Cop Craft – Dragnet Mirage Reloaded

Book 3: Chapter 1: (14)

Book 3: Chapter 1: (14)

You say you saw Nyath, but we have no way to undeniably confirm that. Theres no way there are any security cameras or anything in an apartment complex as trashy as this, and neither me nor ONeill or Kenny have ever seen Nyaths face. I dont mean to say that you imagined it, but No way. But I was completely sure that

Tilarna cut her words short, and lowered her gaze. Perhaps she was starting to doubt her own memories.

I dont even know whats going on anymore

Zimmer sighed

In any case, if Nyath is alive, we need to profile him as soon as possible. To hell with discretion. We need to investigate the current situation thoroughly

Tilarna was taken aback and she raised her head

Boss, thats just What? You yourself said that you saw him. I wont go as far as to call him a suspect, but theres no doubt hes an important participant Matoba, can you look up Nyaths particular traits? Yes. Ill get that ready right away

Matoba called the headquarters with his mobile phone, and shortly after asking about Nyaths particular physical traits, he received the physical profiling. Race, age, height and weight. The clothes he was last seen wearing.

What about the Sherwood High undercover mission?

Said Tilarna. Zimmer looked at Matoba as if wanting an explanation for it, so while he was still talking on the phone, he simply mouthed let her do it. Zimmer looked troubled, but ultimately he hesitantly nodded several times and said

Keep it up. This is clearly connected to Norune, and everything. However, dont go around spying and pushing yourself too hard with all sorts of stuff. If any kind of trouble pops up at any point, well abort it. Understood Dont expect to come up with any results

With that line, one of the forensic investigators said

We found an incendiary timed device

It was blackened and charred, but with a cooking timer, a 9 volt battery, and parts of a lighter, it was a device that even a high school student could make. Matoba finished giving instructions through the phone to the headquarters, and hung up.

The preparations are done. I had Cami and Jamie head over to Nyaths house Well thats good, isnt it? Eh, theyll find out right away that hes just a regular high school student. Theres no way hes this murder mastermind


Contrary to Matobas expectations, Nyath Maybell was not home. Cami and Jamie, full names detective Cameron Estefan, and detective Jamie Austin, drove over to the Maybell household in North Zalze near New Compton on a red BMW M3.

Hey, arent we sticking out a lot?

Jamie muttered as the car was slowing down.

I just cant feel at ease with outfits as colorful as these in this traditional, conservative neighborhood.

Both of them were heading back home from work, so they were wearing prostitute outfits. Highly revealing tight miniskirts and short pants. With a high emphasis on their breasts and their cleavages. Camis dark skin and Jamies light skin were both glistening below the street lamps.

We shouldve definitely changed clothes before coming here What are you talking about? It wouldve been more than an hour going all the way back to the office from Metsera. We had no choice But you know what, Cami? A friend from high school lives in the area. If she for some reason saw me wearing an outfit like this, it would turn into a pretty bad rumour

Jamie took her Gucci handbag, and started frantically trying to cover her butt and upper thighs with it. Even when working undercover for the Special Vice Squad, Jamie would stand on a street corner acting embarrassed, but it seemed like that was actually even more popular with men. Her conviction rate was even larger than the more serious and traditionally sexy Cami, just standing around bashfully.

She wasnt particularly jealous or anything, but she did find the direction in which the modern day male tastes were heading, somewhat maniacal. Thats what Cami thought.

Forget that, lets get going Ah, how annoying. That Kei, hes always pushing these lame situations onto us

Cami complained as they kept heading towards the Maybell household entrance.

Its not Keis fault. Besides, I feel like hes always looking after us and all

Jamie defended him

You totally have a sweet spot for him though. If you asked me, though, Kei Matoba is the embodiment of male chauvinism itself. Hes always behaving like your typical tough guy. A guy with a mountain full of stupidity. Hes absolutely the type that would say ah, lets have the women do that bullshit job, since its safe Im pretty sure he wouldnt say something like that, Cami. The guy has been facing dangerous situations nonstop, and hes also looking after Tilarna, isnt he? Which would be fine if he wasnt a fucking pedo Cami! Ah, yeah yeah, Im sorry. It was a joke. Tilarna is a good girl, and I think I would be doing the same thing in his position Having her wear some underwear you bought at a sex shop? No, that was us that did that But that was cute, wasnt it? She has a smooth skin and a great butt, so it looked really good on her Yeah youre right. But I feel like she could use with a little more volume on her, and then she would look great but wait, we werent talking about this in the first place, right?

Cami sighed. Jamie was an excellent detective, and a good friend, but the only thing that worried her was how fond she had gotten of that Kei Matoba guy. She wouldnt go as far as calling him a good-for-nothing, but he was no doubt the kind of guy you didnt want to date. He was trouble. Camis father was the same kind of person. He was stubborn, a typical macho, sarcastic far from being simply a considerate and kind guy towards women. In any case he was a man that reeked of olden times.

Well, when talking about peoples tastes, to each their own, and besides she wasnt just going to start meddling in other peoples affairs about things like that.

They got to the Maybells front door, and Jamie said

What time is it right now? 00:22 Hey Cami. Can we pass as policemen knocking at a time like this? We are policemen! Pull yourself together Youre right, yeah. But Im sure theyll think were some kind of sketchy delivery massage service or something. Pizza places are already closed and everything Shut up

Cami knocked, and after waiting for about 30 seconds, the door opened, and Mr. Maybell appeared. He looked at the two beautiful women, raised his eyebrows and said

Ah Im sorry, but I think you knocked at the wrong house. We havent ordered any massage services or anything like that, really

See? I told you

Jamie said with her eyes. Cami ignored that, and she pulled out her badge from her handbag and showed it to him.

Mister Maybell? Excuse us for knocking this late at night. Im officer Estefan from the San Teresa Police Department. And this right here is officer Austin. Theres something we want to ask you about the explosion incident in Corin We- we may look like this but were real police officers! Look, we have to do a lot of undercover missions and well

Jamie interrupted from the side

You shut up But Cami! Just leave it! Ah, forgive me. The one we want to question is your son, actually

Mr. Maybell heard what they had to say, and got really worried

Nyath? Yes. Is he at home? Of course. I saw that incident on the news earlier today but Nyath has been at home all along. He even had dinner with us. Are you sure youre not mistaken? We cant say anything yet. Please tell him to come But- Please. This is something extremely important for our investigation

She was asking him in an extremely serious manner, but he still couldnt hide his distrust for the two women

Forgive me, but can you show me your badge and ID again please? Ive heard I have a right to do that Of course. Here you go

So it would come to that after all Cami presented both her badge and ID to him, after pulling them out of the tiny notebook she kept them in. She wasnt very comfortable with it, since her ID picture was extremely unflattering, so she would avoid showing it to other people. On top of the thick glasses, there were the crooked teeth, the unkempt hair, and a terrible uniform.

That doesnt look like you Yeah I get that a lot. However, as Ive kept fulfilling my duties, Ive found the need to look like this

Right then, Jamie interrupted

Mr. Maybell, its okay. Officer Estefan used to be a literary club introvert type of girl. She used to write Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock romantic fanfiction, and-

This time, she really thought she was going to beat her partner to death.

Please shut your mouth But Cami- Leave it. Well talk about this very thoroughly later

After replying with a murderous tone, she directed herself toward Mr. Maybell once again.

Excuse us, Mr. Maybell. Would you like to check Officer Austins ID as well? No, thats okay. Your badge looks real

Mr. Maybell returned Camis wallet.

Thank you very much. Well then, would you please call Nyath? But as I told you earlier, my son had nothing to do with that incident. Besides, he has to go to school tomorrow, so I would like to know what to do after you have had your time to talk to him

So that was why he was opposed to it. A serious parent would of course try to protect his own son. He wouldnt just go all ah yeah, certainly about the situation.

If you still insist on not calling Nyath, we will have to end up using legal means to get his side of the story. This kind of conversation will also be recorded, and it may end up affecting his criminal record in the long run. At this stage, hes only one of many names that have come up during the investigation, but if you keep insisting like this, his file will have a refused to cooperate with investigation annotation. And we do not want that either, to be honest

Although she was speaking gently and politely, her words were a clear threat. Cami knew very well that this sort of procedure was necessary sometimes. Surely Matoba did it as well. Basically, she knew that if it were Matoba who was trying to get information from Nyaths parents, he would do it that way as well, which is why he sent Jamie and her. Instead of going over there with his tough looking face, he would have those two gals go so everything would transpire much more smoothly.

Which is why she hated him

Mr. Maybells pupils changed in fear, fortunately he seemed like a reasonable man. Without further complaining, he turned to his wife who was observing everything from behind, and told her to call Nyath. The woman hesitated for a second and then nodded, and went quickly to the second floor.

But Miss detective. My son was home the whole time. Hes a child completely clean of any crimes. On what basis did his name come up? Someone claims to have seen your son at the scene Who? Give me a break I cannot tell you the details. We dont really believe that your son is the culprit either. I understand how you feel, but please coopera- Stan

Ms. Maybell called out to him after rushing down from the second floor. Her voice was restless, and her eyes were full of fear.

What happened? Wheres Nyath? Hes not here. Seems like he went out the window at some point ah darling, what are we going to do? He is not here. I looked everywhere!

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