Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 130: Star Fall (13)

Chapter 130: Star Fall (13)

Since I was outside already, I decided to work on the things I needed to do. I memorized Kingslands layout in advance through a post on the Community, so Ill find my way around and go deliver the messengers letter and ask them about the status of the war. I mean, I am a Warrior of the most powerful religion in this kingdom right now, so even if its hard for them to treat me like a commander right away, it should be enough for them to share information with me.

Kingsland was a city lined with sturdy yet luxurious buildings. As if boasting the fact that it was a planned city, the roads were straight and wide, and unlike the streets of this period, the buildings left no empty space yet were divided into segments that made traveling through the streets convenient. Rodrick also fought on the frontlines 70 years ago in the Undeads attack, and the entire capital, from the buildings to the castle, was all completely destroyed, and in the process of reconstruction, it was reborn as a planned city.

The reason why Im saying this is because the alleyways of those streets that had been so clean and wide were now filled to the brim with all sorts of tents and huts, with only the main streets being the exception.

It isnt weird that the refugees are here since they messed up to the point where the entire kingdom is about to collapse. But the problem was that not only the refugees but also the tangle of temporary living spaces they made in those alleyways didnt look normal.

Information Update

Elven Thread Tent, Andalian Red Mahogany Reusable Chair and Walls, Expert-Crafted Organic Rain Gutters, Dwarven Silverware, Torn Silk Dress

Overall Analysis : Incredibly expensive pile of trash.

And that was all the information I got from a short glimpse of the refugees shelter.

Cloth woven by Elven thread is popular for its sturdy but light feeling that comes from the completely natural plant-based resources its made from. Just how much would that thing cost if they made a tent out of a material they use small bits of in expensive dress linings? And that clumsy pile of wood under that. Looking at how the color isnt consistent, they probably destroyed the original object to make this shelter. Furniture? No, it was a carriage. The carriage wheel is being used as a tabletop over there. Adding onto that, theres silver tableware, tables, and is that a tea set? They made this mess, and theyre drinking tea?

Looking closely, the inside of their strange shelter was filled with even more valuable items of all sorts.

There were objects that boasted a price higher than gold of the same amount, broken carriages, and people with smooth, pale skin that looked a little disheveled but were still clean and well-maintained for refugees.

Surprisingly, the people sleeping in these streets were nobles. The nobles that got their homes taken over by the mutes packed their valuables to escape to the capital and were occupying the few alleyways Kingsland had to shelter themselves.

So the ones doing all of the chores next to them are escort knights no, probably servants or guards. All of the knights would have been recruited into the defense forces. I dont recognize any of the family coats of arms. Theyre not high nobles but most likely the minor nobles or cadet branch.

The reason why these rich nobles became rich refugees was obvious. It was because, currently, in Kingsland, there were people much more important than mere minor nobles with a lot of money. I was wondering why, considering that this was the capital of a kingdom in danger of collapsing, the atmosphere of this place was tense but not filled with neither fear nor chaos, but it must have been because they requisitioned all of the houses in the city and kicked out all of the commoners to use as lodging for the warriors and their groups from all over the world and the high noble families that fled here.

Since most of the houses in Kingsland were private residences of nobles, it was more than enough to receive the guests. The reason why we were able to get a room at that tavern must have been entirely thanks to the Lights Orders prestige.

A shocking method that completely disregarded any political backlash. The nation really must be in danger since theyre pushing out nobles onto the streets because they dont have enough room in the castle.

Tch. I knew things would get troublesome if we came to Kingsland, but not in this way

Feeling the sharp auras and mana as he passed through the streets, Professor pulled out the relic hanging around his neck from his shirt and hastened his footsteps. The thought that came into his mind was that he should quickly go get a new mission and leave this cramped city.


Halt! This is the house to worship the name of Ro Haram! Regardless of status, no one can enter without permission!

The main entrance to the Lights Orders main cathedral, located in Kingsland.

When Professor approached them, the two paladins in shining white armor crossed their spears and stopped him. Hearing how their voice was raspy, a heck of a lot of people must have come knocking on the cathedrals doors.

Latura, Ro Haram. May light lead your way. I am Professor, Warrior associated with the Lights Order. I have come to deliver a report about the mission I received and complete my order to return.

If you are a warrior of the church, then there is a procedure we were told of. May we check for a moment?

One of the two paladins stepped forward, and I confidently handed them the Light of Nelphia. Thanks to all of the light it absorbed on our way back, the relic gave off a clearly holy-looking glow.

Seeing that, the paladin immediately retracted their spears and bowed down with their hand to their chest.

Latura, Ro Haram. Please forgive the inconvenience. We have strengthened defenses because there has been an increase in those attempting to enter the grounds as of recently.

Do not worry. I have seen the streets on my way here, so I understand.

It is wisdom as expected from a Warrior. In fact, a few of those who have gone too far are currently in the churchs underground prison at the moment, as an example.

Professors expression froze from the calm smile he had been making. Its natural for them to stop them, but to put innocent nobles into the underground prison?


- Jokass : The underground prison? Isnt that basically an execution field where they slowly die from insanity?

- Highwaynachoman : Not even slowly. A normal civilian either goes crazy or dies in less than 5 days after turning into a human tuning fork.

- Noru_is_druig : Its normal for the wackos to do wacko stuff, but I thought the church people were pretty reasonable?


Thats what I thought. How are they going to handle the backlash if one of the nobles they put in there dies?

The paladin must have read my expression because the eyes inside the visor created a gentle curve upwards as he continued.

You seem surprised. The church is currently facing a battle with a corrupted god that will determine the fate of humanity. At the moment, when the church is participating in a holy battle, all worldly restraints are merely a faade in front of the name of Light. Those that were captured disrupted and cursed at the priests who are working day and night to prepare for the holy war, so they are no different from heretics. Heresy must be cleansed, is that not so?


- takealook : We the people call that execution. Its a social commitment, yknow?

- Noru_is_druig : Shh! Nobody talk! Didnt you see that bastards eyes? Hes insane! Those are the eyes of a murderer!


It seemed like the paladin genuinely believed that it was the nobles own fault for meeting their horrifying deaths. He suddenly felt a shiver run up his spine.

Thinking about it, the Lights Order is one of GGs official wacko organizations, and right now they are in a situation of [Movement of an evil god + their religions main cathedral about to be wiped out by those guys]. Its basically pushing all of the buttons they have. Theyre probably at least a few times more coo-coo than normal.

Im not just an average Warrior, but a half-mute being thats currently being tested. If I walk into that building with a body thats half a servant of that corrupt god, will there really not be a single priest or paladin that loses their mind and tries to purify me? Inside the Lights Order, where a kind nun that runs an orphanage turns into a horror movie monster when they hear just the word dark m out of a dark mage?


Ah, my bad. It seems that I was wasting the precious time of our busy brethren. Let us go in, Warrior, sir!

U-uh, wait

The Great Bishop told us to quickly let in those who were confirmed to be Warriors. Hurry! We have to solve all of the troublesome matters in order to pile the bodies of heretics on top of the firewood! Hurry! Let us not waste a moment of time!

Uh, uhhhhhhh

Professor, who had been hesitating, was pushed into the gates by the two paladins glinting eyes.

Brother Ganuto! Is it still long until we get those documents on the Norths situation?

Oh Holy Light! We have contacted the brothers that infiltrated the Panacel region!

Brother Daimano! Brother Daimano! Where are you?


Its the first time Ive seen a church this loud. Countless priests were using communication magic to receive information and deliver new orders to paladins and priests spread out throughout the world.

Uh, excuse me

Move aside!

Excuse me, wheres Bishop Senadis?

Communication magic connected. Recording the list of casualtsniffle!


When Professor was wandering through the building, unable to find someone who could help him



One of the monks carrying a mountain of parchment didnt see me in front of them and crashed into me, the papers scattering everywhere.

Goodness, the documents about the western region! Brother! I believe I repeated several times that the paladins should prevent the heretics from entering the

Ah, my apologies. I heard that the church was calling for me

I pulled out the relic like a shield the moment we collided.

Relic are you a Warrior?

Yes, I am. But

Then what are you doing here? The meeting has already started long ago!


Didnt you know? We clearly notified you that today at noon, the Warriors that have gathered in Kingsland, Rodricks Commander-in-Chief, and the subordinate commanders will be meeting at the Lights Orders main cathedral to discuss future strategies!

This was the first time Id heard of a meeting.

You shouldnt be wasting time here! There is no bigger disgrace than the Warrior of the Lights Order not attending the meeting almost all Warriors are attending! Hurry! Its this way!

The monk suddenly burst out in anger, then opened up a path through the chaos of priests and started to guide me.

Clomp clomp clomp clomp.

Excuse me brother?

You may speak.

I actually havent been told the details of this meeting. Can you tell me what this is exactly about?

I will keep it short as we are almost there. The meeting has been opened for two major matters. The exchange of information regarding the Corrupt God, and how they will arrange the troops gathered from each nation.

I understand the information exchange but arranging the troops through a meeting?

Goddammit. This isnt going to be good.

He could tell this wasnt going to end quietly just from hearing the rough overview. Why did they choose the Chief Commander in the first place? Its to have one person make the decisions, at least for the most important matters, to create a unified flow of orders.

In a war, there are going to be times when there are dangerous situations, and sacrifices will be necessary for the benefit of the allies.

But theyre going to decide this in a meeting? And not just with reinforcements from one nation, but all kinds of nations and kingdoms around the world? My goodness gracious. Which genius thought that was a good idea?


Halt. Identify yourself.

Just as he was thinking about what a mess the conference room was going to be, they were blocked by another set of paladins crossing their spears, just like at the front door.

Latura, Ro Haram. May the Light always shine with you. Servant of the Light Leobino, Warrior


Professor. I have come to guide Sir Professor to the meeting room.

Latura, Ro Haram. We will check for a moment. There is a possibility that the Corrupt Gods vile servant may have slipped through.

Clunk. Clunk.

Looking at the paladins approaching them, Professor could feel his chest tighten. As if he were anxious, the feeling of a strange aura tightened around his chest.

My apologies, but may I ask my brethrens name?

The churchs Warrior is a tool Ro Haram has chosen themselves. Please do not speak so formally to me. Im a mere paladin, Gregorio.

Contrary to his humble tone, his eyes glinted sharply. Gregorio was already plenty suspicious of me.


- Soygaybar : Fing hell. Gregorios that bastard. Gregorio Garnier, The Purifier.

- Jokass : The Purifier. that pyromaniac?

- Soygaybar : Yeah! The guy known as the Number 1 contributor during the World 3 dark mage hunting season! Hes the Captain of the Lights Orders paladins! Be careful! Hell light you on fire before starting the questions if things go wrong!


F**k this. Whats a guy like that doing as a doorman?

[Uuhrp, mmm. Whats this? A battle? Something feels weird Is it another fight?]

No. Not yet.

Hearing Hyde wake up after sensing danger, Professor licked his dry lips. Although the man standing in front of him was a paladin, not a pure knight, the aura he was emitting was real. It was like everything around him darkened, and only Gregorio was standing in front of him.

Do not move. This will do no harm if you are truly pure.

Uh, so I need to explain, but Im not pure pure? Give me a

Im afraid you have no authority to refuse.

The paladin murmured a prayer, and a concentration of light on a completely different level from a normal priests chant collected in his hands as he continued.

A small ember shall not be too little to brighten the dark. [Light]!


The light was not just blindingbut it felt like it was piercing through his skull into his brain. Professor felt just a little dizzy from the light, but not Hyde.

[Aaahhck! What? What is this? You said you werent fighting! You said sooooo!!!]


Across the sound of Hydes screams from the wave of light, he heard the chilling sound of a blade being unsheathed.

Huhuhuh. I knew it. I knew there would be at least one of you bastards. Oh servant of the evil god! I see you underestimated the church.

W-what? What did I?

Silence! I have already seen another being within you writhing in pain under the hands of the Light! You must be the Insomnia Crab those mages have spoken about!





S**t. That reminds me, these guys have been really wary of parasitical mutes that can control even high-level mages since Isaac died like that!


T-t-t-that guys pulling out his aura! Hes actually gonna kill me! He jumped to conclusions and is just gonna kill me first!

I had to stop him. This isnt just about whether I could handle him, but the games just going to be over if I fight the Paladin Captain inside the Lights Orders main cathedral!

I-its a misunderstanding! Im an extremely special case, you see

Brother Leobino! Close your ears! He is skilled enough with their evil sorcery to trick the many brethren of the church!

Damn it! I cant persuade him if he doesnt listen to anything I say! If only there was someone who would listen

Professors eyes landed on the massive door behind the glowing paladin. The entrance to the conference room was decorated with enough detail to be considered its own wooden sculpture.

Blood Armor.


Looking at the blood spouting out of Professors arm take shape, Gregorio made a wide grin.

Have you chosen resistance instead of repentance? How violent, just to be expected of an evil gods subordinate! No matter what trickery you attempt to play, you will not pass the light that Ro Haram hath bestowed upon me. I will burn your limbs and hang you on the highest pillar in the kingdom, then hang that bh that appointed a servant of evil as a Warrior next to you and make you confess all of the sorceries you have done to us!

How the hell is the thing in your hand any less violent than mine? Why cant you f**king listen, you psychopathic motherf**ker!!!


The paladin and Professors bodies shot towards each other, and the crimson gauntlet and sword with white flames crossed.


A clean, textbook example of a horizontal swing. The gauntlet shattered in a single hit, and the aura sliced his arm. The successive attack was aimed at striking him on the head.


The Blood Armor that was on the severed arm returned to blood and was sprayed out on Gregorios face.

Measly tricks! A spell using blood. Fitting for a servant of evil!


Gregorios sword that had been touching Professors head then returned, as if ignoring physics, and caused a fire that vaporized all of the blood.

This was the exchange that happened in a split second after the first charging attack. In just one exchange, Professor lost his arm, and the paladin has not even revealed his powers.

I believed he was that infamous [Talking Mute] considering his fluent speech. Does he have another hidden power?

The difference in strength was clear, but Gregorio didnt let his guard down. Just when he was about to land the final blow to finish the heretic


You can have that, idiot!

Professor was running straight in the direction he charged in.

In the first place, that guyno, the majority of this churchare cultists that dont listen to logical explanations. He is a maniac, but it isnt like he can fight his ally

So I need to go find someone else other than that stupid ape that I can actually talk to!

Realizing Professors intentions a moment later, the paladin followed, but it was already after Professors left arm reached for the door.


The door flew away, and while maintaining his momentum to run right into the room, Professor raised both of his hands up towards the dozens of blades pointed at him and shouted.


I-its a misunderstanding! This man is most definitely on the heretics


Watching Gregorio stop attacking in front of the countless Warriors with their swords unsheathed, Professor shouted even louder.

For your information, without context, its the loudest voice people listen to! The moment someone asks what happened, youre done for!

Warriors from all around the world. Bishop-level priests who are able to understand the churchs dark side and even operate an intelligence organization. Unlike that idiot over there, these people would understand his situation.

Looking at Gregorio stand there, flustered, with his blade still on fire, Professor gave him an evil grin.

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