Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 156: What Is This Hobo-Like... (2)

༺ What Is This Hobo-Like… (2) ༻

The Beggar’s Sect was a part of the Ten Sect Alliance; a group responsible for safeguarding the Orthodox Faction’s information.

The Murim Alliance served as the heart of the Orthodox Faction, while the Beggar’s Sect acted as its ears and eyes.

You might wonder how a single group could have such significant responsibilities.

It was because the Beggar’s Sect was primarily composed of hobos.

That was the main reason.

Even the city that represented the Central Plains, Hanam, had hobos dwelling.

And these hobos lived off of collecting snippets of conversation and secret tidbits from others.

Information tended to slip through the cracks whether it was small or not.

There was a saying that you could collect tiny things one at a time and it would become a mountain one day.

But all successful merchants often argued that collecting tiny things would only lead to more tiny things, never a mountain.

Nevertheless, when these tiny pieces accumulate endlessly, they could indeed form a mountain.

And that was exactly the case for the Beggar’s Sect’s collection of information.

In the world, there was no such thing as useless information.

One man’s trash was another man’s treasure. The sheer volume of information collected daily was immeasurable.

As the number of hobos increased in the Central Plains, the Beggar’s Sect would become bigger along with it.

While the Beggar’s Sect may appear lacking compared to other groups within the Ten Sect Alliance due to its membership consisting mostly of hobos…

The reason why they could still hold their position as one of the Ten Sect Alliance was that many recognized the immense power of the information they possessed.

Chuwong spent almost 40 years as a member of the Beggar’s Sect.

Starting at the age of five, he became the student of the Tamer of Wild Dogs, who was one of the Great Beggars inside the sect, so it had been a long time since he had joined.

Of course, this fact remained largely unknown, but Chuwong was still a talented figure who held a prominent position within the sect.

‘Despite knowing that, he’s making me do this trash job for 10 years, that damned old man.’

Ten years had already passed since he became stuck in Hanam.

His master promised him a promotion after completing this job, but it had been a decade since those words were spoken.

‘Chuwong, you idiot hobo, you really had no better option than to believe the words of a fellow hobo?’

Did you know what new members of the Beggar’s Sect were taught when they first joined?

That all hobos in the world were family and that they must trust each other to survive.

‘There isn’t anything more bullshit than that.’

Chuwong, no, even just five years in the Beggar’s Sect- … Never mind.

One would figure it out after a year or two.

That hobos should not trust each other.

Could you really believe in a truce among people who live solely for today? These are guys who would resort to anything if they were desperate enough.

‘I’m the crazy one for believing them. Tsk, tsk.’

– My student.

– Yes.

– Hiccup… I’ll give you the seat of Second Beggar. So, you better… hiccup… do a good job…

The seat of Second Beggar within the Beggar’s Sect was the third highest position one could have in the sect.

The third highest position of Beggar’s Sect was known to lead a relatively easy going life.

‘…Easy going life, my ass, especially when I’m just a hobo.’

Chuwong knew the harsh reality of being a hobo better than anyone, so he wasn’t one to be excited about such a position.

But he put aside those thoughts and focused on the boy standing before him.

He was the boy who had likely caused one of the most famous incidents in the Central Plains today.

And a martial artist destined to make a name for himself in the near future.

‘The kid looks quite scary.’

He looked younger than the members affiliated with the Fifth Beggar under his charge.

‘But he…’

Such a young boy had managed to surpass that wall.

The wall that Chuwong himself struggled to overcome.

Furthermore, he looked extremely skilled in using his body, as if he had already gone through the process of unifying his Qi and body.

Talent; this terrifying word was hitting him rather hard today.


Short words spoken with a rather cold tone came from a young voice.

“Why did you come to see me?”

There was a brief moment of shock on the boy’s face, but he quickly reverted to his usual expression.

Although he didn’t appear to be a bully, Chuwong felt such an atmosphere from him for some strange reason.


‘…This kid?’

The boy didn’t look down on him.

As such, Chuwong had to fix his opinion of him.

The Dragons and Phoenixes tournament was mainly for the banquet that gathered many young prodigies so that they could establish connections.

However, it also held a hidden purpose, which was to rank each clan of the Orthodox Faction precisely.

You could tell this just by observing the banquet.

Young prodigies were seated based on their clan’s power, or the amount of donations they contributed to the Alliance.

Moreover, they were even given different treatments concerning the arena stage, barracks, and many other things.

But discrimination was also evident among the blood relatives of noble clans.

However, if one were to ask Chuwong if that was wrong, he would say no.

After all, that was how the world was.

Of course, one may say that they could climb up the ranks and become a new star with solely talent.

However, that was essentially impossible.

After all, it was impossible for anyone to possess the talent that surpassed the blood relatives from noble clans who received ample support from their clan, unless the gods themselves gave it to them.

You could tell this just by looking at how the current Dragons and Phoenixes of the Central Plains all came from noble clans.

A miracle was called a miracle for a reason.

And Chuwong knew this very well.

It was a given that he would be looked down upon by those born noble clans.

They were born into their positions and simply took advantage of it.

However, in Chuwong’s case, he was just a hobo.

He might have been a student of one of the Great Beggars which granted him a high position within the Beggar’s Sect…

But in front of the noble clans, he was just an ordinary hobo.

Of course, people might have noticed his affiliation with the Beggar’s Sect due to his presence at the duel, but that didn’t earn him any special treatment.

‘Who cares if I’m from the Beggar’s Sect, I’m just a hobo in the end.’

Their efforts to distance themselves from him and the glances they casted, hinted that they didn’t even want to talk to him.

They were bound to show such reactions in front of a hobo.

Chuwong had long passed the point of getting hurt by such things though.

Instead, he even used this as a convenient way to judge others.

Just like now.

The Gu Clan of Shanxi might not be one of the Four Noble Clans, but they were a famous clan.

And the boy, Gu Yangcheon, was pretty much confirmed to be the Young Lord of his clan, so Chuwong anticipated a rough personality…

‘But unlike my expectations…’

His eyes didn’t carry condescension or contempt but rather a sense of boundaries.

But even that seemed somewhat dim, making it hard for Chuwong to read him.

Chuwong didn’t encounter many people who left him feeling this way.

Peng Woojin from the Peng clan and the Sword Dragon from Mount Hua were like this as well.

He wasn’t sure about the Water Dragon as he never met him…

And the Sword Phoenix… Chuwong didn’t want to be reminded of her.

Chuwong remembered more martial artists from the older generations, rather than the current generation.

And judging by what position those martial artists from back then held in today’s world…

Chuwong had to rethink his opinion of Gu Yangcheon.

“It’s nothing much… but thanks to the performance Young Master Gu showed in today’s duel, the Beggar’s Sect is viewing Young Master Gu in a very very good way.”

“The Beggar’s Sect, of me?”

“Yes, of course! How could we not be interested in you!”

He did beat the Lightning Dragon like a dog after all.

Furthermore, the flame arts he showed at the beginning of the duel was not something Chuwong could even dare to replicate.

Chuwong decided to further stroke Gu Yangcheon’s ego.

“Perhaps you might even become the new Heavenly Dragon- “

As Chuwong was baiting Gu Yangcheon with compliments, Gu Yangcheon smirked suddenly.

That was definitely a smile of ridicule.

“Heavenly Dragon, huh?”

Because of the sudden chilling atmosphere, Chuwong’s back started to drench slightly in sweat.


Was it because it came out of nowhere?

‘If that’s not the case, maybe he’s thinking that I’m only seeing him as a mere Heavenly Dragon due to his arrogance.’

‘Understandable, reaching the Peak Realm at such a young age could give him such arrogance.’

After all, arrogance often came with confidence and spirit.

However, that wasn’t what came out of Gu Yangcheon’s mouth.

“Doesn’t that title already belong to Shaolin?”

A slow, cold voice that felt similar to the current season.

It wasn’t even an assumption.

But a certainty.

Chuwong was forced to put on a smile.

“Hahaha, what are you talking about! What do you mean by Shaolin all of sudden?”

Chuwong didn’t show his shock.

He had built lots of experience as a hobo, so he was good at concealing his inner thoughts.

But the turmoil of emotions within him felt as if an earthquake just occurred.

‘How? How did he know?’

Just like Gu Yangcheon said, the Heavenly Dragon of the next generation had already been decided.

Only the Murim Alliance, Shaolin, and a select few within the Beggar’s Sect should be privy to that information.

‘At least that’s how it should be, but then how does this boy know?’

‘He didn’t just say that it’s already decided, but he specifically mentioned Shaolin.’

‘How does he know and how much does he know?’

As Chuwong was staring at Gu Yangcheon, Gu Yangcheon continued to speak with a smirk.

“Never mind if I’m wrong, though.”

He didn’t really seem to care.

‘Why though?’

Chuwong fell deeper into his thoughts.

The title, Heavenly Dragon, was desired and dreamt of by every young prodigy in the Central Plains.

After all, the title was given to the best of the best.

And if the boy already knew that someone else was chosen for the title…

‘Then why doesn’t Gu Yangcheon feel any anger?’

“Then did you just come here to have a chit-chat?”

“No, it’s not that, but… “

Chuwong felt like he was losing his momentum in the conversation.

With each sentence the boy spoke, it felt like he was slowly taking control.

It was simple.

It was just the atmosphere.

He didn’t say a word and waited for his opponent to speak first.

He didn’t appear desperate either, as if he didn’t wish for anything.

And he wasn’t an easy person to talk to, perhaps due to his noble background.

‘…It feels as if I’m talking to an elder of a noble clan.’

That might have been an exaggeration. but that was truly how Chuwong felt.

Chuwong’s reason for visiting Gu Yangcheon was mainly to see what kind of person Gu Yangcheon was.

However, he also came to him just out of his own intuition.

For some reason, the Beggar’s Sect was focusing on the boy named Jang Seonyeon, the son of the Harmonic Sword.

They must have made a deal with the Murim Alliance.

‘Though I don’t know what it is.’

But Chuwong didn’t have any intention to refuse that order.

He had long resigned himself to living at the lowest point of life and had no grand ambitions of becoming a force for good in the world.

But the thought that came into his mind after seeing Gu Yangcheon was…

‘I could do a little side mission, couldn’t I?’

This was the good thing about his job.

That he could find the new star who could outshine everyone, faster than anyone.

And if the time was right, he could approach them just like he was doing right now.

Though it would become a problem if the sect found out.

‘I have to find a way to live too, you know… ‘

Chuwong knew that the sect wouldn’t give him anything, regardless of how many years had passed.

He even told them he was going to find his own way to make a living, but they also prevented him from doing that.

‘I’ll just find my own way to put food in my stomach. I’m gonna die of starvation at this rate.’

Chuwong obviously didn’t show this thought outside.

And Gu Yangcheon, who was staring at Chuwong…

‘This guy… isn’t he the Hobo Boss?’

He already knew who he was.


The Fighting Dog, Chuwong.

He was also called the Beggar King.

When the world started to be plagued by demonic humans…

It was obviously disastrous for hobos as well.

As calamity didn’t spare even the hobos.

The Beggar’s Sect lived off of collecting information, but they were relatively weak when it came to martial power.

And it wasn’t like they had any kind of unity either.

As such, all they did was wait for their deaths.

They begged for help, but the Orthodox Faction didn’t heed their call.

They were useless.

And the Orthodox Faction was already having a hard time saving their own skin.

They couldn’t afford to help the lives of hobos as well.

But the Beggar King was a miraculous figure for all hobos.

He brought together the scattered and hopeless hobos, who were teetering on the edge of death.

And he also played a crucial role in stopping the Heavenly Demon during the demonic human onslaught, with Wi Seol-Ah as the leader.

He had a good survival instinct.

It was more accurate to call it that, rather than a sense.

‘And such a man is in this current state at this point in time.’

The man who had run around just so that he could save one more hobo in my past life, looked just like any ordinary hobo right now.

‘…Although he was a hobo in the future too.’

He was simply a talented hobo.

I had to think about my next steps as I watched Chuwong speak with a smile on his face.

‘I didn’t expect him to approach me so soon.’

I did expect that people would approach me after I beat the living hell out of Namgung Cheonjun, whether they were from the Alliance or the Beggar’s Sect.

I just didn’t expect it to be this fast.

‘Is he acting on his own?’

It certainly appeared that way, at least in my eyes.

I didn’t know what his intention was, but it seemed like he was interested in establishing a relationship with me.

‘Not bad.’

The Beggar’s Sect was an organization officially recognized by the Murim Alliance themselves.

Even if the Murim Alliance was rotting inside, they still held significant prestige in the eyes of the world, so I could take advantage of this.

‘Especially if we are talking about the Fighting Dog especially,’

That man, if I remembered correctly, was the student of one of the Great Beggars.

Back when he unified all hobos, he said himself that he was officially given the seat of a Great Beggar, so I should correct myself.

And the staff that Chuwong wielded back then was the treasure of the Beggar’s Sect that the Great Beggars used.

Which meant that it was beneficial for me to make a good relationship with this man.

It also seemed like he wanted something from me anyway.


“You said your name was Master Chuwong, correct?”

“No no… Young Master Gu shouldn’t call me a Master. I’m just a beggar who lives on the street…”

“We could have a more detailed conversation after the whole tournament comes to an end. I think it’s a bit early to have it now.”

“Ahh…! Oh no, it seems like I came here in too much of a hurry…! Time is the only thing I have, so I, Chuwong, is already grateful that Young Master Gu didn’t reject me.”

He looked like he could offer me a kidney, which made me rather uncomfortable.

He wasn’t like this in my past life.

– …Even if I die, my spirit will not!

I clearly remembered his appearance as he bit off a demonic human’s ear.

He seemed rather cool,


But I became speechless after seeing his dumb smiling face.

‘…Anyway, instead of now, I should talk with him after the tournament ends if I decide to do so.’

I didn’t have a special reason as to why.

It was simply because my name after the tournament would hold much bigger value than my current status.

As such, talking with him now felt like it would be a waste in the future.

“I’m honored that I was able to talk with you like this…!”


Chuwong looked thankful on the surface, but there was likely a hint of disappointment within him.

Not only did we talk about basically nothing…

But he also probably had the same thought as me.

He most likely knew that my name would hold a different value after the tournament.

Moreover, that wasn’t the most favorable situation for the Beggar’s Sect.

“We will meet again next time for sure.”

I waved my hand after those words.

When Chuwong saw my hand, he stopped his smile and froze.

‘What’s up with him?’

I knew that he was only putting on an act, but I didn’t expect him to break his mask that suddenly.

Of course, it was only for an instant, before Chuwong immediately went back to his smiling facade.

Then he grabbed my hand.

“After the tournament ends, I’ll make sure to visit you again!”

After our farewell, Chuwong walked away but he lowered his head and repeatedly gave me a farewell with each step.

How long was he planning to do that…?

I couldn’t believe the Beggar King was like that in his younger days. His cool image shattered in my head.

After sending Chuwong away, I went back inside my barrack.

It wasn’t too long of a conversation, so it didn’t take much time for me to return.


When I entered the barrack, I saw Namgung Bi-ah sleeping with her head resting on Wi Seol-Ah’s knees.

I then hurriedly ran toward Namgung Bi-ah and woke her up.


“You, how can you be sleeping!? You said you had a duel!”

Although my conversation with Chuwong had been brief, enough time had passed that Namgung Bi-ah’s duel should have already started.

Fucking hell, what kind of crazy person was late to a duel because they fell asleep?


“Quit talking in your sleep, wake up alrea- “

“…I already finished and came back…”

I stopped after hearing Namgung Bi-ah mumble.


I asked again, thinking I had misheard her.

“The duel… I finished… It’s fine…”

But her answer didn’t change.

She came back after finishing it already? In that short amount of time…?

But then, what about Gu Jeolyub…?

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