Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 163: Lead and Silver Coins (17)

Chapter 163: Lead and Silver Coins (17)


Click, click, click.

"Is there more to see? It seems like everything's out in the open now."

"Indeed. Just a bit of a rotten situation. You go to bed first. I'll be awake anyway, tell Vex to come in too."

"That guy won't listen. After hearing about the situation, he got even more agitated and took a blanket outside. Said he'd sleep out there."

Looking where Ian gestured subtly, I noticed a new uneven shape on the rooftop of the adjacent building that wasn't there during the day. Vex had taken it upon himself to watch over, realizing the situation was more serious than anticipated.

"Tch. Exhausting fellow."

"Ha, ha, ha. It's just his nature. I'm off to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow, so better rest up. You should too, man. Rest is part of combat."

I waved my hand in vague agreement to Ian's advice and refocused on the records.

Late into the night, as everyone else found their way to sleep in their own manner, what I was going through was the interrogation content secured this evening.

During the interrogation of the administration's spokesperson, a representative from the Investigation Bureau rushed in, followed by a quiet visit from someone from the Enforcement Bureau towards what seemed like the end of it all.

As if they had been waiting just for us to settle in, one by one they came, all talking about justice.



Spokesperson from the Administration Karel Belmont.

"What kind of group is Dome? It's a bastion of free democracy! Isn't it a group founded to restore the justice of the old times? Following the precedent of Area 47, we decided to transform Area 38 into a presidential system as well. The Investigation Bureau and the Enforcement Bureau had both agreed. The election was won by our administration! All authority over the facilities in Area 38 now belongs to the administration! Those rogues are illegally occupying facilities and bluffing!"


The administration. Listening to them, it was clear they were fools.

Seems like the grand and beautiful power wielded by our President in Area 47 looked quite appealing to them. While we were embroiled in a war, with one side betraying and the other achieving glorious feats, smoothly leading the Investigation Bureau to ascend to the peak of power, here, all three had built their domains and shared power almost equally. They went all-in, and when they realized they had lost, and someone else had won, they didn't look back before flipping the table.

I was just going to laugh it off and extract whatever information I could, but I couldn't help but say something.


"So, you thought just showing the election results would have them saying, Oh, we lost? Take it all then' and comply?"

"Well, we knew there would be friction, and we had made some preparations on our side, but we didn't expect them to move this quickly"

"What kind of preparations? Screaming at the top of your lungs? Begging them not to do this?"

"Eek, you know very well! Everything was already arranged with Area 47! If we passed the [box] along with talks about Dome's founding principles, our administration was supposed to be supported!"



That guy, having said it himself, looked noticeably panicked.'

We were indeed from Area 47, carrying out the President's request, but whether that matter' had been fully conveyed or if we were just seen as messengers was still unknown. Doubtful even to themselves, the psychological pressure of hoping we were allies made them blurt it out without thinking.

Legitimacy A form of diplomatic recognition. Even if Dome aims to return to the order of the past, this is going too far back.'

It's akin to ancient times when a new monarch ascended the throne and local lords openly revolted. Our ancestors usually responded by sending envoys to neighboring kingdoms asking, I am such and such king; could you write me a letter acknowledging me as the rightful king?' The situation was eerily similar to that.

Domes of Area 38 and Area 47, though belonging to the same group, are distinctly separate cities, each with its own territory. For Area 38, which has maintained a friendly relationship with Area 47 through the exchange of goods and military cooperation, it is impossible to simply ignore a polite request from Area 47.

And usually, such requests are accompanied by a gift that leaves one's mouth agape.

"[Box]. If what was inside was really a mutation device, then it would be more than sufficient as a gift."

It would be excessive. If such technology existed, it would be unimaginable that Area 38 had not used it over the past five years. Perhaps they had desperately searched for it for five years, only to find it unusable due to a critical flaw or because it was incomplete. Such a problematic item, to those unaware of its condition, would seem like a technology on par with a strategic nuclear weapon, making it the perfect gift to give and show off.

"Without the information provided by Dana, I would have been lost here."

Thus, they decided to hand over the [Box], and when two transport teams went and ended up missing, the President decided to send us here for the precious technology transfer that was the situation.


"You're well aware, so no need to be so surprised. [Box]. That's related to mutation technology, right?"

"Phew. So you are the people sent by the President. That must mean Area 47 still trusts us. Then, please relay this message back. Our Administration Bureau had no intention of sabotaging the deal. Communication was suddenly cut off, and the people sent from Area 47 did not arrive, so we had to move to deliver the [Box]."

"Then, where is the Box?"

"It was stolen. Right after it was moved to the transport vehicle from the administrative building, bandits killed all the agents and stole it."

"The theft was not by fanatics, but bandits took it Understood. Lastly, one more thing. This person next to me. Do you recognize them?"

"I'm sorry. After experiencing a show of force from the enemy, we became hasty. With communication cut off, the BDSM Caravan is virtually the only means of contact with Area 47. The Investigation and Enforcement Bureaus are aware of this, so we thought it necessary to come and guard in advance, expecting assassination attempts against us"

"Understood. I've heard enough and will relay your message to the President. Ah, you can take this person with you."

"Th-thank you! As soon as the Administration Bureau settles the puppet groups in Area 38 and stabilizes the city, we will greatly reward you! Please convey that we had no intention of ruining our relationship with Area 47!"

* End of conversation


This was the fact learned through the spokesperson of the Administration Bureau.

The Administration Bureau sent the [Box] to Area 47 as political aid, and due to various accidents, the [Box] was stolen

"Clearly. The Administration Bureau doesn't have control over the sequence of events."

It's clear they were the starting point, but afterward, they were merely dragged along by the schemes of other forces. Given that the Administration Bureau is primarily composed of research and administrative staff, there's little they could do once the use of force began.

The spokesperson left these words of thanks and departed with the released sniper. As his footsteps slowly faded down the corridor, suddenly, there was a commotion.

Sounds of something hitting, several people confronting each other, and raising their voices.

Shortly after, the receding footsteps approached us again.

The tempo of the footsteps slightly different.


"I don't know what that rat said, but don't believe a word of it; it's all lies!"

The first words spoken by the man who entered the room with an angry face.


Spokesperson of the Investigation Bureau: Park Hwan-seok

"This lodging is unnecessarily well soundproofed. I had planned to visit quietly in the morning, but I couldn't stand listening to those rat-like guys talking. I am Park Hwan-seok, the director of the Investigation Bureau."

"Ah, yes. I am Professor Park, leading the BDSM Caravan."

"Ah, right. That was the name. But Professor Park? Could you possibly be from the Park family?"

"Does that matter?"

"To say such a thing! In an era where the country is gone and we're speaking the language of foreigners, finding someone from the same region isn't a common connection!"

"Uh I believe it was the Miryang Park clan, something like that."

"You!!!! From now on, call me Uncle Hwan-seok! We're family, family! Try saying it, Uncle Hwan-seok!"


It felt like a new horizon in the way of making fun of people. Casually admitting to eavesdropping, and then what? Uncle? Fucking uncle talk right there. How can someone be so annoying and despicable without a single insult or sarcasm? For now, due to the lack of information and some power on their side, the default, that is, a polite form of response, was used But really, if this place wasn't their stronghold, I would have started with a punch to the jaw.


"What do you think a ruler should focus on in these chaotic times? Humanity? Quality of life? Bullshit. All hypocritical bullshit! Justice has changed its form according to the era. In the Middle Ages, a person who rode a horse and struck down the enemy was praised as justice, but in the modern era, such a person would be sent to jail. As the world changes, so must justice. We live in a time of drought, I think. It's time to turn our eyes a bit more to reality rather than trivial things like humanity."

"Money. The right to choose comes from money. You're a merchant, aren't you? If your pocket is full, you can make various choices. Isn't the city-grade shield that protects the citizens' lives and the greenhouse that produces their food all about money? But the Administration Bureau, the Enforcement Bureau, those guys are all about human dignity, trying to close down the serf farms, saying that more should go back to the citizens Ungrateful to the core! Ordinary citizens are no better than bugs! Feeding bugs too much only makes them burst and die, they don't understand such a useless thing!"

"Just looking at the antics of those administrative fools, you can tell they're idiots. What, announce election results? Then push for the Administration Bureau that promises to distribute money? This is why ordinary citizens must be kept dumb and unaware. Pretending to know, seizing the opportunity, and then leaving their jobs to rest! Fortunately, we cut off all communications before seeing that mess. If it weren't for us, demonstrations and strikes would have halved Dome's productivity, wouldn't they? Isn't this what a proper ruler is supposed to do?"

"Ah, one last thing. You opened a stall despite the chief's promise? Well, I understand that in these uncertain times you wanted to clear your stock quickly, so I'll let the vegetable selling slide. But [transitional equipment], that must be traded exclusively with the Lockhead Coin Consortium. This is not a suggestion but advice. If you ignore it, you will have to trade without choice, through somewhat coercive means."


I've often felt the influence of that Lockhead Coin or whatever consortium to be strong, but now it seems the Investigation Bureau is entirely under their thumb.

All they talk about is money, money, money, with methods quite ruthless.

Kidnapping wanderers to create serf farms. Viewing humans as nothing more than livestock or objects, the extreme of gold-worship.

And, positive views on dumbing down the populace and media control.

"Radio tower. I heard it was an electronic warfare base capable of broadcasting powerful signals strong enough to penetrate the enemy's jamming, made by remodeling an old-era broadcasting station during the great war. The Investigation Bureau used the radio tower, which they barely understood, to attempt strong broadcast jamming to prevent the spread of election results. The effect was overwhelmingly powerful, almost entirely cutting off communication networks across the 30s Areas. Since the technical staff who could fix this are all in the Administration Bureau, they had no choice but to forcibly gather all civilian technicians to repair it."

The ambition for power was evident. Cutting off communications also to prevent citizens from recognizing the Administration Bureau as their leaders.

In summary,

1. The Investigation Bureau disliked the idea of the Administration Bureau holding leadership.

2. To control the media, the Investigation Bureau activated the radio tower to deploy wide-area jamming signals.

3. Upon first arriving here, the Investigation Bureau Chief mentioned that the "key component" being prepared for delivery had been stolen.


"These guys knew about the trade between the Administration Bureau and Area 47."

They might not have known what was inside, but they were aware that the box was part of an important political trade going to Area 47.

So, they sent people to steal the box and block the trade. They cut off communication to prevent the citizens from causing an uproar and also severed the connection between the two forces.

During the communication blackout, the transport team went missing before reaching their destination.

They completely isolated the administratively weaker Administration Bureau from external activities.

"And the stolen box, as the President mentioned, was an item that couldn't be opened, so they didn't know what was inside and had thrown it in the arsenal before it was stolen."

Click. Click. Click.

Pondering, Professor wrote down on the organized paper.

4. From the moment I met the Investigation Chief. And also when meeting the spokesperson, Park Hwan-seok. There was a smell of gunpowder.

That scent. Faint, but unforgettable to anyone who has experienced the battlefieldthe smell of blood, flesh, and waste burning. The scent of Raptor, inescapable, that clings everywhere.

Scratch. Scratch.

[Investigation Bureau <-> Raptor]?

Area 38's Dome, where most of the force is held by the Enforcement Bureau, showed results beyond their level of external activity, which the Investigation Bureau, supposed to have almost as little force as the Administration Bureau, shouldn't have been able to achieve. If the force dealing with the Investigation Bureau's tasks wasn't a secretly raised force but an external ally. If that were Raptor?

[Administration Bureau <-> Area 47 Dome]

[Investigation Bureau <-> Raptor]

[Enforcement Bureau <-> ???]

".It's like watching a snowball roll down from the top of a snow-covered mountain, tied exactly in the spot where it'll hit. Is there a regular meeting of major wasteland forces that I don't know about? Area 38, Area 47 Dome, and Raptor. Should Happy Blind also take a seat? Huh?"

"Ugh, don't talk nonsense, Hepburn. Words have power. Imagine if those fanatical zealots teamed up with someone."

We were preparing for bed after sending off the two spokespersons, planning to wrap up the day.

It was just something I said. Suddenly mentioning Raptor, wondering what these guys were up to next, I just blurted out in frustration.

"Mikhail Pletnev, overseeing the Enforcement Bureau."

Even when this gentleman came looking for me right before I fell asleep, after recording the conversation with the spokespersons and barely finishing the summary, I couldn't believe it.


3. Enforcement Bureau Chief Mikhail Pletnev

"I did it."

".Excuse me?"

"All day long, you've been looking for who caused this chaos. That would be me. A criminal who teamed up with zealots, terrorizing the city. It was all my doing."


Really, there was a madman who had teamed up with those lunatics, and it seemed he had no intention of hiding it.


"Justice what do you think it is?"

"Justice. Our most noble value. Dome has always fought for the weakest among us. But Dome today is a far cry from its glorious past. Have you seen the farms stuck to it like scabs outside?"

"That's the prime example. Enticing powerless civilians wandering in search of a settlement, confiscating their property once inside, and then imprisoning them in external shelter farms where they're worked to death with minimal water and food. Does the produce earned from such exploitation get distributed evenly among Dome's people? Hardly. Most of it goes into the pockets of those Investigation Bureau merchants, and the Administration Bureau, turning a blind eye, fattens their wallets to conduct all sorts of extravagant research. What returns to the public are incredibly expensive, withered carrots. We couldn't let such people take control. We chose to bear the disgrace."


It's this guy. It has to be!

The moment I saw the burning conviction in his eyes, I instinctively felt, "Got him!" Ah, it's these people. These humans have caused some major trouble.


"Your group frequently escaped the eyes of our investigation bureau agents. While I admired that skill, I became convinced. This BDSM group is not merely a band of merchants with a hollow reputation but truly the elite of the elite from Area 47. You must have conducted your own investigation, escaping surveillance. Yes, it was our doing. The east was the center of residence for corrupt merchants drenched in Investigation Bureau's gold worship, and the Administration Bureau was trying to solidify their position by diverting essential items as bribes. We stopped them. With the help of an ally, we delayed those selfish schemers from taking a position at the top to squeeze the people dry. It involved some sacrifices, but it was all necessary."

"Does that mean the Enforcement Bureau allowed a part of Dome, even civilians, to be completely overrun?"

".You have no right to blame us. While you enjoyed your lives in the peaceful Area 47, we endlessly pondered and planned how to make this world a more peaceful place."

"We want nothing. Just that you from Area 47 do not interfere in our matters. Leave quietly, agents of Area 47. Then, perhaps soon, we can meet again as a purified Dome 38, having cut off the rotten roots of evil. When the plan reaches its end you will understand."

* End of conversation


The Executive Bureau Chief said his piece without giving me a chance to speak and left.

There was no need to ponder over his words.

The Enforcement Bureau had teamed up with Happy Blind.

They had assisted them in their activities within Dome, and in return, they set fire to the east, the stronghold of the Investigation Bureau forces, and incidentally, civilians too. It was clear they had gone off the rails.

It's nice to have things laid out so clearly, without the need for deep thought.

"The question is, did the Enforcement Bureau need to team up with Happy Blind at all? If the Enforcement Bureau, controlling the majority of the force, decided to overturn, there wouldn't have been any need to ally with external forces, right?"

It seems like the superficial reasons are all laid out. But the real intention remains elusive, leaving an uncomfortable feeling.

Concurrent events, not clearly connected but intertwined with each other. Too coincidental to be random. There's someone behind the scenes, orchestrating, drawing the bigger picture.'

Scratch. Scratch.

[Enforcement Bureau <-> Happy Blind]

[Administration Bureau <-> Area 47 Dome]

[Investigation Bureau <-> Raptor]

Looking at the three notes side by side, Professor was conflicted.

This desk reasoning has its limits. Meeting the spokespersons as they came on their own accord meant they only shared information they were willing to expose. To get closer to the truth, one would have to actively gather information, but given the circumstances, moving amidst these giant forces would surely get them crushed.

"Moving alone is impossible. I have to choose one among the three to move together."

The Administration Bureau, seemingly the closest to an ally, tied to Area 47 Dome, stable but weak in power.

The Investigation Bureau, boasting tremendous financial power, willing to shake hands with anyone for profit.

Among the three, the Enforcement Bureau appears closest to justice in ideology, equipped with sufficient gear and forces but clearly hiding something.

Choosing whom to ally with entails discerning the extent of necessary support and manageable risk.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Professor's fingertips moved faster back and forth across the notes of the three factions. Each hard tap of the left hand on the wooden table felt like entangled information settling down, layer by layer.

Which to choose?

Let's figure it out.

Ding. Dong. Dang.

The finger stops at the Enforcement Bureau.


And then, a white-gloved hand appearing out of thin air gently moves the finger aside.



Faster than the chill could crawl up his spine, his body, honed by crises, aimed the gun at the intruder.

I had completely forgotten. Or rather, I had intentionally excluded them from consideration. These individuals are the very definition of a variable. Lacking information and unpredictable.

"What did I miss, then? I forgot about you. Supposedly the most crucial clue. And here you are, uninvited. Is this some kind of house call service?"

"Didn't I tell you? I would remember professor'."

Despite facing the gun's barrel, Professor couldn't help but smirk at the sight of the unflinching figure in the white suit.

The finger, moved from the notes of Administration, Enforcement, and Investigation Bureaus, rested in an empty space beside it.

Below it, as if it had always been there, lay a business card with [Artists' Union] written on it.


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