Crimson Overlord

Chapter 110

After killing the overlord of the Inner zone, Orpheus, although curious about what was hidden on the other side, beyond the barrier in the core region, he still decided to go back. He was not alone; while he could have kept acting solo, it was not possible because he had planned to use Kaguya because of her potential. He would be a fool not to use this opportunity to his fullest.

Orpheus went back and reunited with Kaguya.

”Welcome back. I hope your trip was fun.” It was what she said when they reunited, and he didn’t deny it.

”Yes, pretty much fun. Do you also want to have fun as I did?” Orpheus asked like a snake luring its prey; while murmuring this like a devil’s whisper, he immediately shared two hundred points with Kaguya.

The Ice queen who loved adventures was immediately conquered.

”Yes! Where are we going? I’ll follow you.” She said she was the type that doesn’t hide what she thought or wanted; if she wanted something, she would go after it. There was an unknown emotion inside her that desired Orpheus; she would use this opportunity to get closer to her goal, hence there was no hesitation as she declared she would follow him.

”Good!” Orpheus nodded before taking her hand and stepping across space. Their fun game had begun, and the destination was the Core region.

The duo saw a palace as they penetrated the barrier. The owner of this palace, a certain Priscilla, invited them, and the duo accepted.

Kaguya had no idea that her life would forever change after this trip.


A few days later, in a castle in the core region.

When Kaguya was lost in the illusion created by Priscilla, only two seconds had passed in reality; Orpheus was still sitting in his chair with a cold face; he broke through Priscilla’s illusion in less than a second; he was not affected.

Priscilla’s expression for the first time turned serious; even after using one of her trump cards, her powerful illusion technique, and her high cultivation, she didn’t manage to trap this handsome man. This means two things; firstly, his willpower was godly; secondly, he was more powerful than her; Priscilla doubted that it was the latter because there was Level 2, one of the strongest existence in the current world.

Priscilla was very ambitious; she rose from nothing to have what she possesses today. She sacrificed countless persons to be able to stand here, so this little setback would not stop her. This setback was nothing in front of her ultimate goal, which was to control the whole world, using these world resources to step into Level 1 and even beyond. A biggest world was awaiting her outside; this little world could not contain her.

Priscilla was ready to do anything, sacrifice anything to achieve her goal; even her two mates she had personally groomed could be discarded if it was to acquire something that could help her.

Orpheus smiled; from personal experience, he knew this type of person; they are too ambitious. When he saw her, he immediately knew what kind of person she was.

‘Well, I’m here for something; let’s go over it before helping that girl; she may need help.’ Orpheus murmured after looking at the still dazed Kaguya.

Orpheus looked at Priscilla in the eyes

”Priscilla, let me ask you a question. Why are you wasting that mysterious stone like that ?”

Silence fell in the throne room after he raised a question. Priscilla blinked her eyes innocently, not understanding why Orpheus was so furious.

Priscilla’s mates were unhappy when they heard how he talked to their lady queen. It was unforgivable. Mathias was especially furious.

”How dare you to question my lady queen. Who do you think you are?”

”Your creator.”

Orpheus replied; Mathias almost puked blood; Priscilla covered her lips and chuckled. Mathias became more enraged; even Priscilla’s second mate was enraged; he glared at Orpheus’s eyes, emitting killing intent.

”Lowly human.” He spat out.

Mathias bursts into fiery laughter. Orpheus sighed and mumbled in an extremely low voice; even so, because everyone possessed a good hearing, they heard him.

”A good dog should stay still until his master asks him to bark if no-” Before he could finish his words, his figure hurtled at the black-haired Wolfman before his brain possessed what was happening.


With the left swing of his palm, Orpheus smacked the wolfman across the cheek, sending him spiraling leftward. By the time he dropped to the ground, Orpheus had already disappeared and reappeared in front of startled Mathias, who was no idea how he located where he was hiding.




The sound of something being crushed could be heard, followed by the wailing of Mathias, who was now holding his crushed jewels while rolling on the ground as though he had caught fire.

The wolfman lay sprawled on the icy floor missing all of his upper teeth felt lucky not to have his nut crushed like that, poor Mathias. Still, the wolfman could not move because his body was not responding to his command any longer. With swollen cheek, the wolfman looked in the direction of his lady queen, wanting to see her reaction. To his disappointment, his lady queen was not bothered by their loss; she didn’t care about seeing them being beaten like that; she felt totally indifferent to Mathias, who had his balls crushed.

The wolfman smiled bitterly; it was to be expected; for her, they were nothing but pawns that could be replaced. It hurts his pride, but this was reality. She didn’t care about them any longer now that she had this young man who was more powerful than them and whose potential was limitless.

Orpheus didn’t give a damn about these lowly dogs’ feelings as he sat back in his chair, legs crossed.

Priscilla was smiling, extremely happy after seeing how powerful her new toy was, he was not as powerful as her, but he is powerful than those two trashes. So, she decided to recompense him by answering his early question.

”I used the mysterious stone as an energy source because it became useless after advancing into the peak Level 2. Instead of letting it rust somewhere, I chose to use it for a greater cause. It would fuel my white floating castle that will accompany me everywhere from now on in my conquest of the world and what lay beyond. It’s without saying you’ll join me as my special mate.”

Priscilla explained, trying to impress Orpheus, not forgetting to use her full charm power on him in the hope that he would be charmed; it would become easy to control him.

Unfortunately, her plan didn’t work; Orpheus was not charmed, and his expression was still ice cold. He was looking at her with disgust. For the first time, Priscilla’s pride felt hurt, her blue eyes turned cold, and she decided to use her last trump cards to control Orpheus’s soul; after making him her puppet, she would disciple him correctly to know how to act in front of his master.

Priscilla’s expression was twisted; she looked at Orpheus in the eyes and decided to use her eyes’ power on him, to peer into his soul and control him.

”If I were you, I wouldn’t do that,” Orpheus advised, not because he cared about her but because he wanted her to do the opposite.

Priscilla ignored his warning and, using her ability on him, immediately her world crumbled; she saw something that damaged her to the core; that thing she saw could not be described; this isn’t soul, it was something that shouldn’t exist. Priscilla’s body fell from the throne, and she puked blood; she tried hard to get up, but her aura became chaotic.

Suddenly, she felt a hot breath near her left ear, followed by a whisper. ”I tell you, don’t I? I hope you enjoy what you saw.”

Priscilla’s body turned rigid; Orpheus caught her by the neck; he then lowered his head from his mouth extremely sharp fangs could be seen. His crimson eyes were shining,

”Let me quench my thirst then.”

He declared, then he sunk his fangs into her white neck and started sucking her blood, Priscilla tried to struggle, but because she was injured from her earlier probing, she couldn’t do anything. Slowly, her body became stiffer, not moving anymore, her healthy skin turned white, then it started aging, all her blood had been drained from her body, even her soul had been swallowed.

Orpheus felt lighter after draining Priscilla’s blood; after sucking everything out of her, he tossed her aging body away. Mathias and the other male were shivering in fear looking at Kyle, not at the monster. They wanted to flee, but their bodies refused to obey their commands.

Orpheus checked his internal injuries and felt that he had healed more than sixty percent of his injuries; he was happy; Priscilla’s blood was truly sweat, so sweat that he almost couldn’t control his thirst any longer. He then looked at the trembling duo, he grinned evilly, he disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was holding two crystal cores in his hand; one was gray while the other black. Naturally, it was the duo crystal cores; they were now lying on the ground, eyes filled with unwillingness.

Orpheus paid no attention to the bodies on the ground and started moving toward Kaguya, who was still trapped in the illusion even after Priscilla died.

The corner of his mouth curled, forming a bloody smile.

”Let’s help her and get what I want.”

His crimson eyes flashed with lust as he continued to move toward Kaguya. Lust for powerful subordinates. He knew this would happen even before they came here.

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