Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 75: In the Name of Honor (9)

Chapter 75: In the Name of Honor (9)

Notum looked at the humans surrounded by the bad guys and wondered for a moment whether or not they were sent to give her the horses.

Not metal human. Not big small human. So those horses, not mine.

Notum was a good troll, so based on the experience in the forest where she was given horses for not hurting humans, she had a vague idea of what a deal was.

Save the humans get the horses. Clean the forest path get more horses. So if I save thin humans, those horses are mine.

Notum was incredibly hungry, and not only did the bad guys she ate on the way taste terrible, but they stung her tongue so badly that she had no choice but to spit them out. And if she ate humans, she would no longer be able to receive good horses, so trading with those thin and wealthy humans was the best way for her to fill her stomach.

Grawr. Notum is smart.

After organizing her thoughts, Notum jumped in front of the humans, who were trying their best to protect the carriage and separate the mutes from the people.



Iits a troll! Knight sir! A troll is blocking our way!

Damn it! Just when were escorting the miss too! Villak! Darren! You two go back and pull the carriage! Everyone else, block the mutes! Ill deal with that guy and open up the road!


The man who made the orders quickly took off his leather armor, which was stained with blood, and then pointed his sword toward Notum.

A metal human becomes a normal human when they take off their shell.

Notum nodded as she looked at the shells of the metal human scattered on the ground. It looked like humans didnt like being touched by the bad guys blood.

When I first came out of the forest and the human told me they are not my enemy They did this?

The humans reacted sensitively to Notum, but she let it go. Small lifeforms are usually loud when theyre about to die. So she decided to calm them down by copying what the human she met in the woods did.


Wwhat even is

The knight couldnt believe his two eyes. He had no armor and was already tired out from the multiple battles. He needed to put his life on the line to fight in a state like this. So he stood there, prepared to fight until his last breath, but the troll that was blocking their way kneeled down and put their hands up in the air. It looked like it was surrendering.

Naked human. I will help. But give Notum the horses.

Yyou can talk?

Yes. So give me horses.

The knight was so shocked that he could not think for a moment. So, a troll just appeared out of the woods, surrendered, and promised to protect us? In return for the dead horses?


No, Nex!

The situation was hard to understand, but there was no more time to think. To them, they needed to accept any help they could get.

Fine! If you help us, we will give you what you wish for!

To the knights promise, Notum stood up with a satisfied expression. Notum could easily kill those weak, bad guys as long as they didnt surround her.

Notum positioned herself in front of the carriage, pulled out a tree, and let out a massive roar.


The knights and soldiers standing behind her were watching in awe, and the girl shaking inside the carriage was now watching, her eyes sparkling.

At some point, the mages sat down around Notum and reacted to Notums story.

Those were probably knights, not normal humans! They took off their armor to avoid getting infected by the mutes blood!

Sso. Did you save them?

To the question of the mages that at some point came to listen to Notums story, she nodded.

I saved them. I got all four horses tied to the wooden box in return. They were tasty.

Four horses tied to a wooden box Oh my! It was a four-in-hand!

You saved a noble! To think a talking troll saved a noble lady, its just like a novel!

Professor, who had also been listening to the story next to them, nodded in agreement.

Yeah. Thats a hell of a story, alright. Its just like a fairytale.

Looking at the mages who were talking among themselves to figure out who the noble lady was, he calmly thought to himself.

It was really like a fairytale. A troll from the woods popped out before a knight and noble lady in danger and saved their lives. A story just like a scene from a heroic poem sung by the bards in taverns.

- Soygaybar : Soldiers, what is the analysis of the current situation?

- Speedwagon : Dont add unnecessary commentary. Im recording the entire stream right now.

- Mukaba : If only he wasnt tied to the church, it would have been interesting just to follow around Notum too.

- takealook : nah, Notum is tied to the church now too. its better for them to follow prof in here like this

- Jokass : Exactly, this looks like their own storyline anyway.

Hero Units. Hero. As the name suggests, they are a war hero. A hero is not made by oneself but by the promotion of others. All Hero Unites have a storyline they went through to become a hero. The countless Hero Units within GG are not just companions of the player but characters that develop through their own experiences and histories.

So Notums current story looked like it was part of her unique storyline.

This guy has something. And something very important at that.

His Wasteland survivor senses were tingling. This is important. And if I lose it again this time, then Ill regret it for sure!

- professor : Mister Speedwagon? How many Hero Units are there in World 3 with all of their storylines revealed?

- Speedwagon : Depends on which seed you started with. Professor, did you start with the official? The World 2 Clear Seed from Rabbit Princess?

- professor : Mhm. I bought the official clear seed back when I had my warrior character. I still had some money left over back then. This ones also started with the official Rabbit Princess World 2 Clear Seed.

- Speedwagon : Then its 34. Since the only World 1 Clear Seed used is from that rabbit girl, its all included in World 2. Then Nolec Lataya, Pam Lataya, and Gundar Lataya are base, and there are about 15 from the inheritance family, the Princess Family. And the Roman Gachia Manson guy can make his own history wherever you put him, so you can count him in. Theres Charlotte. And Castleknight is still going sturdy There are about 34, just from what I know. Now its 35, including Notum.

- professor : Just 35? Werent there over 170 in World 2? Whys there so little in World 3?

- Noru_is_Druig : And Emperor Qianliu didnt need any of that to clear it~

- Jokass : Its because that guy ignored all of the Hero Units he could save and cleared the world that World 4 is a f***ing dystopia. The base is all wrong. Its because he didnt do any farming that World 4 became that state. Youre doing great, prof. Just keep going like this.

- Soygaybar : Theres a lot of talk between the rankers these days about how they should start World 3 over again since the future for the current World 4 is darker than our future. I heard there are a lot of rankers that watch your stream. Many casual watchers left because you suffer too much, but youre the pathfinder right now for people who are earnestly trying to clear World 3 with achievements.

The chatroom was full of compliments. Looking at the bright chatroom environment, Professors expression only hardened.

Thats very nice and all, but I need more in-game information right now. Isnt this basically telling me that theres no information I can get because Im the first one doing everything in World 3?

Its nice to get more viewers. And even better if those viewers are rich rankers. But I have a pretty good amount of cash now. The guy Im living with has a security key worth 10 million Shillings. I dont need money anymore. All I want to do is to clear this game and go to the Gedroits Company so I can get this ticking time bomb called Hyde out of my head.

[Do you really have to finish the game to go there? Isnt there another way?]

I do have a couple of ideas, but theyre all impossible to execute at the moment.

Im weak right now, which is why Im with these weaker guys, but GG is a fantasy genre game, so there are all sorts of mythical beings, like gods and dragons.

First of all, dragons. These guys have overpowered magic called Dragons Tongue, which can make any wish come true. The concept itself is actually very simple, but in this world, the will of the individuals need to gather to regulate the laws of the world. The NPCs are the GMs themselves. But looking at the titles that the dragons usually had, its usually something like One that Represents the Will of the World or the Carrier of the Worlds Weight. They have a completely different scale of resources. Even if a million humans come together, they still cant affect the world as much as a dragons will.

The Dragons Tongue was basically the action of a dragon, who is a Game Master, putting their will into words.

Heres an example:

There is a person called Finn. Even if everyone that Finn knows, including his family, friends, and people he sees at work, believes that [Finn is well and alive], the moment a dragon believes that [Finn is dead], the GG world interprets that there is a bigger belief that Finn is dead and Finn actually dies. This is how the dragons most representative command, the Power Word of Kill, works.

If you want to face one of them, you at least need to be a hero that every single person in the kingdom knows of or become an important noble or king thats connected with everyone politically and socially that the moment they die, it will affect the entire world. That level of influence is needed to have a similar influence to a dragon. Theres no reason for a dragon to listen to a dead mans wish.

They probably also can separate Hyde and me. Theyre technically like the system control panel in the game.

But in order to ask such a favor to those greedy and lazy dragons, he needed to prepare to pay the corresponding price. In his current situation where he needs to follow the churchs order to Go die if you dont want to die!, there was no chance that was happening anytime soon.

[A dragon, you say sounds fun. You said idea s, right? What other ideas do you have?]

The other ones are similar too. Asking the god of a large church like the Lights Order. The pope should be able to arrange a meeting like that. Dragons represent the worlds will with their individual selves, but gods powers are based on their number of believers. Just comparing the influences, Ro Haram probably has a little bit more than a dragon. And another one is going to the elf village directly west from here at the edge of the Blue Line Mountains. The elves can guide us to the elves holy land, and then I can make a wish there.

The ultimate spell from the spirit magic type spells, Wish Upon a Star, also known as the wish spell. No one has used the spell before, and its just a spell left in the ancient elven history records. They say that the casters will is engraved into the foundations of the world using the power of the World Tree, but no one has used it before, so who knows if it is true or just the elves exaggerating the truth.

He still kept it as an option, but it was right to consider it close to impossible.

Anyway, whether it was a dragon, god, or World Tree, theyre all end-game content, so he didnt even need to think about it at the moment. Since they were also all not guaranteed methods, the most straightforward method, [All Clear > go to GC and make them help me], was his priority goal.

And to reach that All Clear, as the people in the chatroom said, I need to consider multiple parts of World 3 and increase my power in this world.

And to do that, he needed to obtain as many Hero Units, like Notum right here, as possible. Even if they didnt become his ally, they would still do something as long as they were alive.

..Grawrr. And thats how Notum got here.


Oh my

Darn it. Notum finished her story while I spaced out.

- professor : Now then, friends? Can anyone who was listening give me a TLDR?

- Speedwagon :

  1. Got recommended by the nobles she saved and joined the western defense lines in Kingsland. The daily wage is two horse corpses.

  2. Lived close to a month as a pretty famous soldier but found a noble beating up a young hybrid. Eats them.

  3. But it turns out that he was the second son of a famous marquis family. Just before she got executed, the family of the noble lady she saved + Lights Order defended her and decided to forgive her if she worked with the church and finish the holy mission.

- professor : tyty

He knew it. He knew it for sure now that he had heard the story. Notum isnt just any other Hero Unit. My character has a decent storyline, but its only about My family had fallen. I will rebuild it! Look at Notum. The depth of the story is on an entirely different level.

Looking at the summary of Notums story that Speedwagon wrote, Professor guessed what type of Hero Unit Notum was.

An individual still closer to the wild who had just stepped foot into civilization. Kind, but not naive, and she even has a clear sense of good and evil.

Notum. Why did you kill that noble?

Grawr? Thats not even a question. A weak and useless adult male attacked a furry human child. Humans like that should not live. So I ate them before they hurt more children. The leather was soft, but they were bony and tasted weird. But just throwing away corpses of humans like that will make the soil bad. So I ate them.

Just like when she first met me, she has a strong urge to protect weak and young beings. And she treated hybrids just like humans. Shell have a lot of conflicts if she continues to live in Rodrick since theres a lot of discrimination between hybrids here. You can just walk to the alleyways of Tobrune to see orc slaves everywhere. And that last sentence Thats a troll tribe tradition. Was Notum in a tribe before? But there arent any troll tribes near Rodrick.

Whats with this never-ending sausage link of events? If the storys getting this long, theres no use making all these predictions. An assumption without any key information only complicates things.

But one this is certain. Notum needs to be taken out of Rodrick.

He doesnt know who it was, but the reward for saving a noble lady was the permission to go out into battle. And the mission to get forgiven was basically a suicide mission. No matter how much she tried, Notum would not be accepted here.

Things got out of hand the more he tried to organize his thoughts.

Hm. I can think of this after the death squad mission is over. Lets just keep it in mind for now and put it away. The death squad is whats important right now. Five Reedflow Academy mages and an armed troll. So far, its eh. The balance isnt right.

Notum can definitely become a useful ally. She has high value because shes a Hero Unit, and as a sturdy close-range warrior, she can be used as an all-rounder. But the mages can have a lot of flaws. They are strong, but their use in an infiltration mission like this is questionable.

It should be fine if the others could support them

Next would be the bald monk and the hybrid man that were roaming near Notum with a very curious expression after listening to Notums story

Professor stared at the man with a muscular body and dark blue beastly fur with an expectant look. A hybrid. Theres one thing to get from a hybrid like him.

Oy, whats the name of our furry friend over here? What spirit do you follow?

Professor carefully chose his words and kept a decent distance in his tone as he called to him.

You need to choose your words carefully when talking with a hybrid. The Lights Order always talked about shining light equally upon all or something but had a s***ty doctrine about how every race except the humans should be treated like beasts. As the churchs influence spread, race discrimination worsened, so sub-species like hybrids didnt really like humans like me. The humans insult the hybrids, saying that a beast like them shouldnt be using human language or that they are dirty and stink. Even I would have hated them if that was the case.

Asking what spirit they followed was asking about what form of animal they changed into. If I just asked them, What do you change into? they would have gone berserk, saying, You think that Im just a beast too, dont you?! and completely close up. And the bright future of a peaceful death squad life would have also gone down the drain.

My efforts must have worked a little because the man that had been turning away from me with his arms crossed quietly answered my question.

I follow the spirit of the wolf.

Oh! A wolf, Lycanthrope! Dont tell me!

Hybrid. Werewolf. If he just got one more right number, it was a winning lottery ticket. Please, please!

Aand your name?

Borka. Borka Dalrune.

Aghhhso close!

- Speedwagon : Its a dud.

- Jokass : A Lycanthrope with a wolf form seriously looked like it would be a Lataya.

That was also what I wanted. A lineage of hybrid heroes with a long history starting from World 1. The wolf hybrid, Lataya clan. They were guaranteed to be a Hero Unit once they were revealed into the world. He had hope because there was Notum and all, but sadly they were just a normal hybrid man. I didnt even need to ask why he came to this place. There were countless reasons why a hybrid would get captured in Rodrick, the holy land of discrimination.

Since theyll have a lot of time going north anyway, he could ask the questions later. If hes a hybrid, and a wolf form at that, then hes also a frontline

Three melees, five mages. Thats a s***ty balance.

And the last man was undoubtedly a priest, so they had six rear troops.

No, wait. He had a robe with a bald head; is he a monk?

Monks were combat priests that appeared once in a blue moon. They were a bit different from paladins since they first started as priests and worked diligently in the priesthood, but at some point believed that just sitting around wasnt enough. Hence, they begin to pray during the day and polish their martial arts during the night, thus becoming monks. It wasnt hard for a Player to develop an NPC as one, but it was extremely rare for one to develop naturally. A monk was an all-rounder that could heal and fight.

Uh. Excuse me, mister priest, sir?

No answer. Hes a cranky one. Monks are a sort of mutation from priests, so thats understandable.

Mister priest? You might have heard from the church, but Im Warrior Professor. Ill be the one leading this mission. I have no relation with any heretics, so please let go of your concerns and


How dare you!

Professor attempted to approach him gently, but the monk glared at him and then started yelling as he took off the white robe he was wearing.

Who are you calling a priest?! How dare you call a man that delves in the taste of dark mana with the name of those little moths!

Huh? Wait. Is he not a priest?

Ddark mana? Then, a dark mage?

The water mages must have also realized this, as they all looked shocked by his sudden announcement.

Then why are you wearing that robe? And that hair, that hairstyle with just the middle shaved out, looks like the hair the priests in the

Those damned moths stole my staff! And burned my robe, then went on about some nonsense about cleansing me, then put this robe on me and shaved my head!!!

As if proving the old mans claims, there was blackish mana emitting from his body. So he really must be a dark mage.

Then six mages and three fighters? We need these nine to pass through three captured cities, get past the countless mutes in the queens nest, and kill the Queen without a single healer?

Were screwed. No way this will work. Going to the mutes base guarantees a melee battle, and if that happens, occupations like mages become complete deadweight after the first big hit. In the first place, mages are used in a stable rear base where they build up large hits and alter the battlefield to their advantage. They dont fit at all with a small elite infiltration group mission.

How am I supposed to get through this?

Arghhh, these clothes, this building! Its too bright. II cant take it!

Looking at the old dark mage taking off even his underwear and crawling under the table to find shade, Professor ultimately gave up.

Log out.


[Normal Logout Location Verified Next Login Location : Lights Order Outbuilding. Do you wish to log out? ]

Once Professor nodded his head, his surroundings started to darken.

I dont care anymorestupid game. Ill come back after drinking out of my mind. Theres definitely some booze in Ians stuff.

The despairing Gyosu decided to come back and think after a good nights sleep.

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