Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 87 You Need To Wake Up

Sarah stared at Mr. Collins' body lying weakly with his eyes closed. Steve's words echoed in her head again.

"The tumor in the patient turned out to be bigger than we thought. When we removed everything, the patient suddenly had a seizure. So… for now, we can only wait for the patient to wake up.*

Sarah held her breath when she heard Steve's explanation. She knew that it wasn't Steve's fault, or the professors, they were great people in their field.

But… Sarah's heart ached when she heard that, the operation went well, but not really because that would mean they had to wait for Mr. Collins to wake up, and who knows for how long!

Steve just nodded his head when he saw Sarah's reaction and then immediately left the room.

His heart also ached, he had promised the woman that everything would be fine, the operation would go well, but it didn't turn out that way..

Now he finally understood why they were forbidden to promise anything, besides that it was unprofessional, it felt really bad when they didn'tk managed to keep it.

"Father…" Sarah called softly, taking Mr. Collins' hand. His eyes filled with tears again when he saw the old man just silent.

"You need to wake up, You promised…" Sarah said quietly, without realizing that her tears had flowed out.

Right now Sarah was feeling very terrible, and in pain. This pain was even worse than the pain when she lost her patient.

The person she had considered like her own father, lay weak without knowing when he would wake up, even to breathe, he needed a machine.

"What should I tell Michael, Father? I…"

Sarah suddenly thought of that man, the man who had been on her mind lately. Michael and his father had a very close relationship, Mr. Collins even said, when Michael found out he had a brain tumor, the man immediately looked for him and told him to go for treatment, he ended up having an accident because he's so emotional.

Then what will happen if Michael finds out his father is unconscious and who knows when he will wake up? Sarah couldn't imagine it at all.

She who is not even the biological daughter of Mr. Collins is already feeling this pain, then what about the feelings of his biological son who is very proud of his father?


Michael's face looks serious looking at his laptop screen, his hands occasionally move over the keyboard to type something. He really hates Mondays, because that means he has a lot of work to do.

Michael saved the file he was working on and closed his eyes which were tired because he had been staring at the laptop screen for a long time. He then looked around, looking for his wife.

The last time he saw Sarah was sitting in the living room reading something on his cellphone, but he didn't find her in the living room again. It didn't take long for Michael to find her.

"She's outside again," Michael muttered without realizing it, smiling as he saw Sarah's back standing on the balcony.

Michael then immediately stood up and walked over to Sarah. As soon as he was behind Sarah, his hand immediately went into the gap between Sarah's arm and her body and wrapped his arms around her stomach.

Sarah was a little surprised when she felt a hand wrapped around her stomach and subconsciously looked back and saw Michael's smiling face at her.

She seemed too lost in thought to notice Michael coming towards her.

"You should have worn a jacket or something. The weather is very cold tonight," Michael said as his skin felt the wind tonight.

"I already have it," Sarah said then leaned back and touched Michael's hand to hug her tighter.

"It's warm now," Sarah continued, turning to Michael with a smile.

Michael's lips immediately formed a wide smile when he saw his wife's behavior. He likes it.

"So what do you think? Do you still remember what happened back then?" asked Michael suddenly, hugging his wife tightly.

At first, Michael thought Sarah was coming to the balcony to see the city view, but recently he realized that Sarah did it when she was thinking about something because it wasn't every day that Sarah came here.

It seemed that even though three days had passed, Sarah still hadn't forgotten what happened back then.

"A little? But I'm fine," said Sarah, lying a little. She was indeed on to something, and it was about Mr. Collins, not the patient.

"I also had a small operation earlier, at first I was still thinking about the blood coming out everywhere, but I'm dealing with it pretty well," continued Sarah without realizing what had happened. She didn't know it was to make Michael not ask more questions, or because she wanted to tell Michael her day.

"Good job!" Michael replied smiling and then kissed Sarah's forehead.

The atmosphere between the two of them became quiet. They enjoyed the view of the city in front of them while embracing.

"Oh right, wifey, did dad call you?" Michael asked suddenly.

Sarah's body stiffened hearing that. She then tilted herhead to look at Michael.

Did Michael feel anything about Mr. Collins' condition? The father-son relationship is that strong?

Sarah immediately shook her head, it's not like a film or novel where such a thing happened, so maybe Michael just wanted to ask her.

"No, why?" asked Sarah curiously.

"I see," Michael muttered under his breath.

"Why? Did something happen?" Sarah asked again. One hand touch Michael's cheek and stroked it.

"It is nothing. It's been two weeks since dad went on vacation, but he never told me where he was when I asked him," Michael explained.

Sarah pursed her lips when she heard that.

"I thought dad called you and told you," Michael continued.

"Why do you think so?" Sarah asked confusedly.

"Well… you've always been dad's favorite. I'm sure if one day we fight, but that doesn't mean I want to fight with you, dad will definitely defend you compared to me who is his own son," said Michael with a smile.

Right now his relationship with Sarah is fine, well… he only remembers three months of their marriage, so Michael doesn't know if they've had a fight before, but Michael is sure if they do fight, his father will stand up for his wife.

Sarah smiled at that, even though she and Michael had never told anyone, let alone Michael's parents, that they had a fight, but Sarah could see that Mr. Collins would definitely stand up for her.

"Yeah, I'm lucky your father likes me," Sarah muttered quietly.

"And I'm lucky to marry you," Michael replied and kissed Sarah on the lips.

"Oh right, you said father never told you where he was going? Did father contact you?" asked Sarah, realizing what Michael had said.

Michael nodded.

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