Clearing the Game at the End of the World

Chapter 89: Masquerade Party (3)

Chapter 89: Masquerade Party (3)

Those money-crazy Dome guys were smart.

Watching the faces of his friends get darker as they got closer to the Central Area, Gyosu decided to explain what was roughly going to happen.

Exactly how much do you know about Type 3 mutants?

Lets see theyre incredibly strong, and unlike Type 1 and 2 mutants, they dont have any special traits in common, and they have a bunch of weird skills..?

Hm. You dont know anything about them.

They only had about 10 minutes before they arrived at the model garden entrance in the Central area, so there wasnt much time left. How can he explain this to them

After a short moment to think, Gyosu picked up the scoop of pineapple pieces that he had picked off of his pizza slices beforehand.

What is this?

Ugh, Hepburn. Dont play with your food. Give the pineapple to me if you dont want it.

Im going to eat it. I just dont want to eat it with the pizza. Anyway, lets say these pineapple pieces are the Type 2 mutants, the mutation virus that manifests in the corpses of people that just died. Theyre fresh corpses with many juicy fluids still inside them, and theyre agile and strong, just like a living person. But they are still corpses. When they get beat up and start to rot under the hot sunlight

Gyosu crushed the pineapple piece in his hand.

Like this, they become a mushy, lumpy Type 1 mutant. You both know this much, right?

Of course, me and Vex know this. These are the guys that we see every day.

Good, then Im going to start with the complicated part now, so dont get lost. Ah, Ian, youre driving, so just listen.

Hah! I can drive with my eyes closed and my feet up on a flat road like this. If I crash the car, Ill let you engrave New Driver on my jaw. Anyway, what does pineapple have to do with Type 3 mutants?

To answer Ians question, Gyosu held up the half-crushed pineapple in his palm like it was some holy relic.

Vex called this yellow piece a pineapple. Then, if this pineapple had its own conscience and will, what would it imagine itself to look like?


Heh? A pineapple can think?

Type 1 and Type 2 mutants start their manifestation in a corpse, but Type 3 is a virus that succeeds in manifesting inside a living organism. Theyre completely different from the start. Taking pineapple as an example, Types 1 and 2 are just pineapple pieces that look a little different, but Type 3 is a pulp with a seed inside it.

Pausing his explanation, he glanced around to see Vex trying his best to understand what he just said and Ian concentrating on driving with an expression longing for a cigarette. Its a hard concept to understand, alright. Even I needed to read a 30-page report on the Domes community about this topic repeatedly to understand it.

So Gyosu decided to concentrate on describing to them the basic framework of the concept.

First, its known that the mutant virus greatly affects the hosts mental state. Just think of the mutants weve seen up to now. Most of them were guys that moaned and limped around like zombies, but there were a few different guys, too, right?

Looking at the glint in their eyes, it looked like they did think of something in their minds. Gyosu had also seen a case that he had read about in the report. A mutant that doesnt know how to shoot a gun but knows how to swing one around. The ones who didnt have any nerve to distinguish comfortability but still preferred to stay under the roofs of buildings and gathered towards mats on the bare ground.

Mutants that acted oddly different feel like the actions of a corpse.

According to Domes research, the mutant virus seems to be affected by the memories stored inside the unconscious hosts body. Although they are affected by it, since the oxygen supply is already cut off, most of it is already gone. But memories that are saved by the body, like preferring to lie down on a mat instead of the ground, still affect their actions. The Domes researchers are hypothesizing that the difference in the Type 3 mutants comes from these mutant viruses tendency to retain memories.

Tendency to retain memories then are you saying that because the Type 3 manifests in living bodies, theyre able to completely utilize the memories from when they were alive?

To be exact, they usually retain the strongest form of ego from their living state.

Lets go back to the pineapples.

Gyosu held up a small strand of the crushed pineapple and shook it to make it look like the pineapple was waving.

If the seed of the pineapple had a will, then when you asked it what a pineapple looked like, how would it answer? Some might think of a small, caged room inside a massive yellow world. Some might think of the prickly outer body and green leaves, or pineapple bush growing on the ground. The mutant virus has a tendency to try and restore the hosts body and return it to its original form. The reason it attacks people is to input organic material into the hosts body to prolong its lifespan. So the Type 3 mutants are a monster created as a result of the viruss efforts to return the hosts body back into the self that it thinks itself was.

A child that hid under the bed to run away from the abuse of their parents thought that it was like a crab hiding inside its shell right before it died.

Not long after, a Type 3 mutant that carried an entire house on its back with its tentacles appeared in Area 32.

There were also sightings that claimed that something similar to a ball of ash walked out of a shelter where a large fire had broken out, carrying dozens of burned corpses.

A monster created from the recovered ego that the person created right before they died out of a survival instinct, which the virus mistook for the hosts original form. That was the identity of the Type 3 mutants known so far.


After he completed the explanation, the three men went completely silent.

How much of that did you guys get?

Uh Type 3 mutants are monsters created from a dead persons imagination.

Theyre probably tough to beat if they can pick up entire trucks.

Im glad at least one of you got it.

But looking at what they said, it looked like they got the basic gist of the concept.

Old Picture, the one you guys met, is an oddball even among the Type 3 mutants.

How are they odd exactly?

Its a guy born from a consciousness that doesnt know its dead.

A monster born from a normal family within an abnormal tragedy.

Old Pictures consciousness was not limited to just its body.

It was a monster that imagined itself within the normal street it lived in.

Nobody needed a hint to know that they were in Old Pictures territory.

Because their surroundings would have suddenly changed from a sandy street consisting of old, destroyed buildings to a neat and sophisticated street from the Old Times.

Then that guys the one who made it? That street?

Even if the Type 3s have special abilities, thats a little too difficult. Dome made this model garden. Ah, you can see it over there.

It was easy to find the location of the accident. A collapsed building and debris were in the middle of a clean street, and several people were moving busily around the place. He saw about 78 people in the traditional Wasteland attire and a man standing out in the middle of them with a neat suit on.

It seems that there are people from the Dome as well.

Didnt we come a little too late? This happened because of us. The least we could do is come early.

Oh, no. We arent late. The people around that official. Those are informants.

Informants? The ones that upload locked posts on the Community and give the password for money?

Gyosu nodded.

No matter how diligent the people of the Wasteland are, this still happened because of someone else. Until they know exactly whats happening, they wont move that easily. Look at that. This case is related to Old Picture, but theyre not wearing the Old Times clothes. It means that theyre not here to help. The informants are usually the first to come when something like this happens.

Then why is the person from the Dome talking with those people?

Its probably. to control the media? If the informants make weird assumptions and cause a commotion inside Area 47, the ones thatll suffer will be the Dome. So theyre probably releasing more processed information before they start making guesses.

Thats complicated.

Lets just say its the price for peace.

Du-d-du-du skreee!

And so when the car carrying the three men stopped in front of the crowd of people, their gazes all trained on them at once.

This is good. Looking at the numbers, it looks like not only the informants from Area 47 but ones from the nearby areas also came. Since whats happened already happened, we might as well use this chance to apologize and take responsibility to create a good reputation for Big Dream.

Stepping out of the cars and solemnly accepting the gazes looking at them, Gyosu took in a deep breath, then opened his mouth with a large smile on his face.

Hello, everybody! Thank you all for gathering so early in the morning!

Murmur murmur

As Gyosu started to approach them, the informants started to whisper among themselves.

Who are they?

Black armored car, with three people, means

Hahahah, it seems a few of you already know us! To introduce ourselves, we are, shamefully, the cause of this accident and a newly opened caravan


A black Raptor truck, a 3-person caravan! Its them! BDSM!



.Big Dream! Were called Big Dream!

The informants whispered amongst themselves again in response to Gyosus desperate cry.

Do they want to use a different name from their official one? I heard that there was a conversation about that in the Area 47 chatroom before. But theyre already known as BDSM. I already sold information using that name. If we change it now

Then the credibility of our information will fall.

After a short exchange of opinions among the informants, they smiled brightly, just like Gyosu, and greeted the group.

Its an incredible honor to meet the rising stars of Area 47, [BDSM]! Everyone here makes a living by selling information around this area, so well be able to meet often if youre running a caravan. Hahahahah! Nice to meet you!


The informants response made the smile on Gyosus face waver visibly.

Gyosu and the informants shared the meaning, Spread our name as Big Dream. / No way. Just keep it as BDSM. in the short exchange of greetings they just had.

Looking at the corner of Gyosus lips shaking like an earthquake, Ian gently patted Gyosus shoulder.

Give it up.

Mother fer.

Im not from Area 47, but Ive never seen anyone in the Wastelands back down when their status is at stake. Its too late to turn back already.

Ezel. Ezel Raiden.. Im going to kill him..

You want a cigarette?

Piss off

And like that, Gyosus attempt to change the name of their caravan failed miserably, and from between the informants that were sketching Gyosus crumpled face came out the man in a navy suit. His outfit felt out of place, but the briefcase in his hands had the Domes mark engraved in white.

Pardon me, but I believe you just said you were the cause of this event, am I correct?

A man from the Dome. Seeing that they were also dressed in Old Time clothes, they were associated with the case regarding Old Picture.


[Beeep! No matching faces. Hes not a person related to your past.]

Only after checking his face and confirming with Hyde did Gyosu stretch out his hand to the man in front of him.

Im the leader of BDSM, professor. You can call me Gyosu.

Ive heard many things about you. My name is Jack, a member of the District 47 Dome Executive Department.

After shaking hands and exchanging his player ID with what was clearly an alias, they started to talk about the situation on their hands.

From what we know, it isnt mister professor, but the two sirs behind you that are the cause of this event. Is there any misinformation regarding that?

Oh, no. They are the ones that triggered Old Picture and destroyed the model garden. Im just accompanying them to take responsibility as well.

Hm, I see. It must be difficult to substitute the members because there are so few people in the caravan. I see that youre volunteering to participate in this work.



It looks like this Jack guy was an obnoxious official from the Dome that I imagined him to be. From how they mentioned the substitution of the members, it probably meant that theyd take care of the situation if I just handed over Ian and Vex. They probably said that out of some sort of consideration, but all that did was push his buttons.

Flip, flip

Lets see mister professor Youre currently living on the outskirts of Area 47 and oh? You were involved in a similar case a few years ago as well?

.Luck isnt particularly on my side.

That doesnt seem to be the case. Those who have caused a problem again for the same reason are usually subject to stronger restrictions or expulsion


Jack took out a paper from the file in his briefcase and shoved it in Gyosus face.

The Dome decided to take full responsibility for the compensations resulting from the actions the group took. So you are indeed lucky.

The Dome is? So youre telling me that theyre going to pay for the fine, costs to repair the street and payments for the people participating in the play?

Thats correct. You will need to apologize separately to the residents, but it was decided that the official expenses related will be handled by the Dome, specifically us, the [Executive Department].

Just as a questioning expression formed on Gyosus face, Jack leaned in a little and whispered quietly to him.

Theres no big meaning behind it. We merely heard that you have acquaintances with the [Inspection Bureau] so we wanted to show that the [Executive Department] is also highly regarding the HIV group. Wed greatly appreciate it if you visited the Executive Department if you ever came to the Dome. Our Department Manager has been wanting to treat you.

It feels a little, yknow Hearing our name that we havent revealed, but Ill take that as a sign of friendliness.

Hahahah, I apologize. Its just that the Executive Department has many connections, so we often gain information even if we dont want to. Pardon me if that discomforted you.

Gyosu internally spat at Jacks smooth attitude.

Hes from the Dome, recruited me, and has political connections. Its almost as if they sent him knowing my past. I hope the play goes wrong and he dies.

But because they were currently gathered here because of Gyosu and his group, he couldnt openly express these emotions.

Jack must have also been conscious of their surroundings as he returned to the original topic.

Then the main actors will be mister professor, and

Call me Metal Jaw.


Mister Metal Jaw and Vex. I see youve already prepared the outfits. Is there any scenario youve thought of in particular?

Mmm I did think of having the three of us act as college students.

That isnt bad at all, but unlike past plays, we are planning to cause a bit more commotion, so I think it will be better if you prepare in more detail. Weve prepared the outfits and props, so I recommend you change into those. I believe this conversation would be better held on stage while confirming the situation. Follow me.

And with that, Jack slipped into the alleyway between the collapsed buildings.

Following behind Jack, Gyosu asked with a confused expression.

More commotion? Wasnt the play just to cause a distraction while they repaired the damages? I thought a rowdy group of college students would be enough to attract its attention while keeping it in its delusions.

That has been the case until now, but you know that this has happened multiple times each year. Either someone from another Area accidentally triggered the monster, or a new Psycho Gang mindlessly wandered into its territory So the Executive Department created a plan to decrease those happenings using this opportunity.


Once they entered the inner side of the collapsed building, they were met with the scene of dozens of people moving hastily about.

What is

Because of the theme of this play, theres a need for quite a few actors.

Taking out a large box from between the busily moving people, Jack put down the box in front of Gyosu and started talking while showing the contents.

Its a living organism, able to comprehend its surroundings, and is somewhat controllable Doesnt that mean its possible to train it as well?

After looking at the contents of the box, Gyosu, Ian, and Vex all had their mouths open wide in shock.

What was inside the box was a very familiar outfit from the military uniforms during World War 3.

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