Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 157 Let Me Comfort You

Michael's hands wiped the tears that were running down his cheeks, his mouth slightly open to catch his breath because his nose was stuffy. He then looked at the paper which now contained his and his wife's signature.

He tried to imagine that this was all just a dream, a nightmare he would love to end when he could wake up, but sadly, this was reality.

When he calmed down enough, Michael put the paper back in the envelope and took it with him out.

He didn't want to do this, but he felt it was best for him and his wife. So that the woman he loves can be happy.

After arriving at the court, Michael did not immediately get out of the car, he looked at the brown envelope that was placed on the seat next to him and sighed. Is this the right decision? After he submitted the envelope, he and his wife were really over.

Michael became doubtful, he didn't want to do this, but suddenly a scene he had seen not long ago flashed through his mind like a movie playing, his wife smiled and looked close to a doctor.

"Yeah, let's do this for her," Michael muttered, then took the envelope and got out of the car and walked into the court.

Now, they are really over.

Michael's days went on as usual, even though he didn't seem to have the will to live anymore, but he had to live and go to work. He has a responsibility to his employees.

However, even though Michael tried to look normal, the people around him began to notice that there was something different about Michael, his face didn't look as bright as usual and his weight seemed a little thin.

"Sir, are you all right? It seems you look thinner than before."

Michael took his eyes off the monitor and looked at Elizabeth who was still standing where she was after placing his coffee on the table.

"I'm fine," Michael replied, trying to crack a smile.

"You look thinner than the first time we met. Are you eating regularly?"

Michael fell silent when he heard that. How could he eat regularly in a situation like this?

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," Michael replied.

"Okay then. I don't know what's going on, but I hope you remember that there are people who will continue to support you, one of them is me." Michael could see there was a blush on the woman's face.


The woman who had been walking to open the door to the room immediately stopped when she heard Michael calling her name, she then looked at Michael in confusion.

"About your offer last time. Is it still available? My shoulders have been a little stiff lately."

Michael didn't know what he was thinking until he suddenly asked that woman. He could see that the woman was slightly attracted to him, and he had just given her hope.

"That..." Michael wanted to quickly retract his words, but Elizabeth reacted first.

"Really? Alright! I've been meaning to show you my massage!" said Elizabeth then immediately walked towards the back of the chair sat by Michael.

Michael finally swallowed his words and let her touch him. His eyes slowly closed, enjoying the massage on his shoulder which turned out to be better than he expected.

"How is it? It's good, isn't it?" Elizabeth's voice made Michael open his eyes, his eyes immediately widened when he saw the woman's face that looked very close to his right.

He could even feel her warm breath touch his cheeks and slowly Michael's body started to react.

The situation then became quiet, Michael could see Elizabeth's head slowly approaching him until he could finally feel something soft touch his lips.

Michael's heart wanted to refuse. This was something wrong, but it seemed that his body was already carried away by the atmosphere so he opened his lips and let her explore his mouth.

"Elizabeth, this…" Michael couldn't continue because Elizabeth's index finger was right there in his mouth, telling him to be quiet.

"Let me comfort you, Michael."

As if hypnotized by the atmosphere, Michael let Elizabeth's hand touch the zipper of his pants, and that afternoon, he did something he shouldn't have done.

Michael's days continued, he could feel that Elizabeth's attitude had changed since what they did, the woman seemed to be starting to dare to tease him when delivering his coffee, but Michael tried to be professional and not do that again.

Michael finally reunited with his wife for their divorce trial, he thought he could forget her, but his heart was pounding like crazy when he saw her.

He misses her. He wanted to ask how she was. He wanted to pull her in his arms.

He still loves her.

However, Michael was speechless and couldn't believe it when his wife told the judge that the reason they divorced was because he was having an affair. Michael's heart ached again when he heard the accusations, when the truth was his wife is having an affair because she wasn't happy with him.

However, Michael chose not to say anything. He simply said that the two of them had rarely seen each other, and after seeing each other a few times. They finally officially divorced.

After officially divorced, Michael finally decided to tell his parents about it, his father was furious and hit him, but Michael decided not to say anything. He didn't want his parents to think that he married the wrong woman.

Michael's life continues, he is still sad, blaming himself and can't accept why his marriage is like this, before finally one day he starts to feel angry and blames his ex-wife.

That bitch cheated on him, but she accused him of cheating instead!

When he was in that state, Michael saw Elizabeth, the woman he saw every day and teased him openly. Michael finally started his relationship with the woman. He did not ask the woman to be his girlfriend, but the relationship is more like sex partners.

He is a passionate young man, and too busy to look for women outside. After all, the woman also likes it when they have sex. It's a win-win relationship.

When he is finally asked by his father to lead Collins, Michael decides to take the woman with him. The woman couldn't be his secretary because James was already there, so he decided to put her in the cafeteria, and if he needed to get laid, he called her into his room.

Time passed, but Michael couldn't forget his wife at all. He had removed their wedding photos, but he could feel his wife's presence in his apartment.

He misses her, that's the reason why he still lives in their old apartment and doesn't move out. He felt that if he moved away from here, he would completely forget about his ex-wife, and even though he hated her very much, she had made him happy. He really is stupid.

"Michael, don't you have a girlfriend? It's been almost three years since you've been divorced, isn't it time for you to date or maybe get married?"

Michael was silent when he heard his mother's question. He doesn't trust women anymore, how can he date or marry?

"I will not marry again."

"What?! Then you mean I won't have grandchildren? Who will be Collins' heir?!" Michael fell silent when he heard that. He didn't think that way at all, he needed a child.

"Ahh… if only you don't marry that orphan woman. I should strongly oppose your marriage. Look, now she's running after getting your money. Tell me how much she got from you!"

"Stop talking about it!" cut Michael, who doesn't like hearing his mother badmouth his wife… his ex-wife.

"Fine, but are you really not interested in remarrying? I want to introduce you to a woman, she looks beautiful and her family is clear too. How? Can you meet her?"

"Okay, I'll meet her. If you have nothing to say, please go, I'm at work!"

Michael then finally met a woman that his mother wanted to introduce him under forced circumstances, so that his mother wouldn't keep nagging him.

The first impression that Michael saw of the woman, she had a cold impression and seemed disinterested in him, it seemed that she too came to see him with a forced state.

Their meeting continued, he could sense that the woman liked him a little and began to express her feelings, she even occasionally acted cutely.

This made Michael, who had been reluctant when he met her because he was still thinking about the woman he still loves until now, slowly began to try to accept her.


Michael could feel sweat running down his face as he just remembered everything, his face was pale and his lips were dry.

He then took a deep breath to calm him down before finally holding back the steering wheel and preparing to go to meet the woman who had pretended to be his wife.

Suddenly, something kicked Michael's mind as he realized something.

"Anna! I have to meet her!"

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