Crimson Overlord

Chapter 156 The Earth Special Training Room

Five hours passed in a flash after Kaguya left the training room. Most of the students had come back. The twin goddesses, Alvinia, and the Xiao clan twins arrived together.

”Ella, let’s borrow one of the training rooms,” Lily suggested this as soon as they returned, but Ella was lost in thoughts and didn’t immediately offer an answer.

”I say, Ella, you will see him soon anyway, so stop thinking about it,” Lily said, annoyed. The Xiao twins, who had recently joined the three, didn’t know whom Lily was referring to. Alvinia chuckled before dragging them toward the training rooms.

Ella glared at Lily before following the others.

”Tch! It’s all his fault. Just wait, I’ll beat you and make you spit everything you know before chasing you away.” Lily mumbled while clenching her small fist; using the training room as soon as they came was one of her reasons. Like her sister, she wanted answers, and with her current strength, she didn’t think she couldn’t win against him. She needs to train and use her brain.

‘Fufufu! Kyle, just wait.’

The five went towards the training room zone, which was located behind the academy’s two arenas. Shortly after, they arrived there.

In front of them was a big building stretching so far, at least 500 meters long. The vast building looks like a snake trying to bite its tail; to put it simply, the whole thing looks like a circle but with a missing part to wholly form a full circle. The four passed through the missing part; they arrived at the center of a giant building and entered a room, going to the counter in the middle of the room to register. Having finished registering, they chose their respective gravity rooms and entered inside.

The gravity rooms were located at the other end of the big building. Alvinia got the number 6 while the Xiao twins got the number 2 and the twins the number 4.

In Room number 4, when the twin entered, they stopped in their tracks because it was like a huge stone had been placed on their heads, stopping them in their advance. The gravity present in the room was only one time more than the Lost Forest gravity, but because it was their first time using it, they must first adapt to bearing the weight.

They tried to advance, but the weight was too much because they started feeling nauseous, their heads spinning, their stomachs churning, and their bones creaked under too much weight. They waited for some time before starting advancing step by step under the constant pressure; they were sweating but bit their lips they continued advancing slowly; little by little, because of the constant pressure, the bones in their bodies got destroyed and reconstructed themselves back, but this time they became more resilient to bear the pressure.

Like that, they continued advancing slowly, step by step; on the fiftieth step, they felt like the weight was more bearable they decided to rest before continuing; what they didn’t know was that, It wasn’t the weight that became more bearable, but it was them who adapted to the grave because they had they first body refinements, the bones in their bodies advanced from the normal mortal’s bones to bones slightly different from that. Their body needed this training after taking lots of origin in the Lost Forest.

What most people don’t know is that powerful physicals are paramount to how much origin you can wield even if you’re not a Strengthening type origin master. If one may say, the major difference between the origin master and origin beast is that the origin master knows only how to handle their power but does not know that they must have powerful physical accompanying it. That’s how they can fully display the maximum of their mutant power.

Origin beasts, on the other hand, know they must have powerful physical to display their full power. It was said that some origin beasts like to stay under a waterfall to train physically, some suffer constant lightning strikes to do it, and some, even more craziest, constantly bump themselves against a mountain to do it. Well, the origin beast was indeed born more powerful physically than mutants. Still, they also trained themselves to be physically powerful to survive in the jungle-like space they lived in. Not every one of the origin beasts could use the origin; therefore they needed powerful physics to compensate for this.

The external physical training can be classed into three levels known as:

✓Beginner Level

✓Intermediate Level

✓ Master Level

Each level is divided into three: mainly Early, Middle, and Peak. There is another level beyond the three called the Natural Level; at that level, just with the swing of your arm, you could shatter a mountain and divide ocean in two without using your origin power. It’s only speculation because nobody was at that level physically in the world, or it’s unknown. Each advancement to the next level added five percent to your overall origin core, meaning at peak master level, you got an increase of fifteen percent overall. An increased origin core could let you store more origin and last longer in a fight.

Ella, Lily, and the Xiao twins were in the Beginner Level. The twins continued their intensive training for seven hours without rest; Alvinia departed after spending two hours in the gravity room; she didn’t really need this kind of training as once she reverted to her original form, her physics was strong than that of Level 1 origin master. She just tagged along to play.

At the end of the seven hours, the four managed to advance to the middle Beginner Level

The three were not surprised not to find Alvinia as she had already warned them beforehand that she would be leaving ahead of them.

The four returned to their dormitory; on their way back, they got many infuriated looks because of their external physical advancement; the twin goddesses became more slender, and more beautiful. The Xiao twin’s beauty also increased.

The lecture will restart tomorrow.

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