Childhood Friend of the Zenith

Chapter 231: Battlefront (1)

Chapter 231: Battlefront (1)

Dead trees were all that filled the land that had gone to rot.

The sky was clear without a single cloud, but…

The Qi of the surroundings, along with that sky, felt dark and heavy.

...Damn it.

The Young Lord of the Bi Yi Sect, as well as one of its last remaining members, Bi Yeonsum, thought to himself.

He resented his own miserable state, trapped in this shitty situation.


With a beastly roar, sharp claws lunged towards him.


Reacting swiftly, Bi Yeonsum dodged by rolling on the ground.

Though his body tumbled disgracefully, thanks to his actions, he was able to avoid the demon's attack.

But the danger was far from over.


He had heard about the dangers of the battlefront since he was young.

However, the reality was far more intense.

Green Demons were all too common, and even the rare Blue-Grade ones roamed around.

Even the unintelligent demons, for some reason, moved in packs.


The howl of a Blue-Grade Demon, resembling a tiger, pierced the air.

Perhaps because of it, other demons seemed to be gathering from afar.

...What should I do?

Gritting his teeth, Bi Yeonsum looked around, but escaping from this open space wasn't an easy task.

How did it come to this?


To save his crumbling sect, he had willingly entered the Alliance half a year ago.

Even when he was assigned to the frontlines, Bi Yeonsum had thought it was a decent assignment, considering his age and how far and above he was from his peers.

The battlefront was a place where many from the Noble Clans visited upon the Alliance's orders; as such, he thought he could build some connections there.


The reality of the frontlines exceeded his worst expectations.

Not only were demons scattered everywhere, but the land destroyed by their violence was all that protected the frontlines.

If only I had known….

Regret rushed in far too late.

If he had known this…

He would have just remained in his sect, training.



Bi Yeonsum staggered backward, failing to block the demon's attack properly.

If it had been just one or two, he could have blocked it.

But the overwhelming number of approaching demons was too much to endure.

He rolled on the ground once more, scrambling to his feet.


The demon was already right in front of him, its breath rough and ravenous drool dripping from its mouth.

The gaze of a hungry predator sent shivers down his spine.

“This fucking…!”

At the moment when death was knocking at his door…

Bi Yeonsum thought of his comrades from the Alliance, who had abandoned him.

No, fuck that! Comrades? They were nothing but fucking trash…!

How could they take such actions while proudly declaring they were a part of the Orthodox Sects?

It's my fault for trusting those bastards.

Even if it wasn't that, at the very least, he should have heeded the initial warning.

When he first came to the battlefront, the words of the man overseeing the martial artists naturally came to mind.

-Do not venture too deep. That is not our territory.

-After all, it is managed by 'them'.

He should have paid more attention to those words.

Now, that was all he could think about.

Not heeding the words of his grandfather, who said the outside world was too dangerous and to not trust others easily, was his biggest sin.

While the demon approached, Bi Yeonsum had such thoughts.

Just as the demon opened its mouth wide to swallow Bi Yeonsum's head, he closed his eyes tightly, overwhelmed by the disgusting stench and sharp fangs.


But when a brutal noise was heard, Bi Yeonsum could feel that something was off.

Drip, drip.


An unknown liquid splashed all over Bi Yeonsum's face, causing him to cough uncontrollably. He finally opened his eyes after rubbing off the liquid with the back of his hand.


Stunned by the sight before him, Bi Yeonsum couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

After all, the demons that had been surrounding him were all lying on the ground with their throats slit.

Even the demon that had tried to swallow him lay lifeless, just like the others.

“W-What is this….”

Just as Bi Yeonsum was about to look around in utter confusion…


A very faint sound brushed past Bi Yeonsum's ears.

It was a sound he had often heard from his grandfather, the Lord of the Bi Yi Sect, when he was in his abode.

Sword Resonance.

It was proof that a swordsman had become one with the sword; a sign of a highly skilled swordsman.

Bi Yeonsum hurriedly turned his head towards the source of the sound.

There stood an unknown young man, lowering his sword as he looked at Bi Yeonsum.

His expression seemed to signify that he wasn't pleased about something.


Among the corpses of the dismembered demons and the blood that flowed from them…

The young man began to tidy up the situation, leaving behind Bi Yeonsum, who sat dazedly.

He casually took the valuable parts like fangs, claws, and eyeballs, before piling them up in one corner.

If left like this, those from the Murim Alliance would likely come to clean it up or other demons would eat it.

After roughly sorting things out, the young man started walking somewhere and Bi Yeonsum followed him with limping steps.

The young man didn't tell him to follow, but Bi Yeonsum had no other choice but to do so.

He couldn't survive in this disgusting land with his half-broken body.

The problem was…

“B-Brother…! Wait!”

No matter how desperately Bi Yeonsum called, the young man's steps didn't stop.

“Brother! Please! Just wait a moment!”

After calling again and again, finally, the young man stopped and turned his head towards Bi Yeonsum.


Bi Yeonsum, who was only able to see the young man's face now, had to swallow his breath.

...He's handsome.

He hadn't noticed before because he was in a rush, but the young man was exceptionally good-looking.


I feel like I've seen this face somewhere before, though…?

His face felt strangely familiar.

The young man, frowning deeply, asked Bi Yeonsum.

“Why are you following me?”

“That…. It's because if I stay there, I will only meet a dog's death….”

Hearing these pitiful words, the young man's eyebrows furrowed even more deeply.

“Aren't you someone from the Alliance?”


The clothes Bi Yeonsum wore were clearly the martial arts outfit provided by the Alliance, as well as the sword on his waist.

It was an unmistakable appearance.

“Then you should go to them. Why are you following me?”


Bi Yeonsum couldn't utter a word.

He couldn't say that his comrades from the Alliance had abandoned him.

Nor could he say that his own foolishness had caused this because he didn't focus on his superior's words.

Bi Yeonsum couldn't speak because of this tiny bit of pride.

Was it that the young man realized something after seeing him like that?

He let out a deep sigh before starting to walk again.

However, there was a slight difference.

Unlike before, his steps had slowed down a bit.

It was as if he was telling Bi Yeonsum to follow.

Amidst this, the young man muttered under his breath.

“Why does trouble always find me whenever I'm on reconnaissance?”

“...Excuse me?”

“It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Ah, they're going to give me hell when I get back.”


The young man rubbed his forehead, seemingly troubled.

“Uh…. Brother.”

“Why are you calling for me?”

“Are you perhaps not from the Alliance?”

“Can't you tell? Of course I'm not.”

“Then, perhaps, are you from the Orthodox Sects…?”

“If you keep pestering me with questions, I'll leave you behind.”

The young man's firm response made Bi Yeonsum close his mouth tight.

Meanwhile, his mind was racing with various thoughts.

What is his affiliation…?

From his appearance, it was somewhat ambiguous.

The battlefront was a place where many forces alternated their presence. Currently, the Hwangbo Clan was in charge of the frontlines.

But it was hard to see the young man as a martial artist from the Hwangbo Clan.

As he was lacking the distinct robust Qi of the Hwangbo Clan, the young man was, at the very least, not one of them.

Moreover, he is someone capable of producing Sword Resonance.

That was what made it more puzzling.

If one could produce Sword Resonance at that age, he must be a well-known and skilled prodigy.

Bi Yeonsum, at the very least, knew no one like him.

...I've definitely seen that outfit somewhere.

The dark red martial arts outfit was something Bi Yeonsum was sure he had seen somewhere.

When was it?

He definitely remembered seeing it somewhere….

“Let me tell you this in advance.”


“If you're going to follow me, make sure you do not do anything unnecessary.”

“...What does that mean?”

Was it a threat?

Bi Yeonsum glanced at the young man's face, wondering if it was a momentary threat.

But that didn't seem to be the case.

Is the place we're going to… very dangerous?

Heading towards an unknown destination made Bi Yeonsum quite nervous; noticing this, the young man added on to his words.

“The advice is not for your sake, but for mine, so please be mindful.”

“What? For Brother's sake?”

“...I can already see myself getting beaten up for bringing another weird bastard.”


Beaten up…? By whom?

“Fucking hell…. If I knew it would be like this, I would've told you not to follow me.”


“I wish you had just fucking died somewhere else.”

Despite the young man's string of harsh words, Bi Yeonsum still had no choice but to follow.

As such, trembling in this strange situation, he followed the young man.

They passed the dried-up land, and soon, a forest came into view.

That place is….

It was a place Bi Yeonsum recognized.

The most dangerous part of the battlefront wasn't the plains where Bi Yeonsum almost died, but rather that forest.

Moreover, the reason his superior had warned him not to go too deep was also because of that forest.

“Uh, Brother….”

“What is it?”

“Is that where Brother resides?”

“That's right.”

The young man answered uninterestedly, as if saying why he was asking this, before quickening his pace.

Due to the earlier incident, Bi Yeonsum's legs were stiff, making it slightly difficult to keep up.

...That place is…

The place 'they' managed, as mentioned in the stories he had heard before.

Though Bi Yeonsum hadn't had the chance to ask his superior who 'they' were.

After all, he didn't have any time for it.



Perhaps tired of him continuously calling, the young man sighed heavily with irritation.

Sensing this, Bi Yeonsum flinched.

However, he had to ask nonetheless.

“...It's nothing much. I am Bi Yeonsum from the Bi Yi Sect. If it is not too impolite, I am wondering if I can ask for Brother's name…!”


Had he not even mentioned his name yet?

The young man seemed to realize this and nodded slightly.

“Gu Jeolyub.”

It was a brief introduction.

But perhaps feeling it was lacking, he added more.

“...Gu Jeolyub of the Gu Clan.”

There was a hesitation, as if he was reluctant to say more.

While Gu Jeolyub turned his head away in disinterest, Bi Yeonsum inwardly gasped in surprise.

...The Sword of Heroic Flame?

Surprisingly, Gu Jeolyub was someone Bi Yeonsum knew of.


Gu Jeolyub, the Sword of Heroic Flame.

Although not widely known in the Central Plains, he was a name that was slowly spreading throughout the battlefront and its vicinity.

A figure slowly emerging with his handsome appearance and skilled swordsmanship.

The title, Sword of Heroic Flame, started to be heard about half a year ago, around the time Bi Yeonsum joined the Alliance in the frontlines.

A young hero who took care of fallen martial artists that were alone in the battlefront.

That was the general perception of him.

Although losing one's life as a martial artist on the frontlines was common, the frequency of such incidents had relatively decreased over the past half a year.

There was even a joking proverb that if you were lucky, the Sword of Heroic Flame might appear and save your life.

He's much younger than I expected.

That was why Bi Yeonsum had not even considered the Sword of Heroic Flame to be of his age group.

Bi Yeonsum gazed at Gu Jeolyub with such thoughts.

But still….

The Sword Resonance he heard earlier, although faint and with a shallow vibration, was far too distinct to put him anywhere in the same realm as others.

After all, Bi Yeonsum himself was still struggling to produce a proper Sword Qi, let alone Sword Resonance.

...It's been a year since then.

Last year, when Bi Yeonsum attended the Dragon and Phoenix Tournament with his grandfather's help.

That was the turning point for him, who was wrapped in arrogance and pride, to plummet to rock bottom.

Bi Yeonsum recalled last year's martial arts tournament.

Right as he resolved to win it all, he faced a boy in the tournament.

The boy looked fierce and seemed to have a bad temperament, appearing much younger than Bi Yeonsum.

He had felt sorry for the boy since he thought he would have to trample over such a young child.


I didn't know my place.

The fight had begun…

And with just a single bout, the fight was decided.

A single bout.

Not only was the one clash with that boy so beyond Bi Yeonsum's realm that it was incomprehensible…

But he had also lost consciousness and rolled on the floor of the tournament arena.

Bi Yeonsum murmured the boy's title as he recalled that time.

The True Dragon.

The True Dragon, Gu Yangcheon.

A martial artist who had not shown any particular activity over the past year, leaving many wondering what he was up to.

Given the overwhelming talent and potential he showed at the martial arts tournament, he was undoubtedly expected to grow into a tremendous Master by many.

There are too many geniuses in the world.

Bi Yeonsum had thought he stood in the same position as such beings, but after meeting Gu Yangcheon, he had fixed such a mindset.

It was only right that he recognized where his place in the world was.

...Now that I think of it, that Brother's surname is the same.

The Gu Clan.

It had a familiar ring to it.

The Sword of Heroic Flame had called himself a member of the Gu Clan, but could they also be from the same family?

…Perhaps they were brothers? But they were far too different in their looks to declare so.

Although their eyes do seem somewhat similar….

It was way too insulting to call such a resemblance enough evidence that Gu Yangcheon was the younger brother of the Sword of Heroic Flame.

Could the younger one even look like that if the elder brother was like this?

“...Did you say you were Brother Bi?”

Gu Jeolyub's sudden question made Bi Yeonsum flinch.

“Ah, yes. I am Bi Yeonsum.”

“I see. We are almost there.”

At Gu Jeolyub's words, Bi Yoensum glanced forward.

So far, only trees and rocks were in sight.

The forest seemed much safer than he had thought.

Contrary to how dangerous it was said to be, seemingly teeming with monsters and covered in Turbid Qi…

In Bi Yeonsum's perspective, the forest seemed safer than the plains.

However, what Bi Yeonsum could not have known was that…

Gu Jeolyub was intensifying his Inner Qi to its very extremity, thus only choosing the safest path.

Gu Jeolyub glanced back at Bi Yeonsum following him and continued to speak.

“First, we'll get to a safe place. Then, I'll contact the Alliance.”

“Ah, I'm causing you such trouble…. I am truly thankful for this….”

“...Yes, you really should be thankful.”

“Excuse me?”

“Because of you, I'm gonna have to roll on the dirt for quite a while.”


The sound of teeth grinding came from ahead.

It definitely seemed like it was from the Sword of Heroic Flame.

He must have misheard, right?

“Now, I will inform you about some precautions.”

“Precautions… you say?”

“Yes. You must adhere to them.”

He was scared shitless.

Was it about the characteristics of the demons or how dangerous the forest was?

Having heard so much about the forest, he instinctively swallowed hard.

Soon after, Gu Jeolyub began to speak to Bi Yeonsum with a serious expression.

“...No matter what you hear, don't start a fight. Don't make a single fuss.”


“Excuse me? Brother, what did you just….”

“Keep your mouth shut while eating. Especially if you see someone eating dumplings. Don't bother them.”

“I'm sorry, but…. What are you talking about right now?”

“The words I am speaking right now practically determine whether you live or die. So, do not interrupt and engrave them in your mind. This is truly important.”

“....Ah, yes.”

“Also, he looks like he has a shitty personality, but when he looks particularly shittier than usual, don't go near him at all. Consider yourself dead if you catch his eye and just give up on your life.”


“And finally, although unlikely, if you have any questions, make sure to ask them when he's with a woman. Preferably when he's with a woman with blue eyes or white-blue hair.”

“...Huh? A woman?”

“At those times, he at least seems to have some semblance of patience. That is the most useful advice.”

What was going on?

It all sounded like some sort of joke.

However, Bi Yeonsum dared not object to Gu Jeolyub's words.

After all, Gu Jeolyub's expression as he spoke to Bi Yeonsum was far too earnest to call it a mere joke.

As strange as those instructions seemed…

It didn't take all that long for Bi Yeonsum to realize just how crucial they /genesisforsaken

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