Classless Ascension

Chapter 364 Rock Vs Little Girl

This rock was currently feeling unwell. This was enough to show that something was very wrong! How was it possible?! 

How many times had it felt like this in its long life? Never! It was one thing to fear something, but it was a first for it not to know what it was afraid of! 

It knew pure terror, one brought along by an incredibly powerful enemy. It knew it very well, in fact. After all, it still remembered the sight of its homeworld being wiped out by a god.

The power of divinity was without equal, and there was no resisting it. All the ones it had targeted had perished, the only survivors still existing because they were too insignificant to chase in the god's eyes. 

But what was happening here was far different. 

It observed the young girl, and she didn't show any sign of being dangerous whatsoever. It reminded it of a pure lotus flower, as the humans would say. Yet, what was up with what was happening behind? 

It was so heated and lively, but it felt even chillier than the cold dead space. What was behind that door made void beats and nil entities seem like nothing but jokes! Yet…it didn't see anything, it just guessed it, somehow, but how?! 

"Hehe, he sent a pet rock this time around? How funny!" The little one happily giggled, her cute dimples rising. 

A pet rock? Oh god! This girl (?) was calling it a pet rock?! Did this mean that there were more of its brethren behind that door?! This was the only explanation as no sane human would ever consider a regular rock a pet! 

It instantly retreated to a corner, but it couldn't move its gaze from the door frame. Yet, no matter how much it looked, it couldn't see what was happening behind it. It was driving it crazy! 

"So, what's your name, little rock? Also, it is courtesy for a pawn to bow before a queen." She said. 

Would a prideful being such as it ever bow to another?! Normally no, but even rocks had to adapt at times! It used its new morphing weapon characteristics to fake a reverence. 

"You're still looking at the door. It's rude, you know?" The little girl pouted. 

But no matter how much it tried, it just couldn't avert its gaze. It had the feeling that the door would gobble it up entirely if it relaxed for even a second. Was this true? Maybe, maybe not. But it didn't matter. 

"Here, let me do this…." The little girl snapped her small fingers. 

Instantly the door frame disappeared. There remained only a world of pink with countless stuffed animals. There was a bunny, a frog, a few ducks, dragons, and many other weird-looking things. 

It couldn't help but feel at a loss. Who the heck had designed these stuffed toys? Why were their expressions so exaggerated too? Some looked fierce, some looked scared, some looked plain adorable, there was no common theme. 

"It should be easier to focus, right? Now, show me how well a pet rock can do a reverence!" She excitedly instructed, clapping her dainty hands.  <br/><script>ChapterMid();</script>

What was wrong with this girl? Who was she? What was her whole angle? Why was she insisting so much that it bowed to her? None of it made sense! 

But there was a fact that was truly frightening. How did she have perfect control over this space?! This wasn't supposed to be possible! Where was the man he had tried to possess? Was this a memory or another soul sealed inside him?! 

"Hehe, I'm real. Of course, I'm real." 

Could she read its thoughts too?! How?! It focused its mind but didn't detect any breach whatsoever. Then how had she done it?! 

"I can see it on your face. You're probably the most expressive rock I've ever encountered." 

See it on its face? A rock didn't have a face! It was just….but then it realized that she was right. It did have a face now. Its new morphing body had been flexing following its thoughts. 

How inconvenient! It had only seen the positives, but now it seemed like there were demerits to it too! What would it do now? Should it try to run? Should it attack her? Should it try to talk her into letting it go? 

"Boots? A sword? A mouth? You really wear your heart on your sleeves, it seems. What a funny rock!" She giggled happily. 

Goddammit! Screw this new body! It was showing way too much! It had to learn to control it, but that would take time, time it didn't have. 

How could it face this godly being? How could it—? But then it realized that there was incongruence. She couldn't be that strong. It had to be a trick for sure! That was it! This whole thing had to be an illusion! That was the only explanation! 

"You don't want to play? That's weird. You're the one that came over, after all. Ah, did you perhaps expect to meet Josh?" 

Josh? Who was this Josh? Was it that human's name? Could it be that it just had to meet him to end it all? This was bound to be the case, right? Should it ask the little girl to guide it? 

"It's not possible." She shook her small head sideways. 

"He's been sleeping for a long time, a very long time." She sighed, seemingly looking deeper into this world. Her expression slowly turned sorrowful and nostalgic. 

"I really can't wait until he wakes up. We'll explore so many new places, play so many fun games, and most especially, I really want a hug." Tears fell from her lively eyes to die on her bright smile. 

"But I know that he'll be back for sure! After all, he's Josh Motherfucking Malum! Today he's one step closer too! Hahahahaha!" Her laugh was crystalline, gleeful, but definitely mad.

p This laugh was so beautiful..yet so deadly! It couldn't take it anymore. It knew that it would become a slave to this laugh if it kept listening to it. 

It had to stop this laugh at all costs! It had to! The rock morphed into a sea of deadly weapons as it charged at the girl. 

But just as it came nearby, she raised a small hand casually, not even bothering to look at it. As for what happened next, it wasn't sure. 

In a pink world, there were tons of stuffed toys. One of these was a cute little pet rock…

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