Conquering His Cold Heart

Chapter 74

74 Study

Tilla obediently followed Anastasia.

Tilla was the one to often start a conversation when the two of them were together. However, at the moment, Tilla was as quiet as a mouse.

So, Anastasia took the lead and asked, “How are you holding up, Tilla? Is the incident that happened in the dungeon still haunting you?”

Tilla let out a heavy sigh and replied, “Considering how it happened just a few hours ago, no, I am not holding up great. No matter what the royal advisor said, the pitiful sight of the prisoners in the dungeon and the fact that I narrowly escaped from the claws of Lord Vincent won’t change.”

Anastasia could see Tilla’s hands slightly shaking. She held her handmaid’s hand and tried to comfort her, “I’m pretty sure that Vincent meant no harm and only tried to scare you. But he overdid it. He is a pretty docile one among the vampires if you ask me.”

“He might be docile to you since you are the Queen. To me, it looked like he was going to tear me apart right then and there.” Tilla gulped and mumbled, “I’m not sure what I will do if I come face-to-face with him again.”

Anastasia reassuringly patted Tilla’s palm and said, “Don’t be scared. I will talk with him.”

The two of them arrived at the study of the King in no time. They didn’t need to knock on the door because Caspian had sensed them coming to him, and he was already waiting at the door for them.

And as soon as his eyes fell on his wife, he held her hand and brought her inside his study.


And he instantly began to apologize, “Anna, I should have told you earlier about the diet of the vampires. You didn’t need to find out that way. And I don’t know how much Zenon told you, but those humans, they are all dangerous criminals of the human society.”

Anastasia nodded her head and replied, “I know. Zenon explained a lot of things to me – about the criminals as well as the blood servants.”

Caspian looked into her eyes and asked, “You’re not mad, are you?”

“No.” Anastasia shook her head. “Vampires also need to survive, right? It’s not your fault that the main diet of vampires is human blood. Nature made your kind that way. If anything, I am thankful that you have passed laws making human hunting illegal.”

Caspian heaved a deep sigh of relief.

He had been so worried when he found out from Zenon about the incident in the dungeon that he had been thinking of things to say to Anastasia so that she wouldn’t avoid him for another week.

And he was glad to see that she wasn’t in a sour mood.

Anastasia then showed the invitation letter that she had received from Lady Edith. “I actually came here because of this. Aunt Edith has invited me for lunch. I wanted to ask you to prepare a carriage for me.”

“Ah!” Caspian face-palmed himself and began laughing after seeing the invitation letter.

Anastasia furrowed her brows. “I don’t think I said anything funny.”

Caspian controlled his laughter and looked at Anastasia’s confused face. And he said, “I had asked Aunt Edith for a favor a few days ago. You had locked yourself up in your room. And I thought that maybe if she was to invite you then you would be willing to get out of your room, get some fresh air.”

Caspian then pointed at the letter and chuckled again, “And it just arrived now.”

“Oh!” Anastasia wasn’t sure whether to appreciate her husband for his concern or not. She looked at the letter and muttered, “I guess I don’t really need to answer this invitation then.”

“No... I didn’t mean to say that.” Caspian held Anastasia’s shoulders and said, “The invitation came a bit late, yes. But I want you to go there. I’m sure you will like Aunt Edith’s company.”

Caspian caressed Anastasia’s cheek and asked, “It will be like a little adventure, don’t you think? You will get to explore other places of Sorvando, apart from this castle. Or not... I might have to ask you to shut the windows of the carriage. I don’t want the vampires gawking at you like you’re their food.”

Anastasia smiled at his concern and gave a nod. And she showed her enthusiasm to go there. “And it would be rude not to accept your aunt’s invitation. As she has invited me for lunch, I am pretty sure that she went through some troubles like finding a human chef and making sure to prepare an actual lunch for me.”

Caspian agreed, “Yes, she might have prepared a lot. So it would be a waste not to go.” He then asked her, “Why don’t you wait here for a while? I will ask the servants to have the carriage ready.”

“I will take Tilla along with me,” Anastasia added as Caspian was about to leave the room.

Caspian looked at her and gave a nod. “And I will have some of the Royal Guards follow the carriage.”

After Caspian left the room, Anastasia peeked out of the door to check on Tilla. She was standing close by. Anastasia then darted her eyes around the study.

Two sides of the wall had shelves full of books, files, and rolled parchments. At another corner, there was a desk and a chair. The desk looked newer than the rest of the furniture.

She walked closer to the desk. It was full of files and stationeries. Her eyes fell on the file that was spread out in the middle of the desk. And she caught a few words here and there – turned, moon, werewolf.

Before she could skim over the file some more, Caspian stood in between her and the desk like a tall wall.

He gave a nervous smile and informed her, “The carriage will be ready in ten minutes. If you have to prepare then...”

Anastasia gestured on her body and asked Caspian, “Is this getup okay for the visit?”

She was wearing a turquoise-colored gown with puffed sleeves. Her hair was braided and secured into a neat bun. Her eye makeup looked fresh. And though she ate her lip color during her breakfast, her naturally rosy lips were adequate to make her look perfect.

Caspian nodded without wasting a second. “You look really beautiful.”

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. He then further informed her, “Aunt Edith’s mansion lies in the outskirts of the capital, in Carmineville. So, in the carriage, it might take you about half an hour to reach there.”

Caspian looked at his wife’s face and asked, “It won’t be a problem, right? Or do you want me to personally take you there?”

Anastasia wrinkled her nose and shook her head. And she said while smiling, “I’m not yet used to flying with you. It’s too fast and too high for my comfort. I would rather travel in the carriage.”

Caspian playfully placed his palm on his chest and teased her, “Ouch! A carriage has won over me.”

Anastasia burst into laughter. She gave a gentle push on Caspian’s chest and said, “Stop comparing every non-living thing with yourself, Caspian. You’re too much at times!”

Caspian gazed at that cheerful face of his wife and whispered, “But it’s worth it. I get to see you laughing.”

He then elegantly held out his hand and asked, “Come, I will see you off.”

Anastasia placed the invitation letter that she was holding on Caspian’s desk. She took his hand and left the room along with Caspian.

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