Chief Kim and Assistant manager Choi

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Chapter 97.

Chapter 97.

“... Are you bragging to me?”

“I’m just saying since I am now your guardian, you don’t have to pay anything.”

Siwoo hated Jihoon paying for him, but it was still nice to hear that Jihoon considered himself Siwoo’s guardian. When Siwoo looked down, Jihoon handed him a plate of tuna sushi. He also placed some soy sauce and pickled ginger next to the plate and handed Siwoo a pair of chopsticks.

Quietly, Siwoo asked, “Do you know when I first saw you?” He began to chew on a piece of sushi and watched Jihoon, who was eating silently. Jihoon looked up and removed a grain of rice from Siwoo’s lips. When Siwoo frowned, Jihoon smiled and answered, “Yes.”

Siwoo didn’t expect this answer, so he asked again, “Are you thinking about the time when we met at that parking lot in front of your office building?”


Nonchalantly, Jihoon placed a piece of oden nabe on Siwoo’s plate. It was covered in small pieces of seaweed and it looked delicious. Siwoo felt a little confused at Jihoon’s answer. He grabbed Jihoon’s wrist, and Jihoon smiled slowly. Siwoo looked curious as he asked, “So when? When do you think we first met?”

“I don’t want to tell you.”

“Hey! That’s not fair!”

“If you want to hear it, then call me Hyung.”

Jihoon’s voice sounded so low and dark that Siwoo shivered. When Siwoo bit his lips in frustration, Jihoon said to him, “If you don’t want to hear about it, then that’s fine.”

“... Come on!”

“It’s not necessary for you to know anyway.”

“But I want to! I’m curious.”

“It doesn’t matter to me.”


“Because no matter what, we are together now.”


“You are here with me.”


“And you are my lover.”

If he knew their relationship was going to be like this, Siwoo would have asked Jihoon out much earlier. He closed his eyes, annoyed at the fact that his heart was beating too hard and loudly. Fate was a funny thing. If Siwoo had grabbed Jihoon’s hand and asked him to take him to a hotel that night, would they be still together today?

“... Hyung.”


“... I said it, so tell me!”

Siwoo looked away in embarrassment, but suddenly, Jihoon leaned forward to kiss him.

Jihoon kissed his eyes, nose, and lips. Siwoo could barely breathe. He moaned, “...Ahh...”

“... This feels like a déjà vu.”

Siwoo wanted to ask what Jihoon was talking about, but Jihoon stopped him with another kiss.


Eejun ate his sea urchin rice porridge and Woojin looked at the bowl with interest. Sea urchins were very expensive, and Woojin thought it was too luxurious to make it into rice porridge, but when he saw the light yellow food, it looked delicious. Woojin ate a spoonful of this as Eejun asked him, “How is your porridge?”

“The same. It’s the same dish I have every time.”

“Hmm, I asked Chef Lee to make it special for you today.”

“Really? I can’t tell the difference.”


Eejun continued to eat his food. Woojin always thought he looked kind, but he realized that he has been wrong. Woojin stared at the tiny mole underneath Eejun’s eye. He felt a little dizzy.

Woojin asked, “Do you know Joowan Kim?”


Eejun answered without reaction. At times like this, Eejun acted just like his grandfather. He smiled and asked, “If you know already, why did you ask?”

“Just confirming.”

“I heard he told you everything.”

Eejun smiled again. The corners of his eyes trembled a little, just like a snake’s tail.

“Is it you who killed my father, Eejun?”

“... Not me.”

“... Then...”

“I’m guessing it must’ve been my grandfather.”

Woojin dropped his spoon, dirtying the tablecloth. He began to pant. In confusion, he wondered why because he took some medication before he left in case he hyperventilated.

Woojin asked, “Then... what about that woman?”

“Who? That woman? You mean your aunt?”


“Jihoon Kang’s mother?”


“That woman has nothing to do with anything. She probably just hated you.”

“... Why?”

“Isn’t it obvious? She was probably worried you might become the next heir to the company.”

“Why would she be worried? My father wasn’t interested in inheriting the family company...”

“Do you still not get it?”

Woojin couldn’t breathe. He grabbed his left chest as Eejun stood up slowly.

“My grandfather killed your father, but it was made to look like he killed himself.”


“Your aunt isn’t smart or wise enough to know that.”


“Your grandfather didn’t know anything either.”


“He was in fact trying to cover it up because he thought his own daughter, your aunt, killed him.”

“... Eejun...”

“It’s hard to breathe, isn’t it?”

It was true. On top of that, Woojin couldn’t open his eyes either. His whole body felt like it was paralyzed. Suddenly, he fell to the ground.


Darkness fell.


It had been a long time since he dreamt. In his dream, Shin Kim saw that he had a much younger face. In it, he was still a high school student. Shin remembered how other kids looked at him at that time. They looked at him with admiration, envy, and certain expectations. He liked being seen as an idol, but it also felt burdensome.

After a while, Shin became used to these looks. He even learned to ignore them.

In his dream, one of his classmates grabbed his shoulder from behind and asked, “Hey! Where are you going, Shin?”

It felt so real. As he zipped up his coat, Shin replied, “To the practice.” It was a cold evening. Shin watched his younger self in his dream as if it was a movie.


Suddenly, Shin noticed that he had stepped on something. When he looked down, he smiled. It was a student ID. He picked it up and stared at the photo for a long time. He rubbed it with his thumb and murmured, “Jin Yoo.”

Even his voice sounded youthful. It was a strange thing. The young Shin stared at the ID for a long time, as if he knew who it belonged to, and put it in his coat pocket.

Shin turned around to face the dorm building behind him. The sun was setting, and the red-orange light shined on his face. He looked... expectant.


‘I didn’t know you then...’

Shin had forgotten his face, but the memories from the past began to surface slowly. And suddenly, he woke up from his dream. Shin shook his head, worried he might forget, and looked at his side.

His bed was empty.


In the dark, he took out his phone and checked the time. It was 8 in the evening. As soon as he returned home from work, he didn’t even change. He just went straight to bed and must’ve fallen asleep.

Shin felt dizzy as he sat up. It was dark outside. He rubbed his face a few times when suddenly, he felt his phone vibrating. His eyes widened, Shin quickly answered it, “Hello?”‘

“... What’s wrong with your voice, Shin?”

“... Oh... Hey, Siwoo.”

“Did you eat anything today?”

“... No...”

“You are going to die if you keep this up, Shin.”

It had been three days since Woojin Choi disappeared.

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