Cheonma Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter chapter 52

“It’s an honor to meet you.”

Yeon Ha-rin politely bowed.

The Homuryeon-ju Baek Li-yeop laughed.

“You must be Yeon Ha Rin. I have heard a lot about you.”

Homu-ryeonju glanced over and looked behind her.

“Isn’t the child who came with you inside?”

In the question of Homu-ryunju, the question also included why not go together and go alone.

Yeon Ha-rin looked embarrassed.

“I couldn’t… I couldn’t call him because he seemed to be doing something important.”


Ho Mu-ryeon-ju looked puzzled. Apparently, it seemed that she hadn’t asked or confirmed what he was doing.

‘Do they actually have a bad relationship?’

He heard that the two were very special.

Homu-ryeonju thought it would be nothing. When they are young like that, wasn’t it natural for them to fight like that sometimes?

Sooner or later they will not be able to live without each other again. According to what he has heard.

“I would like to meet the child inside, what would you do?”

Yeon Ha-rin was restless.

Sentimentally, she wanted to go in with Ho Mu Ryeon-ju and see what Byeoktaesan was doing now.

However, she thought that Homu-ryeonju should not interfere with him.

If so, she has to tell him not to do that, but how would she dare to say that to Homu-ryeonju?

Ho Mu Ryeon-ju smiled when he saw Yeon Harin’s affirmation.

“If you are uncomfortable, you can go the way you were going, so what are you worried about?”

“That’s not why… … .”

Yeon Ha-rin closed her eyes tightly.

“I don’t think Ryeonju-nim should bother the lord.”

His eyes widened.

He didn’t even think she was so restless because she wanted to say that.


Homu-ryeonju quietly admired that.

He had to admire the fact since it was never easy to say that kind of thing to himself.

He clearly felt that she really cared for the child, Byeoktaesan, inside.

After seeing that, he started were coveting her a bit.

‘I think she will go very well with my grandson Moonryang, but it’s a pity.

She already had a fiancé. Otherwise, he coveted her to the point where he wanted to somehow connect her with his grandson Baek Ri Moon-ryang.

Homu-ryeonju laughed.

“My skill is not low by any means, so I shouldn’t get in the way. If you thought with common sense, don’t you think it will be rather helpful than being a bother?”

“Ah… … !”

She thought that might be possible.

Homu-ryeonju was a great master.

There were not so many people in the world who were stronger than the Homu-ryeonju.

So, if he made up his mind, it will be of great help to Byeoktaesan.

“My thoughts were short.”

Yeon Ha-rin said so and bowed her head slightly.

Even deeper regret passed in the eyes of Homu-ryeonju who saw that.

“If you do, go ahead and go enjoy the exchange. I’m going to meet your fiancé here for a second.”

Suddenly, when he said that he was her fiancé, and Yeon Ha-rin’s face turned red.

Yeon Ha-rin did not say goodbye and quickly stepped back.

Ho Mu Ryeon-ju gazed happily at the image and then stepped into the dorm.

There was no fear of confusing the room because he already looked into what room Byeoktaesan was using.

Ho Mu Ryeon-ju approached Byeoktaesan’s room.

And right as he was going to make it known he was there, he felt something strange.

He could immediately see what Yeon Ha-rin meant earlier.

He really seemed to be facing an important moment inside.

He felt strongly that he should never mess with him right now.

‘This guy… There really is something.’

Ho Mu Ryeon-ju built up his will.

It’s just a weird feeling.

It will not be able to break the will that he has properly established.

At the moment when he was willing and opened his mouth, someone blocked Homu-ryeonju.

It was Chun Gyeong-wan and Yoo Seo-yeon.

The two politely took a bow in front of Ho Mu Ryeonju.

Yet, he didn’t say a word. As if he didn’t wish to disturb Byeoktaesan by making a useless sound.

When he saw them, the will of the Homuryeonju that had been upright disappeared.

It was more like Ho Mu Ryeon-ju let go of his own will.

He pointed his chin out to the outside and left the lodge.

Chun Gyeong-wan and Yoo Seo-yeon carefully followed.

* * *

Byeoktaesan slowly opened his eyes.

Time must have passed. After accepting Soso’s spiritual power, he fell into a trance.

Byeoktaesan measured the time.

Usually, when you fall into a trance, you don’t know how much time passed. Whether a day has passed or ten days have passed, it will seem like you closed your eyes for a moment and then opened them.

But that was not the case for Byeoktaesan.

Since Byeoktaesan set up a sense of time in a way that is completely different from ordinary people, even if he fell into a trance for such a long time, he could immediately see how much time had passed.

It was a standard that only those who had mastered the Spirit Absorption martial art could have.

“Just over a day huh.”

He just blew over the entire second day.

But it didn’t matter. He had no intention of coming here anyway and doing anything.

Anyway, it was the Hubei next-generation meeting.

The Gold Wall merchants which Byeoktaesan hailed from was not a martial arts household, and even if they were, he had no intention of interacting with them.

If Yeon Ha-rin continued to encourage him, he could be forced to join her once or twice, but that was all.

There was nothing that Byeoktaesan can get here.

Rather, if the guys here are lucky, they can get something from Byeoktaesan.

Anyway, Byeoktaesan rose from his seat.

Since he had been sitting for more than a day, he needed to relax at least once.

Of course, if Byeoktaesan’s physical condition had been perfect, it wouldn’t have been necessary, but it was still a long way to be perfect, so now he had to meticulously relax his body.

Byeoktaesan walked slowly.

If he wanted to walk forward, he had to change direction, and he wanted to step backward, and then he would stand in front a few steps.

At the same time, the limbs and upper body were constantly moving, and the appearance was like dancing, swordsmanship, and a style of martial arts.

How much did he move so far? Byeoktaesan’s whole body was soaked with sweat.

“Woo. It’s fun to do this after a long time.”

In the past, it was a cumbersome and boring practice, but it was quite fun after decades.

All of the motions and flows clearly emerged in his mind.

No, it went beyond that.

What Byeoktaesan just did was a walk called Cheondunbo.

The founder was the first Cheonma of Cheonma Shinkyo, who created the Spirit Absorption art.

And it was a basic skill that didn’t fit that grand name.

But just unfolding it, Byeoktaesan definitely felt. This Cheondunbo really fits the name.

After reaching the stage, the basics were visible again. The basics he had learned weren’t wrong, but there was a better way.

Because it is the realm of enlightenment, the trick of the ascension could not be accepted just because it was taught to others.

“I have to do it every other day or two in the future.”

Byeoktaesan mumbled like that and opened the room door.

“Soso, prepare a bath for me.”

At Byeoktaesan’s words, a nearby room door opened as if they were waiting, and Soso, Danyoung, and Chaewol burst out.

And they started to move busily.

In an instant, a hot bath was ready. It was water slightly drenched with herbs.

After taking a leisurely bath, Byeoktaesan came out of the bath in a refreshing mood.

And he smiled as he watched the three servants standing politely.

“Shall I take a look at your martial arts?”

At that, Soso raised her head and looked at Byeoktaesan.

Her eyes were glowing.

It was an anxious look and eyes that wanted to show off something.

Probably, when Byeoktaesan was in a trance, she tried some training.

Whenever he see those eyes, he always felt as if he wanted to make fun of her at least once.

‘But… Your face has become strangely cute?’

Soso wasn’t an ugly face in the first place. However, it wasn’t enough to be on the level of the other beauties.

But now the missing part was just right. It meant that she became a beautiful woman.

Besides, most of her beauty was focused on the cuteness side.

Probably, the expression will be released no matter who sees it. Even the innocence is imbued, so even those who have built hatred would lose it after seeing Soso.

It was even cuter to see with such a face shining in his eyes.

Probably, most people would have heard what they wanted as soon as they saw it.

The problem was that the person watching it was Byeoktaesan.

“Oh, it turns out that I have some work to do?”

At Byeoktaesan’s words, Soso quickly became a depressed face.

That was also very cute.

Dan-young and Chae-wol, on both sides of Soso, were already laughing softly, covering their mouths as if they had already fallen for the cuteness.

They knew that Byeoktaesan was making fun of Soso.

“Shall I put off work?”

Soso’s face came back to life. She raised her head and stared at Byeoktaesan.

It was not visible, but a dog’s tail seemed to spin round and round from behind.

“Ah, can I not put it off?”

So-so was swamped again with a depressed face.

“But since I’m saying I’ll do it later, who would question me?”

At this point, Soso had no choice but to notice.

“Ahhh. My lord, you are teasing me right now aren’t you?”

Byeoktaesan smiled and looked at Soso.

“So, are you not going to practice martial arts?”

“Hehe. I have to. You want to see it now?”

“Is there any place to practice quietly around here?”

Dan-young immediately answered Byeoktaesan’s question.

“There is a small arena attached to the property. I know no one is using it.”

Even while Byeoktaesan was in a trance, she seemed to have practiced martial arts steadily.

“Let’s go there.”

Soso took the lead with excitement. No, she was going to.

If all of a sudden, Chun Gyeong-wan and Yoo Seo-yeon did not appear.

Chun Gyeong-wan and Yoo Seo-yeon were just entering the dorm. As soon as the two saw Byeoktaesan, they were startled and ran.

“My lord, are the important things over?”

Chun Gyeong-wan first asked that.

Byeoktaesan looked at him with a puzzled expression.

In fact, even in a state of ecstasy, he was checking very little of the changes occurring around him.

He knew the extent to which people approached and returned.

It was possible because the martial arts mastered by Byeoktaesan was the Spirit Absorption.

Even in a state of trance, the spirit of the soul opens wide and accepts the surrounding sensations little by little.

But he didn’t know if that was an important moment for them to come and not disturb it.

“Have everyone just waited so far so as not to disturb me?”

Five people here looked at Byeoktaesan with positive eyes.

Byeoktaesan immediately felt a strange feeling.

He didn’t feel too bad.

‘I must have changed to be sentimental because I was born again.’

In the past, his emotions hardly moved. It’s not that he didn’t have emotions, it was just so dull that it was not easy to make a difference.

But after he was born again, it had changed significantly.

Byeoktaesan felt light, but he put weight into his nod and nodded.

“I see. The important work was done well because no one was disturbing.”

At Byeoktaesan’s words, Chun Gyeong-wan politely bowed.


He doesn’t know what it was, but he thought that it was a great achievement to have an important job done.

Everyone said it.


Byeoktaesan was again in a strange mood when he received the greeting.

The corners of the mouth went up.

“But where are you going?”

Cheon Gyeong-wan quickly answered the question of Byeoktaesan.

“We were on our way back from meeting with Homu-ryeonju.”


“Yes. He came to meet you, but he just went back. He left a message saying when you come out to come visit him immediately.”

Byeoktaesan smiled.

“He told me to come right away?”


Byeoktaesan looked at Soso while saying that.

Soso’s expression was stained with disappointment.

“If he wants to see me, he will have to come to find me on his own.


Everyone looked at Byeoktaesan in amazement.

But Byeoktaesan told Soso without blinking an eye.

“What are you doing? Are you not planning on practicing martial arts?”

“Ah… … !”

Soso was so surprised and opened her eyes wide. All kinds of emotions raged. It was not only Soso but also others.

Byeoktaesan walked toward the training hall without seeing their expressions and eyes at all.

Everyone looked at the back of Byeoktaesan with a complicated gaze.

“Who does he think he is to tell me to come or go? What a cheeky guy.”

When they heard Byeoktaesan muttering that they were shocked.

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