Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 102: He Had Created a Monster

Chapter 102: He Had Created a Monster

"Did you? You just walked into the warzone without protection. What were you thinking?" Yize gaped, unused to her brother talking to her that way.

Qian Meng knew that the anger was directed at her.

"He's talking to me, don't worry. He treats me like a whipping post whenever he can," she explained. "I was having a good time, okay? I needed it."

"But did you have to be so stupid? Why did you do that? There's going to be police knocking on your door tomorrow morning. Do you understand how this is going to affect your image?" he gritted the words out through his teeth.

"Yes, because I am the one who comes up with ridiculous ideas," she threw back. "I knew exactly what I was doing. I only fight battles I know I will win, Mo Qingchen. I'm not a blind, gullible girl." She pressed her hand on her temple. "You've killed my buzz."

The complaint made him soften his attitude.

"You've had a bad day. I'm sorry." He sat there, letting the silence take over.

"Wow, I've never heard you speak so much," Yize commented from behind them.

Qian Meng clenched her eyes closed.

"Where are you going to go now?" Mo Qingchen asked softly.

She spoke after a long time. "I can't go back to the hotel," Qian Meng confessed. "They let two people I didn't want to see to my room without my permission. And I bet more people will bang on my door tonight if I go back. And I really want to sleep." Her voice shook lightly.

"You can stay with me if you want." Qian Meng felt tears prickling her eyes.

"No," she said immediately. "I'll just… I'll just stay at one of the furnished properties that haven't been rented out yet."

Mo Qingchen frowned. "There won't be any bedsheets or thick covers."

"She could stay in my room," Yize proposed, interjecting their conversation.

Mo Qingchen turned to look at his sister and then at Qian Meng.

"She doesn't want to stay with you," Yize said with a little more pressure.

"And I don't want to stay with you," Qian Meng said quickly. She sucked in a breath. "Start driving. I'll decide in a bit." That was her final answer.

She called Li Jun.

"Done with your crime spree?" he asked. There was not a hint of sleep in his voice.

"Yes. I took a video as a safety measure. I'll send it to you. They might file a lawsuit against Mo Yize and me, so I will ask her to give me the transfer of ownership papers for the house. Do you need anything else?"

She waited for his answer.

"What is the narrative you are going for?" he asked.

"Killing rage," she said somberly.

"Understood. Goodnight, Miss Yun."

"Goodnight," she said and hung up. She turned to Mo Qingchen with a critical look. He noticed her gaze and nodded.

He understood. She had a plan.

"I'll take you back to the hotel. Don't forget to record." Nothing more was said. Nobody needed to.

- - - - -

"That little wench!" Chen Yue yelled as she paced. Mr. Bai kept his eyes trained on the woman. From the corner of his eye, he saw his son sitting quietly, not saying a word.

"She really doesn't like me," he whispered, acting all innocent.

Mr. Bai didn't comment. He didn't need to.

Chen Yue did all the talking in their relationship.

"No, honey. Who does she think she is, belittling you like that?" Chen Yue shook her head. "When she marries into the family, we'll have to straighten her out and make sure she shows respect."

Mr. Bai almost choked on his breath. "I don't think a wedding will happen," he said seriously.

The words Yun Qian Meng said at the party had been confirmation for him. He glanced towards his younger son and felt a pang of melancholy.

"Her father is adamant," Chen Yue said smugly.

"Well, Yun Qian Meng is an independent woman. If she doesn't want to marry, we should respect her decision." The other two seemed astounded by Mr. Bai's support.

"Whose side are you on?" his wife asked.

"My own," he said gruffly before standing up.

He was sick and tired of the drama. Mr. Bai… Bai Yu… worked day and night for thirty years to get where he was. Between his first son, Bai Wenxi and Bai Ye Qing, he had given the latter everything he desired.

Wenxi had seen the family struggle in his youth and been a quiet and responsible child. He had taken lots of responsibilities in the company when he came of age and Bai Yu was happy.

When Bai Ye Qing's turn came, both older brother and father had humored him and given him a good position in the company.

Yet, the more favors he got, the more he wanted. He asked for it and received, therefore, thinking that he was entitled to what was given to him. Bai Ye Qing forgot the favor he received and imagined that the success he had was earned by his own merit.

Bai Yu had created a monster. He had allowed his son to see power up close—a man who wanted more.

Bai Ye Qing didn't work. The accusations against him were many and the employees complained of mismanagement and harassment, among other things.

Bai Wenxi got wind of it as did Bai Yu. And the next thing he knew, Wenxi suddenly passed away.

Yet, Chen Yue and Bai Ye Qing pretended as though he had never existed.

Mr. Bai was astounded. His son, his heir, his closest confidante had passed away and these two were going around, trying to climb the social ladder.

He had seen enough. His suspicions grew stronger. And there was only one thing to do.

He pulled out his cellphone and typed out the first message to her.

[Miss Yun, would you mind joining me in a game of chess sometime next week?]

He waited for a long time until the reply came.

[It would be a pleasure, Mr. Bai.]

And therein, the stage was set.

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