Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 62 Foxes Great Escape!

"Come back here, you little twerp!"

"Woo!" (Catch me if you can! Hahahaha!)

The halls resonated with the happy fox laughter and the curses of their pursuers.

By now, the Water Lord's Nephew had turned utterly mad. He threw spell after spell, trying to catch them off-guard, but it never bloody worked!

Water Blade? Nope

Water Tentacle? Dodged!

Water Wave? They jumped on the walls!

Water Onslaught? They ran even faster, not even trying to fight back!

"H-how?!" It was as if they knew how to resist every type of attack! At that moment, his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that they were actually trained soldiers?!

"Woo!" (My fur's all wet! Sob sob!)

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the foxes, this couldn't be… right? No way! After all, the fireballs they sometimes threw were way too weak to have real offensive uses.

Thus he kept running after them, feeling like crying once more. His only comfort was that he wasn't alone in his misery. Not only that, but his new "ally" was so calm-headed!

"This won't work. We have to trap them in a corner. Only then will we be able to contend with their insane speed. Do that, and those recordings are ours…." The assassin remarked.

"Ah, you're right, brother! Let's do this, catch them and make them regret the day they were born! We'll skin them and—"

"They're still the Flame Lord's foxes. Just grab the recordings, and that will be enough."

"Ah! You're right. Brother, you're amazing! A great man of Peace, indeed!"

The youngster's opinion of his mysterious "ally" was rising by the second as he naively thanked his luck for the man's presence.

As for the assassin, he was trying his best to salvage the situation. He was alone with the youngster, the perfect timing for an assassination… he just had to get the recordings!

Thus the two kept fox-hunting, and the more they did, the better they got at it. It reached the point where every other minute, they'd corner a fox… so good!

"Woo!" (Another has fallen! Escapeee!)

"Woo?!" (Gasp! They're learning!)

The foxes would freak out a little more with every lost recording stone. They had started with 20 of them, but now they only had half left! At this rate, they'd lose them all?!

Logic said they had to return to Jack.

"Woo?!" (This is our mission! We go back!)

"Woo?!" (A-Are we admitting defeat that easily?!)

"Woo!" (What else can we do?! This is the worst, but…)

This was one of their hardest struggles ever… an internal one! On the one hand, their mission, but on the other, FUN! Gasp, talk about a difficult choice!

Yet, they didn't hesitate too long as they decisively… rushed for the Masquerade's Main Hall! They'd give most of the recordings to their Master and perhaps ask to keep a few then.

"Crap! This is bad. They're going back?!"

"Brother, what now…."

But as their two pursuers saw this, they turned ashen. There was no way they could possibly intercept so many foxes at once, and they'd definitely turn the recording over.

Yet, their pride as man and assassin wouldn't let them give up, NOT YET! They were ready to climb a mountain of blades if they had to, but they wouldn't give up.

Seeing the men hot on their tails, the foxes simply accelerated.

With every sway of the orange tails, the men despaired some more. But just as they thought they were utterly screwed, a miracle happened.

Around the corner, two men suddenly appeared!

"Y-you guys!" Tears of joy escaped the usually cold assassin. At this moment, he was so glad to see his colleagues, the ones he usually hated to the bone. "STOP them!"

With the shout, the assassins went into position. They were akin to the mightiest linebackers! Not only were they trained in combat, but they were already using spells!

Magic overflowed from their hands, Acid and Thorns, as they created an anti-fox wall! Their power combined was so great that they completely blocked the hallway!

Either the foxes would be skewered into a bloody mess, or their bodies would get melted on the spot! They had reached a dead end!

"Woo?!" (Scary! Don't touch it!)

Instantly, the foxes turned around, but they were confronted with a tidal wave from the laughing youngster. "Hehe, where do you think you're going?!"

Crap! They were stuck between a deadly wall and a deadly wave! What the hell were they supposed to do?! But just as they were about to despair, they remembered their Master.

What would he do? Would he give up? No! He'd find an escape route… and even if there were none, he'd create one! That's when a certain fox took the lead.

"Woo!" (1…2.. 3…5… just like in the sewers!)

Ah?! That's right. They could use that focused fire technique! As long as they all aimed at the very same spot, maybe they stood a chance! They didn't waste any time.


Tons of fireballs were launched at the Acid wall of Thorns before them. Thorns could burn, right? YES! They just had to use enough fire! Amidst a deluge of fire, "counting woos" echoed.

Then just as the humans thought everything was over… the foxes suddenly breached the wall, jumping through the tiny hole they had managed to create.

"D-did they just?! They went through?!"

All spectators felt like they had imagined the scene. How had simple foxes managed to do that?! Had their silliness really been an act all along?

But then most of them face-planted on the marble floor, all tangled up in a fox ball thanks to their lack of coordination.


After that insane breach… they had failed that laughingly?! Before the foxes could even get up, the assassins rushed to gather them, tying them up with magic and dispelling the wall.

Even now, they weren't sure why their colleague wanted those recordings so much, but they'd know soon. But just as it seemed like they had been victorious…

"Wait, one fox is missing!"

"Woo!" (Gotcha!)

A lone fox rushed out, bypassing them all! Had it been planning for this moment all along? Nope, it had just missed the initial jump and gotten lost.

Yet, none of that mattered, for it had succeeded! It glowed with pride as it swaggered toward the Main Hall. It couldn't wait for pats and praises!

As for the humans behind, it was despair' o clock again…

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