Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game

Chapter 127: Tool Player Quest

Chapter 127: Tool Player Quest

November 12, Earth time. The day after the second beta began.

"Weisshem Debt Crisis?"

Blossoming Strokes, fundamentally a casual player, would grind reputation with the Undead Merchant Association whenever she had nothing to do. Upon receiving the targeted quest prompt, she couldn't help but express her bafflement.

"How could Weisshem possibly be short on money? Didn't we help Old Yang seize a bunch of gold jewelry during our takeover of Weisshem?"

"Yeah," Qin Guan agreed, equally puzzled. "We confiscated quite a lot of gold coins and artifacts during the territory defense quest against the merchant caravan just a few days ago. Didn't it all go to Old Yang?"

Blossoming Strokes had a sudden realization and exclaimed, "Could it be that Old Yang disregarded ethics and pocketed all that gold, leaving Weisshem penniless?"

"I wouldn't put it past that guy who's bound to end up in an instance," Qin Guan said confidently.

"This is just bizarre. Old Yang is supposed to be a high-level black mage. How could such a powerful character stoop to stealing money from his subordinates?" Blossoming Strokes found it hard to comprehend.

"Blossom, do you think we should bother with this quest?" Qin Guan asked. "If it's worthwhile, we can call the rest of the team."

"This quest is limited to those with at least 'Friendly' reputation with the Undead Merchant Association," Blossoming Strokes said, frowning. "This requirement It's a bit peculiar."

Qin Guan responded with a shrug.

Gaining reputation with the Undead Merchant Association wasn't hard. It was perhaps even simpler than the quests issued by zombie NPCs: players just needed to make sure to be online at the right game time in Exile Town's canteen or teleport to Desolate Outpost and Weisshem Town for cooking quests.

However, the real challenge lay in being online at specific timesmost players had jobs or school and could only play after work or classes or before bed; being online whenever needed wasn't exactly feasible.

Plus, when players were online and farming monsters in a team, it wasn't exactly best manners to leave the team at the appointed time to run a quest. Such behavior would quickly ruin a player's reputation, making it hard to find a team in the future.

At this stage in the game, most who managed to achieve 'Friendly' reputation with the Undead Merchant Association were basically casual players.

Players like Qin Guan and Give Me Medicine, who were typically busy, didn't have enough reputation with the Undead Merchant Association. Among the three veterans of the closed beta, only Blossoming Strokes, a freelancer who could log in at any time, had reached 'Friendly' status.

After considering it for a bit, Blossoming Strokes decided, "I'll check it out. Though quests issued by 'tool players' don't seem to lead to major plot developments, like that one Ji Tang issued for placating civilians, I can't shake the feeling that missing this quest, especially since it's set in a new map, would be a regret."

"Wait a minute. I remember that Mulberry (Fallen Mulberry Leaves) spent a period focusing on Undead Merchant Association quests and has gained quite some reputation. I'll get her to accompany you." Qin Guan suggested, then went into the crowd busy fighting monsters and called out, "Mulberry, come over here for a bit!"

Fallen Mulberry Leaves, waiting on the periphery of the team for her skill cooldown, responded with a "Coming!" and approached, sword in hand.

"Vanilla, what's up?"

After Qin Guan explained the situation, Fallen Mulberry Leaves was immediately enthusiastic. "Sure, sure! I'll accompany Blossom!"

Further considering that it was a new map the two were going to venture into, Qin Guan took off his own equipment and handed it to Fallen Mulberry Leaves, entrusting her to protect Blossoming Strokes and safeguard his gear, and not get eliminated mid-quest.

Equipped with upgraded gear, Fallen Mulberry Leaves accompanied Blossoming Strokes back from the monster farming spot to the Desolate Outpost, where they teleported to Weisshem. As soon as they emerged from the teleportation point, they ran into two familiar faces.

"Told ya Blossom would surely come. This quest seems to carry a lot of information that we shouldn't miss," Yang Ying greeted the two with a smile. "Blossom, Mulberry, let's team up."

Blossoming Strokes and Fallen Mulberry Leaves happily joined Yang Ying's party.

"Sis Ying, Qingyue and Tang Jia have classes, I presume?"

"Yes, I logged out early to give Qingyue a call. She and Tang Jia have classes and can't play. They both don't have enough reputation either. But Qingyue is interested in this quest and logged in for a bit to have me carry her along," Yang Ying said, gesturing at her backpack. "We will have only you to rely on this time. Jia Lou and I specifically came to the teleportation point to wait for you guys."

Yang Ying, now a freelancer, had the freedom to log in at any time. Jia Luo, a junior in college with a lighter class schedule, also had more time to play. Though not exactly casual gamers, both had earned a 'Friendly' status with the Undead Merchant Association.

As the four girls assembled their team, two more players appeared at the teleportation point. One of them excitedly pointed at them and shouted, "Sis Ying! Blossom!"

"Oh, Study Obsessed, Phantom?" Yang Ying waved a bony claw and asked, "Are you here for the tool player quest too? If so, join our team!"

Study Obsessed and Phantom, also juniors in college, quickly accepted the invitations to Yang Ying's party.

At that moment, the prominent whale player known for his instance group purchases, Orange Cat, also teleported in.

Seeing Yang Ying, then Blossoming Strokes, Fallen Mulberry Leaves, and Jia Luo by her side, Orange Cat eagerly ran over to join their group. He was well aware that he might not contribute much and so immediately offered his equipment to the rest of the team for the duration of the quest.

"Big bosses, please bring me too! I can be cute and whine adorably!" Other casual players, having teleported for the same tool player quest, crowded around, hoping to join.

Eventually, Yang Ying had to form a raid group, pulling these 20-over players with the necessary reputation requirements and could be online during working hours into the group.

This bunch of 'idler' players hurried to the undead delicatessen. Zhao Zhenzhen glanced over the IDs of this bunch, and her mind went to work with the information she had about several veteran players.

The expert task force had access to all veteran players' information, and Zhao Zhenzhen, who usually didn't interact much with players, was well-versed in this information as well.

"Has everyone seen the quest description?" Zhao Zhenzhen asked amiably. "Our Undead Merchant Association is working with the Weisshem Town Hall. Weisshem is facing a debt crisis, and it's our duty and responsibility to help our ally"

"Auntie, can we just get to what the quest is about?" a bold player called out.

Zhao Zhenzhen paused and stared blankly at that player.

"Where are your manners? Call her 'Sis,' would you!" Phantom immediately rebuked. "Sis, we don't know this guy. He must have sneaked in. Sis Ying, kick him out."

"Wait, wait! Don't kick me!" The offender quickly realized his mistake; he wasn't talking to an NPC but a tool player and shouldn't be disrespectful. Panicking, he cried out, "I didn't say anything wrong. I'm only 18, I was born after 2000!"

"In any case," Zhao Zhenzhen continued, expressionless, "we hope you comrades can help Weisshem earn two thousand gold coins for Weisshem within a month's game time. If the quest is failed, everyone's reputation with the Undead Merchant Association resets to zero."

"What the heck?!" Simultaneous exclamations rang out from the players gathered.

"If the quest is successful, all participants will earn at least three thousand reputation points," Zhao Zhenzhen declared, raising three bony fingers. "Currently, the highest reputation with the Undead Merchant Association is Ou Huang, who isn't here. Among you, anyone who has already amassed two thousand reputation points can surpass him.

"The top contributors will have the opportunity to progress straight to 'Honored' status and receive a free trade certificate signed by Lord Yang. This certificate allows you to apply for up to three hundred square meters of land from the Exile Town Hall or Weisshem Town Hall for building residences or shops.

"You'll also have the liberty to form your own trade caravans, whether with other players or by hiring NPCs, to sell local goods elsewhere. After paying taxes, the profits are yours to keep. Although the currency earned from NPCs can't buy the top-notch equipment our merchant association offers, it can be used to purchase items from NPCs, like the high-quality gear worn by the Indahl city defense force."

The players, initially ready to protest the harsh penalty for failure, transformed into zealous warriors. "Whatever you want us to do, just say the word, Big Sis!"

Zhao Zhenzhen smiled slightly. "No need for formalities. Everyone can call me Sis Zhao. I've eaten more rice than all of you, so calling me Sis Zhao won't cost you."

"Yes, Sis Zhao!"

Zhao Zhenzhen gave a vigorous wave of her hand. "Let's get cracking!"

Next, Zhao Zhenzhen, an expert in organizing and effortlessly taming even the most seasoned players, didn't hesitate to put this bunch to work, having them moving and loading goods

The players loaded five covered wagons full of stuff, and the orc girl Lyka, along with her fellow orcs, brought over the lizard horses from the rental stablethe same battle steeds Wagner and his men had ridden.

Phantom, a wealthy second-gen and an otaku, stared at Lyka as she harnessed the horses and sighed wistfully. "To be honest, the game's character modeling deserves criticism. Why go for a realistic style with an orc girl? Wouldn't it be better if her eyes were twice as big?"

"What the heck, you like the ET type? That's twisted!" Study Obsessed, overhearing this, couldn't help commenting.

"I meant a cute, anime-style design! Wouldn't a moe orc girl be appealing?" Phantom explained.

Zhao Zhenzhen glanced in their direction, her gaze casually sweeping over Phantom and making the latter shudder involuntarily.

After Zhao Zhenzhen left, Phantom muttered to Study Obsessed, "Why do I get the feeling that this tool player, Sis Zhao, is more intimidating than my high school form teacher"

After harnessing the horses to the wagons, Zhao Zhenzhen instructed Lyka to keep an eye on the shop and then set off for the city of Indahl. She was accompanied by Young Brook, whom Rex had assigned to assist her, and about 30 veteran players (some in disassembled form).

While this bunch of veteran players (idler bunch) set off on an exciting journey to the new map, elsewhere, the newbie players in Exile Town weren't idle either.

While Yang Ying and the others were en route to Indahl, a new player of the second beta with the ID "Drama Thirthreen" logged in during her lunch break, hoping for a quick adventure.

Visiting the Wanderer Guild and finding it closed, she let out a frustrated spit and resignedly turned to taking quests from a zombie NPC.

Yesterday's start of the second beta had brought chaos to Exile Town. The town was swarming with new players causing a ruckus. Drama Thirteen, who had logged in during the evening rush the day before, hadn't managed to achieve much. The combat and lifestyle job instructor NPCs were constantly being dragged around by new players, making it almost impossible for others to get essential quests.

In frustration, Drama Thirteen had grudgingly spent 100 yuan to buy a secondhand steel knife from a veteran player (a much cheaper option than purchasing new equipment from NPCs) and joined the large group of players heading to the underground Spider Cave to farm monsters The result was a catastrophic team wipeout.

Although these new players had watched numerous videos of veteran players being decimated in the Spider Cave, watching and experiencing were worlds apart.

When the giant scythe-wielding spiders charged, the newbies, who had once mocked the veterans' overreactions and clumsy maneuvers from behind their screens, were mostly trampled to death in the panic, not by spiders but by their own teammates.

Drama Thirteen decided then and there not to return to the Spider Cave until after leveling up and changing jobs It was just too much!

While passing through an alleyway, a zombie NPC suddenly waved its decaying arm at Drama Thirteen.

Drama Thirteen didn't even react to the zombie NPC seemingly beckoning to her as she continued jogging straight until several players passing by exclaimed, "Isn't that Hugh Potter, the special NPC that gave Ji Tang a hidden quest?"

"Holy crap. This NPC is really moving! Who is it waving at?"

Drama Thirteen skidded to a halt and rushed to the zombie NPC, pointing excitedly at herself. "A-a-are you calling me?"

"Hello, compatriot. You seem quite spirited," Hugh Potter spoke in the slow, raspy tone typical of zombie NPCs. "Seeing you reminds me of someone."

"What the heck!" The other passerby players that had rushed to Hugh Potter were surprised.

"Wait a minute! We're all skeletons here, why does it only recognize her? Do NPCs also have gender biases?!"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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