Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 177: Pieces (3)

Chapter 177: Pieces (3)

Pieces (3)

The Iron Fist Yeon Il-Cheon lived in an era when the Gate of Demons had first appeared. 

He was a pivotal figure, one who had averted many disasters becoming the zenith of his era. 

Furthermore, he was one of the Five Heroes who had confronted the Blood Demons Blood Disaster, playing a crucial role in its resolution. 

And that very same Yeon Il-Cheon

Also went through a regression like me?

My eyes that had widened at Elder Shins words, refused to shrink back. 

What else could he have meant when he said that he had traveled through time?

Is that why

All of sudden, I seemed to understand why Elder Shin was so easily able to accept the fact that I had gone through a regression. 

He was someone who had experienced something similar to this.

Perhaps, having encountered someone that had gone through a similar situation, Elder Shin found mine less surprising.

Elder Shins reaction was a lot more understandable now.

Huh, so there was someone besides me who had gone through a regression?

I didnt think that there were any regressors in this era besides me, but if I were to believe Elder Shin, and Yeon Il-Cheon really had regressed, then

How do you know about this?

-What do you mean how? I know about it because he said it himself.

Elder Shins matter-of-fact response left me momentarily stunned.

He told you himself?

-Hmm, yes. Thats what Il-Cheon said to us. Right before the last fight against the Blood Demon. 

He had told them that he had regressed and that this was his second life. 

And you just believed him?

-Well, it wasnt easy to believe, but it wasnt impossible either. 

Why wasnt it impossible?

-Well, it was because he was at a level that was otherwise impossible to reach without some exceptional opportunity, and after hearing his reason, it felt like the pieces of the puzzle finally fit. 

Overwhelming talent that crushed everything around him.

The nigh-impossible feat of stopping the disaster all by himself.

And his unhesitating actions, as if he had already predicted everything.

The Shincheol of the past finally understood how Yeon Il-Cheon was able to achieve such things, it would all make sense if his words were true. 

I couldnt help but gulp involuntarily the revelation had left me flabbergasted.

Elder Shin spoke, warning me.

-Do not reveal anything about this to that old sucker.

Well, I never had any intention to tell him in the first place, still, it seemed strange that Elder Shin was saying it himself.


Still I listened to his warning without protest.

Because, my mind right now was filled with the fact that someone other than me had regressed as well. 

Did the Iron Fist really go through a regression?

But how?

How had he gone through it?

The reason that I had regressed, something that I didnt know of, I thought that maybe he might have known.

[Are you two done talking?]

While I was busy sorting numerous thoughts, Cheolyoung spoke.

It seemed he knew that I had been talking to Elder Shin.

[You are still as sharp as ever.]

[Ive always said this, but you are the one whos dull, Shincheol.]

Hearing Cheolyoung, Elder Shin made a fake cough.

Hoh, so he pretended to have a sharp sense.

It seemed like this old manwho always yelled at me for being densewas quite dense himself.


[Im listening.]

[Are the others in the same state as you?]

Silence hung in the air as Cheolyoung, seemed to ponder this question.

Just as I thought that this was another question that he couldnt answer

[I can fortunately answer this question.]

Cheolyoung continued with his fish mouth.

[It seems like you want to look for Il-Cheon.]

[Yes, that sucker might be able to give me an answer.]

[Shincheol, I understand your feelings, but you wont be able to do that.]

Cheolyoung said firmly. 

[Because Il-Cheon doesnt exist anymore.]



[Fucking bastard, why the hell did you even respond if you cant even give me a reason.]

[Fate. We just couldnt win against fate, Shincheol.]

[So? You yourself said that the Blood Demon is dreaming of resurrection, yet youre trying to run away from it?]

[I had hoped that it wouldnt happen, I said it earlier, you were our last hope.]

Elder Shin seemed to wonder why he kept saying that he was their hope.

The reason he was left in this land and what his empty memories meant.

The reason he made me go to Shaoli was probably because of his search for an answer. 

I knew that as well, which was why I had come here.

[You all. No, all of us. I dont know what we had dreamt of for the situation to turn out this way.]

Elder Shins voice was calm unlike before.

[Even if things hadnt turned out the way we had hoped, I never thought of you as someone that would be crushed and dissuaded so easily.]


Cheolyoung had said that he had endured hundreds of years all by himself. 

Hundreds of years of solitude inside a treasure. 

He certainly had a different life compared to Elder Shin who had just woken up after being sealed inside the treasure. 

If I were him, could I have endured all those years?

Most probably I wouldve gone insane due to time and lived like an actual fish. 

[Hah, well if you see me as pathetic because Im exhausted, then so be i-]

[What? Why would I see you that way?]

Cheolyoung became stunned at Elder Shins words.

He couldnt seem to understand what Elder Shin meant.

Elder Shin continued while looking at him.

[I may have hated you and looked down on you my whole life, but I never saw you as pathetic.]

[You piece of shi-]

[So, if you let go of hope, then I simply have to pick it up again.]

Elder Shins words were light yet resolute.

[Thats the promise we made after all.]


[If you and I were in opposite positions, would it have been any different?]

Cheolyoung still remained silent, even after hearing Elder Shins words. 

However, this silence of his seemed to have held a response within.

[If you want to rest because youre exhausted, then Ill let you rest.]

[Haaah. It seems like you still havent let go of that rotten personality of yours.]

[Huh? What do you mean by still? Im the same as the me of yesterday.]

It felt strange.

The aura of a Taoist that I could never sense from the usual him was felt from Elder Shin currently. 

[You may rest if you want to. And if you had been waiting for me]

Elder Shin spoke with an ever-calm voice. 

[Im sorry. It seems like I was quite late.]

The person who possessed no memories of it, gave an apology to his friend.

Even though Elder Shin definitely didnt know what he had to apologize for.

Yet, he apologized anyway.

How could someone be like that?

Even though I hadnt lived a short life, I couldnt understand something like this.

Is this the difference in our mindsets?

Was that how the mind of a hero that had saved the world worked like?

It felt likefor the first time in a while the heroic side of his was showing, even if only a tiny bit.

[So give me some information already, you old sucker.]

I take back everything I had just said. 



[Are you thinking of stopping the Blood Demon?]

[Why are you asking an obvious question?]

He responded as if it was extremely obvious. 

[Thats what we had tried to do back then, and if the me of that day had failed to do so, then the current me has to finish it.]

I really dont understand how hes able to say those words in such an easygoing tone. 

[I told you we are out of options. You were our last hope]

[Im sorry, Cheolyoung,]


Inside the space devoid of the flow of time, I was able to smell a light scent of plum blossoms. 

The Taoist Qi inside my body was supposed to have calmed down along with Elder Shins emotions.

So, where was this scent coming from?

[If you have lost hope, then you simply have to find it and get it back.]


[Thats how we lived our whole lives. You may have gone through hundreds of years more, but Im still the same as back then.]


The white fishs long whiskers came out of the lake and pointed towards me.

[Is it really possible? Is this child your hope?]


I instantly said no to him because of how nonsensical it was.

Hope, my ass. 

I expressed my desire to not want to be a part of this whole fiasco.

I was already busy as it was, so there was no way I would let him give me any more things to do. 

However, opposite to my response, Elder Shin spoke with a tone that made him sound like there was a smile on his face.

[Something like that.]

What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean its something like that?

[Oh dont back out now.]

What do you mean back out? I didnt even do anything yet!

[Well, you were already planning to do something similar, so might as well get this done in the way you know.]

Why are you acting like this is like buying some groceries on the way to do errands?

I didnt even know if the Blood Demon would ever resurrect or not, so involving myself in this didnt really sound too appealing. 

I already had my hands full thinking about how to deal with bastards like the Heavenly Demon or Dok Gojun. 

So if the Blood Demon joined the party, then my mind might just explode. 

[You little? Im the one that changed you from a useless idiot into a somewhat capable idiot.]

What the hell are you talking about? I raised myself without any help.

Well I dont know if I had raised myself well, but this much wasnt too bad in my opinion. 

Because lets be honest, the only thing Elder Shin ever did was just cursing or shouting at me whenever he got the chance. 

[You used me whenever you needed me! How dare you not return the favor!]

Why are you acting like this after finally waking up from your nap

Ugh, I wouldve let him stay asleep if I knew that he was going to be like this. 

Well, I was glad for a bit after seeing him come back, but the only thing that came after was regret.

At my reaction, Elder Shin chuckled quietly. 

[Ha. Im joking.]

It really didnt seem that way, definitely not

As we were busy arguing with each other, Cheolyoung spoke.

[I had missed that side of you.]

They were words meant for himself, rather than someone else.

Elder Shin didnt bother asking him what his words meant.

After all, it seemed like he already knew their meaning.



[No matter what I say to you, you wont give up.]

[You know it well. Can you even come up with something that could convince me in the first place?]


Cheolyoung couldnt say anything to Elder Shin.

[Im just doing what I must, Cheolyoung.]

[Do you think that we are the only ones that ought to do this?]

[Hearing such words coming from you when I thought that you were the most complete one out of all of us. It really doesnt fit you.]

Then all of sudden, I felt someones hand touching my shoulder. 

I immediately swatted it off my shoulders with my hand. It was a rather uncomfortable sensation even if it had been just my mistake. 

[If I have made up my mind that thats what I must do, then whos to disagree?]



A splashing sound could be heard along with the fish swimming, but the world still remained frozen. 

Cheolyoung, who had remained silent, spoke, breaking the silence. 

[The Blood Demon separated his soul and body and scattered it onto this land.] 

[What do you mean scatter, didnt you say that he was sealed away?]

[I said that that was the best thing we were able to come up with. Thats the last resort that Il-Cheon chose.]

Separated and scattered?

I get cutting body parts, but how could one cut off their soul?

[Body in the Abyss, soul in the east, and his consciousness was cut into several pieces and were sealed in different locations. And lastly the Blood Demons five senses were sealed in the ocean.]

I could not understand his words. The soul and body being separated, the consciousness and the five senses being cut off, I couldnt understand anything.

However, that wasnt the important part.

It seemed like Elder Shin had similar thoughts, because he inquired.

[If something like that was possible, then how could you be so certain that the Blood Demon will break through the seal?]

It was hard to say that this seemed like a seal.

Just by the sound of it, it seemed a fate worse than death itself. 

Cheolyoung went silent at the question. 

It meant that he couldnt answer.

[Fine, then could you at least tell me where I should start?]

As Elder Shin was about to ask something different, the fishs long whiskers quickly passed by me. 


Was it my mistake?

Before I could even wonder about the strange sensation, Cheolyoung spoke.

[Find Myung.]

[Huh? Youre saying Myung is still alive?]

The name Myung,

It was a name that I had heard a few times from Elder Shin.

The Thunderous Sword, Namgung Myung. 

Elder Shin had compared Namgung Jin and the Thunderous Swords movement in their duel. 

He had described him as an annoying person, but someone that was brimming with talent.

And youre telling me that esteemed person was somewhere in this world in an appearance similar to that fish?

Mount Huas treasure had been a rock, and Shaolins had been a fish.

I wonder what the Namgung Clans treasure was.

Whatever it was, I wasnt that curious.

[So I should start by looking for Myung then?]

[Thats the best answer I could have given you at this moment.]

[Well, it wasnt an answer I was hoping for, but alright. Im glad that we at least arent completely out of options Then Cheolyoung, where is Myung right now?]

At Elder Shins words, Cheolyoung spoke while moving his tail. 

[I dont know.]



What was that?

[You dont know?]

[How would I? I have lived in this lake for hundreds of years.]

[Then what information do you even have, you bastard!]

[Good grief I already said that I cant tell you even if I knew the answer, why dont you get it?]

[Brat, go capture him and cook him now.]

What do you mean cook him? How could I just cook another clans treasure?

[Why cant you! When my clans treasure gets tossed around just fine as a prize for a drinking bet.]

Well it was Mount Hua, so it made sense

[You brat! What did you say?]

While Elder Shin raged, unable to hold in his anger, Cheolyoung for some reason stared at me calmly. 

I thought that he was most probably looking at Elder Shin who was inside of me,


[Dont call me calmly as if nothing happened, you bald headed bastard.]

Elder Shin responded angrily, but he turned silent at Cheolyoungs response.

[It was nice seeing you.]

It wasnt my mistake.

His scales had definitely lost their color compared to when I first saw him. 

And Elder Shin, who seemed to have noticed that, lost the loudness in his roaring voice.

[Are you leaving?]

Cheolyoungs voice sounded rather exhausted. 

And thinking about how he said he was thinking of letting it go, it seemed like Cheolyoung was thinking of leav- 

[What do you mean Im leaving?]


Elder Shin let out a confused sound, at the unexpected response.

[Werent you thinking of leaving?]

[To where?]


[What do you mean by Heaven? Im already dead. What kind of nonsense are you even spouting?]

[Well thats the mood you were setting up!]


Cheolyoung laughed out loud with his fish mouth. 

[Well, I wanted to, but I cant. It seems that the shackle on me isnt something so light that I could carry with me.]


[However, it does seem like I can rest for a bit.]


I was startled by the rough sounds.

When I looked around, I noticed that cracks were starting to form throughout the surrounding space. 

Was this strange space finally breaking apart?


I moved my eyes onto Cheolyoung as he suddenly called me.

His colorful scales that used to look beautiful and elegant, were now closer to a dull grey.

Is it fine for him to look like that?

I dont think it could be called the White Fish of Purity anymore.

[I may not know how to read Heavens energy, but I did get better at reading the world thanks to all this time spent alone.]


Even more cracks formed as Cheolyoung continued. The area looked like it could break any moment.

Right as the space was about to break apart

[Shincheol may want some things from you, but dont worry about it too much.]

That was what he told me right before the end.

How could I not be concerned? 

[In the end, all of this started through us, so its not something you need to handle.]

As Cheolyoung was in the middle of his words, I interrupted him,

Could I ask you a question?

[Ask away.]

You said that you knew the Blood Demon, right?

Maybe because he didnt expect my question to be about the Blood Demon, Cheolyoung had a rather surprised reaction.

[Yes, I know it. I know it very well.]

Then do you know the its name? The name of the Blood Demon?

He seemed to be wondering why I was asking such a question,

I cleaned up my mind that used to be filled with a bunch of other thoughts as I listened to Cheolyoung. 

My premonition about something bad happening, was never wrong, not even once in my life. 

If this could be considered a talent, then I would be an extreme genius at it. 

But even so, I desperately prayed that my premonition was wrong this time.

The question that I had held in for so long, I was finally able to ask it at the last moment. 

I had originally planned to ask Elder Shin if he knew about the name of the Blood Demon.

The questions wording had changed slightly, but it was asking for the same answer.

[Why do you ask that? Is it not written in the historical records?]

It was as Cheolyoung said.

The historical records did not have the name of the Blood Demon written anywhere. 

It only wrote how great of an achievement that the Five Heroes had achieved, and the peace the world received thanks to them. 

And I had never once thought how strange it was until now.

Is this also something that you cannot answer?

[What a fascinating child you are. Not only are you brimming with talent, but you have also absorbed Shincheol. Furthermore, you werent even surprised at seeing me.]

I had already experienced far stranger things, so something like this wasnt even surprising to me.

I had even gone through a regression, so this much was nothing.

[HmmmThe Blood Demons name Yes, I do know that.]


As the sky kept cracking, Cheolyoung answered me with clear pronunciation. 

[Dok Gojun.]

I clenched my fist at his words while unconsciously grinding my teeth.

As expected, my premonition for something bad was way too accurate.

Look no further from right now.

[Yes, the Blood Demon Dok Gojun. That was definitely its name.]

I was right once again.


For fucks sake.

How truly talented I was.

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