the elder?

Jeong-woo only heard it, but he could sense a stern personality within the words and tensed up.

Having briefly forgotten due to the black goat, they were at a house where an elderly man, who Manager Choi Jae-woong hadnt persuaded, lived.

Song Boyeong looked bewildered as she stared at the rubber shoe that had struck her head, but she quickly regained her composure and looked at Jeong-woo.

Keep resting. Ill explain it to him.

Confidently declaring her intention, Song Boyeong turned to the person who had thrown the shoe. It was Choi Soon-jae, the owner of this place and the largest landowner in the village.

Elder. I think theres a misunderstanding.

Tsk. A misunderstanding? I saw it clearly with my own two eyes while he was wiping his face, and its a misunderstanding?

The angle might make it look that way. He had dirt in his eyes, and I was blowing it away for him. Look. He still cant open his eyes.

While Song Boyeong explained, she turned to Jeong-woo. During this time, Jeong-woo detected the sound of wind once again.

Its coming again.


Hweeek, thud.

Another rubber shoe rolled on the ground. This time, Song Boyeong got hit on the head and let out a short moan.

Jeong-woo, who was impressed by Choi Soon-jaes precision, murmured/

Are you okay?

Im okay, but

Song Boyeongs breathing became rough, as if her mood had soured.

Mr. Choi Soon-jae!

Choi Jae-woongs voice could be heard from a distance.

Jeong-woo, Song Boyeong, and Manager Choi Jae-woong knelt politely on the main porch of the traditional house, listening to the words of the elderly man in the village.

You only know how to drink, you good-for-nothing Hwang child. Its only been a short while since you became the village chief. What made you speak for this outsider and turn the entire village against me?

Jeong-woo, whose vision had returned to normal, was observing Choi Soon-jae.

Despite being well into his eighties, Choi Soon-jae had fiery eyes that seemed to emit flames. Each time his gaze fell on someone, it felt as if it could crush their spirit.

Do you understand? Ive never agreed with the village chiefs opinions.

Choi Soon-jae had been on fire for a while with his arguments.

He argued that the selection of the demonstration area had been decided unilaterally by Village Chief Hwang Man-hee without his knowledge. Furthermore, he couldnt tolerate any kind of excavation, regardless of the method, and wanted them to leave without wasting any more time.

I have nothing more to say. Just leave.

After stating his business briefly, Choi Soon-jae turned to leave.


Song Boyeong couldnt leave it at that and was about to say more, but she received a sharp glare from Choi Soon-jae.

Oh my, not knowing how scary the sky can be and just meddling with it.

When Choi Soon-jae mentioned the incident on the love nests porch from earlier, Song Boyeong got upset but composed herself.

Thats a misunderstanding.

Doing that in broad daylight, where did you learn such manners? Men and women are separate, what makes you think you can act like a married couple? Nowadays, young people are difficult to understand.

It was clear that the elderly man lived by strict Confucian standards.

While it was a situation that could be misunderstood, trying to explain and defend themselves would only lead to a continued negative response.

Its possible. Were about to get married, and weve already set the date, havent we?

Jeong-woos eyes widened as he listened. Song Boyeong grabbed Jeong-woos arm and pressed it firmly, making a signal.

Say something.


You see, its like that, isnt it?

Stuck with the role of the fiance, she confidently faced Choi Soon-jae and said.

While we were on our way, we encountered a strange black goat, and he protected me. Were about to get married, and isnt it normal for a couple in love to express their affection like this?

Song Boyeong, who was now holding hands with Jeong-woo and sharing a sweet smile, was at this moment the embodiment of a new bride, radiant and exuding happiness.

Jeong-woos gaze seemed to ask Are you that desperate?, and Song Boyeong responded with a look that signaled him to stay quiet.

Choi Soon-jae briefly examined the two, and after clearing his throat, he didnt mention the topic of men and women being separate again.

Unlike the bewildered Jeong-woo, Song Boyeong continued to smile and said.

Elder, Id like to talk more about the selection of the rural demonstration area. This is a government-supported project, and if it succeeds, it will impact the reputation of this village when it spreads nationwide. Monetary gain is a given.

Choi Soon-jae, whose momentum had waned, was confronted by Song Boyeongs fresh perspective, and Jeong-woo let out an impressed Oh.

It was a logical argument. However, her persuasion came to a halt, as it was interrupted by a lively cell phone ringtone.

Choi Soon-jae raised his hand silently as if to ask if there was something more to be said.


Song Boyeong couldnt end it like this and was about to say more, but she was met with Choi Soon-jaes sharp gaze.

Oh, its fearless to just interrupt like this.

Choi Soon-jae mentioned what had happened on the love nest porch earlier, and Song Boyeong got annoyed, but she quickly regained her composure, took a deep breath, and continued, It could be a misunderstanding.

Doing such things in broad daylight, where did you learn such manners? Men and women are separate; what makes you think you can act like a married couple? Its hard to understand young people these days.

It was clear that the elderly man lived by strict Confucian standards.

Although it was a situation that could be misunderstood, if Song Boyeong continued to explain and defend herself, the response might become even more negative.

That could be true. Were about to get married, and weve set a date, right?

Jeong-woos eyes widened as he listened. Song Boyeong grabbed Jeong-woos arm and pressed it firmly, signaling him to remain silent.

Say something.


You see, its like that, isnt it?

Stuck with the role of the fiance, she confidently faced Choi Soon-jae and said.

While we were on our way, we encountered a strange black goat, and he protected me. Were about to get married, and isnt it normal for a couple in love to express their affection like this?

Song Boyeong, who was now holding hands with Jeong-woo and sharing a sweet smile, was at this moment the embodiment of a new bride, radiant and exuding happiness.

Jeong-woos gaze seemed to ask are you that desperate?, and Song Boyeong responded with a look that signaled him to stay quiet.

Choi Soon-jae briefly examined the two, and after clearing his throat, he didnt mention the topic of men and women being separate again.

Unlike the bewildered Jeong-woo, Song Boyeong continued to smile and said.

Elder, Id like to talk more about the selection of the rural demonstration area. This is a government-supported project, and if it succeeds, it will impact the reputation of this village when it spreads nationwide. Monetary gain is a given.

Jeong-woo, who was impressed by Song Boyeongs new argument, said, Oh.

It was a logical argument. However, her persuasion was interrupted by a lively cell phone ringtone.

After Choi Soon-jae silently raised his hand to indicate they should be quiet, he retrieved his phone from his pocket. He pressed the call button familiarly and started talking.

Oh, Beom-ryong. A gochujang order? The customers name Min-gis mom? Ah, that regular customer? Add an extra 200 grams and send it. Last time, they gave us a 5-star rating on W Market. We should show our appreciation.

This scene greatly surprised Jeong-woo. The fact that an elder, who seemed like he would spend his time stacking stones in solitude, was selling goods on an online marketplace, and then using a smartphone proficiently to find customer information, was astonishing.

Song Boyeong and Manager Choi, who had been watching the situation with bewilderment, shared the same reaction.

After ending the call, Choi Soon-jae sent a look that seemed to ask if there was anything else to say.

The excellent crops from my field, I sell them myself. What do I need here? Reputation? Whats the use of a rural reputation in this global era? The rating for Chois gochujang is more important to me.

As Song Boyeong was left flabbergasted by this response, Jeong-woo realized that it was game over. At that moment, he couldnt think of any way to persuade this elderly man who was not only particular but also familiar with modern technology.

In front of the mansions door, Jeong-woo, with slumped shoulders, bid farewell to Song Boyeong as she walked out.

Youve been through a lot, senior. Lets go for lunch.

What kind of lunch in this situation?

Manager Choi said seeing Song Boyeongs disappointment.

Ill meet with the village chief and explore other options. I received a call that the Hongcheon County Mayor is coming, and we cant stay like this.

Watching Manager Choi hurry off towards the community center, Jeong-woo gave a small word of encouragement.

Though it didnt seem likely that Choi Soon-jaes attitude would change, the fact that he even considered it was progress.

Song Boyeong, who had tried everything, from the pre-wedding event for the new couple to her excitement, sat down dejectedly.

Its over

Still, the selection of the demonstration area has already been completed. With over ten companies participating in the project.

It would be easier for other companies. We cant even touch half of the land, and yet were supposed to do soil analysis and create custom fertilizers here.


Suddenly, the mansions door swung open, interrupting their conversation. A neatly dressed man in traditional clothing walked out from inside.

Are you two from the Agricultural Technology Center? I was with my father just now.

Jeong-woo nodded in response to the mans question.

More specifically, were from KG Chemicals soil analysis team. But why do you ask?

The man lowered his voice and approached them.

Im the second son, Choi Beom-ryong. In truth, I was the one who reached an agreement with Village Chief Hwang Man-hee, but problems arose in the middle. I didnt know my father would be so opposed to it.

Song Boyeong, who had a glimmer of hope after hearing this explanation, inquired.

Is there a possibility he might change his mind?

Not right away, but theres a way. If you could visit the elderly lady, Go Jin-sim, who lives on the hillside path and get her to agree, my father will permit it.

Jeong-woo was deep in thought and felt like he had heard the name somewhere before. He snapped his fingers.

Is she the owner of the black goat?

Thats right.

Choi Beom-ryong began to explain the dynamics of the villages top authorities surrounding this matter.

Even if Hong Chil raises hell, the reason the villagers all listen is that my father has a deep affection for Go Jin-sim.

Jeong-woo was surprised to learn that even the fiery old man had a softer side. Come to think of it, after Song Boyeongs bizarre announcement about their upcoming marriage, he had suddenly fallen silent.

Even if I wanted to go, Im swamped with fieldwork. My father is watching too.

Choi Beom-ryong explained the location of Go Jin-sims house in detail, raising Song Boyeongs hopes.

Song Boyeong looked up at Jeong-woo.

Why dont we go.


We need to decide quickly for me to work at ease.

When a glimmer of hope appeared, Song Boyeongs expression brightened. Jeong-woo grabbed her arm as she was about to hurry up the hillside path.

Wait a moment. Senior, Im with a group of interns at the moment, collecting soil samples for the approved land. Ill go meet her and ask.


Yes, I think itll be faster that way. Its easier to move around avoiding the black goat by myself. Well have dinner in Seoul.

Song Boyeong, who had been contemplating, said to Jeong-woo.


As the youngest in Research Lab 1, its only natural. The senior doesnt need to feel burdened.

Jeong-woo, who had remembered the mumbled words from earlier, watched as Song Boyeong playfully laughed and said.

Youre dependable as always.

Stop it, that. It gives me goosebumps.

Jeong-woo climbed the hillside path. As he walked away, Song Boyeong waved her hand at him.

Yeobong~ Do well and come back.

Stop it!

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