Crimson Overlord

Chapter 130

Let’s rewind time for a bit. It happened when Orpheus was secretly visiting Nemesis. In another location, there was a black tent. Standing outside of this tent around a bonfire were Ella and Alvinia.

The bonfire was a flower of flame that opened heavenward, generous in golden sparks. Ella observed this moment before raising a question she had been curious about.

”Nui, what is your goal? I mean, what are you leaving for?”

Alvina didn’t immediately offer an answer; she silently observed the crackling fire for a moment before finally opening her mouth.

”My goals are freedom and truth.”

Ella was confused by the first goal; she didn’t overthink the second goal. Maybe she was trying to search for the truth about the ruins. She was not interested in that; what interested her more was Alvina’s first goal.

”What do you mean freedom? Aren’t you free? You are the future empress of the Elven Empire, one of the strongest empires in the world. So, what kind of happiness are you still seeking?” Ella fired a bunch of questions like a Gatling gun.

Alvinia sighed and looked into the dark sky while mumbling.

”I’m not free right now. I’m fleeing, and one day I would have to face the problem I’m running away from.”

For some reason, Ella felt pained looking at Alvinia right now. The latter seemed extremely lonely. Ella’s chest hurt seeing her friend like this; she wished to do something.

”Don’t worry. However, I don’t know what kind of freedom you longed for. I’ll help you.”

”Thank Emea. You’re still the same. You didn’t change. I’m glad I’m your friend.” Alvina said. Although she said some incomprehensible words mixed in, Ella was used to this after spending a few days with her. She nodded before sighing.

”Our birthday is just in a couple of days. We will turn eighteen soon. Those weird dreams didn’t stop. I wish to know what they meant. Ahh! I’m tired.”

Alvina’s eyes shone when she heard her friend’s words.

”So, the awakening is in process.” She murmured, and Ella, who heard her, asked.

”What do you mean?”

Alvina was shocked; she had forgotten that Ella was present, even though she had awakened yet. She was still exceptional, so it was natural that she would hear her whisper.

Not wanting to answer her, Alvina said something else.

”Why not think of those weird dreams as flashbacks?”

”What?” Ella was shocked. Alvina’s suggestion made her remember something Orpheus had said during their date. Just as she was about to ask Alvinia what she meant, she felt dizzy.

”Sorry, it’s time to sleep. See you later.” Ella said before entering the tent to sleep.

Alvina said nothing; she just sat around the bonfire, lost in thoughts.

Meanwhile, Ella, who went to sleep, started to have another weird dream. This time, it seemed a little different. In another location, Lily was also having the same dream.


The beginning of the dream.

‘Once a time, in a mysterious world looking like heaven itself, so beautiful that no word could describe it, many beasts are flying in the air.

In a big empire, a girl was born, and everyone cheered because that girl was so beautiful that she was declared the new Goddess of beauty. At the same time, she was a genius with exceptional power, rarely appearing even in this Heaven said to be the strongest; the girl received the best of best in everything, be it training, gear, education, clothes, or jewelry. She was treated with the utmost care and importance because when she was born, an oracle announced that she would be the new Goddess of Life; there aren’t many of them, they can be counted with one hand, now you could imagine the girl importance.

The years went by; the girl grew up becoming an adult, and she met all the expectations placed on her. Over the years, she had made herself a friend, a girl as beautiful as she. But the latter was from another race; the people of this race have longer ears than the others. Her new friend also possessed a unique and exceptional power; she was also a genius. The two became best friends, doing everything together.

They made other friends, five boys as exceptional as them; one boy was from the same race as the first girl, A High Human, that’s the name of the race of the first girl. One of the Apex races in that Heaven. the second was from the powerful True Dragon Race, and the third boy was from the Elemental race, another one of the apex races; it was said that this race was closer to the attributes than the other races. The fourth was from the Daemon Race, and lastly, the fifth was from the Archangel Race. The second girl was from The Original Elves Race. All these races form the Apex Races. The seven were geniuses among their peers; they became famous, went on an adventure in different empires, and explored lots of ancient ruins.

There was a problem; they were forbidden to go beyond that Heaven even after becoming powerful to be ranked on top of other elites in that Heaven. Even if they were not the most powerful of that Heaven, they were at least powerful enough to have their words to say in the big decisions.

Despite all this, they were still forbidden to try to go beyond that Heaven; even if they wanted, it would be difficult because there was a big barrier around the whole Heaven. There were frustrated because they looked like caged birds; they wanted to go outside and explore the unknown; alas, this seemed to be an impossible feat.

During the great war against the Devil’s Race, they were said to be cruel and bloodthirsty, only wanting nothing but destruction. The seven waited until the end before using the chaos engendered when the barrier was lowered for the final assault against the devils to flee, going beyond that Heaven because the chaos at that time there was not noticed until some time when the elders decided to capture them back from the fate of becoming an enslaved person for the devils, they were ambushed by some of the upper devils. The elders fiercely fought for a while, but because they were outnumbered, few of them were killed before they managed to flee back; they also killed a few upper devils. This war ended in a draw; they could have won against the devils if not for the seven who fled.

Obvious to the chaos and change they caused back home, the seven continued exploring the vast universe, but after some time, they didn’t find any other world like their world, only a small blue world; they created intelligent lifeforms on this world they would later name as Ethernasia meaning eternal in their home World language.

Worshipped as Gods by their creations(because they named themselves like that), the seven accepted, but Gods as they may be, there were also living beings who could become lonely in the long run. They decided to reincarnate into mortals to roam the world secretly to kill their boredom. When it was the turn of the Goddess of Life to do that, she fell in love with a mortal male; due to jealousy, two males between the five males plotted and killed the Mortal.

The Goddess of Life died at the cost of returning her lover after succeeding. Her lover rescued her by performing a spell on her; she would be reincarnated seven times; the seventh time, she would remember everything and regain all her Power.

On her first reincarnation, she was a nurse helping others; she died on her twentieth birthday. On her second reincarnation, she was a teacher; she died at the age of Twenty five.

The third reincarnation, she was the daughter of a great merchant; she died at the age of Twenty Two. The fourth reincarnation, she was an orphan girl who lived in an orphanage; she died at eighteen in a fire. The Fifth reincarnation was the daughter of a big family, but she was born with an incurable disease; she couldn’t even walk; she died at the age of fifteen. In the sixth reincarnation, once again, she was a nurse, but this time she lived past twenty, dying at the age of thirty-two.

Every single reincarnation, she was a girl. In every reincarnation, she always remained single, not having any relationship, not falling in love because in her heart seemed to be engraved the image of a crimson-eyed man. In all six reincarnations, she was just one girl, she can have siblings, but she always reincarnates as a single individual.

However, on her last reincarnation, the seventh, she was born as a twin, not your typical twins but twins that look like a clone, a copy of each other, the most bizarre thing it’s that the two bodies possessed the same souls.

I’m Emea….. Von….. Hestia….’

The dream abruptly ended they woke up.

”Ah! Ah! Ah!” Ella gasped for breath. She held her head, feeling an intense headache. Her head was throbbing like crazy.

”What was that?” She asked herself, she couldn’t recall everything, but she knew she was touching the truth. It was at that moment she recalled Orpheus’s words.

”Did you believe in reincarnation?”

This question overlapped with Alvina’s suggestion.

”Why not take those weird dreams as flashbacks?”

She finally understood, but the problem now was that she couldn’t recall precisely what she had seen.

”Forget it. I will eventually remember them.” Ella said before going back to sleep. She hoped to dream again.

Unbeknownst to her, her level was slowly increasing, proof of their awakening.

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