Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 75: Breaking into a Boudoir

Chapter 75: Breaking into a Boudoir

Translator: Vicki Editor: Chrissy

"Does it hurt? I can make it more painful! How about cutting off your legs?" With a harsh expression, Qian Jin stretched out his fingers. "I can assure you that screaming won’t do you any good! Normally at this time, the patrolmen are serving citizens like the neighbours a few blocks away! It will take them at least five minutes to come to your rescue! I can just break your legs and run away in two minutes! I’ve got plenty of time!"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah..." The amputee rolled on the ground and peeked at Qian Jin from time to time. There was pain as well as fear!

"Won’t you tell, will you? I am in a hurry!" Qian Jin’s look didn’t change at all! He raised his blade and chopped a leg off!

It was not necessary to bear any sympathy for this kind of enemy! A slightest mercy at this time meant a silly act of seeking his own death and a disrespect for his own life! Any person who was going to kill himself in a fight should be ready to for his or her own death!

"Have you made your choice?"Qian Jin calmly touched his nose and looked at the twitching opponent in pain. "In fact, I don’t have any patience, and now you have two choices. One is death, and the second choice is simple, you answer my question and I let you go! I will count to three."


Qian Jin slowly raised his weapon while keeping a watchful eye on his external surroundings in case a fourth attacker came!


Killing intent welled-up in Qian Jin’s eyes!

"Don’t... Don’t, please... I’ll tell..."

Qian Jin smiled at the foreseeable result! Fear made the attacker betray his will! He would still want to live even if he had become a disabled! The threats played a huge role!

"Well, if I find out you are lying, I’ll still kill you."

"No, I won’t... It was Lucas... the owner of the blacksmith’s shop! He said you were going to beat him in business! So he paid us to kill you..."

Lucas? Qian Jin suddenly recalled the man who left Franklin’s Blacksmith Shop that day with a pair of pernicious eyes! He had underestimated the petty dog who had eventually hired some killers for his head!

"I am telling you the truth..." The killer curled like a shrimp in pain...

Qian Jin smiled and nodded! Suddenly, he slammed the hilt! Under the moonlight and the blade’s cold edge, he smiled just like a demon described in the book. "I know!"

"You can’t break your promise..."

Puff! Qian Jin threw away the knife that had just cut off the head! He looked at the body and said in an extremely cold tone, "You are definitely going to come back at me since I tortured you like this? I have already seen that pair of pernicious eyes once, and I won’t let this happen again!"

Looking up, Qian Jin slightly frowned at the direction of the Lucas Blacksmith Shop! He couldn’t have been there at this midnight! Such a shame Qian Jin didn’t know where Lucas lived, or he could have just grabbed his sword and killed him tonight in his house!

Chaotic footsteps mixing with some coarse talks slowly drew near in the silent lonely street! The patrolmen had come faster than he had estimated!

Qian Jin turned around and searched again to make sure there were no hidden enemies witnessing his crimes! Then he sprang away towards the opposite direction of the Oakland Mage and Warrior Novice Academy!

With West Mountain experience, Qian Jin had developed a decisive character for killing his opponents, and a cautious approach to deal with things!

To take the life of another, even on self-defense, had never been of little incident, and it was grave for a powerless warrior student!

Although Qian Jin had found no witnesses, it didn’t mean there wasn’t one in the dark! Any warrior students knew that there was an expensive military item called telescope. It had a long hollow tube which could be pulled out and closed up! At the front was a large transparent lens and a small lens at the end where one could position their eyes!

It was not a privilege appertaining to the army. Some high-classed Mercenaries or Adventurers also had access to this telescope. Qian Jin could not guarantee that no one was using it in the distance.

If Lucas were doing that, it would be completely stupid to go back to the Academy! Caeller, the managing director, would seize every opportunity to overthrow the evidence about his innocence!

The Franklin’s Blacksmith Shop might testify in his favor, but it was a shop of much less power than Lucas’. It was not a good idea to drag them down with him!

Right! Fabreidis! There was no safer place than the house of the City Guardian! Qian Jin ran straight and heard the bell from the bell tower in the city in a few minutes! It would be rang only when there was a serious murder in the night, or when the city was under attack!

Burning torches lit up the whole city! Many patrolmen in ha sty steps with their clothes half buttoned showed up.

Qian Jin had arrived at Fabreidis’s house before the patrolmen set up the barricades! Before he knocked the door, a series of running steps sounded behind his back!

Time was tight and he could not worry about courtesy! He jumped and caught onto the high wall! Pushing hard with his arms, he threw himself over the wall as he pushed against the ground with his feet. He quickly landed in the yard

Qian Jin looked up at the room on the very top of the building; that room was probably the most spacious room as well. "Thank God! The light is still on!" He accelerated and trotted to the front of the house! After he leaped on the windowsill of the first floor, he jumped again and clutched the the windowsill on the second floor! Swinging his body in midair, he made a front somersault. He threw himself into the open window with a pulled curtain!

Qian Jin rolled a round on the ground and unloaded part of the impact! He quickly looked up and said, "Fabreidis... I’ve..."

The room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop... From time to time, there were some puffing sound caused by the breeze blowing the curtain! Qian Jin looked blankly at the half naked Gomez Jane who was holding a pajama! She was only in her underdress, and through which was a sexy body almost completely revealed...

The moon peered behind dark clouds, and Gomez Jane’s chests assumed a looming presence in the underdress! The pair of white and beautiful legs didn’t look shorter without shoes; they looked ever longer because there were no extra clothes! The wet hair dropped down on her rounded shoulders, making her more attractive and sexier!

Qian Jin had not expected such a sexy scene! He blushed and stood there like a chump...

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