Cop Craft – Dragnet Mirage Reloaded

Book 1: Chapter 5.1

Book 1: Chapter 5.1

Returning to ONeills place, they tried hitting up the Colombians associates, but to no avail. The information leak also came up empty on ONeills end. 

With regards to Operation Roller, local detectives were immediately mobilized. But since the source of the leaks was as yet unknown, information was kept strictly on a need-to-know basis. The Special Vice Squad would also be assisting with the operation with their patrols, albeit only from tomorrow onwards. That was what the Chief had said. 

Left with no clues to go on, Matoba had no choice but to end his investigation for the day. 

Lets stop here for today. Tomorrows probably gonna be a pain. I just wanna go home and sleep for once.

It was already past two in the morning. He said as such to Tilarna. Holding back a yawn, he stretched out from the all-too-cramped drivers seat. 

Is that so.

Tilarna remained indifferent. She had not been an especially talkative girl, but a full day of making the rounds had left her deathly silent. Her eyelids could be seen fluttering here and there as they drove. Must be really sleepy. Matoba thought to himself. Right after disembarking from her ship, she had been taken for a ride around town to help with the investigation. There was no doubt she was exhausted. 

Wherere you stayin at? Ill drive you home.

This offer did not come from the kindness of his heart. Even if he were to drop her off here, he fully expected her to be able to find her way back just fine. 

Its a place by the name of Mystic Palace. My luggage should have been taken care of by now.

Mystic Palace. One of the most prominent luxury hotels here in San Teresa. Popular with VIPs the world over, it was often considered the ideal setting for international conferences and the like. 

Not staying at the consulate?

There was also a Farbanian consulate somewhere in town, replete with its own residences. Semanian nobles coming to visit from the other side would normally stay there. 

I dont want to trouble them. I have my reasons.

What sorta reasons?

Simply put, it concerns the power struggle in the Imperial Court.

Having said that, the matter was not simple in the least. Tilarna continued her explanation. 

The consul stationed here, Viscount Vitarma, holds some degree of influence over the Imperial Court behind the scenes, being the son-in-law of the former Chancellor Keresha. To add on to that, he holds status as nephew to both Earl Navat and Lord Agmada, not to mention his close relationship with His Grace the Cardinal Kashdar of the Denzany faction. On the other hand, theres the Teebe Ye Salanda [1] of the Mirvor Salanda [2], His Excellency the Lord Amsagriya. As kin to His Majesty the Archduke Devol, his family has historically acted in opposition to the Denzany faction. Unfortunately, His Majesty the Archduke Devol and His Excellency the Marquis Keresha have different ideas regarding the Imperial succession. There are also rumors circulating that there have been attempts made on the life of her Highness the Princess Naya. In this case, Marquis Keresha


Clueless, Matoba waved his hands about. 

What are you getting at here?

Given that I belong to the Salanda myself, it means that I cannot afford to impose myself on the consulate.

Her strangely complicated explanation on Imperial politics interrupted, Tilarna discontentedly replied.

You shouldve said that from the start. What a pain in the ass.

Thats what I just said!

Yeah, yeah. Keep talking.

They soon arrived at the hotel. Luxury car notwithstanding, the doorman came to pick up Tilarna in a most courteous manner. 

Ill come pick you up tomorrow at ten.

He told Tilarna just as he was about to leave. Writing his number on the backside of the gasoline receipt, he handed it over to her.

Call me if anything happens. Heres my number.


Go straight to your room and sleep. I dont wanna have any trouble.

Rest assured. I am no child.

No matter how you look at it, you ARE one. Thats why Im worried.

I-Ill have you know that Im already 27!

Her cheeks swelled up. Whenever this Semani girl shows any form of emotion, it always seems to be anger.

Thats in Semani years, right? Well, it doesnt matter. See ya.

Nev Shiiya. [3]

Leaving him with a curt goodnight in Farbanian, Tilarna entered the hotel. She could be oddly sincere at times.

Finally. Alone at last.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he began driving back to his home by New Compton Harbor. On the way home, he bought some leftover newspapers, stopping by a family restaurant he frequented to have dinner. He made small talk with one of the part-timers he recognized. Then, he relaxed with his paper in hand, wrapped up some minor business on the phone, and turned to go home. 

As he brought his car out of the parking lot, a call came in. The number was anonymous. Probably came from a payphone. 

It was Tilarna.

What is it?

Matoba answered with irritation in his voice.

I was driven out of the hotel.


They would not permit me my arms. They told me to relinquish my Krge [4] .

For security purposes, probably. Well, isnt that great of them. You should hand it over.

That cannot be done. To a Salash [5], their Krge is their life. It is probably something you Dorini cannot possibly ever hope to imagine

A vaguely grief-stricken voice could be heard. She was probably worn out from her dispute with the hotel. 

No, well, those notions also used to be commonplace here a long time ago. Wasnt it you who said When in Rome, do as the Romans do? Do what they say.

No. That cannot be done.

Then go camp out in the park for all I care! I dont wanna deal with you anymore.

He hung up. He would not play victim to her whims any longer tonight. Anyways, Tilarna possessed enough skill to cleave an assassin in half with a single stroke of her blade. Even if he were to leave her alone, there was no need to worry about her safety. 

Returning to his home in the warehouse district, he left his car to open up the garage doors. Winters in San Teresa were harsh; notwithstanding its low latitude, the air and water currents the Mirage Gate induced subjected the city to a bitter chill.

The air was cold. His breath was white. It was definitely a difficult season to be going camping, even if it was the middle of the city.


He groaned. The bug was giving him a headache again. Thanks to that bug, his life had been turned upside down.

(Goddammit, why do I even bother)

Lamenting his foolishness, he went back inside the car. Jumping the throttle, he left the harbor for downtown. It was not too far a distance to travel. 

Cruising past the Third District and its surroundings, he spotted the familiar figure of a young girl sitting on a bench in a small park. Tilarna. Wrapped around her neck was a silk muffler. She had put on an overcoat over her clothes, curling herself into a ball to minimize the cold. There she was staring sullenly at the ground. It appeared as though she was planning to spend the night here.

(For fucks sake)

As he blared his horn, she immediately turned her head around. Realizing it was him, she could not help but have a blank look on her face. 

Get on!

He shouted as he rolled down the window to the passengers seat, beckoning her onwards. Tilarna seemed to hesitate, as she did not move right away. 

Come on! Hurry it up!

Finally, she stood up. Slinging several heavy leather bags on her back, she waddled her way closer to the vehicle. Her expression remained sullen. Getting down from the car, he went and opened the trunk. Silently taking her bags, Matoba promptly tossed them into the back. 

What are you doing?

Didnt I tell you tomorrows gonna be another pain in the ass? If you went and got sick, itd be even more work for me yknow.

The barracks back at headquarters are always full. Plenty of bigoted officers there too. Better if you slept at my place.

D-did you say your place?

Dont worry. I wont go and attack you or anything.

T-that is a given! I-I am not concerned over such trivial matters. I-it is most definitely not a matter of you causing me problems. Spending a night with a Dorini like you would doubtless be a nuisance to one such as myself. Rumors would start floating around. A-and these anxieties are not unfounded whether or not I will be subject to these consequences is still up for debate

What are you getting all red for?

I-I am not getting all red! At any rate, the point I am trying to make is that in the unlikely event that such rumors are spread, i-it would doubtless be a great stain on our names! Such a thing would be most troublesome.

Then its fine if we just keep quiet, right? Come on, get in already.

What a pain in the ass. These were Matobas only thoughts as he shoved her inside. 

Even so, Tilarna continued complaining all the way back to his place in the warehouse district. 

Leaving his ride in the garage, they headed for the second floor. Unable to relax, Tilarna could only look around restlessly as she stepped foot into his home. 

I-is this really a normal house? I was certain that you Dorini lived in homes much like that Albares fellow.

Its a bit special here. Dont worry about it.


Seeing him donning a mask before entering the living room, Tilarnas face grew ever more suspicious. 

What in blazes is that?

Its a mask.

Why use such a thing?

Cat allergies.

Begrudgingly explaining his condition, they stepped into the living room. Almost as if it had been impatiently waiting for him, the black cat leaped on its feet. Given the injury on its hind leg, however, it was unable to make full use of its speed. At its sudden movements, Tilarna let out a voice of surprise.



She looked up at the black cat, and at Kei Matoba who was stroking its neck. 


No it but resembles a small animal back in my homeland.

With a slight blush, she cleared her throat as she avoided his eyes. 

What is that Khe no, that cats (cat) name?

Its Kuroi.

What a strange name Were you the one to name it?

Ahh, its black so its Kuroi. In my mother tongue, that is.

His friends of Japanese descent would often point out, Shouldnt it be Kuro [6], usually? But to Tilarna who did not know a lick of Japanese, it seemed to be completely normal. 

I see. By the way, what is this allergy that you speak of?

Its sort of a disease thats caused by getting close to certain animals or chemical substances. Not just cats. Depending on the person, they could be allergic to synthetic fibers, detergent, pork or even soba noodles. This and that. Relates to your constitution and all that.

Opening up a can of cat food, he left some in front of Kuroi. Kuroi let out a purr, and began smacking its lips at the feast before him. Tilarna did not try to get any closer to it. There was an odd tension in the air, doubtless noticed by the perceptive Kuroi. 

In other words, would it be fair to say you hate cats?

Not exactly. If I didnt have my mask on, Id wouldnt be able to breathe right about now.

Then, why exactly do you endeavor to have this cat as your pet?

Full of questions, arent you. Give me a break.

Translators Notes:

  1. TL Note: Lord Knight Commander.
  2. TL Note: Knight Order.
  3. TL Note: Calm nights to you.
  4. TL Note: Longsword.
  5. TL Note: Knight.
  6. TL Note: Japanese wordplay. (kuro) means black as in the noun. (kuroi) means black as in the adjective. Normally, you would name your cat after the noun unlike Matoba here. 

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