Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 141: Your Lover Doesnt Like to Share

Chapter 141: Your Lover Doesn't Like to Share

They didn't have a personal wait staff. Qian Meng had never seen the place so packed. The waiters whizzed around the room, far too busy busting their asses to notice a finger snap.

Mo Qingchen looked mildly appalled when no one came running.

Such a spoiled dragon.

"That doesn't work here." She held back a laugh.

She knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted dessert. And he wanted her to feed him… like last time. Actually, he had wanted me to feed him the full meal. Before their food was served, she discovered he literally expected her to feed him in public.

She nearly fell of her chair.

Somehow, she managed to negotiate working up to a full meal. Tonight, they would start with dessert.

Feeding him dessert with people watching would be risky. With her spastic hip, she would definitely get them arrested.

Xuxu came by to check on them a few minutes later. Dessert at the Incarnadine was a distinct experience. As a haven for artists, the food tried to cater to all of one's senses.

Xuxu eyed Mo Qingchen and her carefully before he spoke to Mo Qingchen, "You must be a very special man. What can I possibly offer you as sweet as her?" He raised a brow at Qian Meng as he kissed her hand.

Mo Qingchen's eyes darkened as he watched Xuxu's lips brush against her skin. "You can offer us privacy."

A warm smile lit up Xuxu's face. "Ah, yes!" he shouted, startling Qian Meng. "Come! You'll be very pleased."

He guided them into a private room, small and meant for intimate dining.

Qian Meng had one thought: Definitely not a good idea.

Mo Qingchen's strong presence loomed behind her. She wondered what he thought of this. Before she had a chance to speak, Xuxu kissed her cheeks with gusto.

"I'll have someone make you very, very happy." He pulled away from her and smiled over at Mo Qingchen. Qian Meng turned to see him glaring at Xuxu.

Xuxu chuckled. "Meng'er, your lover does not like to share. I cannot blame him. I will leave you, but I will return. There's still plenty of time!" In a flash, he disappeared.

Qian Meng's eyes ran across the room. A plush, oversized futon took up most of the space, a large coffee table sat in front of it. Dimmed lighting and soft, sensual music created a romantic vibe. The candles scattered around gave off an enchantingly sweet scent: the perfect place for lovers looking to escape the crowd.

Qian Meng could do bad things in this room. And she knew Mo Qingchen was a scoundrel who didn't hold back.

Her thoughts were all over the place. She had a rational side, of course. The man was her fiancé. Yes, they were getting married but he thought himself incapable of forming connections. And Yun Qian Meng felt the same way, but he made her tingle. His smile made her melt, every time. She giggled and blushed like a fool over him and his sinister side. He made her heart race with excitement.

She turned to ask Mo Qingchen if he wanted to go back to the dining room and found a very pretty female with her hands on his shoulders.

He abruptly swatted her away like a fly.

"Forgive me, sir, I was going to hang your jacket so it doesn't get wrinkled," she stammered apologetically.

"That won't be necessary." His eyes blazed directly into hers with intense anger.

"I'm sorry," she gasped in horror, her face turning pale.

Qian Meng let out a small sigh. "Please don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. He just hates people."

"Oh," she said through widened eyes. She looked positively terrified. Qian Meng didn't understand. He was so touchy-feely with her, and then he turned around and did this to others.

If she were a romantic, she would wonder if he only looked at her and no one else.

"Please make yourself comfortable. I will be right back with your dessert. Xuxu said to bring you the special. I hope that is alright?" The poor woman stuttered and shook from the single look. Such a bizarre effect he had on people.

"That sounds wonderful," Qian Meng replied with a warm smile. The woman was ready to burst into tears. The second she slipped out of the room, Qian Meng's eyes shot over to Mo Qingchen. "She was terrified of you."

"She should have kept her hands off me." He shrugged with indifference.

"She was only doing her job. Would it have been unbearable for you to let her take your jacket and politely thank her?"

"You really have no idea what bachelors go through, do you? The jacket thing is usually an excuse." Mo Qingchen scoffed. He stepped in closer to her. "Is that what a nice guy would do?"

"Yes." But Bai Ye Qing had also been a nice guy. She didn't know what she thought about that breed of men any longer.

"I'm not a nice guy." His eyes locked onto her. And she was relieved.

"And you prefer it that way?" Qian Meng asked, holding his stare.

"Of course," he responded instantly.

"Why?" she wonder out loud. She wanted to figure him out.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "We covered this. People repulse me. I generally tolerate them but I do not allow them to touch me." His face was beautiful, but his words were downright ugly. But something or someone had made him this way. And she had a nagging feeling that it was the father of his whom he despised and rarely spoke about.

"I repulse you?" The look in his eyes gave her the answer, but she wanted him to say it.

"Obviously not," he stated firmly.

"I'm honored," she teased with an overly grateful expression.

"Perhaps you should be scared." He removed his jacket and slung it over his shoulder.

Qian Meng snorted at his warning. "Why would I be scared?"

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