Crimson Instinct

Chapter 267: Taking Ying Yue under his wings

Chapter 267: Taking Ying Yue under his wings

Outside, Rodey met Xin Nianzu and once again, they were left alone for five minutes.

Rodey said, "Take care of her."

He waited. He knew that Rodey had to say more.

"I meant financially. She is struggling for her college and household expenses. I want you to take her under your wing. Of course don't tell her about that or that fool will refuse."

Of course, Xin Nianzu had all the intention of helping that young woman, but he teasingly said to test him, "Hoo isn't that too much you are asking for?"

Rodey's mouth twitched.

This man is just like that soldier. Annoying and infuriating!

He gritted his teeth. "I am not telling you to do it for free! I will pay you!"

Then he smiled self-deprecatingly. "It's not like I don't have money right now. But it is... illegal. I don't want to give babe that kind of money and get her into trouble one day. Prisoners in jail can work and earn money too. So, I will send you all of it every month as payback."

Xin Nianzu raised his brow. "You love her that much aye?"

Rodey snorted. "Are you doing it or not?"

He laughed. "Young man, I was going to do it even without you telling me. She is a talented girl. I think she might become a fine lawyer one day. She has those qualities a lawyer should have. Calm, reasonable but stick to her argument. She doesn't get intimidated by others too."

Rodey thought about it.

IndeedArguing against her is pointless which is actually useful in the court.

Xin Nianzu sighed. "Well, at least I hope she does become one. My children pursued different fields in their career and I don't have anyone to pass on my valuable knowledge and legacy of the law."

Rodey sneered. "Narcissist."

He shrugged. "I am the best defence lawyer out there and even if she wants to take prosecution, I am all up for it. If she doesn't have a specific career in her mind, I am more than happy to help her step in the justice field."

Rodey didn't show it on his face but inwardly he was relieved to know that Ying Yue was in safe hands when he won't be there.

Even if he didn't want to take his help, he knew that only Xin Nianzu, Xin Lei, Xin Zhen and Bai Li could protect her as a family. If they were with her, he wouldn't have to worry about her. 

Rodey said, "Cool."

"Also, I don't need your money."

Rodey's gaze darkened. "Hey old man. I don't want any fucking favor okay? I don't wanna be in any debt. I will pay you and that's that."

He smiled. "It's not a favor, Rodey. She is like a daughter to me. Parents don't spend money on their children. They don't raise them with that attitude. They invest in them so that they choose a bright career and flourish in their life. There is a difference between spending and investing. Regardless of the career she chooses in the future, I know she will excel in it. What more can a father ask for? Not every return and payback is monetary, young man."

He chuckled and he leaned. "You will realize it too one day when you have your own kids."

Rodey's brow twitched.

He was angry and annoyed. Somehow he couldn't counter his argument. 

Xin Nianzu shrugged. "And the money you earned is not going to go waste. Save it so that you become a man in her life that could support her with dignity when you come out of prison. You wouldn't want Ying Yue to live with a penniless man now would you?"

Rodey's heart shook.

"Surely, as the father figure in her life, I definitely wouldn't allow my daughter to live with such a man," he narrowed his eyes.

"Also, I am telling you this now itself, you have to win my heart if you want her back after your return. I am not just going to dump her on you, got it? Like a proper procedure, the boyfriend would meet the daughter's father, we will have some man to man talk, and then I will think if I want you for her or not."

What a pain! Rodey cursed. Mother-in-law is a thousand times better than this sly man!

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" He sneered.

"Don't talk to me like that, young man. I will start deducting your favorability points."


"If it reaches a negative threshold, stay alone for the rest of your life. You can say goodbye to your life with her."



"Did you do this fucking nonsense with that soldier too?"

Xin Nianzu grinned. "No."

"Why not?"

"Why should I? He is a fine man. Just, responsible and smart. You only got the smart part right but that too all for the wrong reasons. You got a long history with women, frankly which no father would want for his precious daughter, and that handsome face of yours is not gonna help you with any brownie points."


Critical hits one after the other.

"So change your image while you are in prison. Also, I deduct thirty points for asking me the question in that disrespectful tone."

Rodey cursed him inwardly.

What the hell!

Now he regretted asking for his help.

Rodey smiled. "I think I should head for jail rather than talking to you here."

"Minus thirty points again. Sarcasm will not be tolerated."

Rodey shut his eyes and clenched his fists. He wished to just punch him right now but that will just dwindle him directly to negative.

Xin Nianzu said, "Also, I am not done talking to you."

"What else is left?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Tch. Tch. It's to help you only."

"What help?"

"It's about your ten years sentence. I did my best in reducing it to ten years. But there is a way to reduce it even further if you co-operate"

Rodey narrowed his eyes. "Don't joke with me."

"I am dead serious."


"Tell me."

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