City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 03: Decision

Chapter 03: Decision

Edited by Cabtain. 17th Feb.

I climbed the stairway and entered my office from the room where I had slept the previous night. Although I had already rented a house in the city, I was too tired to return there.

I had taken a shower and eaten the breakfast that Carla had brought earlier, and now I was ready for work.

Today was going to be even busier than yesterday, but I was excited and a little nervous, as for the first time since arriving in this world, I had complete independence to do as I pleased.

I just hoped I knew what I was doing.

"Architect Davidson, the head architect from the Nielson guild, will meet with you at ten," informed Carla.

I nodded and gazed out the window at the establishment's gate, where two guards stood.

The girls would soon be making their decision and giving me their answer. I hoped that enough of them would choose to stay to review the new contract. I was confident that once they read it, they would accept my offer.

My father would no doubt ridicule me. My style of business he would call sentimental foolishness, and he would be right.

My conscience did not leave me when I came into this world. Those values still mean something to me. If I am forced into this industry, I will impose my standards upon it.

The conversation with Carla had provided me with the context that I desperately needed. While I had cursory knowledge from my father, it was not enough if I was to make drastic changes.

She is not the first person I asked these questions. I have asked them to the Madam and other prostitutes from the brothel the family owns in Redfawn city. I had done that a year ago when my father informed me that he was planning a brothel in fourth Prince's new city.

I spent the next few hours reviewing the answers Carla had provided, and soon it was time.

I placed the contract and coin purse back to my left and right.

Carla opened the door and led the women in, who filed in neatly behind her.

"Have you all made your decisions?" I asked the girls. Several nodded, and I looked at each of them directly. "When you're ready, tell me your decision."

No one spoke for a moment, and I thought that no one would leave. Finally, Lola spoke up. "I want to go," she said. My heart ached at her words; she was one of our top earners and had been so close to achieving Level 20.

"Me too." "Me also." "I also want to leave."

One by one, four other people spoke up, including two sixteen-year-old girls, a twenty-one-year-old, and a forty-year-old.

"Just to be clear, Miss Lola, Miss Sapphire, Miss Jordana, Miss Menar, and Miss Rupa, have you all made your final decision?" I asked, hoping that they understood the gravity of the situation. "If you leave, you will not be able to return. Is this really what you want?"

"I'm certain of my decision, Master Silver," said Lola firmly, and the others nodded in agreement. It was clear they had made their decision.

I nodded understanding and retrieved their contracts from the pile, holding them up for the girls to inspect. Once they were satisfied, I reached for the small, fiery stone that lay nearby.

Wordlessly, I took each girl's contract and held it briefly against the fiery stone, watching as the paper disintegrated into ash within seconds.

After reducing the contracts to ashes, I retrieved my purse and withdrew fifty gleaming violet coins from inside. They glinted in the light, a stark contrast to the burnt scraps of paper that lay on the table.

I counted out ten imperials, knowing that each one was equivalent to roughly one hundred crowns. After dividing the coins into five equal groups, I placed them all into small leather pouches.

I handed over the five small leather pouches containing their severance pay. "This should help you get started on the next phase of your lives," I said, hoping the coins would ease their transition.

Sapphire's voice trembled as she expressed her gratitude. "I can't thank you enough, Master Silver." I shook my head. "There's no need to thank me. You all deserve this." I gestured to the pouches.

"Make sure to use your severance pay wisely," I reminded the group, as they nodded in agreement. With that, they bowed and left the office. I watched them go, feeling a mixture of sadness and relief that they were moving on.

"Well, it seems like the rest of you will make a choice after seeing your new contracts," I said, bringing some laughter to the girls' faces.

"This is the new contract. I hope you like the terms," I said, forwarding several copies of the three-page contract to them. They quickly picked them up.

The contract has been crafted by me, a fully-fledged lawyer. Over the past three years, I have become well-acquainted with the empire's laws, and crafting a contract is no big deal for me.

As they read the contracts, I could see them shocked at the terms, and I could hear them whispering to themselves.

"The contract is only for five years," said Ina in shock. "We will get 10% off everything we make and will get to keep the gifts we receive," said Margaux in astonishment. "One day leave for every six days worked," added Sam, completing the sentence.

Voices filled with different emotions rang out across the room as documents were passed around. It took a while for them to calm down and look at me with a questioning expressions about whether the papers they were holding were true, as they had a hard time believing them.

"Everything written in the contract is true," I confirmed. "Yes, the contract is for five years from the date of signing instead of the previous ten, and yes, you will have a 10% share of everything you make, and the gifts given to the patron will be yours. You will also get one day off every week and have other benefits as stated in the contract."

I explained the important parts of the contract one by one, and with each point, their eyes widened even more. A few in the back had even fainted as I went over the details.

"It all seems like a dream; the conditions are too good to be true," whispered Margaux as she even tried to pinch herself.

"It is not a dream, Miss Margaux, and what I am offering is not just fair; it is generous," I said, even though it wasn't entirely truthful. In fact, I wanted to give them an even bigger share, but I was unable to do so.

I am already walking on a thin line here, bending the rules as much as I can. But if I offer more, the owners of other brothels will be angry, especially in the high-class brothels of an entertainment district like mine. The conventions need to be followed, or there will be consequences. My father taught me that.

Conventions can be changed or broken, but for that, one needs to be powerful enough to bear the consequences, and I am not currently in that position.

However, I hope that one day I will be.

My brothel will not be standard but something more. I made a detailed plan for my father a year ago when he planned to open the brothel here.

I had shown the old man my plan, but instead of taking it rationally, he hit me and called me an utter idiot. I hope he is watching from beyond because I want him to see how his creation - this brothel that his own children had bestowed upon me - became an empire.

"So, does anyone want to leave?" I asked, and the looks I received from them said everything that was on their minds. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by it.

"Master Silver, where do we need to sign?" asked Ina as she placed the contract on the table. "On all three pages, with your signature and thumbprint," I said as I forwarded the quill and thumbprint along with a double copy of the contract.

One will be for her, while the other will be for me.

The old man had shot down many of my suggestions, but he was not dumb. He had accepted some of my proposals, such as offering literacy programs for all employees, regardless of their job duties.

He reluctantly praised me after seeing the positive change that it brought within a year of its implementation.

Ina took the quill and moved to sign the contract, and just as her quill touched the paper, I felt a familiar sensation that I had only felt once before, about a month ago.

[Class Obtained: Lawyer]

[Skill: Contract]


As a lawyer, I have studied and practiced for many years. Although I have not practiced law in this particular world, I still possess relevant experience. When I utilized that experience, I was instantly granted the corresponding class.

I have not only obtained the class but also acquired a highly valuable skill in contract negotiation. This skill is incredibly valuable, even more so than the two skills that came with my base class.

While the skill is impressive, it is a double-edged sword. If I apply it to a contract, I must also adhere to the terms. The agreement will not be something I can simply discard like a piece of paper.

Despite its potential drawbacks, the benefits of this skill outweigh any risks, and it instantly applied to the contract that Ina was signing.

When I applied the skill, Ina stopped as she sensed it, looked at me with surprise, and then a genuine smile bloomed across her face. A hint of respect appeared on her face because she now knew that everything I said was true.

Breaking the contract will result in suffering the backlash, which will be more intense for me since I have a lower level than them

"Soon, Ina finished signing the contract. I took one copy and gave the other to her."

After Ina, it was Margaux's turn. The moment she touched the contract, she also sensed the skill's presence, and shock appeared on her face. It took a few seconds to calm her emotions and sign with shaking hands, but when she did, a soft, genuine smile appeared on her face.

One by one, the women signed the contract until everyone except for four teenage girls and Carla had signed.

"Master Silver, what about our contracts?" asked Ruby. She is one of five girls who are below eighteen and unclassed.

"Miss Ruby, you and the others have a different contract," I said and handed her the contract papers. The sixteen-year-olds will be given a different contract.

They took the contract and began to read. Carla and the others also read with them, and surprise couldn't help but appear on their faces

I said, "You will not work until you turn eighteen, and if you do not want to work in the trade after you turn eighteen, you will be given a choice to serve your contract term in other capacities."

"You all also have a choice to leave. I will release you from your contract, as I did with others," I added. If they decided to leave, I would release them from the contract and even provide them with severance.

'"W-we will sign; the contract is more than fair," said Ruby. Just like the others, a clear surprise appeared on the teen's face. Unlike the others, it took her a while to gain control over her emotions and finish signing the contract.

After her, the other three teens quickly signed the contract.

"Now you have officially become employees of the establishment."

"I hope you all will help me take this business to the heights it deserves to be," I said to them. "We will do our best, Master Silver," they said unison.

"Thank you all," I said before my expression turned serious. "And don't forget to write all the answers to the questions I sent with Carla. I will need them by tomorrow morning," I said strictly. "You will have them by tomorrow, Master Silver," said Margaux, and she left with the girls.

Soon there was only Carla and me left in the office.

"You know, Master Silver, if you had offered even 1% of what they make, without all the other benefits, they would have still signed it with beaming smiles on their faces," said Carla as she sat across me, "I know," I replied somberly.

Even in the most upscale brothels, the workers typically receive mere pennies while their employers make a fortune.

"So, why did you offer so much?" she asked, and I could sense her genuine curiosity. "They deserve that much and more," I replied, but it was evident that she didn't believe me.

"It is an exploitative business, Miss Carla. It exploits them physically, mentally, and financially. It turns them nothing more than dispensers of men's lust," I said, and I could see raw emotions flicker in her eyes for a moment before she regained control.

Carla is different from other girls. They have been sold or forced into the trade, but she was born into it and has experienced every aspect of it.

"I will not say the establishment will not have that, but it will be much more, and sex will be only an aspect of it, but not the whole part, and for it, I want them to be happy, safe, and satisfied."

"You might not believe me, but happier employees generally work better and bring in more profits," I said. My words brought a small, genuine smile to her face.

"So, where is my contract?" she asked after regaining control over her emotions. "Here it is. I hope you will like it," I said as I slid a contract out of the drawer.

"It is a little bigger than what you have offered the other girls," she said, her voice becoming mellower, like honey, and filled with sensuousness.

"Your responsibilities are greater, so you deserve a bigger contract," I replied with a straight face without falling into her trap.

It took her a while, but she finished reading and put the contract down. "I am only getting a 1% commission, which is much less than what you are offering the other girls," she said while seductively arching her brow.

"It is 1% of all that the girls will make," I replied with a smile.

"Which is kind of low compared to my previous salary, Master Silver," she stated.

While my father had planned on giving pennies to the girls, he had provided Carla with a very good salary, which, as she said, would be higher than 1% of what the other girls will make. However, that was before I took over.

"No, it is not low. I think you will make at least three to four times more than your current salary," I said. Surprise couldn’t help but appear on her face, and it took her a little while longer to regain her composure.

"You're planning on earning four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand crowns a month, Master Silver, and I must say that's a gross overestimation for this small city," she remarked.

"The establishment will not earn you that much, even if all the girls worked to death," she said seriously.

"No, it will earn more," I replied simply, with confidence brimming in every word.

She looked up from the contract and stared directly into my eyes for several seconds before turning back to the contract.

"Since you're so confident, I'll believe you and sign this contract," she said, and I once again activated my contract skill. She sensed it but was not surprised; she had likely already guessed from the reaction of the girls earlier.

The moment she signed on to the last page, my mind buzzed, and surprise couldn't help but appear on my face; my base skill had finally levelled up after a month.


[Souteneur Merchant Lv. 2]


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