Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 128: Silly couple

Chapter 128: Silly couple

Lucas was laying in bed as he watched Jen move around the room non-stop. He regretted exaggerating his injuries because the moment they arrived in their room, Jen had started acting like a worried mother. After relaying orders to one of the maids she finally settled next to him.

"Are you okay? Is it still painful?" Jen asked worriedly. Lucas looked at her face and felt bad for making her worry.

"It's not that serious, I'm alright" Lucas said and smiled in reassurance.

"Are you sure? It looked really bad" Jen said and lifted his t-shirt to check on the bruise. She saw that it had gotten slightly darker and her expression also darkened.

"It's really fine Jen don't worry about it" Lucas said trying to comfort her.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital" Jen suggested surprising Lucas enough that he had become speechless.

Before he could say anything in return, there was a knock on the door and Jen quickly stood up from the bed to go open it. Jen saw that the maid had returned with the things she had asked for so she grabbed the tray she was holding and went back to the room.

The maid awkwardly excused herself and closed the bedroom door as she left.

"Take off your t-shirt" Jen ordered. Lucas obediently removed his t-shirt and curiously looked at her.

Jen placed the tray on one of the cabinets and went to the bathroom to get a towel.

Jen placed the towel under Lucas' body and took the cold compress and placed it on the bruise.

The sudden coldness almost made Lucas push her off the bed but he managed to stop himself in time.

Jen watched as his muscles tensed and started feeling sorry once more.

"Is it that painful?" Jen asked as she looked at his bulging muscles.

"Cold" Lucas said with clenched teeth. He really couldn't stand it anymore and pulled Jen who fell on top of his body.

"Caref-" Jen started but found herself beneath Lucas.

"I'm really fine, stop worrying so much" Lucas reassured with a smile as he looked at her brown eyes.

"Really?" Jen asked still doubting him.

"Mmh, I just bruise really easily. It's not as painful as it looks" Lucas explained coming out with the truth of the situation.

"Really?" Jen asked.

"Mmh, so don't worry too much okay?" Lucas reassured her.

What he did not expect was that Jen would start crying. His mind had gone blank for a few seconds when he saw the tears pouring out of her eyes.

"J-Jen" Lucas said feeling flustered. Jen wrapped her arms around his neck in response and buried her face in his neck as she continued crying.

Lucas got off from on top of her and lay on his back on the bed. Jen had not released him and was pretty much laying on top of him.

Lucas patted her back in an attempt to comfort her, although he could not help his guilty conscience. Although she was not sobbing loudly like the last time she cried, he could feel her warm tears falling on his neck at a steady rate.

After a few minutes, Jen had stopped crying and was laying still on top of Lucas.

"Jen?" Lucas cautiously called.

"Mmh?" Jen responded.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked and he felt her turn her head to look at him, however, she did not release him.

"Mmh" Jen said and sighed shakily.

"What happened?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not sure myself. When you were hunched over and leaning on me when we were coming back to the house I thought that I bruised your ribs and you would need medical assistance and then you kept saying you were fine as if you didn't want me to worry. I guess it's the relief I felt after you said that you were alright" Jen rambled as she tried to make sense of why she had cried.

"I'm alright, it's not that serious" Lucas said and kissed her forehead.

"So you lied to me" Jen said as she sat up glaring at Lucas.

Lucas could feel cold sweat run down his back. He probably went overboard with the acting and made her too worried.

[A/N: Be thankful she isn't James, hehehe]

"It really did hurt then, it's just a dull ache now. I'm sorry I didn't explain earlier" Lucas explained. He couldn't agree or disagree with her. He was in a very awkward position.

Jen glared at him with her puffy red eyes and her red nose. Even at that moment Lucas thought she looked cute.

"Is that so?" Jen asked skeptically.

"Mmh, will you forgive me?" Lucas asked as he pushed back the hair that was stuck to her face.

"You'll have to compensate me" Jen said a frown still marring her face.

"I will, I promise" Lucas said with a breath of relief.

"You better," Jen said with a small pout.

Lucas sat up and leaned against the headboard. Before he could get comfortable, he felt the cold compress being pressed on his ribs once more.

"Jen I'm really fine" Lucas said while feeling flustered.

"Mmh, but I don't want to see it turn into other ridiculous colours. it'll scare me" Jen said with a frown.

"Okay, but come here. sitting like that will e uncomfortable" Lucas said and pulled her to sit next to him.

With her sitting on his other side she was more comfortable when she compressed the bruise.

"When does the party start?" Jen asked. She had lost her friends and even if she wanted to hang out with them, she was stuck taking care of her big baby.

"They'll let u know an hour before, don't worry" Lucas said as he played with her hair.

"Can I be at ease with Brian?" Jen asked still thinking about Rachel.

"He is a good guy, why are you so worried anyway? Rachel is an adult" Lucas asked feeling puzzled.

"She is, but she is not always smart. Especially when it comes to men" Jen said with a sigh.

"Oh, she's had a messy relationship right?" Lucas asked.

"Messy doesn't cover it. I had to force her to go abroad because she was so injured she had gone to the ICU" Jen said, her hand shaking when she remembered when she had received the phone call from the hospital.

Lucas was quiet when he heard this. He did not push for anymore information but he understood her worry.

"Don't worry. I grew up with Brian. If he isn't planning on being serious with her there won't be a relationship. He had only dated one girl before and the only reason they aren't married is because she did not prioritize it so she ended the relationship. Since then, he vowed he would only be with someone he knows he can marry" Lucas explained making Jen at ease.

If the two really developed, she hoped it would last. If it doesn't, then Rachel would have at least met a good man. She would only need to look out for Laura by then.

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