Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 2: Before the party

Chapter 2: Before the party

Jen closed the front door to her apartment and threw the keys on her table, after randomly throwing off her shoes she collapsed on her couch and turned on her television and started browsing through the channels. She spaced out after a couple of minutes going through the events that happened that day and realizing she'll have to study some more.

With a sigh, she got up and went to the kitchen to see if she had leftovers since she was too tired to even think of cooking. She found some leftover pizza and started munching on a slice as she plated the rest and put it in a microwave.

She walked to her bedroom while opening her jeans and holding the pizza between her teeth. She wanted to check if she had anything that she could wear to that impromptu party that she had been invited to. However, she was disappointed after she went to her walk-in closet. After browsing through her wardrobe, she could not help but frown. Seeing as she'll be going to the party in two days time she couldn't find any potential outfits at first glance. 'well, it'll work itself out' she thought to herself as she made her way back to the kitchen.

While eating her pizza she thought to herself how she started contemplating whether she should get a housemate so she can cut costs on rent and her bills. Even though she didn't exactly lack money, she had gotten so used to saving that her current extravagant spending made her slightly uncomfortable. Finishing her pizza she sighed and fell asleep almost immediately after.

The week went by with the same routine of getting up in the morning going to university, hanging with her new friends, going home eating sleeping and studying in the middle of the night till 3 am before going back to sleep again. Till Friday finally arrived.

On her way back to her apartment she received a call from Leanna telling her that she'll come to pick her up at 9 pm which reminded her that there was a party she agreed to go to. Sighing she gave her approval and entered her apartment. She was thinking on whether she should drink or not that night, knowing that chances are she might get drunk she decided against wearing a dress, or anything that'll leave little to the imagination if she falls on her face.

She went to her kitchen and made herself a small meal and sat down to eat it as she watched some TV. Before she knew it she was done eating, and after cleaning up the kitchen she went to her bedroom to get ready.

She headed straight for her walk-in closet to pick out the clothes that she was going to wear that night. She ended up settling for a fancy crop top that slightly exposed her torso. She stretched her aching muscles as she stripped on her way to the bathroom. She had been planning to take an hour in her tub to just relax since it was a long week but she soon received another phone call.


"Hi Jen, it's Nancy I borrowed Leanna's phone."

"Oh, hi Nancy, what's up?" Jen said relaxing in the tub her head on top of a fluffy towel.

"Well, um, we were wondering if we could get ready at your place? Since you live close to the actual venue and we both wanted to drink it would be better if we walked there rather than, um, drove" Nancy said in a reserved manner making Jen smile cause she thought she was cute.

"It's cool with me, you can come over, just come inside since the door is open when you get here," Jen said with her eyes closed.

"Okay, thanks Jen," Nancy said her bubbly voice echoing in Jen's bathroom.

"No problem love, oh, and bring some liquor, vodka to be specific I'll reimburse you"

"No need for that since we'll be imposing," Nancy said and then they spoke about what they'll wear and finally hung up.

Turning on some music Jen relaxed in the bathtub closing her eyes and remaining in a state of half-consciousness till she heard her front door open followed by the sound of Nancy yelling on top of her lungs for her. Hearing her made her sigh.

She picked up her phone to check the time and it was about 5 minutes to 7 so she pulled the stopper in the tub and turned on her shower where she rinsed of the soap suds that were left and wrapped a towel around herself before walking out of her bathroom. She went to the living room where Nancy and Leanna were chattering non-stop which basically meant that Nancy was talking and Leanna was mostly listening.

"Hi girls," Jen said her voice sounding husky since she was half asleep for a while. The two girls turned their heads to look at her, Nancy was feeling embarrassed for some reason when she saw Jen in her short towel.

"Hi, thanks for letting us come over," Leanna said seeing how Nancy has lost her voice.

"My pleasure, I see you've made yourselves at home," Jen said pretending she didn't notice how Nancy was acting weird.

"Yeah, oh, and we brought drinks," Leanna said pointing her chin to the kitchen.

"That's great, I think I'll start on them right now," Jen said making her way to the kitchen. The two heard the sound of glasses and Jen chopping and saw Jen come out with a tray that had two bowls of fruits and a jug of water.

"You need to stay hydrated, I hate hangovers this works for me," she said after seeing their questioning gazes. They both nodded in unison making Jen chuckle while walking back to the kitchen to get the drinks.

A couple of minutes later her dining table was filled with bottles of vodka and whiskey and also wine she filled her whisky glass with vodka and took sips as they talked about nothing in particular. Nancy's face was already flushed and her eyes a bit glazed over.

Leanna was having wine so she was still relatively sober. Jen was starting to feel tipsy. She stood up suddenly her towel almost coming undone and walked to her bedroom where she finally put on some underwear and a top that she threw on her bed as it was too tight.

She walked out of her room and went to stand next to Nancy whose face somehow got redder when Jen leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Nancy stood up and walked towards Jen's room and Leanna cast Jen a questioning gaze.

"Don't be too serious, I just told her she should have a have a shower to sober up a bit, I'll check later to make sure the water isn't hot cause it'll just make her worse?" Jen said chuckling and turning on some music that blared through her speakers.

She started to clean up empty bottles and other things that weren't needed at the table while singing along and swaying her hips. Leanna looked amused as she watched her prance around in her underwear and too-tight top. She shook her head and went to check on Nancy knowing she might have just collapsed in bed to take a nap.

After cleaning up she took a tall glass that she filled with vodka and another one with sprite and went to her bedroom only to catch Leanna helping Nancy strip off her clothes with an annoyed look on her face while Nancy was whining about how she showered before they came and didn't see the need to do so again.

Jen shoved the glass of sprite in Nancy's hands and ordered her to drink as she sat on her bed and started straightening her hair while occasionally sucking on her straw. Leanna finally succeeded in shoving Nancy into the shower and turned on the cold water that caused Nancy to yelp and try to run out of the shower but she was pushed back inside by Leanna and shut inside her whole body getting soaked together with her undergarments that she resisted on removing as she was too embarrassed.

Leanna could also feel her body start to heat up from the alcohol and she looked at Jen like she was a monster as she continued straightening her hair looking sober. If only she knew that Jen had a different brand of drunk.

She decided she'd go in after Nancy as she knew she'd freak out if she joined her. Her thoughts made her laugh all of a sudden startling both Nancy and Jen making Jen who was looking at her through the open bathroom door give her a knowing smile.

Jen took over for Leanna when Nancy got out of the bathroom and helped her dry herself and searched her bag for her clothes and helping her dress up. At this time Nancy took over for herself as she had sobered up a bit from the shower and the tall glass of ice-cold sprite that was shoved into her hands again by Jen.

Leanna was also refreshed as she left the bathroom and also dressed up. Jen decided not to wear any makeup since she knew it'll be hot and she'll get sweaty and sticky plus makeup she shuddered just from imagining the discomfort.

"You're lucky you have good skin, you can pull off not having makeup," Nancy said as she was blending something on her face that Jen did not even want to think about.

"Maybe I'll just put on some lipstick and some mascara," Jen said as she wore her shorts. She took a comb and proceeded to comb her straightened hair into a high ponytail and wore her cute top. This went on for another hour before they were all ready.

Jen finished up her drink turned off the speakers and they all left the house together. Jen thinking that maybe she wanted to get laid. This thought made her giggle stupidly causing the other two to look at her.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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