Crimson Instinct

Chapter 257: Aren't you dating?

Chapter 257: Aren't you dating?

*Xin Lei*

I reached the hospital blushing all the way.

Damn! If I act like this, then Bai Li would definitely figure out something is wrong.

How should I act normal?

I stood in front of his ward and let out a deep breath.

Just smile.

All those pervy thoughts, shoo!

I opened the door and saw that Zhang Xiulan and Zhu Yusheng were there.


Thank God somebody is here; otherwise, I was screwed if I had to stay with Bai Li alone!

Zhang Xiulan smiled. "Hey, Xin Lei."

Zhu Yusheng nodded at me.


Cocoa jumped towards me and nudged his face on his leg. I giggled.


Zhang Xiulan said, "Well, since it's Bai Li's last day in the hospital, we thought to meet him."

Bai Li grinned. "I will be finally free of this jail."

I smacked him on the head. "Hey! Hospital is not jail, okay?"

She chuckled. "You chose the wrong person to say that to."

"What? It's the truth. I was so bored lying here, and the nurse didn't let me go anywhere. Then they made me eat such bland food that was complete torture."

My mouth twitched. "It's for your own good. Don't blame the hospital."

"Alright, alright."

I looked at Zhang Xiulan. "So what's going on at your end? It must be a mess after Zhang Chao's death."

She shrugged. "It is. The whole party is in chaos. And the members want me to take over his position since I am the last standing one of the Zhang family. They are begging like crazy."

"Didn't they always think that you had problems?"

She laughed. "Desperate times, desperate measures. But I am not going back. In fact, I will be disbanding the party."

Bai Li and I glanced at each other.

"The party was filled with corruption and greed everywhere. Mom suffered a lot because of it. And I am not interested in politics or give a damn about his corrupt legacy. So, I will end it once and for all. But there are some workers who were honestly doing their job in ignorance. I would arrange for them a good job somewhere else and then end it. The other people and especially those doctors who tortured me will get their punishment too."

I nodded.

"That's a good idea."

Bai Li asked, "And Zhu Yusheng?"

He raised a brow. "Nothing. Yi Xiaosi wants to announce me as the next head since Yi Xing is out and the youngest isn't capable."

I snorted. "So, he finally wants to come out with your identity for his party's sake."

"I will make him reveal all the truth about Mom, me, and how his wife killed her. And then I will walk away. The stain in his reputation will automatically end the road for Yi's party too. Then he can live his life all alone."

I asked, "Will you be satisfied with that?"

"Yes. For a proud man like Yi Xiaosi, losing his party is the best punishment for him. The sad part for him is that whatever the circumstances, he still holds some feelings for me as his son. I know that. So, he will not do anything against me because he feels that he owes me that much."

I slowly nodded.

"So. What are your plans next after dealing with your parties?"

Zhu Yusheng seemed to stiffen for just a moment.

Zhang Xiulan smiled. "I have a lot of plans in mind. Traveling around the world, buy a new home, learn something new, and so much more. But I will have to discuss with Yusheng, or my mind will go kaboom. There are just too many things."

The expression on his face suddenly changed.


Zhang Xiulan looked at him in surprise. "What are you getting so shocked about?"

"I thought we would have to go our separate ways."

Bai Li said, "Why separate ways? Aren't you two dating?"


I wondered that too, but with the silence, I think that wasn't really the case.

"I mean, sure, you joined hands for revenge, but I thought you might have discovered love along the way-"

I nudged his arm and glared.

You are making them awkward now.

He finally seemed to realize. "Oh. I mean, yeah...Ignore me. I am just an idiot."

Zhang Xiulan coughed.

"Yusheng. You are stupid. You think we will just part ways because we achieved our goal?"

He pursed his lips. "I don't want to, but I thought you might not think the same"

"See? Love is totally in the air. Why didn't anyone confess yet?"

Bai Li's statement brought upon yet another silence, and now I wanted to throw him out of the window.

I awkwardly smiled. "Ignore him. But wherever you go, don't forget to stay in touch with us. And if you want any legal help in dealing with the party things, you can always ask Dad. He will be happy to help."

They nodded. 

As they left, I faintly heard Zhang Xiulan asking Zhu Yusheng. "He asked a good question. Why didn't you confess yet? Or maybe I was wrong-"

"No, no, you weren't...I mean"

They were gone.

I stared at Bai Li. "Why did you have to make them so awkward like that?"

"Otherwise, we will become oldie grandparents by then, but they still wouldn't have confessed. I just gave a push," he chuckled.


Suddenly, I remembered the conversation with Dad this morning.

Damn, and I was so normal now!

"Are you okay, Xin Lei? Your face is red."

I froze.

"I am fine. You have nothing to worry about."

He narrowed his eyes. "Doesn't seem like it. What are you thinking, huh? I can see something cooking in your mind?"

Why do you have to be so perceptive!

"I already said it's nothing. Now enough of chitter-chatter. I will take care of your discharge procedures, and then we will leave."

"Hey, wait-"

I quickly left his ward.


If I had stayed a second more, then I was done for!

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