Corrupt Creations

Chapter 386 Secret Invasion

"Oh?! Is that why Elder Hu hadn't shown up here until now?"

"Guess so."

"That's great! We're practically free to play games all day then."

"True. Who would pass on an opportunity like this? Just that weirdo would do it." One of them said in a low voice.


While two of the three disciples responsible for guarding that area, were spending their time in leisure, there was one who was actually working properly. He stood by the window, calmly watching over the entire forested area, even though he knew that there were no chances of any mishap taking place around there.

Truth be told, he would rather spend his time playing cards just like the other two, but his mind tricked him into thinking that it was a test. The situation they were in, was actually, a secret test. A plan being operated by Elder Hu, in order to evaluate if they were properly working or not. Since Elder Hu was the one responsible for managing that whole area, he could easily choose who he would keep or who he would fire, and on top of being fired, the dismissed disciples would lose all their benefits.

However, contrary to what he thought, something terrible was going to happen on that day and it would originate from the place he was responsible of guarding.

As he watched the calm environment in front of him, his eyes picked something strange. It seemed that at a place far away from where that watchtower was built, there were changes happening in the barrier. As a Mana Perception Realm cultivator, his eyes were able to see a small gap opening in the invisible barrier, but closing a few seconds later.

Confused, his first reaction was to turn around and ask his colleagues: "Hey, is there anyone training inside the Purple Illusory Forest?"

Those two were so entranced by the game, that they didn't even stop while answering.

"Huh? Not that I was informed."

"Guess not."

"I just saw something... It seemed to be as if someone had somehow interacted with the barrier. However, it looked suspicious..."

The two disciples playing cards suddenly exchanged looks, before one of them said: "Tch! Come on... There's no need for you to prank us like that."

"Yeah! We know you just don't have the courage to do what we're doing. Don't try to resort to such means. We're not stopping!"

Still thinking he was being tested, the disciple that was properly working, realized it was his time to shine. Whatever it was, he was sure it was part of the evaluation. Leaving behind a single word, he abandoned the cabin to investigate what was happening, from up close.


As his figure vanished, the other disciples were left with weird expressions over their faces.

A few minutes later, that guard was already standing right before the area where he had seen a gap opening in the barrier. However, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it. In front of his eyes, he could only see the mirrored image of the whole environment, being reflected by the glazed barrier and other than that, there was nothing more, not even remaining traces of energy fluctuations.

There were two possible explanations for what had happened, but before his mind could pick which one was better to satisfy his weird theories, right in front of his eyes, another small gap had appeared in the barrier.

Unfortunately, before he could even see what was on the other side, a spec of dark light flashed past his body, bringing a calamity alongside it.

That calamity was none other than Seth.

At that moment, his face was devoid of any expression, as if he had entered a different mode. Without even bothering if he was being cruel or not, or if the man in front of him was an innocent or not, with a swift movement, he grabbed the back of his head and instantly activated one of his Hades Manual techniques.

The poor Mana Perception Realm guard had no time to react, before turning into a prey for the enemy. Seth worked with efficiency, robbing him of all the important information, together with his life. He made it quick and painless, as far as possible, at least.

A few seconds later, he appeared inside the cabin, where two more disciples were swiftly silenced. His invasion must be kept a secret, or else, he wouldn't be able to easily kidnap Meiyi.

Arwen, Lan Xue and Seth were individually acting according to a plan they had devised while traveling and for it to properly work, he had to be low-key, as well as leave no traces behind. That's why he disposed of the bodies, before disappearing once again.




Inside the Illusive Ethereal Sanctuary, there were hundreds of huge areas that were individually controlled by the Elders. Each of those hundreds of areas, had a sanctuary built at its center, where most of the important activities were usually held.

However, specifically on that day, every single one of those sanctuaries were closed. The reason behind that, was because every single Elder and Grand Elder, were requested to partake in an important ceremony.

That ceremony was going to be held at the Main Sanctuary, where the Sanctuary Master resided. But before it started, the Elders were reuniting in the middle of a grand hall.

The first thing they noticed at their arrival, was that there was a platform in one of the most important places of that hall. It was located where everyone would be able to easily see the events that were going to happen there and also, situated next to where the grand seat stood.

Every single one of the figures who were allowed to enter in that hall, with a single look, understood that something of great importance was about to happen.

However, differently from what one would expect, most of the elders attending to that ceremony, seemed to be discontent. Some of them had even promised to demand justice from the Sanctuary Master.

They were still mourning the loss of their friends and blaming it on the Sanctuary Master.

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