Consuming Earths, Devouring Skies

Chapter 339 Devouring Heaven 7

The gloomy skies were no longer monotone with a lack of light. Now, various colors painted the sky in awe-inspiring glory. It was incredible.

The storm of white seemed to sing the tales of all life in all and every form. The storm of black was pure and absolute; something all things must experience if they wished to exist beneath its rule. The storm of purple brightened the skies with an essence of the destruction of all things in creation.

Its splendor would cause all things gazing at it to widen their eyes at its beauty, and that’s what it did. Everyone couldn’t draw their eyes away from this phenomenon.

While everyone was engrossed thoroughly with the sights, Yan Zaizen’s expression was somewhat ugly. The reason for that was due to the reaction from the heavens. He wanted more.

He needed more!

Yan Zaizen further entered a state of comprehension. This time he was going to draw from his insights into the sovereign realm and attempt to do something daring.

"Life, Death, Space, Time, and Destruction." He listed all his insights as the inside of his eyes flowed wildly about with strange symbols. These symbols were the state of truth, a profound language commonly deciphered at the heavenly language. It encompassed the entirety of the heavens.

Theoretically, comprehending these allows one to communicate with the heavens and control or harness its powers. Heavenly Cultivators devise concepts, imbue them with their respective heavenly force and press ahead by developing their concepts heavenly connection strengthen.

Nascent, Force, Manifestation, Domain, and Sovereign!

To put it simply, heavenly cultivation is to steal until it can rival! Then, to exceed it and establish their own heaven. Essentially, to steal until you can copy!

Yan Zaizen understood that the laws of the heaven were all interconnected in some way shape or form. The most notable method was to comprehend that core language. It was the purest form but also the most complicated way. Many rely on feeling, instinct, or understanding in much the same way humanity delves into science.

All of these methods were proper in much the same way teaching could be auditory or visual, accomplishing the same end goal.

Yan Zaizen’s entire comprehension since he embarked on cultivation flashed like lightning through his pupils. The myriad of colors was breathtaking to behold. It was as if the entirety of the world was within his very gaze. In some way, it was.

"Space!" The colors in his pupils converted into silver. The symbols started to all change, but they were still as numerous before. Rippling waves surged back and forth, and Yan Zaizen became an epicenter to the disturbance of the pond that was the world.

To reach the law realm at the Sovereign-level, one must not only understand the heavens but reach a level to contest them for control. The initial-stage of the Sovereign-level required one to breach that gate. When it was breached, the heavens would divert a portion of power from that specific law to deal with this new intruder.

Yan Zaizen was now finding that critical piece of insight that was that gate. Only by withstanding the retaliation of the heavens can one truly start building their own house in the garden that was the heaven.

"Time!" The silver colors faded becoming a less resplendent grey. The symbols of time flashed rapidly, and Yan Zaizen seemed to become the center of time.

The grey-robed woman was drawn by this aura, her eyes shining beneath her hood in surprise. "He’s this proficient in time laws?" While she was intrigued, Yan Zaizen didn’t. In fact, he pushed his mind to the absolute limit. A limit he’s never reached before!

A Non-Entity was a product of the Non-Universe, many would proclaim that it was a fate child or chosen of the Non-Universe. They wouldn’t be wrong. A Non-Entity is blessed by the power of the universe. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to that, in terms of talent, a Non-Entity was undisputed as the number one.

Now, the multiverse has many different types of these existences; they are called Source-Entities.

However, the Non-Entity held a unique ability beyond other Source-Entities. They possessed an absolute pure mind!

Oftentimes, experts would refer to this trait as a mind untainted by mortal dust. This was Pinaka’s understanding as well, but there was so much to it than just that.

However, this one trait is what all Heavenly cultivators strive to have! A mind untainted would be like a clean, fresh pipe with no obstructions and the water going down with the aid of gravity. A mind tainted would be the exact opposite! A pipe clogged by all sorts of things with water needing to be pushed upwards by a tool of some kind.

The difference could be explained simply, but the effect was beyond any simple explanation! Especially if that water was one’s understanding of any and all things!

"Soul!" Yan Zaizen roared mentally, a flicker of cyan entering his eyes. By this point, the colors within his eyes flashed so rapidly that it would cause anyone to feel lost in his gaze!

"Yin, Yang, Fire, Water, Gravity, Darkness, Light..." In a blink of an eye, the world was drowned in the sound of thunder from the storms and the aura of a myriad of laws!

Yan Zaizen’s understanding started to grow at a terrifying rate! Before long, every world law beneath the heavens had reached the Sovereign’s gate! The numbers were too numerous to count!

"Sword, Axe, Lance, Sound, Blood, Bone, Flesh..." The Mortal Laws weren’t too far behind. The tribulation for the Mortal Laws was far less intense than the World Laws, but so numerous that it exceeded the World Laws by a thousand!

Yan Zaizen had only been alive for several thousand years, but in just that short of time, his understanding of the laws was constantly born with every breath or sight. This was another key ability of a Non-Entity! Sudden Inspiration!

"Hahahahahahaha!" Yan Zaizen saw the heavens gather all its power laws in the sky as a myriad of lights and auras flashed about with vicious killing intent and madly laughed. If facing just one trial could pressure another person to absolute fear, then the pressure from all this was unimaginable! And all this pressure focused itself on him!

The reaction of others would be described, but there was none. All words were drowned by the endless rumbles in the sky, all hearts could barely conjure a single emotion outside of awe, and their minds had long since grown numb. There were no thoughts to be had any longer for any and everyone!

Including Park Ji-Hu, Venerable Ghost Blade, the grey-robed woman, and Yi Seo-Jun!

They were literally rendered speechless!

Yan Zaizen was the only one that fearlessly faced the storm with his mind clearer than ever before. The top of his skin started flowing with bright amber-gold light as he faced the heavens. The light began to spew from his ears, mouth, eye holes, and nose. His Dao was overflowing!

"Not! Enough!" Yan Zaizen stepped forward. He pushed higher into the sky and watched the heavens power flow about. As he did, it was as if the cheat sheet of the heavens laws were laid before him. This was what he wanted!

At the moment, he was in a state of constant inspiration! Every millisecond that passed, his understanding of these laws rose to never-before-seen height! His laws skyrocketed like missiles, and although only a few minutes had passed in reality, it was as if tens of thousands of years of comprehension flashed into his mind.

Even the Laws that he hadn’t truly grasped were gained, developed and bounced off others, various concepts birthed and developed in an instant! It was miraculous.

The most difficult laws to proceed in was the Imperial Laws, these laws were difficult to reach, let alone touch the Sovereign Gate, yet Yan Zaizen felt his mind spiral about as his eyes flashed about. Unfortunately, his understanding simply could not truly reach the Sovereign level in this state, but he felt an immense urging to call forth it despite such!

It was a blip in his soul crying for him to challenge everything!

"IMPERIAL LAWS! Spacetime, Rebirth, Samsara!" His roar seemed to invoke heavens fury! Because...all the storms that filled the millions of miles of distance simply stop all sound!

The silence was abrupt and eerie. It was as if the Mortal Laws and World Laws do not dare to utter a single sound before the arrival of the Imperial Laws!

However, storms did not appear. Instead, three figures emerged. These figures were billions of meters in size and appeared in the blink of a literal eye! It was as if the sun had just teleported right in front of you in a single freaking moment!

Yan Zaizen’s eyes widened! These figures were humanoid. They covered all the heavens and the other law storms, despite being massive, couldn’t match a tenth of one of their size. These manifestations were not to Sovereign’s Gate but the individual representation of these laws beneath the heaven.

This truly startled Yan Zaizen as he didn’t expect to see manifested creatures representing the heavenly laws. This caused his understanding of the heavens to shift slightly, admitting he knew very little of why the Imperial Laws were called Imperial Laws!

The first one was bald with silver-grey eyes and golden skin. It had six eyes, three pairs, one at its forehead, one where its eyes should be, and one where its mouth should be! It had no nose or mouth to speak of. Those six eyes seemed to contain the six aspects of space and time, chaotic, endless, stable, past, present, and time in various arrangements. It seemed to be connected to Spacetime Trial.

All six of those eyes stared at Yan Zaizen with a murderous, insidiously cold killing intent that even caused his heart to tremble slightly.

The other had golden skin too, but a single, black and white eye! This eye covered its entire face. This eye was millions of meters in size! constantly rotated like a spiral. It was dizzying...

This one belonged to Rebirth and a never-ending cycle.

The third also had an odd appearance. However, when Yan Zaizen saw this...he...gaped!

His jaws dropped heavily!

Then, an incredible amount of killing intent exploded from his body as he roared like an absolute monster.


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