Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 200: Marble of Celestial Captivation (3)

Chapter 200: Marble of Celestial Captivation (3)

Marble of Celestial Captivation (3)

Three days had passed since Gu Yangcheons imprisonment, and it had been two days since the Second Elders visit.

Gu Yangcheon had entered the prison of his own accord, without even needing any coercion from the guards, leaving the Second elder feeling quite perplexed.

The butlers lack of intervention only further deepened his suspicions.

The Second Elder felt frustrated. 

Its not as if the child would act without good reason.

While it might have been different in the past, he didnt believe that the current Gu Yangcheon would act recklessly. 

Hmm They did say that they felt something strange about the mansion

Despite being unable to investigate personally due to his current condition, he had received information about an unusual energy surrounding Gu Sunmoons mansion.

Something definitely seemed to be amiss, given that he was informed about it, even though he had been incapacitated until recently. 

Gu Yangcheon must have known about this matter.

The Second Elder sincerely hoped this was the case, not wanting to further question the childs methods. 

That brat claimed to have good reasons for his actions, so

He definitely took action based on prior knowledge

Furthermore, through the examination of the First Elders corpse, they discovered that the First Elder, despite being a martial artist at the Fusion Realm, had only a few years left to live. 

He recalled his few encounters with the First Elder, astonished by his skill in maintaining secrecy.


The Second Elder grunted as he tended to his beard with one hand, the other being wrapped in bandages.


He addressed the two older men before him, his tone apathetic. 

What purpose does this meeting serve?

The elders averted their eyes at his question.

They were familiar faces from decades past, though their relations were anything but amicable. 

If my memory serves me right, it has hardly been a month since our last gathering. 

The only two remaining Elders of the Gu Clan, aside from him; the Third and Fourth among the elders, were sitting in front of him.

They werent individuals of much importance, as their roles had long since diminished.

It was to the point that they deemed it unnecessary to appear, unless summoned by the Lord.


A forced cough from the Third Elder preceded the Fourth Elders words. 

First, Id like to express our delight in you having regained consciousness, Second Elder.

Much obliged. 

Let us proceed then. We have convened to discuss the Young Masters transgression.

Transgression, is it 

The Second Elders brow furrowed. 

What is your concern?

The First Elder is dead. That, is our concern, Second Elder.

The Second Elder suppressed a laugh. 

Since when have you shown any concern for him.

Indeed, it is a heavy concern for us.

Then should we not discuss how to address this situation?

Discuss, huh? Very well, let us discuss. 


The Second Elder pinched his chin in contemplation.

His gaze appeared focused.

But his indomitable physique, present despite the strain from his lingering injuries, suggested otherwise.

However, can I inquire about something first.

You may.

Is this really the proper time for such discourse? 

His words made the other elders flinch. 

However, it was not their guilt that troubled them, but rather the palpable fury emanating out of the Second Elder.

An Elder has returned gravely wounded, the clans eldest daughter has been abducted, and yet you wish to discuss this paltry affair?


Furthermore, the lord is not even present currently Oh, were you perchance waiting for this moment?

Second Elder!

The Second Elder chuckled with unbridled amusement at the Third Elders exclamation. 

Do not raise your voice. Do you really intend to do so, when even I am not doing so?

What are you even implying? Even if he is of direct descent, he assaulted an elder

Is that not what makes it remarkable?


The Third Elder was flabbergasted, thinking that he might have misheard.

The Second Elders comment was bold enough to elicit such a reaction.

However, the man himself carried on, as if it was none of his concern.

Even if his body was in the process of being destroyed, the First Elder was no pushover. Yet, Gu Yangcheon had bested him. A feat unprecedented at his age. 

The Second Elder had yet to know the extent of the First Elders injuries. 

Regardless, it was true that Gu Yangcheon had triumphed and killed the First Elder. 

A historic achievement, especially so for someone his age.

The elders however, interpreted this differently.

The Third Elder having been affronted, retorted. 

Your favoritism towards the Young Master is common knowledge, but your words just now

I know.

The Second Elder cut off the Third Elder, his voice filled with mockery.

That is why I question this assembly. You know my stance, so why even convene?


Were you attempting to coerce me? Or did you hope to silence the child through me?

Gu Ryoon! You dare! 

A chuckle escaped the Second Elder, soon turning into roaring laughter. 

He continued to laugh, finding this situation utterly hilarious.

Abruptly, he ceased his laughter, addressing the elders, after a long while. 

Are you afraid?


Or perhaps, youre nervous?

The Second Elder knew the actual reason for the meeting.

They had gathered out of fear. 

What? Are you fearful of that childs potential retaliation?

Mind your words, Second Elder. What are you trying to convey!?

Ha! If youre going to even try pretending, do it after youve wiped that look from your eyes.

Before becoming elders, they had been renowned martial artists. 

This applied to both the First Elder and himself as well. Thus seeing them in such a sorry state made the Second Elder feel nauseous.

Its as though Im witnessing the ruin of my comrades.

They were individuals who had fought alongside him in the past. 

The Second Elder struggled to find a more fitting word than corrupt to describe their current state.

He hesitated to use that word against them, but he wasnt able to come up with a better alternative.

I acknowledge that the Young Master possesses remarkable talent.

Its not just remarkable; Yangcheon is a prodigy gifted by the heavens.

Yes, I recognize his extraordinary abilities, but thats a separate matter.

A separate matter? Separate from what?

Should a young member of the clan misbehave, we must correct their behavior before its too late. Especially for him, since he is poised to become the Young Lord of the clan.

They appeared to be well aware that Gu Yangcheon would inevitably become the clans next Lord. 

Anticipating Gu Yangcheons growing strength, and the danger from their eventual conflict in interests, they provided this excuse as a preemptive measure to handle him.

Their aim being to prevent any future interference with their affairs.

The Second Elder found their actions pathetic.

Dont you dare disguise your shitty intentions with sophistry.


You mentioned before its too late. It was a clever choice of words, but Too late for what exactly? The return of the lord? Or his ascent to even further heights?

Second Elder Do you not realize the danger of seeing him in such a light?

Do I appear to be someone solely motivated by self-interest? If that were to be the case, I would have never even bothered to engage with the two of you.

How disgusting.

The Second Elder was repulsed by this sight of them, as if rust was corroding a once-sharp blade.

What a tragedy this is.

Having spent much of his time overseeing battlefield beyond the clans borders, he remained oblivious to its internal affairs.

The First Elder shouldnt have been his sole concern. 

A fact that the Second Elder now deeply regretted.

I care not for your machinations. However

His unhealed body struggled to fully contain the surging Qi within, but the Second Elder had priorities more pressing than pain. 

Qi emanated from his body, taking form.

Do not overstep your boundaries. If you do, it shall not be Yangcheon, but me who acts.

With that warning, the Second Elder departed from the chamber. 


The Second Elder continued his stride, while rubbing his aching chest.

Its still a bit difficult as of now.

Just as the Immortal Healer had warned, his recovery was a slow and painful process, making even simple tasks a struggle.


Beyond his exhausted body, his concern lay with the overwhelming thoughts filling his mind, gnawing at his conscience. 

He found himself helpless in the face of his broken body, unable to take any action.

Even though the child is in danger, I

Beyond his shameful defeat at the hands of the Black Palace Lord, the Second Elder was haunted by the guilt of failing to protect Gu Huibi. 

The Second Elder refrained from joining the Lord to offer support, despite his strong desire to do so; it was because he was well aware that his current condition would just be a burden.

His activities were currently limited to waiting for his body to heal completely and assisting Gu Yangcheon during this period.

The Second Elder had few options at his disposal.

Ah, Second Elder

He turned around at the sound of a voice, swiftly erasing his intense expression.

Oh, its my dear Ryunghwa

It was none other than the Lords youngest daughter, Gu Ryunghwa.

Are you feeling okay?

Of course! You know, this old man is always hale and hearty. Besides, are you eating well? You look far too thin.

He replied with a smile, but Gu Ryunghwas eyes welled with tears.

Her gaze fixated on the Second Elders injuries.

Ha! Why is this little girl on the verge of tears? Dont worry, this old man is truly fine.


She was a gentle soul, a stark contrast to the infamous Gu Clans tough exterior. 

Just like Gu Huibi, the clans children were known for their feisty exteriors, but they actually had soft hearts.

With this in mind, the Second Elder inquired further.

Ryunghwa, why are you here?


He inquired, as she was currently in Gu Yangcheons residence.

Umm Sisters invited me for a meal.


After hearing Gu Ryunghwas reply, the Second Elder ventured into Gu Yangcheons home.

He had his reasons for being there, after all.


Upon entering, the scene in Gu Yangcheons home puzzled him.

Though it should have been quiet, as its owner was absent, the atmosphere was bustling.

A girl immediately stood and greeted him with great respect. 

I greet the Flaming Fist.

Was she from the Tang Clan?

The girl had a cute appearance with dark green hair.

She definitely looks to be from the Tang Clans lineage.

But why is she here?

Surely, she should have her own lodging, right?

However, it appeared otherwise, judging by her familiarity with the place.

It was as if she had already spent a long time here.

Oh! Its Grandpa Gu!

The one who dashed towards him from a distance was Wi Seol-Ah.

Judging by her hat, it appeared she was in the midst of cooking.

Her eyes are still puffy.

Wi Seol-Ahs eyes remained red and swollen, like the last time he saw her. 

It was likely due to Gu Yangcheons imprisonment.

I hope hes unaware of this.

He wondered what expression the Sword Venerable would make, seeing his granddaughter in this state. 

Seeing his granddaughter crying, even the Second Elder would give that guy a piece of his mind, if he was in the Sword Venerables shoes. 

..OoofEven I cant stop that senior, so I wonder what might happen.

He could only hope that the Sword Venerable remained oblivious.

Where is your grandpa?

When he cautiously inquired about the Sword Venerable, Wi Seol-Ah pointed to a distant mountain.

He went to gather vegetables! He said spring brings delicious harvests!

Oh, I see.

The image of the Sword Venerable, renowned for his awe-inspiring swordsmanship capable of piercing the heavens, wielding a sickle and digging through the dirt, struck the Second Elder as rather peculiar.

Oh, Ill go fetch Sis.


The Second Elder wished to continue the conversation, but Wi Seol-Ah hurriedly entered Gu Yangcheons room, as if she had just remembered something.

-Sis! Wake uup! Grandpa Gu is here!


After Wi Seol-Ahs voice reverberated, there were noises of commotion within Gu Yangcheons room, followed by the emergence of someone.

A stunning lady with bluish-white hair.

The Second Elder recognized her immediately.

You are

I greet the Flaming Fist. I am Namgung Bi-ah of the Namgung Clan.

Namgung Bi-ah extended her salutation with articulate pronunciation.

For some reason, soft voices from the sidelines murmured, Why is Sis speaking like that?

Oh, right. You must be Yangcheons bride.


Namgung Bi-ah accepted the title without hesitation, even though it should have been embarrassing. 

The Second Elder had playfully mentioned it, but her reaction made him feel a bit awkward.

No, Sis, you arent. Not yet.

Wi Seol-Ah pouted and prodded Namgung Bi-ahs hip.

Right, were you perhaps sleeping?


It seemed like that though.

Although she stood upright, her disheveled hair and tired eyes revealed that she had indeed been resting.

Sis couldnt sleep well these past few days. Thats why she went into the Young Masters- Umphh

Wi Seol-Ah began to explain but was promptly silenced by Namgung Bi-ah.

What a unique child

The Second Elder marveled at her. He couldnt help but wonder if she was so exhausted that shed fallen asleep in Gu Yangcheons room.

He thought about scolding her, however, he decided not to mention it. 

It didnt appear to be ill-intentioned, and he wasnt in a position to address it, given his current condition.

Grandpa Gu.


Wi Seol-Ah approached the Second Elder and posed a careful question.

UmmWhen is when is the Young Master coming out?

Her cautious inquiry weighed on the Second Elders conscience.

Her question cast a momentary silence over everyone present, including Namgung Bi-ah and Tang Soyeol.

Yangcheon, that brat, he certainly has a way with the ladies.

Each of their feelings toward him were unmistakable.

It wasnt just the Sword Venerables granddaughter but also the daughters of the Namgung and Tang Clans.

The Second Elder was pleased that Gu Yangcheon had so many admirers, but he couldnt help but wonder what had endeared him to them.

Hell be out soon.


Of course.

This was the only response he could offer in his present condition.

Gu Yangcheon himself had stated that hed be released soon, and the Second Elder had faith in his word, for reasons unknown.

Im so happy

Wi Seol-Ah smiled, her relief palpable.


The Second Elder was struck by something remarkable.

Gone was her baby fat and chubby cheeks. Wi Seol-Ah had grown into a more beautiful and refined young woman than before.

Shes grown a bit taller, and her face has changed.

It looked like she was slowly transforming into a lady. The Second Elder wondered whether Gu Yangcheon had noticed this change.

But he suspected that Gu Yangcheon was likely oblivious, focusing on trivial matters instead.

If you havent eaten yet, would you like to join us?

Namgung Bi-ah kindly extended the invitation.

Gu Ryunghwa had mentioned she came here for a meal, and the Second Elder was appreciative of the offer. 

However, he had to decline.

Thank you for the offer, but I have some business to attend to, so I cannot join you for a meal.


Leaving the disappointed faces of the girls behind, Hongwa appeared as if she had been waiting, handing over a bundle of food wrapped in cloth to the Second Elder.

Thank you.

This was the meal he and Gu Yangcheon were supposed to share.

An elder shouldnt be running such errands, especially given his condition, but the Second Elder insisted on handling it himself.

Take care, everyone. Theres no need to see me off.

Spotting the girls following him outside to send him off, the Second Elder stopped them.

Now that I think about it, I didnt get to ask why they were gathered there in the first place.

He had too much on his mind, and the important question slipped his mind.

With that, the Second Elder ventured to the clans basement, checked in with the guards, and descended to where Gu Yangcheon was.

As he walked following the torches

He spotted Gu Yangcheon from far away wait, shouldnt he be unable to do that?


Gu Yangcheon, who should have been confined to a cage, was inexplicably outside it. 

He appeared somewhat bewildered and met the Second Elders gaze when he noticed him.


The Second Elder asked Gu Yangcheon as he made an expression of getting caught red handed.

What are you doing?

As he glanced repeatedly between the basket the Second Elder was holding and the Second Elder himself, Gu Yangcheon responded.

This isnt an escape attempt, so dont misunderstand.

He had an awkward expression on his face. 

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