Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 228: Going To Battle (4)

Chapter 228: Going To Battle (4)

Wi Seol-Ah left.

She didn't even leave a single message and left the Gu Clan along with the Sword Venerable.

…How come?

It was a very sudden farewell.

I expected that Wi Seol-Ah would leave the Gu Clan one day,

But I didn't expect her to leave this early.


The Immortal Healer as well.

When I heard that the Sword Venerable left with Wi Seol-Ah, I was faced with the news of the Immortal Healer leaving as well.

I asked Hongwa about this matter, but she told me that the Sword Venerable and Wi Seol-Ah disappeared in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep, without leaving a single message.

Because of that, she asked the clan if they really disappeared and the butler told her that the two left the clan.

This means that Father already knew about this.

The Sword Venerable and Wi Seol-Ah leaving.

Father already knew that this was going to happen.

…How come she didn't tell me?

I wondered.

Why didn't Wi Seol-Ah tell me anything about this?

Did she not know that she would leave?

Then, why didn't she even leave a letter?

What kind of a situation was she in for her to…

As my thoughts were sinking deeper…


I felt someone grabbing my hand.

It was Namgung Bi-ah who was walking with me.

“…Calm down…”

She looked up at me slightly with a worried gaze.

Considering how I used to look up to her before, it felt strange.

“What do you mean calm down, I'm fine.”

I said, pretending like nothing was wrong.

My mind was being torn apart as if there was an earthquake inside, but I couldn't afford to let it show.

Of course, even if I did try to hide it, Namgung Bi-ah would probably notice.

“Did you see?”


“Her leaving.”

Namgung Bi-ah shook her head after hearing my question.

She didn't see it either.

“…I see.”

I wondered why she left so suddenly.

Just why.

But it was strange that she stayed in the clan for that long to begin with.

Despite the thoughts that stung me, that was the reality.

Wi Seol-Ah spending that much time with me didn't really seem right to begin with.

When I met Wi Seol-Ah for the second time in my past life,

It was around the time I was dragged away by the Fifth Army to the battlefront because I caused a big trouble.

The Wi Seol-Ah I knew at that time was a lot different from the current Wi Seol-Ah.

That meeting only lasted for a short time too.

When we met properly, it was when Wi Seol-Ah was being talked about a lot since it was revealed that she was the official successor of the Sword Venerable.

Which is why Wi Seol-Ah being with me was strange to begin with.

Through coincidences after coincidences, a few things changed because of my regression.

And after getting twisted and twisted, to think it would end up like this.

Despite knowing all of that, my mind became empty after hearing that Wi Seol-Ah disappeared.

Did I think that I could be with her forever just because we were together for some time?

What a shameful desire I had.

I forgot my place.

-Young Master!

After hearing a voice, I immediately turned around without a second thought.

Even though I knew that Wi Seol-Ah wouldn't be there when I turned around.

Am I going crazy?

Is Wi Seol-Ah leaving the clan really something that could mess up my mind this much?

Or if that wasn't it, is it because I realized that Wi Seol-Ah mattered to me more than I thought?

Even I thought that I was way too shaken up by this.


A few days passed.

After finishing my closed-door training and taking care of some things that had piled up, I trained repeatedly.

I filled up the training area with flames and erased them repeatedly.

Mere training didn't tire out my stabilized Qi that I had achieved in my closed-door training, so I was able to use it endlessly.

Drawing a line with the end of my hand, I burned away my emotions with flames.

Elder Shin, who I could ask for some advice, was not here right now.

He would be asleep for a while.

That's what the conversation I had with the beast was.

I gained many things in my closed-door training, but it was also a time that made me question more things.

I had to search endlessly for the reason for that bastard being inside my body.

Was I able to find the answer in the end?

I was not able to.

I might not have been able to find the answer, but I had a brief understanding of it.

If I had to compare, it was an understanding small like a fingernail.

However, even that much was too much.

…It was actually rather overwhelming.

If I had shown a little more greed during my conversation with that bastard, I might have been devoured.

In hindsight, that would have definitely happened.

[…Grrr… Crk…]

Just look at it now.

I could feel the bastard regaining its appetite as if it was not satisfied.

…It would have been better if I didn't know about it.

If I didn't know about the danger of this bastard, I would feel more comfortable instead.

Because that would mean that there would be one less thing for me to worry about.


While hearing an unsatisfied mumbling voice, I clenched my teeth.

Shut up, you'll be eating well in a bit without you having to press me.


The bastard might be growling, but it probably understood me.


My flame was still complemented with the Taoist energy for it to show the same pinkish red color.

The Taoist energy was able to stabilize the flow of the reckless energy of the Gu Clan and it played the role of suppressing the recoil of a rough martial art style.


I clenched my fist controlling my Qi.

The Qi that started its flow from my dantian filled up my middle dantian, which made the flame that I summoned denser and larger.

While staring at my flame, I started flowing another type of energy that hid inside my body.


My body bulked up for an instant as I gained huge power and the heat I was charging exploded to fill up my surroundings.

Along with that…


The pinkish red color of my flame gradually turned into a blue color.


I mixed Blood Qi within my flames.

When I stared at the blue flame that burned passionately in front of my eyes, the bastard complained in my mind.

[…This… I don't… like it…]

The bastard had a dislike for Blood Qi.

To be more precise, the bastard wanted to devour it, but it felt like it didn't like the energy inside my body.

Stop complaining and stay still.

I didn't care for the bastard's opinion.

After swinging my blue flames in the air a few times while controlling it…


I turned off the flame.


It still felt difficult for me to use it for a long time.

“If I tried to endure it, I think I could for a few minutes.”

I would probably endure it for that long if I tried my hardest.

But that was only possible if I didn't think about the recoil I would face after.

Drip… Drip.

Even though I never sweated once during my physical training, I started to sweat now, just because I did this for a little.

As expected, it doesn't have to do with how much Qi I possess.

No matter how much Qi I possessed in my body or how skilled I was in controlling it, it felt like none of that mattered when it came to using Blood Qi.

“I'll have to not use it unless I really have to.”

Unless I was in a really dangerous situation, it was wise for me to not use Blood Qi.

Because I also had to find out why the Blood Fiend put this inside my body.

As I was catching my breath after finishing my training briefly, I felt a presence coming this way.

“Good work.”

“…Ah, thank… “

I naturally reached out my hand, but paused midway.

It was because the person handing me water after my training had changed and that felt awkward.

“Young Master…?”

“It's nothing. Thanks.”

Hongwa stared at me strangely because of it.

I avoided eye contact and drank the water.

After quenching my thirst, I asked Hongwa with a kind tone.

“Nothing came, right?”

“Yes, nothing came. I believe this is the fourth time you have asked this just today.”

“And you responded all four times?”


“Did I do that? Sorry.”

I scratched my cheek with an awkward smile.

There wasn't anything that was planned to come, so it was understandable for her to get annoyed by me constantly asking her.

“You are asking because of Seol-Ah, right…?”

“Not necessarily.”


Hongwa was still staring at me with a strange look, but I ignored it and walked past Hongwa.

It was because I had to wash myself as I was drenched in sweat.

While walking past her, I spoke to Hongwa.

“Could you prepare a meal?”

“…I will do so.”

“Alright, thanks.”

After I left the training area, Hongwa, who was left alone for a moment, let out a deep sigh.

“…Where did you go, Seol-Ah.”

It was extremely shocking for Hongwa since a girl that she treated like a little sister had suddenly disappeared, but the person who was most affected by this was probably the Young Master.

Even now, he walked away with those dull eyes.

It wasn't a very good look for a blood relative of a noble clan to act that way just because of one servant disappearing, but considering Wi Seol-Ah and Gu Yangcheon's relationship, Hongwa was able to understand a bit.

Not only did Gu Yangcheon especially care for Wi Seol-Ah, but everyone in the clan also knew that he treated Wi Seol-Ah differently from the others.

After worrying for a little, Hongwa shook her head to shake off her thoughts.

Wi Seol-Ah, who was loved by everyone, leaving also hurt her as well, but she knew that she couldn't afford to let this thought affect her job.

Hongwa followed Gu Yangcheon with fast steps.


After finishing the meal, I walked through the forest path of the Gu Clan.

Namgung Bi-ah was obviously in front of me.

Recently, Namgung Bi-ah started appearing when it was mealtime even during her training.

I believe Tang Soyeol went to Sichuan.

I already knew that that was going to happen, so I wasn't too surprised by it.

Tang Soyeol had told me that she had to go to Sichuan for a bit after all.

She had told me that she would return before my closed-door training ended, but it was obvious that that wasn't going to happen.

There was that much distance between Sichuan and Shanxi, so there was no way she would be finished with her business in just two months.

“Now that I think about it,”


“What are you going to do?”

While walking through the path, I asked Namgung Bi-ah, who was quietly walking next to me.

I had to go to the battlefront because I was ordered by the clan.

I didn't really mind going, but Namgung Bi-ah was the problem. I couldn't afford to leave her alone in the clan after all.

“Do you want to go back to your clan too for a lil-“

“I'm going with you.”

She responded firmly, which was something I didn't expect.

“…To that place?”


“Why would you also go there?”

I wasn't going there for just a little, nor was it a short amount of time.

So Namgung Bi-ah didn't have to bother going there with me.

After all, she would go to the battlefront someday anyway.

It was a place that every blood relative of a noble clan went to at least once in their lives.

So, she didn't have to follow me to the battl-

“…You are going…”


I became dumbfounded after hearing Namgung Bi-ah say that like it was nothing.

Her response was so simple and short, but the weight of those words was much heavier than I expected.

“I'm not… going anywhere…”

“What do you…”

“…So… you don't need to worry.”

After hearing her speak with her head tilted, it almost felt like I got hit in the head.


Namgung Bi-ah spoke as if I was worrying about something.

But I couldn't ask her what I was worried about because I knew on the inside.

I was concerned about the possibility of Namgung Bi-ah leaving.

It was me being possessive without being able to act my age.

Did Namgung Bi-ah notice that?


As I was chewing down my shame that came all the way up to my throat, Namgung Bi-ah added on.

“…Seol-Ah… will… come back soon.”

“…How do you know that?”

“I know… but why don't you?”


“How do you not know… when I do?”

She will obviously come back.

But how come you don't know that?

Namgung Bi-ah reprimanded me somewhat with a voice mixed with confusion.

Furthermore, it even felt like she was telling me to wake up from my pointless concerns.

Then she walked forward with a light step.

“If she doesn't come, then we could go look for her.”


“…That's… what I did.”

She did that, to see me.

That's what Namgung Bi-ah whispered to me.

She may have said those words plainly, but it felt like they were filling up my insides that felt empty.

That's true, it's as simple as me looking for her instead.

It was that simple.

All I had to do was go look for her if I wanted to see her.

But I struggled for that long as if it was that difficult, which was really something I couldn't understand.

Is it really that hard to find her just because I didn't know where she disappeared off to?

It's more that I didn't try to look for her.

I for some reason thought that I had to do that.

I for some reason thought that I wasn't allowed to look for Wi Seol-Ah when she left.

That was what I thought to myself this whole time while backing off a step.

I could've really used Elder Shin's advice in times like these, but the old man was asleep right now out of all times.

After hearing Namgung Bi-ah, I couldn't help but let out a few chuckles.

“That's true, all I have to do is look for her.”


This was what happened when a person was stupid but also had lots of thoughts.

After all, they forget how there is a simple path right in front of them.

Because I felt grateful for her words, I reached my hand towards Namgung Bi-ah's head to pat it subconsciously,

“…I'm really sorry to interrupt right now,”

But someone's voice interrupted us randomly.

When I checked to see who it was, it was surprisingly Moyong Hi-ah.

Why was she here…? It seemed like I had a lot of thoughts in my mind because I wasn't able to feel Moyong Hi-ah's presence despite her coming this close.

But it seemed like I wasn't the only one that was startled.

Namgung Bi-ah seemed surprised as well, because she was glaring at Moyong Hi-ah with sharpened eyes.

“Please don't stare at me that way, Sword Dancer. I thought hard about when I should interrupt you two.”


After hearing Moyong Hi-ah, Namgung Bi-ah turned her head around after letting out a 'Hmph' which was rare to hear from her.

…Why do they have such bad relationships?

For some reason, Namgung Bi-ah, who was friendly towards Tang Soyeol and Wi Seol-Ah, was growling at Moyong Hi-ah.

I walked a little closer to Namgung Bi-ah to shorten the distance and asked Moyong Hi-ah.

“What brings you here?”

If she was here for my heat, I had given her some after meeting with her a few days ago.

I heard that she couldn't handle too much, so we planned to see each other once a week if I recall.

“Oh, it's nothing special… but if the Young Master goes to the battlefront, it becomes a problem due to our contract.”


That would be the case.

The Moyong Clan said that they would take care of this matter themselves, so I didn't bother concerning myself with this matter.

Was that the problem?

“So we decided to go with you.”


“The battlefront. It seems like I'll have to go with you.”

Moyong Hi-ah gave me that response with an alluring smile on her face.




And as soon as I heard Moyong Hi-ah's response, cold sweat started to flow down my face due to the Lightning Qi I felt from behind /genesisforsaken

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