Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 153 Another Huge Deal

"Before we begin the proceedings, why don't you tell us how you found us?" Poul asked. "Please answer the question honestly as we will use this information to better understand your needs and provide you with the best possible service."

Omura and Sanada exchanged a brief look before Omura spoke up. "We were referred to your company by a mutual acquaintance, Mr. Sherman. He speaks highly of your company's expertise in the field of weapons manufacturing."

"Ah. Mr. Sherman. He is our biggest contractor, he works for the United States Military and we have been supplying them with our rifles since our inception. Well, aside from an acquaintance, have you heard of us from others?"

"Well, we were observing the war happening in Europe as we speak, and we noticed that the Russians and the allied forces are using a new kind of gun that can fire simultaneously without having to cycle. This is after we were referred to your company of course, and we got interested. Having to cycle for a second is a game-changer on the battlefield. Enemy rushing at you all at once and you are in the middle of cocking your gun? That's a death sentence," Omura added.

"I see. Well, truth be told, a lot of countries have begun placing orders for our rifles because of their effectiveness and efficiency compared to the existing weapons that we have now. Because of that, we only prioritize orders with the best deal so based on this, I think Japan would do the same right?"

"I was sent here by the Emperor to hire the best of the best in the Western world. German Engineers, Dutch Architects, French Lawyers, and lastly," he paused, and extended his hand towards Poul. "Avalonian weapons manufacturers."

Poul smiled at the compliment they got from the Omura. "You have come to the right place, Mr. Omura. So may I ask, how many rifles do you intend to purchase from us?"

Omura pulled out a note from his breast pocket. He opened it and read the note.

"We intend to purchase 15,000 AN-M1 rifles. And if our military found it satisfactory, we will offer you an exclusive contract of the right to supply arms for our fledgling modern military."

A broad smile spread across Poul and Jonathan's faces.

"That is a significant order, Mr. Omura. We are honored to be given this opportunity to work with Japan's military. Rest assured, our rifles are reliable, durable, and effective in any combat situation. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations and deliver the best possible service," Jonathan said.

Omura nodded in agreement. "Excellent. We will also need your help in training our soldiers on how to use these rifles effectively."

"Of course, Mr. Omura. We will provide comprehensive training for your soldiers to ensure that they can use our rifles with maximum efficiency and effectiveness."

"Thank you for that. The samurais in our country are becoming a hindrance to the growth and development of our country. You may not know it but the samurai have been sabotaging key infrastructures to make our country modern, the power lines, railroads, and telegraph lines have all been targeted by them."

Poul and Jonathan understood their situation, after all, the economic and social reforms made by the Emperor of Japan has caused tensions among the traditional samurai class. The samurai were finding it hard to adapt to the changes brought about by the modernization of Japan.

"We understand the challenges that come with modernization, Mr. Omura. But we believe that our rifles will greatly help in ensuring the safety and security of your country, especially in dealing with those who oppose the modernization efforts of the Emperor," Poul said.

Omura nodded in agreement. "Yes, the safety and security of our country are of utmost importance. That is why we are willing to pay a premium for the best weapons that money can buy."

"We appreciate your trust and confidence in our company, Mr. Omura. We will make sure that your order will be delivered on time and with the highest quality," Jonathan assured.

"Thank you, Mr. Nielsen and Mr. Axelsen. We look forward to working with your company," Omura said.

"Let's sign the contract then, shall we?" Poul said, gesturing for Amelia to come forward and hand them the document.

Amelia obliged, handing the document to Omura.

Omura opened the cover of the document and scanned through the pages, making sure that everything was in order. He then took out a fountain pen and signed his name on the designated line, followed by Poul and Jonathan.

With the contract signed, the meeting came to a close. Omura and Sanada rose to their feet and shook hands with Poul and Jonathan.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you," Omura said.

Poul and Jonathan nodded and returned the gesture.

"Likewise, Mr. Omura. We will keep in touch and update you on the progress of your order," Poul said.

Omura and Sanada made their way out of the office, leaving Poul and Jonathan feeling pleased with the successful meeting. They had just secured a significant order from Japan's military, and they were excited about the prospect of working with them.

As the elevator door closed before them, Amelia let out a sigh of relief. "That went well," she said.

"It is to be expected, Amelia," Poul said nonchalantly as if something like this is obvious. "Imagine the prospect where we are the only arms manufacturing company that can supply the Japanese military."

"I'm sure our competitors would be frustrated by this," Jonathan said and continued. "Well, speaking of our competitors, have they made any progress in designing their own semi-automatic rifles?"

Amelia shook her head. "Not yet, but they are claiming that they are nearing completion. We can only wait and see."

"They are persistent huh? Well, if they designed one we can only upgrade our rifles to a whole new level," Jonathan said.


Meanwhile, in the elevator. Omura and Sanada exchanged a brief discussion with one another.

"So it was true huh? That Mr. Nielsen is an Albian. I can't believe that a person so discriminated against in their country can rise through the ranks and become rich. That goes to show that the United States of Avalonia is a country of opportunity."

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