Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 71: Beautiful Boyfriend

Chapter 71: Beautiful Boyfriend

"Hungry?" Lucas asked once he saw that Jen was staring at him. He held back on the impulse he had to tease her.

"Not yet, but soon" Jen replied flirting back as she did not break the focus she had on him. Her response caught him off guard since it sounded very suggestive. He went to the refrigerator and selected the ingredients that he was planning to use. He put the ingredients on the kitchen counter and started washing them.

Jen sat on the stool that was on the opposite so she could fully enjoy the cooking process. At some point Lucas would look at her and smile when he caught her staring at him absentmindedly immediately bringing her focus back to the present.

Lucas laid the chopping board on the marble kitchen countertop and started chopping and dicing the ingredients. Jen watched as the knife swiftly and accurately cut the ingredients and she couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"I think you should handle the cooking from now on" Jen said as she continued watching Lucas in action. Her statement made Lucas smile unconsciously and prompted him to show off even more.

"I love your food," Lucas said in reassurance as he continued to work on the ingredients. Jen was surprised by how much he actually knew, she thought he just had superficial knowledge but it looked like he was actually trained.

"Mmmh, i'm sure i'll love your food too" Jen said with a smile and picked up her glass and took a sip of her juice. Lucas couldn't help but smile when he heard this. After he finished chopping up the ingredients he needed, he put a frying pan on the stove and boiled a pot of water.

Jen did not know how often he cooked but besides his knife skills it looked like he knew what he was dong. When Jen saw his expert moves she decided not to worry and watch him cook instead. At some point she could not endure anymore and took a picture of Lucas when was too preoccupied to notice her actions.

After she got a good picture that captured his handsome profile, with one holding the frying pan as the other was steering the food, his hair was hiding his enchanting eyes and his chiselled jawline was exposed, and with his muscled chest slightly visible from the loosely tied bathrobe, he was even more enchanting.

After taking the picture Jen couldn't help but stare at it for a while before she decided to post it on ber social media.

It would be the first time that she posted his photo on her social media but at the moment she felt that if she did not share the photo, she would not be doing it any justice.

Jen uploaded Lucas' picture and she captioned the picture saying [My saturday breakfast] The caption was ambiguous as she did not elaborate whether she was having the food he was cooking or if she was having the man for breakfast.

Jen had a little bit over 700k followers so when she posted the picture it immediately received a lot of likes and comments, however, since Jen was still not used to having so many followers so she just muted her phone and continued watching Lucas.

After a while Lucas finished cooking breakfast and served it up. Jen helped him set up the table and they both sat next to each other to have breakfast.

"I posted your picture on my social media" Jen said as she put some eggs on her plate. Lucas turned his head to look at her when he heard this but did not have a big reaction.

"Really?" He asked as he drank some milk.

"Mmh, I just had to share the picture I took" Jen said as she leaned over and showed him the picture that she took of him.

As she was showing him the picture she took, her followers were going crazy on her page. Her post had been reposted so many times and since she had so many followers, a lot of her audience had managed to recognise Lucas from her page and everyone kept asking if they were dating.

Since Jen was so preoccupied with her boyfriend she was unable to answer their questions. The two of them sat together and ate their breakfast in harmony without much distraction. As expected, the food that Lucas had prepared was very delicious and Jen was eating very heartily.

"I think you should be in charge of the kitchen from now on" Jen repeated as she ate the scrambled eggs. Her statement made him smile, but did not elicit much of a reaction from him.

"What is it?" Lucas asked when he noticed that she had become too quiet.

"It's nothing, I just couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were" Jen replied in a suave manner that made Lucas feel mildly embarrassed but he was also amused since no one has ever told him that he was beautiful before. He also knew that beautiful was the last word people would use to describe him.

Lucas was quiet for the rest of their meal as he feared that Jen would say something outrageous once more.

"We'll be going out for lunch right?" Jen asked as she slightly leaned forward to catch Lucas' attention.

Lucas nodded in response but did not give a verbal affirmation since he was busy chewing on his food. The two of them continued to enjoy their breakfast before Jen decided to take the initiative to wash dishes. Lucas resisted for a while since he promised he would be in charge of the kitchen but after some time Jen was able to persuade Lucas to let her wash the dishes.

"What time should we leave?" Jen asked as she sat next to Lucas on the couch.

She put her legs on his lap as she leaned on the armrest and looked at him. Lucas looked at Jen as she was cheerfully looking at him and he couldn't help but think of the information that he had received from Dave that morning. She looked like she was in such a good mood and he did not know how to break the news to her.

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