
Chapter 87

Chapter 87

  1. Dust Defenders(5)

Plaza Hotel Cafe, The Lounge.

Feeling the tartness of the juice swallowed through the straw, Yoon Yi-seol slightly squinted her eyes. Manager Ji, who was sitting across from her, turned his gaze from the weekend scenery of Seoul Plaza visible outside the window and asked.

Environmental Forum? On a rare day off?

Well, why not?

Manager Ji silently watched Yoon Yi-seol, who avoided his gaze.

As a manager, he had to say something about her peculiar behavior, who meticulously dressed up in the morning, only to cover it up again with a deeply pulled-down hat.

Lets stop bothering Jeong-woo. Hes a busy person.


Yi-seol, who was sipping her juice, raised her eyebrows.

Do you never think that hes the one bothering me?

So thats why you decided to participate in this international event? I saw NHK and CCTV while I was coming up. Theres even foreign media here.

Ill just sit quietly and have a meal.

If you want hotel food, just say so.

Glancing at the clock, which was approaching 2 oclock in the afternoon, the manager pointed to Yi-seols phone.

Ive prepared some remarks that you can use when you meet the press. Since Yi-seol is the Korean PR ambassador for Green Cross, if your identity is revealed, youll definitely be hounded by reporters.

Ill read it carefully.

Yi-seol sent a reassuring signal with her bright smile, indicating that there was no need to worry. Manager Ji sighed and stood up.

What time should I pick you up?

Its going to be late.

Just tell me what time.

Well, around 7?

Thats not very late. Besides, itll be during the event

Manager Ji, who had been muttering to himself, fell silent for a moment.

Hey, are you saying its 7 in the morning?

Because of the checklist. Were running out of time, so please go now.

Ugh, seriously.

The team leader got up from his seat.

If you have any problems, call.

If theres a problem, I wont.

To Jeong-woo, not you.

Without a response, Yi-seol just looked away. The team leader clicked his tongue and left the cafe.

Entering the hotel lounge, Jeong-woo passed the busy staff preparing for the event and made his way to the first-floor caf.

As he glanced around, his gaze stopped at the back of a woman wearing a black baseball cap.

I find it hard to believe she agreed to come.

Even though she was now bundled up, he was still familiar enough with her to recognize her at a glance.

Jeong-woo walked up to the table and cautiously spoke to Yoon Yi-seol.

Youre here early?

Under the hat, Yoon Yi-seols eyes, which had been looking outside as if bored, sparkled when they met Jeong-woos.

I thought you said youll come early.

No, I just

Yun Yi-seol hastily wiped the half-empty juice glass on the table.

I was in an important meeting just now. With a certain PD. Subtracting the time wasnt easy.

Saying this, he self-blamed, then Jeong-woo sat down in front of her.

This event will be conducted entirely in English, so it might be boring.

Jeong-woo, youre not leaving, are you?

Huh? No.

Then it wont be boring.

Yi-seols attacks, which kept making his heart race at odd times, left Jeong-woo no choice but to remain silent. Just then, a staff member approached to take their orders, and he ordered the same thing as her.

While waiting for their drinks, Jeong-woo asked a question to break the awkward silence.

Whats on the checklist?

Ill tell you after the forum is over. Well do it next.

Yi-seol, you seem to have a lot of secrets these days.

Why not? Isnt a woman with many secrets charming?

Her eyes, closely observing Jeong-woo as she leaned in, left him stammering and looking away from her intense gaze.

I didnt mean it that way. I was just saying

What? Im saying youre the only man I like.

His stammering turned into stuttering. Yi-seol laughed softly while watching Jeong-woo with a keen eye.

Jeong-woo couldnt quite adapt to this atmosphere and turned his gaze to the window.

It wasnt a particularly clear weekend. Perhaps due to the high level of fine dust in the air, there werent many people walking around the square.

It was a rare outing not at home or the office, and he wondered why the atmosphere felt so awkward.

If it werent for the cheerful and dazzling woman in front of him, it could have been a profoundly melancholic and lonely day.

Fresh fruit juice is served.

The staff placed glasses filled with colorful liquid on the table. Jeong-woo took a sip reflexively.

The tartness made his eyes squint. Yi-seol also took a sip of the juice and squinted her eyes, then their eyes met.

For a few seconds, the glances of the two, filled with excitement, lingered.

What brings you to an event like this, Jeong-woo?

Oh, the air purification system were developing at the company assumes severe air pollution. The policies discussed here could affect the future air purification market. Anyway, we need to be informed.

I see.

Its just a request from our team leader. Theres no need to look at me like that. Im here just because she asked me to.

Well, I have a slightly grander reason. Im also the PR ambassador for Green Cross.

Yi-seol turned on her phone and recited like she was reading a textbook.

Theyre an organization that conducts campaigns for protecting water resources, supporting clean energy development, disaster relief, and creating a safe environment.

Ive never heard of them.

To be honest, I only remember doing volunteer work in flood-affected areas last year. I dont remember much else. Im such a lousy PR ambassador.

The initial awkwardness had vanished, and Jeong-woo and Yi-seol found themselves engrossed in conversation, unaware of the passing time.

The Environmental Forum, scheduled to start at 3 PM, took place in the Grand Room of the Plaza Hotel.

Among the 500 attendees, Jeong-woo also found his way to KG Chemicals designated seat, towards the back.

There are quite a few cameras. Are you okay with this?

Seated next to Jeong-woo, Yoon Yi-seol nodded her head.

Everything is ready, as Manager Ji requested.

She shook her phone in her hand and began adjusting her disheveled hair after taking off her hat. The scent of apples wafted from her hair.

Jeong-woo looked around, worried that his heart might race if he kept staring.

Around a dozen seats were arranged on the stage.

Eminent scholars from the fields of meteorology, ecology, and earth environmental science from various Asian countries were seated with their name tags in front of them.


Jeong-woos gaze lingered on the students entering from the opposite side of the event venue door, wearing sashes that read Miss University Korea. They walked closer and sat in the row two seats ahead of him.

With TV camera crews in tow, Yi-seols gaze was also drawn to them.

-Were being evaluated based on todays presentation, right?

-Its all in English. What do we do? I majored in Japanese.

Listening attentively to their conversation, Jeong-woo learned that these young women were representatives of the World University Student Peace Service Mission.

As Jeong-woo who was now observing these young ladies who had suddenly appeared, Yi-seol turned her head and asked.

Theyre beautiful, arent they?

Indeed. Its like theyve picked the most beautiful women from all over the country.

To Jeong-woos response, Yi-seol widened her eyes and exclaimed.

Oh my. Keep looking. Wipe your drool too.

I havent drooled, but if you want me to keep looking, I will.

Wow. What

Jeong-woo chuckled at the jealousy of a celebrity with looks that could easily overshadow ordinary beauties.

But seriously, Yi-seol, why are you not wearing your hat?

Why? Is it bothering you to look at them?


Some cameras from various broadcasting stations focused on the area to capture the attention of the Miss University participants, and a foreign cameraman, in particular, turned his amazed face toward them after spotting Yi-seol.

Jeong-woo, lifting the hat placed it over her head and said.

We cant turn such a wholesome event into a celebrity fan signing event.

Yi-seol, agreeing with these words, lowered her head.

-Please sit down.

The host announced through the microphone.

30 minutes later.

Yoon Yi-seol watched the Environmental Forum with pursed lips.

She couldnt even fully flaunt her carefully done makeup to Jeong-woo. Moreover, a dozen intelligent-looking college students had gathered in front of her. Would there be another moment when she felt this overwhelmed by her popularity?

In a net-zero emissions regime, the reduction performance corresponding to greenhouse gas reduction is achieved through projects in which developed countries support developing countries

Yawning softly and covering her mouth, she turned to look at Jeong-woo. He seemed to understand and comprehend everything being discussed during the debates taking place on the stage.

Most of the people in this room seemed to be taking notes and listening to the conversations, even if they were not entirely familiar with the subject matter.

Did I come here for nothing? Yi-seol thought to herself as she shook her head. After all, she was a promotional ambassador for the related organization. It wasnt just about being pretty; her intellectual side also complemented Jeong Woo well.

Yi-seol clenched her lips and made a firm promise to herself not to yawn again. She focused her gaze on the stage.

After enduring for 30 more minutes, signals finally came from elsewhere.

Yi-seol, who had been blinking her eyes and shaking her head in an attempt to stay awake, suddenly snapped to attention when Jeong-woo nudged her.

Yi-seol, this wont do!

It was the perfect timing for her to be overcome by sleepiness, having visited the shop early in the morning.

Just lean on me.


Jeong-woo nudged Yi-seols head moving her toward his arm.

No one is looking, and all the cameras are pointed straight ahead.

But still, how can it be like this?

The professors are all arguing with each other because their way of thinking is different. There are quite a few regular people here, but theyre just throwing around technical jargon. Theyre overdoing it even with Green Crosss promotional ambassador. The manager approves.

Upon hearing Jeong-woos explanation, Yi-seol felt her uneasiness quickly disappearing. Nevertheless, she retorted in a whining tone.

Since when are you the manager?

I signed the contract. Besides, I even got a part-time wage, you know.

Touch. Not anyone can be a manager for such a big star.

After a moment of hesitation, Jeong Woo asked.

Is this big star the type who nags and gets annoyed with the manager? I havent quite figured it out yet.

No way.

Please be honest. Ill prepare myself mentally.

No, its not like that. Its not a pushing away type of situation.

Yi-seol quickly defended herself in a low voice.

The big star is very calm. Even if the manager misunderstands something, the big star just smiles and overlook it.

True. The tone of their voice is so calm; I dont sense any pretense.

Are you being sarcastic?

I just misunderstood, but your response wasnt particularly forgiving.

Quiet, Ill manage fine.

As they exchanged these remarks, sleep had completely escaped them. However, Yi-seol didnt move her head.

The dialogue, once tedious, now sounded like a sweet pop song, the feeling of being close, almost like lovers.


And so they enjoyed a happy moment together.

After a 15-minute break, well reconvene.

Jeong-woo informed Yi-seol.

The host says its break time.


Its been two hours. Arent you tired?

Yi-seol looked embarrassed and had no choice but to raise her head from Jeong-woos shoulder.

Ill go to the restroom to freshen up.

Not wanting to reveal the disappointment in her heart, she quickly got up. Still, out of consideration, she even wore a mask and left the grand room.

Are you from KG Chemical? They said your spot is here.

Jeong-woo was waiting for Yi-seol when he turned his head in response to someones call. A young Eastern man, his hair severely parted to one side, caught his eye.


Although Jeong-woo was struggling to remember where he had seen this mans face before, the man on the other side also made a puzzled expression and muttered to himself.

That man who was with Professor Jeremy Becker?

Oh, Venice. Youre the CEO of Dusf, right?

Sun Hui stood in front of Jeong-woo.

I expected Mei to come.

Shes not feeling well.

Are you participating in Meis clean system?

Jeong-woo got up from his seat and bowed his head.

Im Han Jeong-woo, the Assistant Team Leader.

Since he was the CEO of a rival company that would be competing on Monday, Jeong-woo formally introduced himself.

Sun Hui examined Jeong-woo closely and asked.

You look young for an Assistant Team Leader. Did Mei approve of that? Whats your relationship?

Its a good relationship. We trust each other.

Sun Hui chuckled and said.

Go and tell Mei. The chance of KG Chemical winning this bid is zero, and the scouting conditions we proposed are valid.

I think its best to make such an important declaration in person

She wont answer my calls!

With a heavy cough, Sun Hui glanced at Jeong-woo once and then quickly turned away.

Jeong-woo watched Sun Hui disappear and chuckled.

Just like we know their performance, they probably know how our system works. Even if we dont know the improvements from yesterday, saying its a zero chance?

He thought he should ask Mei when he saw her.

He waited for Yi-seol for about 10 minutes, but she didnt show up. Worried, Jeong-woo decided to walk down the corridor.

If she was being held up by foreign media who had recognized her as a K-pop star with worldwide recognition, he needed to rescue her.

The womens restroom

Jeong-woo turned down the corridor, and then he abruptly stopped. At the entrance of the restroom, he saw her, surrounded by the same college girls he had seen earlier.

-Oh, Im a huge fan!

-Wow, Yoon Yi-seol is here!

-Look how pretty she is.

Nice to meet you too.

Yi-seol was taken aback by the situation when she took off her mask to wipe her face and got caught.

What are you doing here?

Can we take a picture?

If there was a type of person Yi-seol disliked the most during her broadcasting activities, it was the junior colleagues who chatted endlessly.

Being surrounded by these college girls, like a girl group TOT, she found herself in an awkward situation.

Oh my gosh, why are you at an environment forum conducted only in English? Amazing! Do you understand everything?

We didnt understand half of it because the words were too difficult.

How far did you get? Did you understand it all?

These college girls were not conducting a proper interview; they were just throwing questions at her. Whats worse, the cable television stations cameras were following her around, making it even harder to find a way to respond.

I should have known Id be in trouble when I planned a date at the conference.

While there was no ill intention, saying the wrong thing could lead to embarrassment. The pleasant mood that had just taken off was now plummeting, aligning with Manager Ji concerns.

-Yi-seol, look to your left.

In the midst of her distress, Yi-seol heard a voice near her ear. She turned her gaze and saw Jeong-woo standing on the other side of the corridor, holding a rolled-up piece of paper in his mouth.

-Dont be surprised by this voice, just nod if you can hear me.

Relieved by Jeong-woos magical whisper, Yi-seol nodded.

-Ill give a comprehensive lecture to the beauty queens, would you mind delivering it for me? As a Green Cross Ambassador, first

I agree with Professor Jeremy Beckers opinion you mentioned earlier, but I think there are still many challenges to be addressed for the substantial implementation of the Paris Agreement, especially regarding EPA standard pollutants. Shouldnt we have much stronger measures?

EPA pollutants?

Yi-seol responded to a college girls question with a smile and conveyed Jeong-woos words verbatim.

Substances like carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, ozone, and so on. Nitrogen oxides undergo continuous reactions in the atmosphere to become nitric acid. If the proportion of nitric acid in the atmosphere increases, it reduces plant growth and can trigger asthma, you know?

The college students who had studied environmental issues to participate in the Miss University competition couldnt help but be amazed by the knowledge flowing from Yi-seols mouth.

How do you know so much?

Well my manager was an excellent interpreter who stayed by my side. It was a bit boring, but as a Green Cross Ambassador, I listened carefully.

Yi-seol, lets go.

Jeong-woo, who had approached them naturally, called Yi-seol and pointed to his watch.

My manager says the break time is over. Lets go inside.

After Yi-seol slightly lowered her head, they headed towards the grand room, with the college girls following them.

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