Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 112: Masquerade Party (26)

Chapter 112: Masquerade Party (26)

So youre alive?


So the person Im talking to right now isnt the Gyosu Park made from Gyosu Parks memories, but the real Gyosu Park?

Glug Glug

For the eighth time already, yes!

Then whats with that arm? Dont Type 3 mutants only appear on fresh corpses?

Yeah, but like I said already, Im an exception

Then you are a corpse!

For fs sakes! Id be better off talking to a deaf person!

Hey! It just doesnt logically make sense! How could a normal, living bodys arm turn into a mutant?

Thunk! Clatter!

The endless loop this conversation has been in for the past few minutes made Gyosu throw the Jerry can in frustration. It was the oil canister that had been attached to the luggage compartment at the back of the armored vehicle. After taking out the rest of the fuel in the armored car, they went around and sprayed it on all of the others, making sure each and every one of them was soaked in oil.

P-pease Pease dont kiee uss

Ian kicked away the hand that was grabbing onto his leg. All he did was chase Sols vehicle here, but this place was already a bloody battlefield. He had a lot of questions to ask.

Well get you checked up at the hospital later. See whether youre dead or not. But why were you here anyway? That guy, the one with all of his teeth knocked out, is the guy from this morning, right? That Executive Department agent, Jack, or Sam, was it?


Yeah. What do you mean, why? I finished all of my official business, so I came and did some of my personal ones. Where else would the Executive Department go after losing? There were a few other candidates, but when I thought about it, if everything was blacked out like their original plan, then the other facilities, like the door systems and everything else, would be out of question, so I felt like the Executive Department would have either kept something open beforehand or prepared emergency equipment ready in their building to operate things. These guys killed my mom, so I came to kill them. Why are you here then?

Ah, this guy killed my wife and daughter.

I see.

I see.

Both of their voices were much too calm compared to the weight of their conversations topic, and it made Ian let out a breathy laugh. Its because he felt that the two of them had the exact same thoughts in mind.

Revenge should be done as dryly as possible. Right?

Yeah, I guess. I did think of tying them up somewhere and carving chunks of their flesh out and shoving them into their mouths, but I felt like something would happen to my head if I did that. My mothers dying wish was for me to survive, so how sad would she be if her child died of madness while avenging her? It is sort of a shame, but following the Wasteland rules, lets take the path that is better for our mental health.

Aw, I didnt think youd say something so mature. Youre all grown up now. Im just holding back because I still have a whole list of guys to kill and I dont want to burn out before I get through all of them.

You always act so old when youre not even that older than me. Arent we only about 11 years apart?

11 years in the Wastelands is close to a third of the average lifespan, you youngster.

Dnk, d-dnk.

They sprayed close to four canisters of fuel, which should be enough.

The two men decided to take a breather between their foes, who were a bloody and greasy mess. The top of the armored car was less oily and higher than the surroundings, so it was a nice place to watch the Executive Department and Raptors from.

That reminds me; I didnt even do a memorial for my mom. And my dads too after my mom passed away.

Memorial? Look at this guy. And youre always talking like you were the worlds best son.

Its not like that. Even last year, just thinking of my parents made me look for my pistol. Its only as of recently that Ive been able to think properly of them.

The same goes for all Wasteland people, but you have one wacky life, Gyosu Park.

Not even compared to you. Why do you have so many people to kill? How many are there?

How many, you say

Taking out a fancy cigar he must have gotten from somewhere, Ian squirmed his way into the armored car and came back out with it lit. In his hand was a cigar lighter that was still red hot.

I dont know. Havent counted how many there are in the Raptors.

If its the entire Raptor Society Dang, hell is gonna give you a certificate of honor for that one when you die.

Keheheh! Thats better than nothing!

Urghhh This cant be I cant just die like this

He was blankly staring at the smoke floating up when a voice close to a moan came down from below them. He knew that face. It was a name that was clearly written on the file that Lewis Batross, Gyosus old comrade, gave him. His name was

Theo? Are you Executive Director Theo Lisker?


Jumping down from the armored car, Gyosu approached the man who was attempting to crawl out of the garage. He planned to see just what made him so innocent.

Ksssssk Ksssssk

As if just making it out of this garage would save his life, he desperately crawled his way forward.

That is, until Gyosu crouched down in front of him and blocked his way.

You want to live?

Gyosu sincerely asked him. Even knowing that he wasnt going to be spared, why did this man try so hard?

Hah, Hagh! Gyosu Park I see, its you. You ruined everything. That petty revenge, just because of the trivial reason that your old mother was precious to you, you ruined the greater vision!


The blade that Theo swung with the rest of his strength was easily stopped by Gyosus left hand. His attack felt more like a representation of his feelings, rather than one actually meant to kill him.

The greater vision, you say Arent you even embarrassed to say that? You betrayed the Dome in order to live because you guys lost the election. Sold out the Dome, and your conscience with it too.

Why dont you realize that the election itself is wrong?

Theo used the blade Gyosu was holding to support himself, then struggled to move his body and clung to Gyosus hand.

You! You should remember if you worked in the Executive Department in the past. That the Executive Department used to have permission to use the Exosuits!

Yeah. Ive ridden an Exosuit a couple times too.

Yes, isnt that normal? The original purpose of the Inspection Bureau was to search for and remove the dangers within the Dome, and the Executive Department was in charge of external risk factors! But now, how is it now? All of the authority to use the Exosuits has been handed over to the Inspection Bureau! And after losing most of our power, the Executive Department has been reduced to nothing more than an auxiliary organization that trains street fighting tactics to be used as a last resort!

The man cried out to Gyosu almost as if he were actually spitting out blood.

That oh-so-great democracy! Because the Dome had to take in all of the useless remnants of the past, they turned into a garbage organization where political power decides everything! Every time that Inspection Directors venomous tongue coiled around the Council, the Exosuits, permission to test the latest tactical weapons, mission areas, and even the capacity limit! One by one, the Executive Departments authorities started to get handed over to the Inspection Bureau! And the useless Executive Director was unable to stop it! No, he didnt even plan to stop it! Because its already been a long time since he built his private Dome on the outskirts using the bribes he received! Dont you think its strange? Huh? Isnt all of this strange to you?!

The man who had been attempting to get up by grabbing onto Gyosus left hand slipped due to the oil covering his hands and tumbled back onto the floor. Tears flowed out of his blood and grease-covered eyes.

The world has been destroyed, so shouldnt the standards of morality also change? You have to throw away what you need to throw away in order to move forward! The Domes ideals are nothing more than a means for the higher-ups to use the residents as puppets for their own benefit! Thats why we betrayed them! Before the people living in this Dome were sucked to their last drop of blood! In order to survive in this world, we need to accept the Raptors, who have truly adapted to this post-apocalyptic world, and

Wowww, this is new.

Seriously. They didnt do anything dirty like this when I was still there. The Raptors must have been in a rush too.

All the man was talking about at the brink of death was the debate of ideals. Isnt this just that?

Clap clap clap.

Watching Theo continue his speech even in such an injured state, Gyosu cut him off and clapped for him. He was more amazed than mad now.

Ideological edification Theyre like the North Koreans from the Old Times.

There were quite a few guys that declared war using propaganda when I was back in the Raptors as well. Saying something about a crimson army, a black army, and such. I thought they were just idiots, but looking at whats happened, it must not have been a completely dumb idea.

I waited because I thought there might have been a reason, but it was nonsense that wasnt even worth listening to. All I did was taint my eardrums. Eugh, disgusting. Im gonna wash it out with the rainwater.

Its not nonsense! Weve always been doing this for the people

The people. Hahah, wow. I was always cursing God, but he was here all along. You select the people that need to live and sacrifice the scraps that werent selected. Dont you think what youre saying is a little disgusting?

For the greater good, a small sacrifice always follows. Since the world has changed, I repeat, the standards of morality must also change

The Underdome gangs you guys use. The guys that are basically living as slaves are addicted to the sprayable drugs, as are the canned debtors in the Shilling factory. When I was here, the Underdome was just a poor neighborhood. But when I saw it this time, it turned into some slum opium den, and from what I know, there are about 20% more residents in the Underdome than the Upper Dome. Even if you set the standards ve~ry generously, isnt it a little too much to call the sacrifice of more than half the people a small sacrifice?

Y-you cant just get caught up in the numbers! Although what we do may seem wrong! In the far future! Looking into the far future when the Wastelands sands are gone, this is like a backfire to stop a bigger firemgmmmphh!

Gyosu tore a tattered part from the left arm of his uniform and shoved it into the mans mouth, which had been desperately blabbering on to survive.

How sad. To think that my mom and Lewil died to a measly guy like this.

Hed waited years for this moment, but he felt more emptiness than accomplishment.

Revenge is like that. Thats why everyone always advises finishing it as calmly as possible, as if its just carrying out another duty.


Aghhhk! Reeeeee!

Just then, he saw Ian drag something big and loud out of the inner part of the garage as he responded to Gyosus comment.

Calm? Do you happen to know the word hypocrite?

Of course. Im incredibly logical right now. Im logically trying to kill this guy.

The man being dragged out was none other than Sol Amar, now with tears and snot covering his face.

Eu, uaaaaahhhhh! P-please! Please spare me, General Ashfield! Think of all of the good times we spent together! Back when you taught me how to shoot! You said so back then!

Ahh, I remember. I said your recoil is stable because of your fat.

Yes! Yes yes! After hearing that, I clung on desperately to shooting! And how much time have we spent since then? As a member of the same pack and as the Swarm Alphas bodyguard! I assisted General Ashfield with my excellent marksmanship and always




Yeah, yeah. It wasnt all that great of a memory, but I do share quite a bit of memories with you.



After taking the man out and beating him up to a pulp, Ian dragged him to the top of the broken armored car, shoved him back in through the hatch, and then sprayed the remainder of the leftover oil inside.

Whyd you take him out if you were gonna put him back in?

I was just going to kill him, but I remembered something because I thought back to the old days.

What is it?

Ian raised his head and let out his signature snicker, as if reminiscing about the old times, then spoke as he knocked on the armored car where Sol was trapped.

Molly always baked the pork in the oven when she cooked.

N-no! What are you thinking of doing? L-let me out! Let me out! Please!

From how strongly he reacted, he must have heard everything Ian said. Or he might have said it loudly on purpose.

Oh, did you hear that? Darn, I heard meat from stressed animals had a bad texture.

Splish, splish, clump, clump.

Passing the armored car, where he could hear thumping, and walking past where Theo let out suppressed groans to arrive at the garage entrance, he could hear the cool sound of rain that had been drowned out by other sounds inside.

Now, it was time to end it.



Give me a cigarette.

Youre going to smoke it?

Not me.

With his thumb, Gyosu pointed at the garage ringing with moans and bangs from the armored car and at Theo, who was desperately trying to crawl out of the garage covered in oil.

Ians face crumpled into a grimace.

Those bastards? Why burn incense for trash like them?

I want to make sure they dont get lost. Think of it as my warm consideration so they properly make their way to hell.

Damn it. These are high-quality cigars from the Raptors too

Even though he grumbled about it, Ian lit the cigar and handed it over without hesitation.

Mmmmph! Grrph!

At some point, Theo made it to the entrance of the garage. After exchanging his gaze between the lit cigar and his body covered in oil, he reached out his hands as if in a frenzy. Blood sprayed out from his fingertips, which no longer had fingernails on them.

You didnt need to come out and greet us. Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Mister Theo Lisker. I hope you live a little nicer in the afterlife, and this is apparently pretty high-end.



So make sure you share it with the others too.

A cigar with the Raptors logo stamped on it flew towards the screaming Theo.

Theos eyes followed the object.

It flew past his shoulder and fell down after colliding with his arm. A small red ember flew out from the impact.


Grrrmmmmph! Mmmmmaaaaaghhh!

The fire that instantly spread to his body, unsatisfied by what it already burned, slithered along the path he crawled from to the inner garage.



Gaaaaahhh! F-firee! The fireeee!!!

Thunk thunk thunk thunk!

Its hot! Hoooooooooot!!! Please get me out of here! Someone! Please! Aaaaaaghhhh!

It was a hellish scene of people crying out as they got burned alive, along with the voice of a man in pain as the armored car he was trapped in slowly started to heat up from the flames.

They said revenge was pointless but it isnt all that bad.

He did feel a little bit of hollowness, but it still felt nice to see them all in pain.

Gyosu, who was watching the scene from a distance in the rain, bowed twice towards the burning garage.

Was there a human sacrificial custom in Korea?

No but I just did it as a sort of report since theres a big incense and all, and now that a big deed is finally over too.

Keheheh, youre a weird one.

After getting up from the ground, Gyosu took turns to look at the Executive Department building now billowing with black smoke, the Domes bluish shield revealed by the raindrops, and the massive valley still letting out steam.

Its over.

Yeah. The event that a single wrong walk around the neighborhood started is finally over.

Clunk, clunk, clunk!

Watching the Inspection Bureaus Exosuits hurriedly run in their direction after spotting the fire, Gyosu opened his mouth.

Ian. Youre not in that bad of a condition, right?

I stopped a hole in my thigh with whipping cream. My face is covered in melted glass and sand shards from the artillery shots, and just from where its aching, I think theres about six, seven shell fragments

So what youre saying is, youre in a better condition than me, who ran through toxic gas without protection, was shocked by Zeus right next to it, and has an arm in this hell of a state. Right?

Uh Mmm


Seeing that Ian was unable to respond, Gyosu flopped right on the ground.

You can explain the situation to them.

What? Hey! Youre the one who knows most of the overall situation! Its clear as day that the Administration Branch is going to swarm us like bees for information!

You can knock out if you dont want to.

Gyosu closed his eyes as he listened to Ian and the Exosuits loudspeaker echo through his head with his fading consciousness. The showering raindrops landed on his heated body like soft velvet.

A week later

Gyosu was lying in a hospital bed with bandages all over his body.

Plip. Plip.

A solution consisting of nutrients and all sorts of other drugs slowly flowed into his body through the IV.

Beep Beep

And wires from a machine that clearly looked very complicated were attached all over his body, and doctors with serious expressions frowned down at him as they compared the chart and the graph being printed in real time together.

The large special room was filled with equipment that seemed like almost all of the hospitals state-of-the-art equipment was brought here, and so many doctors filled the seats in the room between these devices to the point there was no space left in the room itself.

If someone asked whether Gyosu was actually in that serious of a state to be receiving this special attention, the answer was


For fs sakes! Can we stop this already? Huh!

Not necessarily.

After being brought to the hospital by the Inspection Bureau, the first thing Gyosu heard from the doctor after waking up in just two days was that he was in a much better state than expected.


Oy, Doctor. How is Gyosu?

Mmm first of all, the most visible wound is the internal burns caused by the electric shock. Fortunately, the current flowed in through his hands and out through his toes. It isnt too serious, so hell recover from it soon if he stays in our Domes recovery facility. Were confirming whether the unusual material on his left hand helped.

Mmmmm This is

Aside from that?

Aside from that He had some symptoms of poisoning, skin burns, chemical burns and abrasions inside the lungs, exhaustion, and some others, but unlike we expected, he did not show signs of an abnormally exceptional recovery rate. Ah, please dont mind that.

I-IanI needwater

No, keep talking. I was curious, too. That thing on his left hand, what is it?

We are also not sure as its a form weve also seen for the first time But for now, were considering it a sort of Type 3 mutant. There is a vast variation of forms and traits between Type 3s, after all.

Type 3? Arent Type 3s mutants with a separate will?

I-Im thirstySomeone water

Actually, while Mister Gyosu Park was unconscious, the thing tried to communicate with us. It conversed by writing on paper and played chess with us resea ahem! Doctors saying it was bored. Since it definitely had a separate will of its own, we decided to classify it as a Type 3 mutant.

Hyde so it was him after all

Hyde? Do you happen to know something about it? Uh, it might be useful for the treatment, so if you write everything you know down


Water! Give me some water, cough! You bastards!

T-the subject is rampaging! Security! Securityyyy!!!






Well, he did know this was going to happen the moment he came here. He already knew that the Dome was obsessed with new technology.

S-Sir! Please calm down The treatment isnt over yet, so you need to stay!

What do you mean its not over? I already heard you guys say that the treatments are done and I can go rest at home!

He heard it?

Whisper whisper!

Mumble mumble!

No one has spoken about the patients condition next to him, correct?

Were positive. I told you! It definitely had an effect not only on the arm but on the main host itself! Its certain that he heard us with his outstanding hearing!

Its Its revolutionary! The most innovative technology in order for mankind to survive in the Wastelands! To think that were able to see a hybrid of a human and a Type 3 mutant, a creature adapted ideally for the Wastelands!

Is there any way to keep him here? For just 3, no 5 years?

Youve seen the records. How can we manage that monstrous strength?

Shh! Mister Gyosu Park is listening!

I heard everything, you bastards.

They tried to be as quiet as possible, but it wasnt just one or two people talking. Itd be harder for him to not hear when the entire cluster of researchers, or doctors, as they claim to be, are talking all at once.

How Gyosu learned of his current state wasnt because of some special ability. On the fourth day he was here, a nurse who sneaked in at night told him. Saying they were a fan, whether the BDSM also accepted medical workers as well.

It looks like theres a weird rumor spreading outside but I cant figure out a thing while Im stuck in here.

Since they were only quietly watching him for now and because he was also curious about his left arm, he patiently participated in the treatment experiment. Up until today.

Pluck, p-p-pluck!

M-Mister Gyosu Park! The treatment isnt over yet! If you go like this

I dont care anymore! I dont want to stay another second in this cramped place. Hand over the research data youve collected up to now. And if you really need to, try officially requesting the BDSM later on.


W-will you really come if we request for you?!

Then please come to our Department of Biotechnology!

No! What sort of absurdity is that? They said the creature called Hyde was born in GG! Of course he should come to our Department of Data Consciousness Exploration!

Dont be foolish! Its a new form of Type 3 mutant, so he should obviously come to our Department of New World Ecological Research!

Eeeeeek! How many major report papers do you have? Im covered every month by the Bio G magazine

Hah! Dont be so full of yourself for getting on a piece of paper! Do you know just how many years Ive been a professor at Harvards School of Biotechnology?

Shut up if you havent gotten a Nobel Prize!


Crash! Bang!

Uh send me a message after you guys sort it out!

Gyosu left the crowd of researchers that started to fight amongst themselves and slipped out of the hospital room.

For now, his plan was to go to the intensive care unit and see Vex.

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