Congratulations on Your Successful Escape

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Mo Yi roughly scanned the entire map. There was no special annotations on it and it only consisted of this one floor.

So… it remained unknown where the elevator would lead to and how many floors there were in this asylum.

He stared at the darkness in front of him, exhaled deeply, and allowed his mind to slowly settle into a clear and peaceful state.

Now he could only take one step at a time.

Mo Yi slid the folded into his pocket, and surveyed all the details of this ward with his flashlight.

The moving beam of light passed over the mutilated corpse nailed to the wall and his widened blood red eyes, the damaged backpack, as well as the wheelchair and bandages lying messily on the ground.

The thick stench of blood filled the entire ward. Dust covered every inch of the objects in this darkness, leaving only vague undulating outlines.

After making sure that he didn’t miss any other clues, Mo Yi moved towards the exit. The door of the ward was half open, revealing the dark corridor outside.

The semi-coagulated blood on the ground was sticky and slippery. One could not help but feel disgusted when stepping into the puddle. The salty tang of rust in the air fermented into a disturbing cloying smell of fear.

Mo Yi pressed his weight against the door frame with a palm, then cautiously leaned forward, peeking into the corridor.

The faint light of the dark corridor flickered, illuminating a small section while simultaneously drawing attention to the depths where the light couldn’t reach. It seemed as if there were shadows moving around, as if there were waves of uneasiness emanating through the air.

These half-bright lights plunged the lengthy corridor into a sea of horror.

Mo Yi could hear the buzzing of the fluorescent tubes, which sounded like a dying moan resounding in this dead silence.

—But other than that, there was no movement.

There was no longer the heavy and dragging footsteps nor the harsh and sharp metallic sound, and all there was left was only a dead silence like a graveyard.

Mo Yi let out a long exhale. He didn’t know what he felt was nervousness or disappointment, but he withdrew the palm holding the door frame, then walked out of the room cautiously.

With tensed muscles, he subconsciously relaxed his breathing and kept his movements as light as a cat with its back arched.

Circling around the fallen tables and chairs and the rusty wheelchair on the ground, Mo Yi slowly crept towards the other end of the corridor—where the staff room on the map was located.

There was a high chance that the card needed to unlock the elevator was there.

Although Mo Yi was quite interested in the area blacked out with blood on the map, he had to secure an escape route before he could allow himself to take the risk.

After all, he was not the only one on this level.

So Mo Yi secretly made up his mind not to act rashly until he found the card.

He supported the half-overturned table with his palms, turned his body sideways and deftly slid through the gap without making the slightest sound.

Every time before he passed by in front of an open ward, Mo Yi would stop and wait for a moment, carefully listening and peeking into the ward, making sure it was empty before making his way forward.

A short distance of tens of metres felt agonisingly slow.

Mo Yi finally reached the door of the ward where he woke up in. The flickering light above his head was projected down directly here, illuminating the corridor in this section.

Mo Yi’s tall and slender shadow undulated.

He couldn’t help feeling uneasy, and subconsciously quickened his pace, wanting to move away from the only area illuminated by light as quickly as possible.

Just as he was about to pass by the ward beside him, Mo Yi subconsciously turned his head to peek inside—

The light from his flashlight illuminated the deep scratches on the wall.

The ugly butterfly on the wall has its twisted wings spread open, the huge spots on it flashing in a cold color under the pale light, and with the blood flowing down it slowly, it appeared as though they were real eyes, staring directly at Mo Yi.

Empty, listless, decayed, reeking of death.

Yet the darkness in the places where the light couldn’t reach seemed like a deep and rich ink smudge, spreading out in the ward.

Mo Yi furrowed his brows—when he left just now, the bloodstains on the wall were all dried and solidified, so how did fresh bloodstains appear now? Did it have anything to do with the footsteps just now?

His heart was full of chaos, full of clue fragments which he could not connect at this moment. They were like scattered beads, waiting for a string which could thread them together.

Mo Yi suppressed the uneasiness deep in heart and continued to make his way forward.

At this point, he had already left the dim lighting behind, and was stepping into the darkness before him that he had yet to enter yet.

Mo Yi proceeded even more cautiously.

He made his breathing even more shallow. The sound of his heart beating violently in his chest was amplified into a loud rumbling in his ears and he could almost hear the twitching of his own nerves too.

The footsteps he’d heard earlier was headed in this direction—this meant that the further he went this way, the higher the chance that he would hit it head-on.

Mo Yi summoned the prop again, curling his stiff fingers around it while tensing his muscles up, to prevent being caught defenseless.

He flicked off his flashlight.

Its light would be too conspicuous in such a dark environment and Mo Yi couldn’t take that risk.

His eyes had already adapted to the dense darkness in front of him. Although he still couldn’t see the scene in front of him clearly, he could make out the faint outlines.

While Mo Yi visualised the path he should take using the memory of the map in his mind, he groped his way forward slowly and carefully.

There weren’t too many obstacles. The cold mottled walls ahead framed an empty corridor. There were no sundries on the ground, making it an unexpectedly smooth journey.

However, the stench of blood in the air became stronger again, with the cloying scent of rust slowly wrapping and tightening aroud Mo Yi’s senses like the cold and lithe body of a snake, suffocating him.

Mo Yi pressed a sweaty palm against the cold wall beside him, supporting himself, and the chill prickled his skin like needles.

Just a little more forward was the place blackened out with blood—and a little further forward from that was the staff room.

Mo Yi’s heart thundered like a drum.

He calmly took a deep breath and glanced at the room—the door was ajar, revealing a narrow gap. There was an even deeper darkness through the gap, making it completely impossible to see what was inside.

Mo Yi arched his body, tensing his back into a flexible arc. He was ready to cross the room in one go and rush straight into the staff office.

But at this moment—he heard the heavy dragging footsteps coming from the darkness ahead.

Mo Yi’s heart skipped a beat. He subconsciously pushed open the door beside him, ducked in and closed the half-closed door again.

After completing this series of actions, he froze belatedly—

This place he was currently in…

Was the ominous room that was blackened out on the map.

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