
Chapter 96

Chapter 96

  1. Wildfire(5)

As the radio waves from the base station reached the point where they walked, someones phone rang out as if it were on fire.

Yeah, I came out safely. Oh, sweetheart, dont worry. Thanks to the firefighter, I didnt get hurt at all. Huh? Retirement? Im not doing anything dangerous. Its just an unfortunate wildfire You want me to go out and die? Honey!

Seong Ra-il, who was capturing the rescuers and those rescued, including Nam Jeong-yeol, who was talking to his family, turned his gaze to the rescue team walking silently in front.


The member who had steadfastly guarded their sides in this hellish place seemed to have reached the end of life.

Theres no reason to be afraid of them; they are the same people. If there are heroes in reality, they are undoubtedly referring to individuals like them.

There they come! Everyone is alive!

As they emerged from the forest and onto the unpaved road, the broadcast station cameras focused on the group.

With the relay vehicles lined up in the mountains, the rescuers walking at the front couldnt help but be startled.

-Breaking news.

A reporter standing to the side spoke passionately into the camera.

-Suddenly, five people, including Mr. Nam, who were trapped in the refuge of Hyangrobong due to a rapidly spreading wildfire, were safely rescued by the rescue team from the Seoul Central Fire Station, who risked their lives to air-drop. The quick situational judgment of the on-site manager, who was on helicopter patrol, led to this miraculous rescue operation

As they approached, journalists with recorders and microphones rushed forward.

JBN Reporter Yoo Byung-ho here! Youve come back from a place where survival seemed unlikely. Any comments?

OBS here! About the method of escaping on foot through a place where the temperature instantly reached 1,000C, experts have various opinions

How did you endure for over an hour in a large fire

Walking amidst the crowd of reporters.

Seong Ra-il had always roamed around for coverage, but he had never been the subject of coverage, so he looked bewildered at the bustling journalists.


Huh? Senior.

Among the reporters was a senior reporter from the same newspaper. He looked at her with a face that had aged a decade.

When I heard you went for coverage at Mt. Maebong I thought I would have to hold a funeral for you.

I thought the same.

Well, seeing you joking, I can relax. Anyway, lets do some coverage. Isnt that experienced rescuer in front the team leader?

Senior. We should focus on someone else rather than the rescue team leader.


Confirming that it had become an event receiving this much attention from the press, Seong Ra-il could only focus on a young man wearing a safety helmet in the chaos.

If there was someone with abundant stories, it would undoubtedly be him.

It was Mr. Han who led us to safety.

I dont know, I was just following Jeong-woo.

The fire was just burning, and Mr. Han said, Wait for three seconds! and three seconds later, the path was open. You should have seen it.

Despite the chaotic interviews mentioning individuals simultaneously, when the name Han Jeong-woo was mentioned, the reporters attention turned towards him.

Han Jeong-woo? Who is Han Jeong-woo?

Hes not here. Where is he, Han Jeong-woo?

The senior sent a look to Seong Ra-il, asking, Is the person youre talking about Han Jeong-woo?

Seong Ra-il nodded, pointing to the young man walking alone in the back. He was paying attention only to the burning forest.

Mr. Han Jeong-woo!

At the strong call of a reporter, the young man turned his head.


It seemed like a stampede, when the reporters rushed towards Jeong-woo once his location was confirmed. Even though it wasnt a first-come-first-served situation, reporters with recorders in hand eagerly threw questions.

Is it true that you led these people through the fire?

Youre wearing a different firefighting suit than the rescue team. Are you a wildfire expert?

Even the seemingly unshakeable rescue team leader, Kim Jae-ho, looked bewildered as camera flashes went off from all directions. However, Jeon-gwoo remained indifferent, focusing only on observing the wildfire.

Jeong-woo, over here!


Whether he was familiar with cameras or had another reason, now that the crisis seemed to have passed, why was he so absorbed in scrutinizing the wildfire?

The young man who had guided the group like a miracle, upon reflection, wasnt even a member of the rescue team, yet he had plunged into the wildfire.

Seong Ra-il sensed the instincts of a journalist twitching.

Staring at Jeong-woo, he had a strong premonition that his extraordinary story entangled with this massive disaster was far from over.


The first response from Jeong-woo was a surprised exclamation, causing the leading journalist to pause.

Mr. Han Jeong-woo, in the midst of that fire


Before the question could finish, Jeong-woo, who was looking towards the wildfire, let out another surprised exclamation, stealing the timing from the journalist.

However, a relentless question attack is like a lifeline for an active journalist. The journalist continued to press on.

The reason behind this miraculous rescue in the midst of the fire, tell JBN viewers!

Rescue? We havent escaped to a safe area yet.

Jeong-woos firm answer left the journalist dumbfounded.

Team leader!

Jeong-woo called out to Kim Jae-ho, who was standing at the forefront.

The number of fireheads in this area has increased from three to five. The wind keeps getting stronger, so we need to get out of the blockade quickly.

Kim Jae-ho nodded his head. Then, he shouted loudly to everyone.

Did you hear that? This area is inside the blockade! Evacuate immediately towards Route 46!

Amidst the buzzing journalists, Jeong-woo pointed to the broadcast station vehicle that was visible.

Its going to be ruined if it stay there. Please leave quickly.

JBN reporter Lee Byung-ho, with a skeptical expression at Jeong-woos words, asked.

Isnt the wildfire a km away from here? In such a short time, will the flames reach this place?

Not exactly.


Something like that?

Jeong-woo pointed to the sky, and burning pine needles and branches fell in an arc.

Although no one was hit since they fell on the nearby farmland, it was enough to send shivers down the spines of those watching.


Led by Captain Lee Hong-sik, the extinguishing team concentrated the water stream towards the falling embers.

Meanwhile, Jeong-woo, who had been closely examining the other side of the wildfire area, changed his expression.

To the extinguishing team! Something big is coming! Be careful!

Shaking his head, Lee Hong-sik, taken aback by the sight of a tree trunk half-exploding like a bomb due to the wind speed of 15 m/s, fell backward, splitting his buttocks on the spot.

Uh Ugh.

The surrounding team members quickly used the water pumps to suppress the fire on the tree trunk.

Jeong-woo gestured towards Lee Hong-sik and said to the nearby journalist.

Did you see that? If that falls on a car, it wont be okay Huh? They left.

Since they werent going to play the role of a war correspondent risking their life for coverage, various broadcasting vehicles, including JBN Lee Byung-ho, began to leave one after another.

Having witnessed fires of this magnitude so frequently that it no longer fazed them, the five seasoned rescuers chuckled as they observed those journalists.

Clear the remaining embers as much as possible while moving!

Kim Jae-hos instructions were given.

Rescue Team 1 and the Forest Service firefighting team formed lines and walked for about 20 minutes. A road with around 100 Forest Service employees preparing to establish a firebreak was visible.

Finally, they escaped from the shelter and arrived at the eastern blockade line.

Anyone injured?

The paramedic who had been waiting with the team after receiving the call approached with an emergency box.

No serious injuries. Just need some water.

Me too!

As water bottles were passed around, the weary group found a place to sit and catch their breath.

Jeong-woo, please take some water.

Jeong-woo accepted the water bottle thrown by Jeong Pil-du and sat directly on the asphalt on the side of the road.

After more than two hours of hiking, his leg muscles were more sore than ever.

Youve been through a lot, Jeong-woo.

Go Eun-sil sat down next to him. Taking off her face mask and sweeping her sweat-drenched hair to one side, she looked at Jeong-woo, now appearing more alive.

I was so overwhelmed after getting out that I couldnt even greet you properly. Thank you for taking care of me all the way.

Its not just me. Mr. Pil-du also went through a lot protecting you.

I already greeted him. Right, Officer Jeong Pil-du.

Jeong Pil-du, who was drinking water nearby, nodded shyly with a smile.

Watching Go Eun-sil, who was shaking off the dirt from her shoes with a firefighters blanket, Jeong-woo asked.

So, you became a veterinarian?

Go Eun-sil turned her head and gave him a playful smile.

Why? Doesnt it suit me?

I remember you werent the type to be fond of animals or had a delicate personality.

What kind of personality did I have then?

An overbearing personality who drags you down a stern schoolyard alley and forcibly kisses you?

I remember that well.

Smiling at Go Eun-sils laughter, Jeong-woo remarked.

Soo-chan still talks about that incident.

You didnt refuse back then. Why are you acting like a victim now?

I couldnt say anything. A girl who transferred just a week ago, why is she doing this to me? It was shocking.

You treated me well, thats why.

After making the statement, Go Eun-sil looked at Jeong-woo with surprise.

You look exactly the same. It brings back memories.

Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards her. Except for the lively eyes, the face was faint in his memory.

Eun-sil, I dont think I would have recognized you if I had seen you in passing.

Maybe it was because they didnt meet again in places like school reunions, but the expectation of an awkward encounter was pleasantly shattered.

They chatted naturally, catching up on old stories.

Lets have a little more to drink.

Go Eun-sil reached for the water bottle Jeong-woo was holding. Jeong-woo, surprised, moved the bottle aside and said.

Get a new one.

Hey, cant you even give me a sip?

Jeong-woo, who was pondering inwardly, replied.

I developed a trauma. Ever since what happened with you, I became sensitive to every action involving the mouth. Even indirect kisses.

Youre lying.

No, really.

In response to Jeong-woos playful response, Go Eun-sil looked at him with disbelief.

Then what? Have you never kissed a girl before?

Well no comment. Privacy.

Come on, come on.

Jeong-woo avoided Go Eun-sils gaze and turned his head toward the mountainside, where he noticed something intriguing.

That marten is still here.

Where? Oh my, it seems like its been following us all this time.

A small creature scurried about on the rice paddies. Despite the clear distance from the well-lit area with vehicles and people, it didnt run away.

Jeong-woo pointed towards the mountain on the opposite side of the barricade.

Marten, go over there.

Do you think itll understand?

What else can we do? It might be dangerous here too.

Just a moment. This guy is an expert. Hes a professional wildlife capturer.

Go Eun-sil approached a man sitting next to Chief Nam Jeong-yeol and struck up a conversation.

Fascinating. Did you follow us?

Just to be sure, Jeong-woo discreetly released a flashbang using a battery he had in his gloves.

With a loud bang, a flash lit up the surroundings, and the marten followed the scattered flashes.


He sent the flashbang a bit further.

The marten moved as if possessed, chasing the flashes. In this way, they crossed National Route 46 and arrived at the forest untouched by the flames.

Strange. It seems like he see us as a guide.

Employees of the Ecological Restoration Department, Moon Hyeokjae and Go Eun-sil, approached Jeong-woo while conversing.

I rarely see a case where trust is built with a wild animal in such a short time. If you can get closer, you can wrap it in a shirt or blanket and place it in a safe place.


But why did it follow us without being cautious? Any opinions?

I have no idea either. Huh? Where did it go?

Go Eun-sil turned her gaze towards the reeds and her expression became perplexed. Jeong-woo pointed with his glove towards the dark forest.

It seems to be going there on its own.

What? Oh my, it seems like weve worried for nothing.

Jeong-woo threw another lightning bead towards the distant forest.

Jeong-woo soon sent his last flashbang towards the distant forest. The marten, which had glanced towards Jeong-woo once, briskly disappeared into the darkness.

Make sure to find a safe haven.

That place was a serene spot without flames or smoke.

The midnight forest, which would normally seem eerie, felt cozy now. Jeong-woo couldnt help but smile inwardly.


-This is the command vehicle driver. We have arrived.

Upon receiving the radio message, Kim Jae-ho approached Jeong-woo.

Now, it seems like you should go to the situation room.

Upon hearing this, Jeong-woo turned his gaze to Go Eun-sil, who had been shouting with him for a while.

Ill go. Lets all have a drink together with Soo-chan later.

Youre going to stay here at the scene?


Alright. See you later.

Jeong-woo, who had boarded the firefighting command vehicle stopped on the road, disappeared to the other side.

Even though its a happy ending, is it an open ending?

Quietly observing the direction where Jeong-woo disappeared, Go Eun-sil received a text message on her phone.

[What will you do, Eun-sil? We are currently setting up a medical camp. You can rest if you want.]

The Korea Animal Rescue and Management Association also provided support to treat wildlife affected by the wildfire. Without much hesitation, Go Eun-sil replied.

[I have to help in this situation. Where did you set up the camp?]

Inside the command center at the wildfire scene.

Around the expanded situation board near Mt. Maebong, members of the emergency response team were gathered.

Beside the field command chief, Miles, stood the emergency rescue control officer and the fire helicopter supervisor.

Next Oh Seon-yong, the head of the Forest Service wildfire prevention manager, were the military information officer and the director of the meteorological office.

On the large monitor on the opposite side of the table, real-time channels were open, displaying video calls from the governor, mayor, county executive, police station, and health officials who were waiting for updates.

Miles held a radio tuned to the public channel.

The current time is 00:05. As the crews arrive at the containment lines, we will commence operations. In case of safety issues related to wildfire suppression, decisions will prioritize the judgment of the on-site suppression chief. While maintaining the containment lines is crucial, first and foremost, take care of your own safety.

The containment line operation around the Mt. Maebong area involved cutting down trees in an area 1-2 km away from the fire line, clearing leaves and debris, and digging into the soil where the fire was severe.

Over 5,000 personnel were involved, including firefighters, military, police, Forest Service, and civilian organizations.

Near the roads where mechanical equipment had easy access, cranes and bulldozers were mobilized. In the relatively inaccessible mountainous areas to the north, helicopters and airborne firefighting teams were additionally deployed.

Within a radius of 100 km from the wildfire epicenter, all fire watchtowers were currently manned by three shifts of observers, diligently detecting any areas where the fire might spread rapidly.


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