Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 394: Cant Handle This Level of Worship

Chapter 394: Can't Handle This Level of Worship

"I know that. That's why I am trying to word it in a way that doesn't sound like I am trying to take advantage of his predicament," Qian Meng frowned.

"You're going to get shot down," he told her point-blank.

"I am banking on it," Qian Meng said with a small smile. "Things are going to blow up. And Li Wenyue is going to have to handle it alone and then be discarded. It's only a matter of time before he realizes he is a scapegoat in all of this."

She tapped on her cellphone and then looked at her laptop.

"I'll send an email to ask him what the rumors are about," she said.

"You could ask your father. Is this the best action?" Qingchen questioned. He trusted her judgment, but it was also his responsibility to make sure that she was perfectly confident in her action. For this, he would have to constantly question her.

"Everyone in the industry knows we don't get along. I would never reach out to him directly. So, it's him next in line. I am a shareholder, so I have the right." She shrugged.

The email was sent out as usual. The greeting was pleasant and then she mentioned the rumors that had been going around. She even voiced her concerns about the state of the company and the fear that this rumor would spread to the general public.

"I have initiated contact." She stretched her hand over her head and then rolled her neck.

Mo Qingchen stepped closer to her and removed the laptop. "You're done with work, right?" he asked.

She nodded with a small smile on her face. "I still need to shower and then do my skincare routine," she moaned.

Qingchen quickly saved all the files open on her screen and then set the laptop and table aside.

"Don't worry about that," he said quickly.

She sat on the bed, confused as he went to the bathroom and then returned with a wet towel. He kneeled down beside her and raised her hand to slowly drag the wet towel over her skin.

"I can't handle this level of worship," she said with a chuckle.

Qingchen clucked his tongue. "I am just getting started," he said with a wink. He ended up wiping down her exposed skin gently and then discarding the towel in their laundry bag.

He then went to her vanity and brought back the skincare products she used on a regular basis.

"Do you know how to use them?" she teased.

He mock-glared at her before nodding. "The first time I did it was when we drank and you fell asleep on me," he said. "I took off your makeup and put on the products so that your pretty skin wouldn't be ruined." He smirked.

Qian Meng's eyes widened. "I seem to remember something of the sort. You have a good memory if you can use everything in order."

He was usually busy looking over materials or checking his phone when she was preparing for bed. She wanted to see if he remembered.

And he did.

He pushed her back into the pillow and tucked her in before using every product correctly.

She showered him with compliments and he smiled. "If you think I do it better than you, you should let me do it instead," he advised.

She rolled her eyes. "I am more concerned about your skin. You are nearing middle age. Your skin will start sagging soon. Are you sure you don't want to take care of your skin as well?" she taunted.

"You vowed to love me even if I was old. Wrinkles and bad skin come with the package," he said boldly.

"Are you saying that you will let yourself go?" she asked with a snicker.

"Absolutely not. But skincare?" He shook his head confidently.

"We'll have spa days. Come on!" she whined. She pointed towards the vanity. "Go to the drawer and pull out one of the masks," she ordered.

Qingchen patted her cheeks, finally done with her routine, and then looked over to where she was pointing.

He did as she asked without reserve. He found a plethora of packages and held them up. "You choose. I don't understand which one to choose."

She looked at the packages and then pointed towards one. "It's rejuvenating," she said casually. He came back and she scooted her butt over to his side of the bed and then patted to the newly free portion of the bed.


He sat down and looked at her suspiciously.

She shot up and then pushed him into the bed. She took the face mask from him and then smiled at him wolfishly. "No. This won't do!" she exclaimed.

She swung her leg over the edge of the bed and went over to her vanity to bring out more.

An under-eye gel, a lip mask, and a hairband later, she came back. Equipped with her weapons, she pushed his hair back and put on the hairband. Next, she slowly rolled on the under-eye serum.

She heard him exhale and knew that the procedure was having a calming effect on him.

"Is this going to make me as pretty as you?" he said jokingly.

Qian Meng paused and tapped his chin playfully. "Maybe not as pretty as me, but definitely will make sure you don't look like my grandfather in a decade or two." She sniggered.

He followed in chuckling along.

"Now, shush!" she ordered as she tore the packet open and carefully placed the mask over his face.

He shuddered at the cold sensation but then settled down as she slowly smoothed out the mask and then caressed his cheek over it.

Next, she placed the lip mask and then sat back and watched him struggle to stay silent.

It was a strange sight, but as she hummed and chattered until the time to take it off came, she found his breathing level out.

She knew this rhythm perfectly. Qingchen was asleep.

Qian Meng had found another way to make him relax and just sleep. She had a warm smile as she pulled off the masks and then the hairband. After cleaning up, she snuggled into bed beside him and pressed a kiss on his neck.

"Goodnight," she whispered before squeezing her eyes shut.

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