Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 62: Inside Out (8) (2)

Chapter 62: Inside Out (8) (2)

Ignoring Gyosus desperate prayers, the conversation continued in the direction he predicted.

Why dont we just use HIV? That name already has a decent amount of fame, so why not?

Ian, as I said, we destroyed a troop dispatched by the Dome with that name.

I think youre just being a scaredy cat right now. Look at it this way. There arent any survivors from the Dome in that bunker. We confirmed that fact, right? From the Domes perspective, did their elite troops die from three random Wasteland scavengers or the menacing Raptors that jumped in with flamethrowers?


They would obviously think that its the Raptors, no? And this is a chance for the Raptors to boast their strength, so they wouldnt go out of their way to correct it. For the Dome, even if they figure out were the HIV, wed just be considered some lucky flies that sneaked through the battle of two major organizations and took some good treasure with them. Theres no problem if they figure us out.

Hepburn. Fame is pretty important in the Wasteland. If some random caravan waddled up and said, Were selling goods, then even the nicest group would act defensive. For your information, being defensive in this situation means that theyll shoot us until we become Swiss cheese. At least if were using the name HIV, well be known as a group strong enough to take down both the Dome and the Raptors and wont get attacked like that.

This is bad. These two are already certain that HIV is going to be our name. But But I dont like it! I want a cool name too! Ive lived on my own all this time, and I finally managed to find myself basically a new job, and the companys name is AIDS Pathogen Caravan? No! My parents watching me in heaven are going to faint from shock!

I needed a genuine reason. Since their claims had some logic to back them up, I dont like the name wasnt going to cut it.

Think, think.! Im Gyosu Park, the man who survived this Wasteland with just his brain.! There must be a way to overcome this problem.!

Oi, Gyosu. If you dont have anything to say, well just decide by majority vote again.

There was a victorious smile on Ians face. Wait. Majority vote? Majority!!!


Just before Ian started the vote, Gyosu raised his hand.

Why? Do you have another suggestion?

Majority vote, you say.. Lets do that! I just happened to be a streamer, so I have some sort of say in the Area 47 chatroom. Since were not that big of a caravan, our main customers are probably going to be within Area 47, so wouldnt it be better to get some suggestions from these people? If we just tell them were HIV, then there wont be a problem with fame either, right?

Gyosus desperate persuasion slowly started to shake Ian and Vexs solid standing.

Hmm.. thats true. Since Area 47 is completely under the Domes control, the Raptors will just start a war with the Dome if they even think of coming near, so theres no problem with these people knowing were HIV..

Yeah! And from the Domes perspective, we prevented the Raptors from taking the entire bunker for themselves, so advertising ourselves might even be beneficial to the Dome! Then well be able to broaden the territory we could tread without the Dome knowing!

He did use all of this fancy reasoning, but honestly, he just wanted any other name than the HIV Caravan.

. . . . .

He should have just been satisfied with HIV. A humans greed had no end and only resulted in the same mistakes.

-Soygaybar: LMAOOOOO

-Jokasss: Good, very good! Our dear Professor even set up an event like this for his precious viewers. How nice!

-Soygaybar: He chose the best name writers in the entire Wasteland, alright! LOLLLLL

I regretted it last time. It hasnt even been a month since I regretted even talking to these guys for suggestions, and here I am again!

-Clownfoolery: Dang~ is Area 47 finally getting a caravan, then?

-takealook: Looking at the size of our Area, it was weird that we didnt have one until now.

-Speedwagon: Its because of the Marketplace. Area 47 has the Dome, and they post basically anything that people need, so there isnt a reason for people to pay the extra delivery fee caravans charge.

-Nthen: Thats true. But there are certain goods that you could only get through caravans. The drone disappearance rates skyrocket once the delivery distance goes over 2 Areas. Its a shitty feeling to go into your pod and see the message [Your package has been stolen. Mb.]

-Resignated_Acc: Can you sell that thing in the caravan then? The Happyblind masks from Area 30. They dont have that here.

-Numb3rtree: Stop trying to buy that wackos stuff.

There are a lot more people here now. It felt like everyone in Area 47 was in this chatroom. It wasnt like everyone in this chatroom watched my stream. It was more like people gained interest in this channel after my stream became a hot issue, and it just sort of became a meeting place.

Its better to have more people. It would be beneficial to the business for all of these people to spread the word about a new caravan. And since there are that many more people, there is a better chance for a decent name to get chosen.

. . .

is what I should have never done! If I could turn time back a few minutes, I would have beat up Gyosu Park to stop him!

-Soygaybar: Now, lets start announcing the vote results! Many people gave out very nice suggestions. Where else should Professor be other than a college? Call it [College]. Or theres a rumor that the famous spice merchant joined in recently, and that they leave a heap of dead scavengers wherever they go, so why not [psycho robbers]? Or, this one doesnt seem to have a reason [Umbrella] seems to be a caravan name that somehow seems to be friendly with mutants. There were more, including LGBT, Karniv, etc. all great names! But from all of these, one gained an overwhelming amount of votes

As Gyosu looked at the live chat streaming up, bullets of sweat rolled down his face like a waterfall.

No, not that! I was watching the chat too. There was a name that I saw a lot of in the chat, but not that, not that, please..!

-Soygaybar: Everyone listen up! Taking over 70% of the votes, it was the most popular of them all! Unlike other names just made for the fun of it, this name holds a sincere meaning to the caravan business! Congratulations! The new name of our Professors caravan is Big Dream Small Margin! The pursuit of a big dream and leaving a small margin, such a meaningful name. Thats BDSM for you!

-vargr: Hahahah. Im honored. I just made that name to sincerely hope that Mr. Professor had a flourishing business. I didnt know this many people would agree with me.

-Holli: Clap clap clap clap!

-Noru_is_druig: Omedeto, Professor-kun!

-Udnam_undam: Congratulations Professor. Youre not just a survivor now, youre a part of the Wastelands community now. You have done well. That name really shows who you are.

-takealook: this name was made through a democratic vote. Ur a communist if you dont use it.

-Jokasss: Ur a Raptor if you dont use it.

Why hadnt he thought of this sooner? Even with all of these people, as long as its the Community, they would never give us an actually good name!

Ahahahaha! This is a masterpiece! I guess having a lot of people to talk to has its own benefits.

Hepburn.. youve been streaming in front of people like these..? What life have you been living..

This cant be true! This has to be a bad dream! My job! My first job is called BDSM!

Big Dream Small Margin. Its meaning is very nice. But when its shortened, it becomes: Bondage Discipline Sadism Masochism!

What do I do? Do I take it back? But its already gotten out of my hands. Just the people in this chatroom make up over half of Area 47s population. Could we still do business even after disappointing so many people?

-Jokasss: Doesnt one of us live near the Dome? Go tell them this. Theres a new group in Area 47. Youre going to need to buddy up with the Dome if youre going to do caravan business anyway, might as well get it over with.

Wait a minute. Im not mentally prepared just..


[Player Dome-sec47 has requested a voice connection.]

Damn it! They just had to be fast at a time like this!

And without being able to do anything, Gyosu reluctantly accepted the call.


[Hello, Im Delmar from the Dome: Area 47 Environmental Management Team. Is the connected person Professor from Area 47?]


I unconsciously almost cursed out the person on the call. When I heard they were a worker from the Dome, it automatically overlapped with the memories from my past.

[Woah, woah. Calm down, vessel. Dont waste your precious anger on this person. You already memorized the entire document related to that person, didnt you? See, its displayed on a 90-inch LED TV in your brain.]

I know. This is just. A reflex.

After taking a deep breath to settle himself, Gyosu replied to the person on the call.

[Yes, Im Professor.]

[Confirmed. It seems you recently settled down in Area 47, correct? Judging from the circumstances, you dont seem to be a single survivor. Would you let me know the type and name of the group you belong to?]

That signature condescending attitude and tendency to list the persons information before they reveal it themselvesit was the representative trait of those who worked at the Dome. Theyre secretly trying to take the upper hand in the conversation by revealing that they know information about the person.

He had intentionally given out this information, but it still didnt feel good for it to happen.

[Yes. Im thinking of doing a bit of business.]

[By business, you mean.]

[A caravan. Three people. We plan to focus our goods on items that are hard to find on the Marketplace and go around other Areas.]

[A caravan, you say! Thats great. People in the trade business need to be respected, especially in this state of the world. So, what should we call your caravan, then?]

. . . .

[ ..Big Dream.]

[Big Dream? Is Big Dream Caravan correct?]

[Yes, please make it that.]

Thunk! Thump!

Ian and Vex, who were listening in on the conversation whilst giggling to themselves, rushed towards me and the call after hearing my response.

Oi, Gyosu! What happened? You left out the second half! Big Dream! Small Margin! Change it right now!

[Yep! Its complete! You are now registered on the Dome Area Survivor List as Big Dream Caravan. An inspector will come visit in the near future..]

[There seems to be a problem on our end. Ill need to end the call! Tell me the rest later, please!]


Gyosu needed to quickly end the call and come out because Ian had started to shake the pod like crazy.



Seeing that both of them looked mad, they must have really liked that new name.

Oi! Gyosu! Whyd you come out? Go change it right now!

I cant! I wont! I dont know about anyone else, but I wont be seen as a wacko by those Dome guys!

Whats so bad about BDSM? That name was voted on in the chat. If you change it like this, how are we going to do business?

Yeah! Hepburn! Youre ruining our business because of your selfishness!

I dont care! I never told you guys to come live here!

This little You wont listen with just words will


Aagh! Hes running away! Vex, chase him down!



Aghhhh! Why are you so fast?

Dont let go of him! Ill torture that name change out of you if I need to!

Fuck off! The sun rises even if you run to the other side of the world, and I will not be considered a madman by the Dome even if my legs are ripped gahhhhh!

As three full-grown men ran around the small shelter, the place was soon billowing with clouds of dust.


Koduros drone took over the security camera in the shelter with his robotic arm and recorded everything that was happening. According to his knowledge, recordings of memories that could be relived in the future were very effective against preventing depression.

The shelter is so lively now. The new masters were good people after all..!


Jaw! I found two pipes we could use in the storage!

Good job, brother! Now, Gyosu! You better go change our name to BDSM, or else!

A-A real man doesnt take back what they said.

Then Ill just need to make you a woman!

Aaaaahhhh! Koduro! Dont just watch it happen! Helppp!

Up-up-up. Dont yell so loud, youll attract the mutants.

Huhuhu. Lively masters. Good to see.. heheheheh.

A shelter located in the dreaded Wasteland.

Gyosu cried out internally with the heart of a martyr for the country as he groaned under a rough hands pressure. He submitted a normal name, not HIV or BDSM. Thats it. Thats.. the best result he could make

[There seems to be a problem on our end. Ill need to end the call! Tell me the rest later, please!]


Hmm, does their new location have a lot of mutants?

Delmar added to his notes: [Big Dream: Seems to be located in a dangerous location.] in response to the sudden end of the call, then stretched out in his seat.

Huahhhhh! Ow, my joints. Ive checked all the ones for today, so I should start heading ou

Oh! Delmar sir! Have you not gotten off work yet?

Agh! You surprised me! Hey! I told you to knock before you come in!

Heheh, sorry.

As Delmar turned his head, he could see his junior colleague, who always seemed to have a screw loose, scratching his head.

But why arent you signing off work?

Ugh, dont even get me started on it, sir. I thought I would be able to mooch off of the Domes money and have fun with some pretty secretaries once I joined the Inspection Bureau, but Im drowning in work. If I knew it would be like this, I wouldnt have worked my ass off to come here.

The junior colleague ranted off as he had been waiting to be asked that question. And there were two cups of coffee in his hand. It was hard to hate this guy.

Im fine. Im signing off soon anyway. I was about to leave when I got a sudden notice, so it took some time to record that.

A notice? At this time of day?

Yeah. They said theres a new caravan in Area 47. Comparing it to the records on the Marketplace, it didnt seem like the person was alone. The credibility of the information is pretty high.

I see. But their name is Big Dream? Is this right?

Delmar flicked the forehead of his junior colleague.


Do I look like some newbie that doesnt write down the records right? This isnt just some random info from someone else, it came out from their own mouth.

No, no, of course your records are right, sir. What Im saying is, the name is a little shorter than what I know of, so I thought it might be a signal cut-off.

Signal cut-off?

Yeah! Theres a reason why people dont use voice communication in the Wasteland! It always gets cut off by those darned sandstorms! We need to use it to collect the players voiceprints, but its honestly a pain, isnt it?

Hmm. Now that I think about it, they were a little quiet when they were saying the name.

Im sure of it. You know Im the expert when it comes to Area intel, and this one is missing the second half. Big Dream, Small Margin. Its BDSM.

With the junior colleagues confident claim, Delmars expression scrunched up.

Thats the groups name? Actually?

Even if Im a little shallow, why would I lie about something thatll go in the records? Im telling the truth! Theyre called the BDSM Caravan!

BDSM, you say.. I couldnt tell from the call, but thats another crazy guy in the Wasteland now.

Delmar cocked his head, then changed the name in the Inspection Bureau database from Big Dream to BDSM(Big Dream Small Margin).

Is that it?

Yep! Thank you for your hard work!

No problem. So, are you getting off work now? Im leaving right now too; do you want to go get a drink?

Hahahah! Thank you, but Ill take up that offer next time. I have something to do back home.

You always say you have something to do. Fine. See you tomorrow.

Yes, sir! Have a great night, sir!

And so, Delmar disappeared around the corner from the entrance of the Inspection Bureau, and his junior colleague slowly walked in the other direction.

Clomp, clomp.

There was a slim smile on the face of the man walking through the cozy alleyway.

That cant do, Gyosu buddy. You cant slip out of it like this. As a member of the Dome that represents justice and democracy, I cant let you manipulate the voting results like that.

There was a small screen in the hand of the investigator as he faded into the darkness of the city.

In the corner of the small portable display that allowed you to see the screen of the game pod, the words [Area 47 Chatroom Soygaybar] glowed brightly.

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