Chronicles of the Demon Faction

Chapter 2

Episode 2. A thunderstorm that is difficult to laugh at (1)

A huge war.

The entire Daejeon was dominated by darkness that was difficult to handle even with the numerous flower lanterns hung at regular intervals on the left and right walls.

Jump and jump.

Someone walked across the center of Daejeon. It was a sound of footsteps that was both confident and cautious.


The man who stopped walking slowly knelt down.

“Invincible religion and good luck to all the demons.” “The great protection law of the new religion presents an audience with the religious leader.”

A low voice cut through the darkness.

After a while.


The darkest side of Taesa in Daejeon.

A pair of blue phosphorescent lights rose from there. The look in his eyes was so bizarre that even a person with a weak stomach would have a seizure just by looking at it.

“What’s going on?”


Cold sweat formed on the man’s neck.

Just hearing a voice makes your body tense. The presence radiated by the owner of those blue eyes was so great.

The man bowed his head even more.

“I have something to report to you.”


Soft smoke rose from the bottom of the temple. Even without saying a word, I could tell that he was feeling uncomfortable.

The man understood him. No, I couldn’t understand God, but I understood the situation he was in.

The undisputed martial god of Shinism, the strongest god of war, is about to climb another step. I couldn’t feel good because I was interrupted at that important moment.

“You tell me.”

The man inwardly sighed in relief.

“The Three Dukes have awakened.”

“The third one?”

“That’s right. But…”


“I lost all my martial arts skills due to excessive training.”

The moment of silence that came once again was short.

“Great protection law.”

“Please speak, Master.”

“Please do not post any more reports until three months after the closure ends.”

“…All right.”

“Let’s go.”

“yes. “What are you going to do with the Three Dukes before that?”

The blue phosphorescence disappeared. There was no answer either.

The man lowered his head.

“I sincerely hope that you achieve great accomplishments.”

How much time had passed since the man left after saying those words?


The blue phosphorescence that had faded gave out a flash of lightning.

* * *

Now, let’s think about it.

Three swords in the stomach, four spears in the back, and seven arrows in the thighs and buttocks.

My left arm was cut off by a claw from an all-weather social misfit, and my right leg was cut off by a knife cut by a leader of the Uicheon Alliance who belatedly joined the war.

It was difficult to count the number of memorizations that were inflicted all over my body, and my spine was broken by the mace that I didn’t know who had swung.

This is a fatal wound that not even a primordial celestial being could survive. Even Daerasinseon would be declared dead as soon as he saw the injury.

After all, I am just a human. Therefore, it is right to lose.

And it actually worked. I also remember that crazy bitch ripped my head off like a leg of a boiled chicken.

okay. I’m dead.

by the way.

“Confucius, is your temperature okay?”

Slap, slap.

“Confucius, it is time to take the decoction.”


“Confucius, it is time to get a massage.”

Oh my, that’s good.

“Confucius, it’s time to get acupuncture.”


“Master Confucius… Master Confucius….”



“Stop it now.”


“Leave me alone.”




“…please leave me alone!”

The startled maid fell face down.

“I’m sorry! Please kill the girl!”

“Why am I killing you?! First of all…”

“Please kill me!”

“Oh, I won’t kill you, so don’t be crazy and get out! “Get out!”

“I’m sorry, Confucius! “I will serve you with all my heart, so please…!”


“Huh huh huh…”



“Uh… I have something to think about alone. “Would you please save some space?”

“yes yes!”

The maid hurried out of the room.

Even though he was in such a hurry, I could tell how scared he was by just saying hello and leaving without making a single sound.

But Cheon Ha-jin did not feel sorry at all.

His mind was extremely confused and sensitive right now to take care of the feelings of a maid whose name he did not know.

“What the fuck is going on?”

After waking up in a new body, I was so confused that I just received help in a daze. Well, to begin with, my muscles and joints were all stiff, so I couldn’t stand up.

Anyway, that’s not the point.

“Am I really alive?”

Cheon Ha-jin looked at the large dream placed in one corner of the room.

There, a very thin young man in his early twenties was sitting on a bed.

‘…the character is good.’

Although she is overall pretty, her facial features are very distinct. It was an impression of strength and softness coexisting.

Cheon Ha-jin flexed his facial muscles. I tried smiling and frowning.


Even if you try to crush it, you’re better than me. I really like that one… no!

“Sifa, now is the time to like that!”

Let’s calm down and get our heads around it.

‘First of all, where is this place? ‘It seems like a high-ranking family.’

Did this kid from a decent family suffer from a serious illness?

Cheon Ha-jin closed his eyes for a moment, then slowly opened them and let out a long sigh.

“Is it a military family?”

His eight meridians and veins were all tangled up, his acupuncture channels were tattered, and his Dan Tian looked like a shriveled pig urine rag.

However, all of these elements prove that this body has honed its internal strength.

Since ordinary people would not have been exposed to martial arts, it was clear that they were from a martial arts family.

‘By the way, it’s good that the plague is alive.’

At this level, her physical condition is comparable to that of an eighty-year-old woman. It’s not surprising if you soon run out of breath.

“I would have felt more at ease if I had come here as the child of some slash-and-burn farmer.”

Cheon Ha-jin, who was complaining, stopped.

“no. Where are you even alive? “I’m thankful that I didn’t reincarnate in a woman’s body.”

If I had a male soul but a female body, I would have been very embarrassed. You may have seriously thought about your gender identity.

Cheon Ha-jin clenched his fists.

Yes, let’s be grateful for reality and accept the situation. Isn’t it said that the worst kind of waste is wasting time?

“What matters is that you can live again.”

My body has reached this point, but I still don’t know where it is.

Still, you can survive. You can draw your own future.

For the first time in my life, I was faced with a moment where I could make a ‘choice’.

My heart is pounding.

My heart was racing.

The air was cool, but the back of my neck was damp. The blood seemed to be flowing twice as fast throughout my body.


It was his long-cherished wish and secret wish that helped him survive the hell for the past years.

‘Can I really live freely now?’

Getting training you don’t want, killing things you don’t want, being controlled you don’t want to.

I lived my whole life under the control of the Lord of Uicheon, an old man whom I couldn’t get enough of.

But isn’t it okay because I made you stronger? If you were born as a martial artist and rose to the rank of a teenage master, isn’t that an honor in itself?

This is absolutely regrettable bullshit.

Even if my limbs were broken, no support was provided.

Even before it was fully healed, another assassination attempt was sent. I didn’t even count how many times I was on the brink of death after ninety-nine.

I tried to meet a woman, but every bitch I caught my eye felt like a crazy killer, and all I could find to soothe my loneliness was cheap white liquor.

At least they give me a monthly salary?

The miser of Uicheon lord said this.

– We support everything anyway, so why give it to us? Do you know how to spend money?

pup. Vicious bastard.

It is truly a miserable life. Even though his name was flashy, such as a teenage master or a king of flesh, he was ultimately nothing more than a tool.


Cheon Ha-jin’s face gradually turned red with excitement.

Now I say goodbye to the past. No matter where this place is, what this body’s status is, whether it has a family or not, there is no need for it.

I will find freedom. I will try to live like a human being.

A person’s desire burst forth without hiding from his clenched fist.

* * *

Ten days have passed since I came back to life in a new body.


Cheon Ha-jin tapped the ground with his toe.

The center did not collapse. Degenerated muscles were properly maintained, and even stiff joints were given minimal flexibility.


He was inwardly delighted.

To begin with, my body wasn’t going to get better with just a few acupuncture blows and a little massage. My stomach hurts so bad, will the treatment work?

You can enjoy freedom or anything else only if your body is in good shape. So he made the decision to save the country.

Just get rid of the power supply.

Even if it is distorted and distorted, a Danjeon is a Danjeon. But it was obvious that if I left it as is, I would have to continue living like an asshole.

It won’t be long before that happens due to the turbid air rising from the rotten danjeon.

It’s better to take it out if you can’t use it and it might even get in the way.

“Congratulations, Confucius!”

The maid, who had been quietly observing, fell flat on her face.

“Your condition has improved, so please tell the doctor quickly…”

“Please leave for a moment.”


The maid hurried out.

Cheon Ha-jin, left alone, lay down on the bed. My joints were not yet flexible enough to sit cross-legged.

But don’t worry. It may not be as valuable as soup, but the reputation (or notoriety) of being the King of Sal did not come from mahjong.

He closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

‘Guuiguyeon (究意九煙) Bungongsaejin (焚空碎津) Yeompajetak (念波制濁) Uwusangmun (宇雨祥門)….’


Suddenly, a faint haze rose from his body.

In an instant, the temperature in the room rose. There was no particular odor, but the air became very stuffy.

It was Takgi.

A large amount of toxins that had invaded Cheon Ha-jin’s body were released outside the body.

‘good. Now it takes care of itself.’

What he used was a study called ‘Muai Gong (無碍功)’.

This martial arts technique was created with reference to some martial arts techniques from Gupa Ilbang and was highly effective in removing toxins from the body and promoting internal stability.

In his last life, Cheon Ha-jin invested a tremendous amount of time in martial arts.

Naturally, he had no support team at all.

There was no one to decipher it, no one to treat it, or at least no one to hand it a piece of beef jerky.

For him, who had to handle everything on his own, Muae Gong was his lifeline. The realization was bound to be extraordinary.

There was also a reason why Wagong (臥功) was possible.

‘He seems like a scruffy guy. Thanks to you, I live.’

I felt itchy all over my body. The injured blood vessels were slowly returning to normal.


At some point his skin turned pale. This was because the turbidity that could not escape completely began to spin around in the body.

‘Is this the end?’

Cheon Ha-jin took a lick and opened his eyes.

“The level is still low. “I can’t help it.”

Well, to this extent, the intended goal has been achieved.

Cheon Ha-jin, who had stretched out as much as possible, sat up.

“It’s okay to move a little, but….”

Cheon Ha-jin, who was lightly tilting his head from side to side, suddenly wrinkled his face.

“Where on earth is this, anyway?”

Although there was only one person, there was a maid, and the sound of Confucius came out of the maid’s mouth.

They say he has a high status, but for the past 10 days, no one has come to visit him except lawmakers.

I could have asked the maid something, but I decided against it. Anyway, if I couldn’t heal my body, there was no point in being in paradise.

But now I needed to find out where this place was.

“Are you there?”

There was no word coming from outside the door.

“doesn’t exist? “Where did you go?”

Still no words are heard.

“Chet, where did you go?”

Because his body was in such a state, Muae-gong’s fortune-telling time was quite long.

The maids are human too, and they may have had a craving for food or a drink of water from time to time.

…Damn, I could have asked about the details of the new product. You really live only looking in front of your nose.

Cheon Ha-jin clicked his tongue briefly and closed his eyes to contemplate the inside.

‘no. ‘I’m not in a state to save my senses.’

A strong man who has created his own unique martial arts style by combining the strengths of a martial arts fighter with the strengths of a martial arts fighter.

What made him particularly superior to other experts was his super sense.

While those in the top 10 can read a distance of 10 chapters, he could read a distance of 30 chapters.

If they felt the presence of dozens of people, he felt the presence of hundreds of people.

It was also the decisive reason why they were able to break through the Cheonnaji network of the Uicheon Alliance and the Iron Blood Fortress.

They must have gone crazy as they picked only the weakest corners and attacked them.

I can’t embody that extraordinary martial art right now.

“But you can’t just go out blindly.”

There is a time to take a bold step and a time to be cautious. Let’s wait until the child comes.

Cheon Ha-jin glanced around.

‘It’s very flashy.’

It is a room decorated with paintings, ceramics, and all kinds of art objects. The bedding was also expensive and made from the highest quality silk.

‘This is a really great family… huh?’

He rubbed the blanket between his thumb and index finger.

‘Isn’t this regular silk?’

The patterns carved into the much softer texture are also different from those in the central or northern part of the continent. I was so out of it that it was only now that I saw what I had eaten.

‘The saltwater is also a very vivid red.’

I’ve seen so much red silk, but I’ve never seen a color this dark…


‘hmm. I think I saw it once, though.’

ah! yes.

“I think it was one of the seven magic families?”

Yes, when I killed a high-ranking person there, the bedding in his room was like this.

Cheon Ha-jin nodded.

“Was it a red family? That’s right, it’s a red flag. I remember. “The baby was sleeping naked, so I rolled him up in a blanket and gave him a good beating.”

It was hard to come back then too. The snake-headed bastards are so persistent in climbing up the mountain to catch me…


Cheon Ha-jin flinched.

no way?

“…I guess not?”

He tried to straighten his frozen face.

“Oh, I’m sure it’s not from that neighborhood. “Nothing like cancer.”

The southern part of the central plains is where the continent’s worst demons live.

Therefore, in the martial arts world, ‘Southern Jungwon’ is synonymous with ‘Gate of Hell’.

I don’t want to think that such impurities were involved in the incredible luck of my previous life.

No, it’s not just impurity, it’s bad luck itself. Dying isn’t enough, so it’s the same as being thrown into a living hell, right?

“Probably not. “Probably not.”

A creeping sense of anxiety and ominousness.

Cheon Ha-jin, who had been pacing around anxiously, could not bear it anymore and opened the door.




As Cheon Ha-jin came outside, he saw three men and women approaching.

The maid I’ve been seeing for 10 days, and the doctor I’ve been seeing occasionally.

And a man in his thirties whom I met for the first time.


Awkward silence.

A man in his thirties knelt down and broke the silence with a blunt voice.

“I pray for the recovery of the three princes. May the religion be invincible and good for all.”

Cheon Ha-jin blinked.

God what?

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