Crimson Overlord

Chapter 153 The Last day

It was the last hours before they returned. Alvinia and Ella meet up with Lily. The latter was alone, not with her partner; she told them her partner had something to do.

Together, the three started advancing forward while chatting.

”It’s indeed true; the gravity here is more than what we experienced inside the gravity room when training back then.” Ella said. She had rented that room and knew how its works.

”It was to be expected; this one is natural while the latter is artificial.” Alvinia said while remembering some past memories.

‘Thinking about it now, walking like this has brought back some memories. I remembered the time when we seven were exploring some ruins in the second Heaven, the Lost Civilization; it was a happy time. It will be impossible to do something like that because we have become strangers to each other, slowly drifting apart. Some became madmen due to unrequited love, while the others betrayed us. Sigh! Life is full of surprises.

The three continued to chat harmoniously while advancing. The atmosphere was great.

However, soon this atmosphere got broken by the cry of an unwanted guest.


The three looked in the direction of cry and saw the culprit. It was an origin beast; this origin beast had dark brown skin and golden eyes like that of a reptile. Bulging muscles with a height as tall as an adult male, and wore a fine-quality armor on its body which gave off a very intimidating aura. Gushing nasal breath from its big aquiline nose.

”A Goblin General” The three shouted in surprise.

The Goblin General suddenly released a strong swing from its giant sword that was tall as itself. The blow was tremendous; Ella and the others hastily dodged, stepping in the opposite direction.


The Three looked in the opposite direction where the goblin general attacks had ended; they couldn’t help but suck a mouthful of air, feeling shiver on their backs. This casual swing had just erased a bunch of trees on his way, leaving a deep gash on the ground.

Alvinia Immediately summoned a deep green bow, fully drawing it; she fired three arrows successfully toward the goblin general; with a big swing of its giant sword; the three arrows were bisected in two.

Meanwhile, Ella created and shot a white ball towards the goblin general; as if he sensed the threat coming from Ella’s White ball, he hastily jumped back, dodging, but Alvinia was waiting for that, instantly a green vine covered in thorns wrapped around his left foot, holding it in place.

Ella and Lily, with their rapiers, attacked him from different directions; in a matter of few minutes, the goblin general had a lot of small cuts appearing on his body; even with his fine-quality armor, the armor couldn’t offset all the slashes.

Roaring, he swings its giant sword; immediately, the three girls distanced themselves from him; having gained room for a breath, he immediately cut the vines holding him.

His eyes became red as he started madly swinging its giant sword left and right like a frenzied bull; the three continued to dodge again and again.

After a few minutes, they decided to retaliate, following their earlier pattern; Alvinia attacked with her green bow, Ella and Lily fired dozens of White beams at the goblin general, and the latter just continued to swing his giant sword, deflecting some of the white beams and some arrows, while some of them managed to pierce through his fine-quality armor.

Suddenly, he felt chill; his instincts were screaming that the twin’s next attack would be fatal. And since these instincts have saved him several times, he automatically jumped back, distancing himself from the twin’s extended hands. Ella and Lily praised his quick reaction, but he seemed to have forgotten about the third person, Alvinia, the Elven Goddess.

Immediately sensing that something was amiss, the goblin general turned around; what greeted him, was a flower that had only two petals that looked like a beat’s mouth, with hundreds of sharp teeth inside. It looks extremely scary. He could see a green and slimy-looking liquid inside the flower, that smelled bad; it’s probably poison, he thought. The goblin general automatically wanted to turn in the opposite direction, outside the already opened Thorny flower mouth. However, due to the inertia, it didn’t work as he wished; he was swallowed instead.


The thorny flower swallowed him, but the latter started thrashing around because the goblin general was struggling inside its belly, but after some time, he ceased struggling because it was dead. This Thorny Flower was bigger than the normal, twice the size of a normal thorny flower. The thorny flower immediately spits the goblin general giant sword and a green crystal core; this is the goblin general crystal core.

Ella, Lily, and Alvinia decided to take a breath after the battle; they chose a quiet corner one kilometer away from their battle zone. After resting, they will continue and search for the other girls.


Elsewhere, two kilometers north of the current location of the three, was Snow. Currently, she was fighting against a mutated beast.

It was a huge bear; its height reached four meters. The bear has three atrocious horns growing on its forehead and deep crimson fur. Its jaw and fangs can easily crush an average human. It’s a Devil Bear.

The Devil Bear is spouting a scorching flame from its mouth. Snow quickly rolled on the ground, trying to avoid the flame.

The Devil Bear was spreading flame like a flamethrower as if it was saying it wouldn’t let Snow approach.

Snow sighed before activating her domain; a fifteen meters zone entirely in ice appeared, trapping the Devil Bear; ice and flame collided, resulting in an explosion.


The Devil Bear staggered back; in this exchange, it was his loss because its flame was not powerful enough; the Devil Bear wanted to escape from Snow Ice’s domain quickly, but how could Snow allow that, she coldly muttered.

”Condense, [Iceberg]”

Immediately as if following her order, her Ice domain condensed in the blink of an eye in one location, where the Devil Bear was, sensing the approaching danger, he roared


Flame erupted from its body, but this seemed not to be working, the flame was extinguished, and the Devil Bear was sealed in an Ice sculpture, looking like a small iceberg.

As if she had done something worthless, with a blank expression, Snow snapped her fingers; the iceberg containing the now frozen and dead Devil Bear shattered into many pieces with a red crystal core the size of a thumb rolling out. Still, with her blank expression, Snow retrieved the crystal core and continued to advance in a completely different direction than the twins and Alvinia. She seemed to be unconsciously doing it.

Halfway on the way, she stopped and started muttering

”I want to see that girl and have a rematch. She will be a good opponent to kill time. To help me train until I accomplished my mission.”

Unknowingly, the direction she took was the same as Lilith’s location.


Meanwhile, Amber, who left Lily, decided to wander around to train before returning, but unexpectedly she stumbled upon a ruin. She decided to explore it; it was a reckless decision; she knew it, but she felt like she must gamble to evolve; maybe she could conquer this ruin and offer the rewards to her master. She had this thought. Decided Amber stepped forward.

A large pair of granite doors in an eerie forest marked the entrance to this dungeon. Beyond the pair of granite doors lies a grand, dusty room. It’s covered in dead vermin, roots, and crawling insects.

Amber’s torch allows her to see empty shelves and broken pots, long lost and spoiled by time itself.

Further ahead were three paths; she took a left. Its twisted trail leads downwards, and soon you enter a ragged area. Several cages hold skeletal remains of various animals. Next to the cages are odd machines. What happened in this place?

She slowly marches onwards, deeper into the ruin’s secrets. You pass many different passages; it’s one big labyrinth of twists and turns. You eventually make it to what is likely the final room. A tall metal door blocks her path. Countless runes are all over it, somehow untouched by time and the elements. She stepped closer to inspect it and.. wait.. did something just move behind this door?

She unsheathed her sword and swung it.


A giant goblin blocked her sword. , Two eerie green eyes met her red eyes.

The little vampire grinned before striking the giant goblin with her leg.


The goblin was sent flying, breaking a few things in the process.

Turning around in a flash, Amber moved and appeared before the flying monster and fiercely smashed her into the exploding circle.


A world-ending blast occurred, turning into a gigantic mushroom cloud.

The giant Goblin, leader of the pack of goblins, was reduced to mincemeat, the other goblins ran away after witnessing the massacre, but with a smile on her face, Amber chased after them and slaughtered them.

Before going back, she would have a little bit of fun.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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