Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 137: Star Fall (20)

Chapter 137: Star Fall (20)


Yeah, undead. The Blue Line is infested with those.

But if there are so many undead Why would the church just leave them alone? Whether it is the Light or Fertility, I would have thought at least one of the five churches would have purified it.

Borka was right. Seventy years ago, after the Shadow Wars initiated by the Undead ended, not only the churches and royalty of each kingdom but even the nobles shuddered at the mention of the Undead. The memories of the day when mankind was almost brought to the brink of destruction made both sides of forces clean up the bloody battlefields of the territory war, and wherever there was even the slightest accumulation of sinister auras or parts of skeletons, an army of armed paladins would be dispatched. In World 3, there was no place for the Undead to stand in, not only on the surface but also underground.

Except in just one place under special circumstances, the Blue Line Mountains.

This may need some explanation. Borkas tribe lived in an area detached from the human world, so he would not know.

When it looked like Borka was having a hard time understanding, Ottman continued what I was saying.

The Blue Line mountains are known for their mana-rich veins that spouted up to create the range as it is today. The place was filled with all sorts of plants and ores containing that mana, which made it a place where mages and alchemists wanted to go to for ingredients. Still, because the monsters living in that area were also affected by that mana, the place was declared off limits to those who did not have strength on par with a knight. But 70 years ago, during the Shadow War, the Great Dark Magician Karkan Demanus disturbed the veins of the earth and corrupted part of the Blue Line. His powerful dark magic rooted into the deepest parts of the vein and tainted the entire area, and as dark magic entered the river of mana flowing through those veins, the place was made into a region where dark magic gathered.

A mana-rich region for dark magic, you say There must be quite the powerful undead there.

It is beyond what you would expect. There are herds of animal skeletons of all species, with the sky darkened by all of the spirit-type monsters, and it has become to the point where stronger undead that would have been hard to see 70 years ago, such as the Death Knights, Dullahan, and Shadow Wraith, that are leading armies to attack the humans. The churches also do not have the means to purify the dark mana that has infiltrated deep into the veins, and as a result, the Blue Line became split into a dark mana region where the undead now reside and a non-dark mana region where all of the powerful monsters who use mana now live. Whichever side it is, it does not change the fact that even the best of knight armies cannot make it out alive of that place.

You get the gist of it, right? Thats the reason why the products from the Eastern Desert Nations are cheaper than the Eleven products, even though theyre a lot further away. Most Elven products are sent by air-type mages across the Blue Line through a transportation vehicle made of cloth that flies over the mountain. So the transportation fees are outrageous.

I see. So it wasnt just out of greed that you looted the churchs storage room.

Of course, of course! It was all~ part of the master plan!

Borka nodded as if convinced and collected their luggage spread out on the ground.

Then where are we going now?

Mmm I assume we will take the path called the Ray Line. It is one of the paths that emits the least amount of mana, and the five churches routinely clear that path, so it is relatively easier to travel through. Am I correct?

Youre half right and half wrong.

Hm? What is that supposed to mean?

Like, you know, were supposed to head to the central region of the Elven Forest where the World Tree is located, but nobody knows where that is. Trades are usually done by the air mages and sylphids, who drop them at the designated locations. So the only ones that know the specific locations are the elves, but all of the ones closer to Rodrick were kidnapped, so there are no elves around.

I quickly pulled out the map and used charcoal to draw a line that went from Kingsland to the center of the Ray Line, then made an abrupt turn towards the center of the Blue Line mountains with all sorts of red and black Xs drawn across it.

We are going to the heart of the Blue Line Mountains, the Village of Expelled Elves. Well find our guide there and take the quickest and most effective path to the Elven Forest. Thats the fastest route. Because of all of the illusions the elementals set up in that ridiculously large Elven Forest, just trying to walk through them is going to wound us back where we started, and trying to break through the barriers that the elves set up is going to take who knows how long for the average mage or elementalist. And theres no guarantee that the elves will just stay put and watch for that time, either. The only method thats going to work is the traditional way, with the guide from an elf.

I see. So, like how you just drew the line starting at the Ray Line, we are going to leave the safe zone and travel along the mountains ridges?


But there are already nine Xs that the line crosses through.

Well run into a few more because we have to travel along the curves of the mountain.

And you are aware that this path includes the territory of incredibly famous beasts and undead, including the Three Ghost Knights, the Wild Cat with One Last Life, and the Half-Dragon Kartanika?

You should also include the Heir of Corruption Gutruk if there hadnt been any territorial changes. Were going to force our way through all of them except for the dragon. Aldrich, dont tell me youre scared. We have a Warrior of the Lights Order and two Soulbinders on our side. What better team than this for fighting the undead?

Are you not a little difficult to be considered a Warrior?

Thats why I brought all of this stuff.

I know, too. That Im a physical-water-type Warrior who doesnt know how to use even an ounce of holy power. But thats why I tried so hard to loot all this stuff.


Professor broke off the safety seal of the Handful of Light that he was holding and tossed it at the feet of the incredibly doubtful Aldrich.

Clack, cr-ck, ccrr-k.

Hm? What was that

Crack. Fl-ash!


As the hook installed into the device dug into the seal, the Handful of Light cracked under the immense pressure and, shattering into pieces, started to shine out a tremendous amount of light.

My eyes! Ahhh, my eyesss!

Gggrrrr! Eyes! Captain! What are you doing?! I cant! See!

What do you mean, what? I thought itd be better to experience it beforehand instead of getting blinded in the middle of a battle. Just to let you know, you have to experience it yourself in order to react properly in a real situation.

I wasnt joking around. This is a method of education that came from experience.

A Handful of Light. Nicknamed the holy flash grenade, it is one of the most popular items unique to the Lights Order. Its simple and familiar, and it feels a lot like a normal grenade. The design brought nostalgia to those who knew the Hallelujah Bomb from a certain game in the past. Not only that, but it also worked magnificently as a flash grenade with additional holy damage to the undead!

Whereas the Church of Fertility was known for its filling and nutritious Harvest Potion, Courageous Soul for the Baptism of Courage where a bucket-full of holy water containing an assortment of buffs is poured over oneself before battle, Ark of Intelligence for the Circlet of Search that enables its wearer to see evil, the Church of Mercy for its unique item such as the Land for Those Who Seek that is planted into the ground to provide a consistent healing effect to its surroundings, the Lights Order, fitting its reputation as a church that worships the light, has an iconic item called Handful of Light, also known as Ro-Harams Bedazzlement.

My eyes! My eyes are burning! Water! I need water!!!

Gwurrrg! Me eyes hurt! Vuitum and friends are going home! They are purged! Like a young troll being dragged to take a bath! Gwrugg!

Mmm, well, that worked like a charm. To think that its this effective even for trolls who have a high resistance to status effects. Theres a reason why the Lights Orders flash grenades are so famous.

Anyway, everyone knows what its like now, right? Were going to save our stamina and mana for the really strong undead or beast-level monsters and push through the rest of them using these. Anyone have questions?

Ughhh I knew you were not normal, but

I have heard rumors about the Handful of Light, but to think it is this powerful

Everyone was grumbling, but they all looked a lot more optimistic compared to when they only saw the map. After experiencing it in person, they all realized just how powerful an item it was.

Its all~ part of the plan, I tell you. We dont have any time to waste when the war that will decide the fate of humanity is right at the doorstep. We gotta take the shortest and quickest route. Off we go now. To the Estanic Village, located at Ray Line, the only accessible pathway through the Blue Line Mountains.


The Estanic Village was at the end of the path one would take straight west from the capital, Kingsland. A very peaceful and boring path that was not particularly difficult to travel through or had any large villages along the way, just a few small forests and hills they needed to pass.

That peaceful, easy path should have been all that happened on their week-long trip to Estanic.

Ca-caw, ca-caw!

Pap, p-pap

Damn it, theres no end to this. My nose went numb again. Change shifts with me, please, Captain.

Alright. Good work, Borka.

Seeing Borka, who had been up front as a scout, return to his human form with his hands covering his nose, I got off the cart and took the lead about ten steps in front of the others.

As soon as I concentrated my senses and widened my field of vision, the surplus of information flowed in like a wave.


Broken Stockade

For tactical countermeasures against cavalry. Broken by a strong impact.

Ground Unearthed in Three Deep Lines

A small mound of dirt seemingly dug up by something with a narrow and sharp thing.

Burning Pile of Bones x n

Cannot calculate exact number due to most bones being broken or lost. Vague traces of mana. Seems to be completely burned down using magic.

Boulder Stuck in Ground

Several similar boulders can also be seen nearby. A size of rock that cannot be shot through catapults, but judging from the surrounding grounds state and its implanted shape, it has been launched from a fairly long distance.

Land Soaked in Blood + Mysterious Large Crater

Based on confirmed facts (horse hoof prints + full plate chainmail boot footprints + traces of formation using shields + especially concentrated amounts of blood), this was the central region for humanitys formation. Unlike the other soil, the inner side of the pit is not only dry, but close to vaporized, and it seems the formation has been broken down by a single powerful blow from a massive something. From the sloped mound of dirt inside the pit and other traces, it looks like someone had attempted to stop that said blow.






The Western Frontlines are beyond my expectations.

The burning pile of skeletons must have been ignited using magic, as it was still burning and letting out sparks.

A broken stockade drenched in both blood and bodily fluids of the mutes, and a moat in front of it pooled with rotting blood and maggots.

Where it was said to be a small forest according to the map, it had been cut down as if bitten by a massive monster, and the surface of the ground had been completely turned upside down by magical bombardment. Large boulders that stood tall with blood splattered beneath them and a grid drawn on the ground by claw marks and sword swings imbued with aura.

This sight has been progressively getting worse for the past week as they went westward.

Cacaw! Ca-caww!

I am not one for superstition, but those crows are making me think otherwise. Aldrich, is there any possibility that those crows are subordinates of the mutes?

Hmm Well, their souls themselves seem clean. They are crying out loud like that because they are hungry. That is only natural since they have come to a grand feast with a delicious smell only to see that there is nothing to eat.

With eyes engulfed in a blue flame from his [Soul Eye] spell, Aldrich observed the crows flying in the sky.

The humans collected all of the corpses they could find to burn them down, and the mutes also collected their dead troops and ate them back up again, so there are no corpses left.

Gwruhh. Ghost oldie teacher. Theyre coming again.

What? Already? Mmm you are right. Hey, Professor! It is a wave! Everyone, prepare yourselves!

In response to Aldrichs announcement, Notum put down the cart she was pulling and took out what looked like a small white pebble. Aldrich opened his Soul Jar, and Ottman started to make a series of hand motions on top of the cart.


Im back! I got a little late because I was looking out a little further.

Gwruh. Big small human. What did you see?

Theres light! And its real this time! It was most definitely a fire that a person lit up. Were close to the village now! Just this last wave and were at Estanic!

No wonder the spirits marches have been becoming more frequent. The dead were attracted to the living and have been coming toward the village. It would have become a big problem if we did not deal with them on our way here.

I do not know. Seeing how many spirits are flying about, there may be a chance that the village was also attacked. [Water Shield]!

Creeak pop!

With the sound of Ottman opening a bottle of holy water and chanting out a spell, the holy water spun itself into the water that spouted out of the ground to create a drape of water that shimmered.

I told you to wait a moment! Let me take a break!

You should be able to cast Water Shield while running.

Argh! [O-Ottman Bodlairs Water Shield]!


When Professors squeaking voice made it in, a rather flimsy-looking whirlpool of water bubbled on top of Ottmans drape like a blister. Seeing that, a sigh escaped Ottmans mouth.

Your copy spells are not even half as effective as your origin spells. How does it make any sense that you are able to use complicated origin spells such as Blood Armor, which I cannot even grasp my head around, while not being able to use one of the most common spells as a water mage like Water Shield? I almost feel ashamed as a teacher!

What am I supposed to do when I just cant concentrate? I saw a hoard of spirits last time get shredded in this holy Water Shield! No matter how hard I try, all I can think of is that this would be a safe place to take a nap, not some sort of defense!

So why is it that you can think up such unrealistic ideas and yet be unable to visualize a shield that has a literal physical form? I asked you for the entire week to learn just the Water Shield properly, too!

Hey, why dont you soggy mages quiet down a bit? Notum has to concentrate now.

To Aldrichs warning, Ottman massaged his head. While Professor was starting his hand motions again, Notum, who had been quietly closing her eyes in front of the cart, was concentrating on the wooden pouch with the small white pebble rattling inside it.

That was the Soul Jar that Aldrich spent the entire week making, but it was closer to a totem than a Soulbinders Soul Jar. It was because, seeing just how many souls were flying through their path, Aldrich thought this was a chance they should not pass up and created a temporary Soul Jar for Notum. The wood on the outside was created from the knots of trees sprouting new shoots by absorbing the blood on the battlefield, and the little white pebbles inside were made from five of Notums finger bones and one of Aldrichs. As a troll, Notum was able to completely recover her bones with the help of potions, but Aldrich was unable to do that.

Gwrugh. I dont need this for the spirits to listen. Unnecessary to do this, ghost oldie teacher. It is weird to make something with finger.

Hahahah! You know that does not mean anything when you have been holding it ever since I gave it to you? You can just say thank you if you are. This is the tradition of Soulbinders. A teacher uses part of their body to create a Soul Jar for their student. Think of it as my personal wish. It is not just any honor to become the teacher of the worlds greatest Soulbinder, is it not?

In response to Aldrichs comment, Notum just quietly looked down at the odd-looking totem in her hands. As if reacting to her gaze, the small bone pebbles inside the totem rattled to notify her of their existence.

From afar, the spirits engulfed in vengeance were floating toward them like a thundercloud.

Now, show me, Notum. Show me the impact that someone who has awoken the Soul Eye just from talking to spirits will cause in the realm of true Soulbinding!

Notum, who had been looking at the bandage wrapped around Aldrichs right index finger, then cracked her neck and stepped forward.

The closer the souls got, the more she could feel her heart throb against her chest like a drum.

She learned about soulbinding and spells from Aldrich. But standing in front of that large hoard of souls, her instincts spoke aloud. Closer. To face them in a deeper way.

Rattle, rrrattle! Rattle! Ratt! Rattlerattlerattlerattle!

As the souls came closer, her heart beat harder, and the totem matched the rhythm of her heart. Taking in a deep breath, she took one look at the crowd of souls dyed in their pain and anguish, then dragged the sound of truth up to her throat from the deepest place in her heart. The sound of her ancestors and spirits voices. Her peoples wish with an ancient history!












The totem that had been rattling like crazy went silent, and the whispers of blame and curses that dug into her mind and the chillingly cold air the souls brought with them all disappeared.

Yes. It disappeared. It wasnt absorbed or contained but completely gone. It vanished without a speck, to the point that it looked like the weather had cleared up a bit.

Uhh Notum? Did I not tell you to give it your earnest all?

So I used my peoples tongue, which is closest to that feeling. This instrument, it works well.

No, I gave you that to contain the souls in there. What exactly did you do for them to disappear without a trace?


I said to buzz off.

Seeing Notums proud smile, Aldrich was at a loss for words. What Notum just spit out was part of the unique culture of greenskins such as orcs, trolls, and ogresthe Battle Cry.

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