Classless Ascension

Chapter 371 Floor 25 Part 2

The winged abomination was now flying toward the party angrily, screeching powerfully. 

— Screech! — 

"Tch— so angry. It should chill out a bit." Josh grumbled. 

"Master, I think us destroying many of its wings may have something to do with it." 

"Yep, now brace for fucking impact!" 

Everyone on the pillar turned even sharper— besides the lifeless rat. The branch didn't care much either as an elemental made of magic, but Nightmare was neighing crazily. 

"Little horsie, calm down. Don't worry. There is an orc king here, hahaha!" the orc's boisterous laugh felt so out of place. 

Nightmare scoffed at the orc. He was the one that looked the worst in the group. It would be a dumb horse if it believed in his lies! 

But all stopped talking as the creature flew right above their heads, raining the last of its annoying brethren upon them. This seemed so fucking endless! But they used the opportunity to shoot it. 

— Twang! Twang!—

— SHRIEK!!!!— 

— Twang! Twang!— 

Dark green blood rained down on their heads, staining them. It smelled so revolting that even the orc could be seen choking and spitting in disgust. 

"New boss fight, now 50% harder and smellier! Join now for tons of fun and try the new Floor 25 perfume: fresh bloody latrine!" Josh joked around as he kept attacking. 

"Tch— At least it will help me fend off the human females." The orc grumbled. 

Right…as if that were an issue. 

It took a while, but with dedication and tons of arrows….the enemy ran out of wings— and seemingly of brethren to throw? 

Either way, seeing that the pesky humans seemingly had endless arrows and were enjoying the long-ranged fight, it opted for close combat. 

The thing landed on the pillar heavily, crushing the rock under its many feet. 

— BAM! — 

— Crumble — 

"How many feet does this thing even have? Six cockroach legs, and are those two eagle talons?! What a freak!" 

"Master, these things look so sharp!" 

"Sadly, I bet they are too." 

They charged toward it, grabbing their hammer and morphing weapon, respectively. They both had healing pills in their mouth that they were chewing on akin to gum. 

"Take this, you bastard!" The orc swung powerfully at his target. It felt so damn better not to be at a range anymore! It could finally fight! 

But what happened next was as OP as ridiculous. The giant Blattariff used its two hind eagle legs to stand upright and then its six others to attack. It seemed like six deadly spears with the speed of bullets! 

— Clang! — 

— Clang! — 

— Spurt! — 

The orc barely managed to block the first ones, but he had no way to do anything about the latter ones. An elongated sharp leg penetrated his body, making a mess of his organs. 

He coughed blood as the monstrous beak with mandibles approached its head to finish the job. He was completely helpless.  <br/><script>ChapterMid();</script>

The maw's shadow got bigger, but just as it was about to consume him, he felt his body be dragged backward. How?! 

"Be careful. Try to be at least useful before you die like an idiot." Josh complained.

"T-thanks, master." The orc hurriedly ate more pills. 

The creature shrieked as its piercing eyes landed on the orc. It seemed confused for an instant, but then it noticed the close to invisible threads. 

"Tch— this won't work another time." 

This thing sure was crazy. Its long legs were way too fast and gave it so much reach that they wouldn't even be able to approach its body. How were they supposed to cope with it? 

The creature was now slowly hopping toward them. It looked as terrifying as ridiculous. 

"Why isn't it flying?" 

"Master, I think it can't control its legs very well when it's flying. Its movement speed doesn't seem as perverse as his attack speed either." The orc analyzed. 

"Alright, we destroy the legs, and then we can fight back. Branch, you're on help duty." Josh ordered. 

This was gonna be one annoying fight. They needed to chip away at the enemy's weapons without dying. The issue was that all the legs had pretty much the same range. This was akin to a 2 v 6. It could have been better. 

The fight soon resumed— with the branch working its magic.

Right now, they were akin to actors in a superhero movie. But instead of using ropes to simulate flying, they were using the grass tentacles to increase their speed. 

The grass elemental was swinging them around as it had done with the rat earlier. It made sure to keep the only tentacle behind them, out of the creature's range. 

This was only possible because it moved slowly. Otherwise, it would have charged at the grass elemental and cut it wholly. 

This made it, so they flew in and out super fast. They were using a guerrilla tactic—in-out, super-fast, over and over again, like in porn. 

The orc king seemed keen on describing the whole process as they fought: 

"Master, are so damn fast!"

"Master, I've managed to chip a leg!" 

"Master, at this rate, we'll destroy a leg!" 

"Master, swinging around like this is actually fun!" 

Josh wasn't sure how to react to this. He just kept the Hack \u0026 Swing going. The more the creature failed to finish them and the louder it screeched. At this point, it could have been the lead singer of a thrash metal group. 

Josh could picture it: Blattagriff from Hell!— *PS: Concert may result in being devoured/impaled. 

He chuckled, imagining this, but kept attacking, feeling the hard and black legs on the point to shatter. 

— Shriek! — 

"Keep going. We got this!— I think…" 

"Master, can you sound more certain?!" 

He simply shrugged as he kept going. It was already too late to turn back. They had to destroy this thing no matter what. 

— Shriek! — 

Thus a game of knife kept going. But instead of there being a knife and fingers, it was legs and them. Every other second they felt that a wrong move would cost them their life, but the grass elemental was doing its job properly. 

Then they finally managed to…temporarily disable a few legs. Oh, the thing was already slowly regenerating. At this rate, its legs would be 100% okay in a few minutes or so if it didn't take further damage. 

"What should we do, master?"

"What else? We charge!" Josh shouted as he ran toward the creature.

"CHARRRRGE!" The orc eagerly followed suit. 

The two evaded the legs that had adopted a defensive posture. At least they were able to jump on the creature's back without too many issues. The creature screeched in anger, but they were now on its back. 

The carapace was sleek, dark, and seemed extremely resistant. This thing wouldn't be easy to pierce for sure. But so what?! The two violently began to smash it! 

— Clang! — 

— Clang! — 

— Clang! — 

Its carapace was freaking unbreakable. They glanced at each other, incredibly surprised. 

"How is it so hard?! This doesn't make any sense!" 

"Do you wanna know what else is hard?" Josh jokingly asked. 

"Master, is it really such time for—"

"Mining, mining can be hard too. Let me try this." Josh quickly grabbed his pickaxe, one that had helped him so much in the past. 

He swung it powerfully; dealing a single explosive hit would be enough to— make a clanging sound echo….

— Clang! — 

The carapace wasn't hurt in the slightest. 

"Tch— it was worth a try." Josh grumbled, already trying to find another option. 

What about his combat techniques? Could he somehow pierce through using that? What about trying to target the head? No, the way the legs were placed, it wasn't a blind spot at all. 

Heck, even with the legs in a sorry state, he didn't dare to get too close. So how the heck were they supposed to clear that? 

The orc wasn't one to give up so easily. Even now, he was still smashing his hammer over and over on the thing. But he suddenly gasped in surprise. 

"Master, look at it carefully." 

As the hammer struck, the carapace seemed to turn a blue light for a second. But it wasn't the only thing turning blue. There were many protrusions all over the carapace that were also shining. 

"You think we need to target those things?!" 

"I'm not sure, master." 

"Never hurts to try!" Josh ran over to one as quickly as possible and role-played a barbarian. 

He smashed and smashed, and with every attack, there was a blue glow. But the more he kept going and the dimmer it was becoming. All until he was finally able to smash it completely. 

"There we fucking go!" 

"Good job, master. Let's crush some more, hahaha!" 

But it seemed they had been celebrating too quickly. A few giant cockroaches appeared from the shattered protrusion, jumping at their throats. 

"What the heck is this?!" 

"Trying to gang up on an orc warrior?! I'll kill all of you!" 

The orc king managed to dispatch them all alone. Funnily enough, he could deal with the giant ones more easily than the tiny ones. 

Thus began a cleanup operation. They kept shattering protrusion after protrusion, but there was definitely something wrong.

"Master, don't you think this is a bit too easy?" The orc also felt uneasy. 

"Yes, but I have no clue what it's planning," Josh replied. 

At first, he thought it was acting meek to heal slowly, but glancing at its wings, they were still destroyed. Then what was it waiting for? 

"Whatever, it doesn't seem to be healing too fast. Just keep attacking. The faster we're done and the faster—"

But he suddenly had to stop talking as both of them lost their footing. That's when they both realized what was happening. 

The creature HAD been healing all along. 

The destroyed wings suddenly fell by themselves as entirely new ones grew up straight from the carapace. 

A second later, they were in the air. The momentum was what made them lose their balance. 

That's when they heard a buzzing sound, one they knew very well. The annoying brethren were back— and they weren't in a good position to fight them, at all! 


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