Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 40 Surprise Event

When Sarah opened the apartment door, the first things she saw were yellow and black. Not the bright white color of the lights she usually saw.

The yellow color comes from the candles that are burning and are placed parallel to the floor. The candles were placed in two rows, and slightly apart, as if forming a path for her.

Seeing this, Sarah immediately felt a strange feeling, her eyes and mouth widened. Not expecting at all that she would see this once again.

Yes, this was not the first time she had seen the clichéd scene usually shown in romantic films. At that time she had walked accompanied by small candles like this before. It's when Michael proposed to her.

Sarah had no idea that in her thirties, she would still like the things she loved in her twenties.

But… Why is this apartment suddenly made like this?

Sarah turned back, looking at her ex-husband who had received a message. Curious if Michael knows about this.

However, Michael was smiling at her. Made Sarah feel so stupid. Of course this must be Michael's doing.

"Do you like it?" Michael asked, walking over to Sarah.

Sarah nodded. She really loves it!

This did seem cliché, and as a woman in her thirties, she shouldn't be fond of childish things like this.

However, before marrying Michael, Sarah did not have much experience in romantic matters. Likewise, after she divorced Michael, she only spent her time on her career.

So seeing something like this, made Sarah's love cell which had been dimmed, started to rise again.

"Then… Shall we?" Michael said then stretched his hand forward.

Sarah turned back to Michael, then held out her right hand. Michael immediately grabbed her and led Sarah into their apartment.

"You literally turned off all the lights," Sarah said as soon as she walked in and realized that all the lights in the apartment were off.

Even the car park next to the living room which usually has its lights to illuminate the car is also off. The only light in the apartment now comes from the candles on the floor.

Michael did not answer and continued to escort Sarah. His facial expression didn't stop smiling when he saw Sarah's expression.

"Ohhh!!" Sarah exclaimed as the path of candles stopped right in front of the glass doors leading to the balcony and immediately saw that there was another path beyond the balcony, this time made of flower petals.

She was so focused on the beautiful candlelight that she didn't notice that outside the balcony there was another path.

This time Sarah's gaze followed the end of the path and found a table and two chairs placed near the edge of the balcony. On the table are food utensils and a candle in the middle.

Once they reached the end of the path, Michael gently pulled a chair for Sarah. Smiling, Sarah sat down on the chair. Then Michael immediately sat down in his chair.

"What is this? Why are you suddenly doing this?" Sarah asked curiously and still couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

It's totally unexpected and very romantic. The last time she was treated like this was when Michael was proposing to her. Ah, no, it looks like she also experienced this on their one year wedding anniversary.

Wait a minute! Anniversary?

Sarah's brain immediately works hard, thinking about when she married Michael.

"There is no particular reason. I just want to have dinner with you while looking at the city view that you like," said Michael and then turned to his left, towards the view of the city of London.

Sarah breathed a sigh of relief when she managed to remember her and Michael's wedding day. Thankfully today wasn't the day.

"Ohh… You really try hard," Sarah teased, admitting Michael's effort. It's not even their anniversary, but Michael did a surprise event like this for her.

"I wouldn't suddenly see lights or balloons with my name on it in the city view, right?" Sarah asked jokingly.

In romantic movies there is usually something like that, either a name or a heart. Sarah of course didn't like it and wished there wasn't anything like it.

She liked the path, but something like that was too childish for her.

"Ah… That…" Michael looked a little embarrassed, causing Sarah to widen her eyes. Didn't think Michael would do something like that!

She then turned to look at the very familiar city view because almost every night she was always looking at it, trying to see if there would be something like that.

However, everything seemed normal, causing Sarah to breathe a sigh of relief. But why does Michael's face look like that?

Sarah then turned to Michael, asking for an explanation.

Michael cleared his throat.

"I didn't know you liked something like that. I just made something like that," Michael said then turned to his right.

Sarah followed Michael's gaze, beside them was a pool….

"Oh!" Sarah exclaimed when she realized the pool was a little different.

Above the pool is an inscription I <3 You with flower petals.

"Looks like next time I'll have to make something out of the cityscape. Should I turn off all the city lights and the lights that come on form I Love You? Ah, I think it's better if I do the opposite, the lights that go out form I Love You," thought Michael starting to think which one is better.

Meanwhile Sarah was surprised to see her pool had flower petals like that. This feels childish, but… she likes it?

It feels romantic!

"When did you make this thing? Did you do it alone?" Sarah asked, suddenly feeling touched.

It had been a long time since she had been treated this way by a man, and Sarah had to admit, it felt good.

"Of course! I'm the one who arranges the candles and the flowers," said Michael, looking proud.

"For the swimming pool, I asked someone else to help, though," Michael continued in a low tone.

Sarah laughed a little at that. Come to think of it, Michael was just like this. He could just admit that he did it all and get credit for it.

However, Michael always says what he does himself and doesn't take credit for what he doesn't do.

That's what makes Sarah fall in love with Michael.

"Then… should we eat now?" Michael asked when he saw Sarah looking back at him after seeing the pool.

Sarah nodded although her face looked confused.

How can they eat at this time? Is Michael going to get the food? Or?

However, Sarah's question was soon answered.

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