Classless Ascension

Chapter 313: The Dragon and the Princess (1/2)

Chapter 313: The Dragon and the Princess (1/2)

[A/N] Includes a short story =P


All the Climbers were merry at the Fallen event except for one man who was solemnly staring at his UW.

- Dario the Dragon: It means that we have a huge fucking problem. I haven't received any news and Allistair should have warned us if the initiative came from his side…

- Josh MF Malum: Do you think it could be a power play? As long as Gemini manages to contract all the Fallen, it would gain a level of strength equal to an S-Ranked guild, right? However, would they really risk offending all other guilds?!

- Dario the Dragon: I don't know. It doesn't make any sense, unless…

- Josh MF Malum: Unless they allied with foreign guilds?

- Dario the Dragon: I'll investigate. In the meantime, stay put. Hopefully, we can solve this asap, and maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

As Josh put down his UW, he couldn't help but sigh. Meanwhile, everyone around was blissfully ignorant as they were happily heading to a castle a distance away.

It had an olden day's architectural style but showed signs of being brand new. Hell, the construction had probably been done with U-bots. He slowly made his way over amidst the excited chatter of the crowd.

The entrance featured wide open wooden double doors, letting through loud music, familiar tunes from his past, along with colorful light. This thing was a goddamn party! A few volunteers instantly ambushed him.

"Welcome! Take this punch. It's delicious!" One said, handing him a cup. "Also, here's a flyer with all the activities planned! Have fun!" One gave him a paper that looked like the surface of a smartphone, interactive and all.

Josh couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Music, dancing, party games, sports, movies, and all kinds of earthling bullshit. Hell, some mad lad had even recreated a few classics with AI-assisted rendering. There was no stopping progress…except nostalgia!

People were so drunk on nostalgia that their faces radiated! Or perhaps was that the punch? It tasted of berries and liquor and somehow made the other Climbers very happy, a little too much even. Had someone spiked the punch?

In any case, Josh wasn't there for the fun times. His objective, for now, was that one guy from Gemini. As for saving all the others? Well, the only Fallen he was genuinely close with was Liam…and he seemed busy anyway.

He approached a random volunteer.

"Hey there, young lady. Gemini organizes this party, right? Do you have any idea where our hosts are so that I can thank them for all they've done?" Josh amicably inquired.

"Aren't they the greatest! But they aren't here yet. It's only us volunteers who are setting things up. I reckon that in an hour or so, everyone should be here. If I knew about it before, I would have joined Gemini!" She replied with stars in her eyes.

They had barely invested anything, and it was already a PR miracle. From that point onward, Fallens would probably hold them in high esteem…well until they sprung a surprise contract on them.

Since he had nothing else better to do, Josh began roaming the castle. He was akin to a ghost, the kind that avoided the livings. The whole place looked as wonderful as the castle in the movie with a beast and a beauty.

If one thing stood out, it was probably the old and rusty decorative metallic armor sets. He couldn't help but give a self-derisive smile as he looked at them, even freezing for a second.

That's when a voice surprised him.

"That smile of yours is very peculiar, you know." From a nearby corridor came forward an old lady, one that he had met before. She still had that cane-sword of hers, the same shadow of a smile, but way fewer wrinkles than before.

"Is that so?" Josh replied noncommittally.

"Yes, it feels to me like you both love and hates this piece at the same time. Would you mind sharing? I may be old, but my ears still work, haha." The granny chuckled heartily.

"I just feel like I may be similar to this armor.

"Oh? How so?"

"Just a vestige of another world, of another time. One that shows the scars of countless battles, contains endless memories, and is slowly getting eroded by a world that tries to change him…." He uttered profoundly.

"So you're unyielding metal while this world is the air trying to oxidize you into nothingness?" She summarized while gazing into his eyes.

"Something like that." Josh nodded.

"Young, yet sounding a millennium old. You remind me of someone." She shook her head slightly. "I won't pretend to be wise just because of my age, but I do have one piece of advice for you."

"What is it?" Josh couldn't help but feel curious.

"It's something to make the eroding less painful…Get laid!" She said with a straight face. Josh couldn't help but cough in surprise but regained his calm.

"That's the thing. The one I love is already gone and—" He uttered only to be interrupted.

"Who said anything about love? I just told you to get laid! So young and already hard of hearing! Anyway, if you've got nothing better to do, then follow me." She flashed him a smile before leading the way.

He had an hour to kill, so he followed. Where were they even heading? She expertly navigated the place until they reached a room with a very simple door.

The first thing that Josh noticed upon entering was the smell. The nostalgic scent of paper assaulted him. This place was an enormous library! There were tall bookshelves all around and a few tables set up in the middle of the room.

There, a child was sitting, one that he had saved from a pack of bloodthirsty cerberuses back in the tutorial. In her hands, she had a book as she was slowly turning every page.

The old woman slowly approached and sat next to the kid. Only then did she realize that there was someone else as she exclaimed in surprise: "Lana, you're back! You're just in time to read me this story!"

"Haha, aren't you reading it just fine on your own?"

"Yes, but it's not the same! When you read it…it comes alive!"

"Oh, is that so? I brought someone else with me. Perhaps he'd volunteer." She shrugged off while playfully sticking her tongue out.

"What?!" Only then did the kid realize his presence. "Hello, mister! There are plenty of wonderful stories here. Would you like to read one?" She was half-offering, half pleading.

"Alright, I can do one. But, I'll go out there when Gemini arrives." Josh agreed. The old lady seemed so familiar with the place that she could potentially tell him a lot.

"Of course! We'll be going out at that time too! Lana is actually in Gemini! We can even bring you along for VIP places, right Lana?!" The kid excitedly uttered with her arms flailing around.

"S-sure…" The enthusiasm of the young girl soon defeated the old lady.

"Here, read this, Mister!" She happily handed him a book.

Josh didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Had he just gained direct access to the staff from Gemini and his target at the same time?!

Either this was an enormous coincidence, or she knew this would happen and wanted to keep an eye on him. To be fair, exploring the castle alone did seem slightly suspicious.

Josh focused on the task at hand, slowly skimming the first page, grimacing in disgust. It seemed like a third-rate fairy tale with a fourth-rate writing style!— well, art was subjective.

"Is there something wrong with it?" the kid asked with fright.

"No, it's just it's not the style of stories I'm used to reading, that's all. Ah, but it's fine, don't worry." Josh reassured her.

"Mister, how about you tell me a story you know then?" She asked with her eyes glowing.

A story he knew? He could do that. Josh slowly nodded as he searched his memory for a good one. Then he began narrating with a deep and melodious voice— one surprisingly good for a guy that couldn't sing.

But very quickly the story brought back memories….


The little one's voice resounded in her tiny room.

"One more story! That last one didn't count!" She affirmed.

"What do you mean by it didn't count?!"

"It was a boring idiotic princess one. I want one of your stories instead!" She vehemently requested.

"If it's boring, why did you let me complete it?!" Josh remarked while clicking his tongue.

"To have two stories, obviously!" She replied proudly.

This girl! How was she so scheming at such a young age?! But then he could only relent: "Fine. One story, and then it's bedtime!"

"Of course! I love you, Josh!" She cutely added.

Damn, scheming AND manipulative! At the very least, he wouldn't have to worry too much about her future. Thus he began reading in the best narrator voice he could muster.

"Once upon a time, there was a princess that everyone adored who resided in the castle. She lived there with her father, the king, who spoiled her silly.

The princess was as wealthy as refined, and princes across all nations would come to ask her hand in marriage. But, she refused them all because none were wealthy enough or sophisticated enough to match her.

Then, one day, a dangerous and mighty dragon invaded a nearby mountain and made it its dwelling. It lived alone in the mountain, on a pile of coins (or so everyone said), and loved to fly around. But every flight scared the villagers nearby and their cattle, traumatizing them.

The villagers went to visit the wise king to ask for help. But, he quickly realized that the dragon was only flying. It hadn't caused a single casualty! He categorically refused to go to war for such a ridiculous reason!

In turn, the villagers decided to ask the elegant princess for help…

Creator's Thought

Snooping in a castle is the fastest way to meet whoever is in charge of security. Except Lana came. Was she even affiliated with this event? Sure she was in Gemini but she didn't seem like the type to force people into accepting shaddy contracts.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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