Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 435: Ripping His Shorts Off

Chapter 435: Ripping His Shorts Off

Mo Qingchen hadn't thought about that closely. "I think we need to ask the doctor that."

Qian Meng frowned. "We could search it online too, you know?" she prompted from beside him.

"I trust the medical professional more, love," he told her gently.

She turned to face him. "Does the doctor remember being in the womb and their parents having sex?" It was a stupid discussion but one that seemed pertinent at the time.

"The people on the internet have even less of a chance of remembering. We'll ask the doctor." He patted her hair and settled her in.

Now that Mo Qingchen thought about it, a prickle of worry overcame him. He placed his hand over her stomach, checking for movement. And then, in the dead of the night, he stayed awake with his hands on her stomach and his head at her heart, making sure the only things keeping him alive and happy were safe and sound.

- - - - -

Qian Meng woke up to the sound of birds outside their house. She was so out of it that she had no idea where she was at first. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times before remembering that she had fallen asleep while watching Mo Qingchen work.

This only made her more confused. She had no recollection of actually going to bed, but she had somehow managed to end up tucked beneath white soft covers and her plush body pillow.

There was only one explanation.

"Qingchen," she groaned as she tried to roll over onto her back and stretch her arms above her head. It was a difficult task with the humongous beach ball on her stomach.

She was sore and groggy, indicating that she had slept too long and too deeply. A glance at the clock showed that it was past eight in the morning. So, it had been a really long time.

She pushed the blankets aside and sat up, yawning. She wasn't surprised to have slept that hard. She had been a deep sleeper but the pregnancy kept her tired all the time. These babies—whom she loved very much, were sucking all her energy out.

Still, she felt back for cutting their night short. They had a couch date after he finished work and she had fallen asleep on him.

"Qingchen?" she called out, knowing he wouldn't be far.

She made a quick trip to the bathroom to get herself together before looking for him. Because she knew Xiong Hua wouldn't come before the afternoon, she felt cheeky and went searching for him in her comfy panties.

Her nipples hardened in the cool air as she shuffled down the hall, following the smell of his black coffee. She found him in the dining area, sitting at the table, focused intently on his laptop.

She saw him typing at his laptop, so she assumed he was responding to emails or something.

"Hey," she greeted with a big smile.

He glanced up at her, midway through bringing his cup of coffee to his lips, and jumped as if he had seen a ghost.

Everything that followed happened so quickly that it was difficult to register. One moment, he was looking at her with his eyes as wide as saucers, and in the next, he had jumped up from his chair and yelling a slew of profanities.

Mo Qingchen had spilled all over his lap.

"Damn it!" he hissed.

"Qinchen! Are you okay?" she asked, praying that his coffee wasn't fresh enough to burn him.

She hurried over to him, scampering across the cold floor to get to him. She didn't understand why he wasn't ripping his shorts off.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" he yelled at her, making her stop in her tracks.

She was stunned that he had yelled at her and confused as to why he didn't want her near him.


Qingchen sighed loudly, reaching out to close his laptop and she wondered briefly why he would care about that when he was covered in coffee.

"Shit." He unbuttoned his shorts and yanked them down.

"Why can I not come any closer?" Qian Meng asked in a small voice.

He looked up, realization dawning in his eyes. "You can now. Sorry for shouting, I didn't know what else to do." He sucked in a deep breath. "Until thirty seconds ago, if you came closer, you would have flashed your tits to everyone on the conference call."

Qian Meng gaped at him for a moment before connecting the dots. She finally saw the wireless earphones in his ear.

"You were on a video call?" she asked.


She giggled as she watched him peel his boxers off.

"I would be damned if anyone sees my wife's tits but me," he swore.

Shaking her head, she tried to pick up his wet clothes. He stopped her immediately and picked it up himself. "Don't even try that."

"Mr. Mo. Until recently, you were enthusiastic about everyone in the world seeing my beautiful breasts. How have you changed your tunes now?" she teased. "Also, the coffee didn't burn you, right?"

He shook his head. "It wasn't that hot. Thank god." And then he smirked. "I might have said it, but when it came down to the actual thing happening, I panicked. No one needs to see you like this… so beautiful. What if people start chasing you? It's too irritating to fight off flies."

"I'm sorry," he huffed as he hurried past her. She tried to keep her gaze off his flopping and flaccid appendage. "I have to rejoin the call for the last few minutes."

"It's fine," she called to him as he stormed down the hall in search of new shorts. "I'll throw these in the laundry bin."

"Good morning, by the way!" he yelled over his shoulder. "And your tits are beautiful. The best in the world!"

She laughed out a loud laugh as she ventured off to the laundry room.

Once she put everything in order, she steered clear off the kitchen to let Qingchen do his thing. She thought about taking a shower, but all she wanted to do was lay around in bed.

Mo Qingchen didn't take long to finish up his call. It felt like only a few minutes had passed before the door to the bedroom opened. She saw him walking towards her. His boxers slung low enough on his hips to make her think dirty thoughts.

"All done?" she asked, not even trying to get up.

"Yes, ma'am. I am all yours for the rest of the day." She watched with a carefree smile as he dove into the bed beside her.

"Did they laugh at you for spilling coffee all over yourself?" she asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Yes. They tried to hide it, but I knew they were laughing inside." He traced small circles on her side. "I don't need to explain to them that it was because my wife walked into the room half-naked."

"Fair enough."

"I'm sorry for not being there when you woke up. I wasn't expecting you to wake up so early," he admitted.

Qian meng shrugged as she combed her fingers through his hair. "I don't mind. I knew you would have to work. I need to work too. Just. Not now."

That was inevitable. In a couple of weeks, she would get admitted to the hospital, and then after the babies are born, it would take a couple of months to settle down. She was already putting a lot of pressure on her employees but she also had a family to think about.

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