Classless Ascension

Chapter 142: The Simple (?) Farm!

Chapter 142: The Simple (?) Farm!


The blazing sun shined so brightly that it felt as if the humans were getting cooked alive. As they mainly were Climbers, they could take it. But somehow, there were civilians in there that seriously looked like they were about to kick the bucket.

Luis couldn't help but watch the happenings in a daze. There was a long line of Climbers that were waiting to register. The firsts had been so eager to tell the four all about their strengths! Nope, they were handed a little metal pin with a worker number on it, and that was it.

At one point, a man proceeded forward full of confidence. He received his own pin but then kept lingering. "You guys should really note that I'm a Ranker, soon I'll reaching Floor 50 and…." He bragged.

"I see." The golden knight nodded seriously to the man that was as proud as a peacock. Without saying anything else, he took back the pin he had just given him. Then, he shooed him away.

It's at that moment that the entire line became restless! Oh my god! Could D.L. be any more high profile?! Rejecting someone that strong was one thing, but they did so without even hesitating!

"Wait, wait! I didn't mean anything by that. I just…" He tried apologizing. Surely they would forgive him. This was meant to show strength, but even they wouldn't slap a smiling face, right? ….Wrong! He had to leave dispirited.

People couldn't help but look at each other. Some began biting their nails in stress. Others just began smiling extremely brightly. Rankers were getting rejected too! They resolved to join this farm no matter the cost.

After exactly 500 hundred pins were distributed, another message came. "Thank you for the interest you guys have all shown in our farm. Recruitment is now closed!"

Luis expected shouts of protest. There were none. They had been waiting in the blistering heat for so long for nothing, yet no one dared to complain. After a long moment of silence, a man finally got the courage to ask what everybody was wondering.

"Is there any chance for the people not selected to apply again sometime in the future?" He looked akin to a small kid that was asking for pocket money from a strict parent.

"There are 500 numbered pins in total. If someone quits, naturally, another can take their place. First come, first served. If you guys want to wait, you can do so outside this land."

Upon hearing that, the crowd couldn't help but glare at the 500 pin holders, the latter clutching the metallic item akin to a treasure. Then, they were ordered to follow the old man Welner for instruction.

Luis was allowed to follow them to report on the happenings inside. He figured they knew the information would be leaked either way. They would rather it be accurate. He couldn't help but be surprised by the man guiding them. He really seemed to be only a farmer.

At first, the old man was extremely intimidated. But then, he somehow regained his cool. He was going to show them his trade to the best of his abilities, that was all. They were so polite that he progressively forgot all about their social status.

What about the interview that he had been waiting for? There was no such thing. They were brought to the field, then put to work instantly. As they labored, they couldn't help but whisper to one another.

"What do you guys think will happen?"

"This ought to be a test of will, right?"

"How long do you guys think we'll be doing such a mindless task?"

"If nothing happens after a day, I'm out of here!"

"What if it's not a test? What if we are really here to plow, plant, and stuff?"

"No way!"

"You guys can leave if you want. I'll stay."

"What if there is some deep meaning behind this? You know, they will be teaching us farming at first glance, but really we'll be learning some profound battle technique by doing so."

"Now that's just bullshit."

"Yeah, man. What do you want to learn exactly on a farm? HAHAHA"

The old man just happened to pass by as the man said that. His face instantly turned ghastly white, and the others quickly distanced themselves from him. Was he about to get kicked out?

The old man showed a slight smile without any trace of anger whatsoever. "Farming teaches determination, humbleness, patience, the value of hard work, simplicity, responsibility, and how to enjoy life itself."

Then he walked away peacefully. Sometimes, he would crouch next to a Climber and show them a trick or two about the job. They were all taken aback.

"Perhaps there is more to it."

"The feel of the soil, the smell of the earth, the vibrancy of the vegetable plants...Okay, I have no clue."

"Guys, it could be worse. What if we were one of these unlucky guys that couldn't even get in. They have to be waiting outside with no guarantee to even get in."

Luis couldn't help but suck in a cold breath. He had just realized how simple and amazing this whole operation was.

No one knew what they were doing here. It was an incredible mystery that made everyone's imagination run wild. Their true personalities were bound to resurface. This would be the perfect opportunity to evaluate new candidates.

Then there was that phenomenal yet simple entrance. They hadn't promised anything either. This made people believe in their lofty status as a hidden guild. It made people fear to challenge them, for they were the unknown.

Then, there was the whole way it was designed. By making the places limited, they ensured that everything would run smoothly. It also gave value to working there. People were free to leave but not to come back. This raised the stakes.

All of this had been carefully designed! How crazy was that? He couldn't help but wonder which genius had come up with such a plan. It was easy to think of, but who would dare to? It's at that exact moment that they heard a commotion outside.

Flying vessels could be seen landing a distance away from the farm, one after the other. Each exuded wealth, power, and dominance. The bystanders who were waiting kept exclaiming in awe as they recognized the symbols on them.

"That's the snake of Ouroboros. They probably want to convince D.L. to let them handle the sales of their excess loot."

"This one is the Ankh from Immortal. I bet they want them to approve their newest clear strategies."

"Here comes the fat panda! Eh, now I'm hungry. Could you picture them cooking the produce that's harvested directly? That would be so delicious."

"Oh! There it comes! Oh my god! Eclipse is there! I can't believe I'm going to see these goddesses. I don't care if it's from a distance. Wait, what if they end up joining the farm?! Wouldn't one be able to work alongside them this way?!"

Eclipse was so popular that people almost missed the following ship marked with a very simple white '????'. The vessel actually looked even simpler than the others and was all black. But, it represented the highest authority in Metropolitans-C, the government leader himself.

All of the newcomers had their features hidden and looked low-key. It was as if they had arrived in full force with their vessels but showed humbleness as they went toward the actual farm.

All this procession could only mean one thing. This was an official visit. Would Dimensional Legion dare hide anything in front of such a force? Of course not!

Would this be the rise of a new S-Rank guild? Would the mysterious D.L get a special rank assigned to it? S+ perhaps?

The people were excited and couldn't wait to know all about it. Whatever would happen would change Metropolis-C forever. They could feel it.

Luis could hear his beating heart so loudly, and he felt that his life had been worth it just to witness this single moment. There were five representatives in total, one for each of the S-Rank guilds and the government.

Actually, Draconic was missing. This felt extremely fishy. There was no way they would miss such an event, right?! Then again, it wouldn't be surprising if Draconic challenged them to a fight instead.

That is how the various leaders respectfully entered the premises. Then they tried finding the members of Dimensional Legion, but they were gone. It had been easy for them to slip out considering how strong they were and that people only knew their masked appearance.

That is when the old farmer approached the group. "Hello, everyone. The current owners are currently absent. You should come back another day if you want to meet them. As for working here, you guys will have to go outside and wait for your turn," He smilingly said.

Oh my god! Did he just say that?! Luis scurried over to him, whispering: "These are the bigshots of Metropolis-C. I think you should definitely call them over. We aren't qualified enough to deal with them."

That's when the old man suddenly showed an understanding expression. Good, he would call them and—

"Here, take this. They warned me this might happen. You are a professional reporter, so you should be eloquent enough. They told me to have you read this." He handed some paper over before stepping back calmly.

Luis lightly skimmed it, but then he felt his entire body become cold. No way! There was no way he could say any of that!

"What does it say?" The government representative asked.

"I'm afraid there must be a mistake for—" Luis wanted to explain.

"Just read it. We know these aren't your words."

Luis nodded before he began:

"If anyone wants to know more, this place is only a farm and nothing else. We are non-profit, but we do accept donations. If some VIP level character shows up, please point them to where the others are waiting!"

Now, what was crazier: the speech or the fact that the leaders were leaving without a fuss?! Why?! Had they figured something out?! When the 500 workers saw that they couldn't help but thank their lucky star!

But seriously, who was the crazy mastermind behind all this?!

Creator's Thought

They say it is easy for a lie to be seen through given enough time. That is why I decided to be 100% honest with them. So what if they realized that this really was just a normal farm? It was as advertised! What can I say, sometimes the world doubts honest individuals like yours truly. A shame, isn't it? Why can't people have a little more faith?

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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